
Ben 10 & Fairy Tail Crossover!

Disclaimer:I do not own Ben 10 or Fairy Tail. Not even the cover picture. These all belongs to their respective rightful owners. Only this story is all that I truly own.


Ben X Harem i.e. Erza, Mirajane, Cana, & Kagura.

Natsu X Lisanna/Lucy.

Jellal X Ultear.

Rest should be normal pairings as in manga/anime, unless I have a change of heart.

One more thing, please, don't forget to leave a review. As an author, I would love nothing more than to hear your opinions. All constructive criticisms, thoughts, ideas, and feedbacks are always appreciated. It really keeps me motivated. Every time when you become too lazy to review, it becomes a major discouragement to us. If you are not a writer here, it is hard to explain this, but those of you who do writes must know where I am coming from. So, try to drop a review every other chapter.

Anyway, if you find any mistakes, grammar and typos; let me know via review or PM, so that I can edit them later.

Though, no flames.


Announcement: This happens to be my second attempt at a Ben 10/Fairy Tail crossover. First one, albeit earned decent support from many loyal readers for a first-timer, it lacked proper materials, and a good base for the future development. After all, a story isn't worth reading, if it has nothing new to offer. Also, not forgetting to mention, I had messed up few important chapters, universe set-up, and therefore, the story flow was quite disrupted. The new ideas that kept popping in my head often, didn't helped much either. Eventually, I decided to stick with a counter-measure.


A fresh remake actually, with altogether different storyline, including both new enemies and old. I believe, it would be worth the effort, both on my part as a writer, and for you guys, who would invest your precious time to read this. Perhaps, stick around long enough to see where it goes.

Let's see how the story unfolds this time. I'll eventually get to the anime arcs, but before that, let have young Ben enjoy his share of limelight.

A fair warning beforehand: an obvious start doesn't mean a boring story. Not every chapter is going to be interesting. There will be content that might be tiresome, but I will be focusing on a particular plot.

Also, few OCs will undoubtedly make appearance, and the details of Zeref and Alvarez would be nothing like the anime. Don't be restless, if this story hasn't been updated for some time. I won't be rushing this one, so the optimum interval between the updates, would be close to a month or two. Longer should the need calls for that.

P.S.: My previous story is up for adoption! Anyone who wants to take up the mantle, contact me!

Chapter 01


The Beginning of The Tale!

Fairy Tale: The Lost Hero!

Thousands of star-like infinitesimal objects glittered, encompassed in the serenity and tranquility of the abyss; garnishing the obscurity with various patterns. Though, upon concerted scrutiny, should that be possible, those glimmering objects would seem to be more like exclusive galaxies than stars.

A spectacular sight.

Abruptly, a luminous burst of blue light illumined the never-ending chasm, before the shadows again embraced the last streak of light. Eventually the light dimmed into nothingness, not being able to resist the ascendancy of the darkness, but not before unraveling the two young beings, who were left behind.

The first was a young Caucasian male, around the age of nineteen, who possessed a lean, but well-toned figure with shaggy brown hair, green emerald eyes and pale skin. He was clad in a black T-shirt, and a pair of dark navy blue jeans, and a light emerald jacket with a white stripe running down the left side of it, and a number 10 sewn just above his heart. On his left wrist was a device, which appeared to be a cross between a wrist watch and a gauntlet. Its face plate was square, and had a white and green color scheme, while the object itself was black with two green stripes forming an outline for the hourglass of the intergalactic peace symbol. Beneath this was the original core, while the gauntlet was covering his whole arm up to his elbow.

His companion was a humanoid creature, that resembled a feline. He was tall, with periwinkle blue-colored fur, and had black markings on his face, complete with sharp pointed ears. The middle of his face, his chest and his stomach were white. He had black stripes on his shoulder, waist and lower legs. He carried a very advanced Proto-Tool on his shoulder, and wore a set of very durable blue-black Proto-Tech-Armor. The same symbol of a green hourglass was emblazoned on both his Proto-Tool and Armor.

