Sorry about the wait I haven't had any internet for 2 months! it's been hell. I've had it all written just uploading might be a problem, sorry.
I don't own any of these characters and massive thanks to concrete wall who is as always amazing. Sorry for any mistakes.
After hours of struggle with the murderous tree it finally stood tall looking majestic in the corner of the room. It had taken many hours to actually get the tree standing. It had toppled over many times. It seemed like every time the final piece had been fixed and fitted it would collapse. Now Ward knew what Fitz was talking about, the tree truly was a killer. Nearly killing ward, who had slipped on a stray piece tinsel, falling backwards towards the recently collapsed tree almost impaling himself. Thankfully Fitz was there to catch him and pull him into his chest, helping him avoid a painful death. They had both had a few screaming rounds with the fake Christmas tree. After the angel had been placed atop of said tree- which proved to be a difficult task of ward hold Fitz by the legs and slowly highering him until he could kinda reach and stand the angel on- they stood back looking at their hard work finally finished. Both of them turned around to call the others in to look at the tree, but stopped mid shout to see everyone sitting on the coach looking up at them with bright smiles on their faces.
"Okay how much of that did you see?" Fizzed asked quizzically,
"Honey, we were here when the second yelling match started, and you're replacing that ball bull, your grandmother got that for you." Sharron said with a joyful voice. Ward avoided eye contact with everyone, never lingering on someone's face for more than a few seconds. After avoiding his death, him and Leo had shared and moment- intensely staring into each other's eyes for about 90 seconds.
"Well, the foods done." Skye said braking the awkward silence that had formed.
"And all the snowflakes have been made, May had a wonderful time making them." Phil said sarcastically caring on from Skye.
"Well tomorrow I'm going into the village because Christmas is fast approaching and I need to buy Christmas dinner. If anybody wants to join me, you're more than welcome, the snows died down so it won't be too much hassle" Sharon said as she hoped off her spot from the sofa arm, heading towards the stairs.
The team collectively decided that they would all go into the village in the morning and get presents for each other, "Why don't we do a secret Santa?" Coulson suggested.
"T-th-that would be better, only focusing on one person." Fitz stammered agreeing, the rest of the team nodded. It was decided that team would pick the names out of a hat in the morning. Now it was time for sleep, it was late and they were all tiered, plus Sharron had promised an early morning.
Morning came all too quickly for Ward as he heard the alarm ringing, rousing him from his deep slumber. Opening his eyes slowly as they adjusted to the light, he felt content, his arms were wrapped around a warm sleeping body.
Shit! It was Fitz, it was like the universe hated him, why'd he have to feel this way about a straight guy! Fitz's eyes opened briefly before flickering closed again, did he not know Ward was awake? Fitz only snuggled closer to Wards bare chest. Ward wasn't complaining so they snuggled closer for a few more minutes both content and relaxed. Ward was actually enjoying the feeling of having Fitz pressed close to him, his curly hair tickling him under the chin. The calm, relaxed state was rudely interrupted by a knock on the door and it swinging open quickly. Skye appeared in appeared in the doorway "Well what have we here?" she asked closing the door behind her. Fitz and Ward sat up quickly putting distance between them, the cold air hitting them like the ice burg hit the titanic. Skye stood at the end of the bed with her arms crossed over her chest looking at the expectantly. "Fitz was cold," "I had a nightmare," they both spoke at the same time. Skye raised her eyebrows at them with a smirk threatening to be exposed on her lips. "Fitz had a nightmare," "I was cold," they tried again, both looking at each other when the words left their mouths. Skye's mouth turned into a smile. Fitz looked at Ward to make sure he wasn't going to speak, "I-I had a… Erm, a-er," Fitz started to click his fingers in the air, he hoped this lie would go smoothly but the universe had different ideas, "A nightmare and I was cold." He finished with what he hoped was a convincing face.
"Right," Skye said unconvinced "well your mums leaving in an hour so get up." She exited the room and left them to get ready, both men avoided eye contact with one another. Ward left the room quickly, heading towards the bathroom to change, giving Leo the privacy of his own room.
They didn't see each other until they were all gathered in the lounge ready to pick the names out of the hat for secret Santa. Ward went first picking Fitz of all people! The world really did have it in for him. May went second picking Simmons, her face went black so no one could detect who she had picked. Coulson went after his close friend picking the notoriously hard to shop for, Ward. Great what he gonna get him? After a mental break down Fitz picked a name out of the woolly hat, the paper read May. Shit MAY! What in the holy hell did May like? Simmons went after her best friend getting her girlfriend, Skye. Skye went after the scientist getting Phil, she had the best idea for a present.
After the names had been picked, some more happy than others, they headed out towards the village. It was about 10 minute drive up in the mountains. Thankfully Sharon had a mini bus, Leo had never known why his mother needed it. He guesses it was because his mother had always wanted more children and his parents had brought the thing when he was a small child. He was surprised to see the old thing in the garage to say the least. "Seriously mum, you've still got this piece of junk?" Fitz questioned his mum.
"Of course it was your father's favourite." She told him. They never really spoke about his father, but Fitz could tell his mother still loved him. Everyone piled in to the mini bus and within 10 minutes they were at the village.
The group split going in their own direction. Sharon headed towards the food market, May and Coulson headed towards a small modern looking store, Fitz and Simmons headed another way and Skye and Ward went another. Sharon managed to buy a turkey big enough to feed and entire army. After everyone had brought their required items they needed, they headed back to the house just as the sun was setting. Sharon recruited Leo and Simmons to help do the washing up after the team had eaten, whilst the rest of the team relaxed and watched an old Disney movie that happened to be playing on the telly. Leo had told his mother to go and enjoy the movie whilst he and Jemma finished up. "Hey Jem I can tell you anything and you won't laugh or judge me?" Leo asked the bio Chem expert handing her a dripping wet plate.
"Of course, what is it you want to tell me?" Jemma asked concerned.
"Well erm… I may have a tencie wincie incie bit of a crush on Ward…" he mumbled barely audible.
"Fitz you're going to have to speak up, you know." Simmons said gently to him.
"I think I have a crush on Ward…" he spoke again, staring at his feet. Simmons laughed with a shit eating grin on her face.
"Oh really." She said trying to sound surprised but failing miserably. Fitz gave her a look which said you-knew. "Sky told me about this morning, and I've seen the glances you give each other." She said a-matter-of-factly.
"What, no it's all one sided, Grant doesn't feel the same way, I just know he doesn't." Fitz said disappointment lacing his words.
"How do you know, have you asked him?" she said, placing the final plate away in the cupboard, ending the conversation. Both headed into the lounge just as the Disney song 'I'll make a man out of you' played loudly and May singing along silently under her breath.
Thanks for reading! Please don't kill me, I'm sorry.
A Fangirls Life and Concrete Wall