The young human was none other than the famous teen superhero, Benjamin Kirby Tennyson, alias as Ben 10, who possessed the most powerful device ever constructed – the Omnitrix. It had been created by a Galvan scientist, from the planet Galvan Prime, who went by the name of Azmuth; famed as the smartest brain, and largest intellect in three universes. And his creation granted Ben the ability to transform into any of the sentient beings, who existed in the entire universe. His compatriot was Rook Blonko, from the planet Revonnah; and the alien partner of Ben Tennyson for a long time now.

An unusual team for unusual beings.

However, currently Ben was on his knees, as he sobbed in angst, tears betraying his emerald eyes and rolling down his wearied face, while Rook stood beside him, consoling and encouraging him, as best as he could. The catastrophe always leaves its smear, and would crumble even the strongest with the weakest heart.

Ben Tennyson; the infamous intergalactic superhero was no exemption.

"We meet again, Ben." They were unexpectedly greeted by a rather fair man, in his late thirties, or maybe early forties with black eyes and hair, donning a white lab coat over the brown jacket, and black trousers; underneath the brown jacket, he sported a white shirt with a black tie. He also had a pair of green goggles, wrapped around his neck while a golden pocket watch was grasped in his hand.

The voice seemed to startle the duo, as they glanced up with inquisitive looks, perplexity and emotional turmoil clearly palpable on their solemn faces.

"P-Professor Para-dox, is that you?" Ben croaked out at the blurry vague sight of the time traveler, before he noticed his situation for the first time through his stained vision, and he blinked in confusion. "Where… where am I?" He grunted, acknowledging the present and precariously escalating back to his feet and wiping away the hot daub of tears with the back of his hand.

Professor Paradox shook his head. He didn't want to hear the defeated timbre, not in the voice of someone as indomitable as Benjamin, but he knew it would eventually come to this. Looking up, he met Ben's emerald eyes, and was literally beleaguered to see those eyes holding no life within. This wasn't the first time he saw it as far as he could reminisce, and it wouldn't be last, but the sight was no less unfathomable.

Shaking away his thoughts, Paradox replied. "You're in the Space-Time-Continuum Stream rift; the schism from where all universes originate. In the very estrangement, even if I say so myself."

Ben slowly nodded in discernment, barely caring anymore. Others would have expected the disclosure to astound anyone. But, it wasn't anything that was going to bother him in the least, after the tribulation he had gone through in the past nine years. Since that auspicious day during his childhood summer trip.

'Yeah, that fateful summer trip, I wish it had never happened.'

"Why are we here, Mr. Paradox?"

Said time traveler met the Revonnahgander's dark eyes, before reallocating his interest back to the Omnitrix wielder, and slapping on a rueful smile. "I am really sorry, Ben… I-"

"It wasn't your fault Paradox… you didn't do anything. There's actually nothing for you to apologize about, don't bother." Ben shelved the time traveler, the fresh dampness again blemishing his eyesight. 'It's… the damn memories… they are hurting again.'

"It isn't for the fact, I did nothing, but rather for the fact, I could have never been able to interfere. Perhaps, I should have, but," Professor Paradox repugnantly said. "You know that better than anyone. That's why I am sorry, Ben… for my ineptness to lend a hand, when it was most indispensable." He could palpably see it happening, should the circumstance have been otherwise. After all, nothing was veiled from him.

The hellish memory of everyone disappearing before Ben's eyes just kept rampaging through his mind, tormenting him, not offering him a chance to rest at all, leaving him to suffer from horrible remembrance, and constantly goading him of his failure. The failure to protect what belonged precious to him. The failure to protect his family, comrades, and friends. Not to mention his peoples and the Earth. He was impugning himself for everything.

"I just wish, somehow I would… have been th-here for the-m…" Ben choked out between dour sobs. He was trying to rein himself in, but was failing wretchedly. The guilt was clamoring, and sousing within him; and it was unerringly overwhelming for him to suppress. "I didn't… even… couldn't… I don't know anymore. I… did nothing."

They had wedged him in, where it hurts the most. His heart and soul. He wondered, whether it could even be overhauled, and if the pain would ever go. Maybe if he accomplishes what he sought, exterminating those abominations, but he didn't know he could anymore.

Professor Paradox flashed another of his sobered smiles. "It was a trap to begin with-"

"We strangled right into it." Rook finished, incensed by abhorrence, as he balled his fist.

"True." Paradox didn't repudiate it. The truth was all that mattered then.

"Why didn't you alert us? You could have at least warned us of them, Paradox… like always you showed up." Ben sniffled, muttering inarticulately. His emerald eyes glistening with moisture, and he broke down again. "Maybe… then I could… have saved… them from-"

"You should have understood by now, that I cannot clutter with the continuous time stream. Let alone alter it." Professor Paradox looked away from those pleading and importunate look of the Omnitrix wielder. "It was inevitable after you made the choice."

"I had no other choices, dammit!" Ben snapped. His hands tightly scrunched into fists, as he couldn't stand the allegation on his ethics. Had there been no other options, he could have picked? They had needed help. Should he have denied them?

"That's who you're, Ben. That's what makes you the real you, and not some counterfeit. You have grown up protecting anyone in need, not caring of your safety. Your mentality won't accept others' anguish, and so you do what you think is morally best." Professor Paradox met the rigorous glower of the brunette.

"So, it was my fault then?" Ben muttered, losing his temper as hotter, unbidden tears rolled down his face. "You are right. I failed them." His body quivered ever so slightly, the angst, the fright, the repugnance, the sheer tenacity to erase their very existence, everything was simmering within him. "Can they… Alien X bring everybody… back? Like this had never happened? Like-"

"Unlikely. They won't mess with the time and space, unless, you manage to persuade them with a compelling reason. Who knows better than you otherwise? Question is, would you go to such extent? This time, it wasn't a mistake. It was fate."

"And you?" Ben looked at the time-walker, a slight bit of optimism and desperation still present deep down within his heart. His emotions clearly visible through those emerald eyes. "What about you, Paradox?"

"I am sorry, Ben. There are things that are out of my reach. Like I said earlier, fate weaved this for you. You have to endure it." Professor Paradox replied implacably. "Even if I had the power beyond what I have now, I-I still couldn't… I can't alter, what is destined to happen, Ben." He didn't know why, but he had the strong urge to change what had happened, but he fears the darkness would return, and consume everything. 'I just hope this time doesn't turn out the same.'

"Then, that brought us to beginning, why are we here, Mr. Paradox?" Rook inquired callously.

Paradox smiled, his demeanor softened. "Life must go on, and so, I am providing you with a second chance. I am teleporting both of you to an alternate universe, where you will begin anew and continue your journey."

"I can't." Ben sighed deeply. "I already failed once."

"Then, let that failure motivate you further toward the ultimate victory, Ben. Believe me when I say, that Magistrate Tennyson wished the same for you, and to not let their deaths hold you back." Paradox riposted. "I have seen the future, Ben. It can be both be beautiful to bask in, or horrific to die in. Both depend on your choices. Another decision you must make. Choose wisely. Maybe, it can make a difference… for both future and the… past."

"I don't think, I'm ready for that yet."

"I know you are." Paradox flashed his trademark grin. "And, should I have to remind you, that there is not any other place for both of you now, is there? After all, you can't spend rest of your life mourning."

"No." Ben admitted defeatedly, meeting the eyes of the older man, and wiping those stray tears away for the second time. "Where are we going then?"

"That is for you to find out." Paradox chuckled.

Ben nodded apathetically, not caring to argue, before recalling something. "Why is Rook coming with me? Shouldn't he just return back to his own planet, Revonnah? He still has a life there, unlike me. The Plumbers could even use someone of his talent."

"It's because this is what destined to happen. Believe me, you will need him more than Revonnah would."

"Regardless the circumstances, I am willing to support Ben, as assigned by Magistrate Tennyson."

Tenrou Island.

The holy ground of the Fairy Tail guild stood alone in the middle of the sea, with no other isles visible in the surrounding area. It is a mildly small, rocky and steep island, covered by lush vegetation, both bright yellow and green in color. Topping the island was the Great Tenrou Tree, a gigantic tree shadowing over the island.

The resting place, otherwise known as the grave of the first Guild Master of the strongest guild in Fiore, Fairy Tail's Mavis Vermilion could be found. However, said founder and first Guild Master of the Fairy Tail guild, who was supposed to be dead, was sitting upon her mausoleum, with a big smile on her face.

People would have certainly mistaken her for being alive, should she would have been visible to their eyes. But, she had died a long time ago, and what was present, was nothing more than the essence, or otherwise referred to as the core of her very spiritual being. Only, if she could even be called that.

Mavis Vermilion possessed very long, wavy, blonde hair that reached down to her feet, with a single lock pointing upwards, large green eyes with seemingly no irises, peach-skinned, and a child-like build. She wore a frilly, pink layered robe with a red ribbon tied in a bow around her neck. Around the chest were three blue diamond patterns with two blue triangles above. She also wore wing-like adornments, around her ears, and small hoop earrings, while she seemed to prefer going barefoot, which would explain the lack of shoes.

"He is here!" Mavis twittered, with a harmonious smile titivating her small face. She stared predominantly at nothing, but apparently, at everything while kicking at thin air immaturely. "I sensed him when he arrived here. His aura is the same as I remember."

"I did too, Mavis. I did too. It cannot be mistaken. That's him. It was for an instant, but that rift in the time, and that strange presence, it belonged to him."

Keeping her company was none other than the strongest, and the most malevolent wizard of all time. One who possessed extremely precarious and powerful magic; the supposedly deceased Black Wizard himself: Zeref Dragneel. His appearance, despite being hundreds of years old, had the look of a younger man wearing a high-collared black and tan robe with gold trimming, along with a large, flowing white toga, draped around his torso. He had short black hair, pitch-dark eyes, and abnormally sharp canines. He also wore a circle-shaped necklace.

"You do know what this means." It wasn't a question as much a statement on Mavis's part as she reallocated her stares onto the Black Wizard. The latter was idly resting on the ground, with his arms folded, and fingers entwined behind his head. "The prophecy is coming to pass. It is time."

"Perhaps. But the only one I have faith to achieve it is my precious brother." Zeref replied calmly. His poised demeanor contradicting the dark mythology spoken all around. "But, if it is him, who offers me what I seek, then so be it. I will have no regrets."

"After all these years, do you still want to die?"

"I have lived for many countless centuries, and watched the rise and fall of different ages'. Hatred and evil cause conflict, but I am looking forward to the new age, that would purify them all. In a sense, I might be looking forward to his return. Although, I don't think, the time has come yet. For that to happen, he is still not strong enough to endure my presence."

Mavis' eyes didn't falter for a moment as the Black Wizard continued.

"For him to even stand in my mere presence, he needs to scrabble into darkness itself. Even though, I don't want to massacre anyone, the darkness will follow me for eternity. That is my fate. He needs to accept it, and live within it, as my presence will summon darkness from the abyss of hell. Though, the question will rise. Will he acknowledge it? Can he truly accept darkness as the quintessence of life, and continue in what he believed? Or, will he waver as well?"

"You did, Zeref. And I believe that he will too."

"One's failure or success cannot be predetermined on other's accomplishment, but one's own." Zeref looked at the First Master of the Fairy Tail guild. "Isn't that's the reason, why I am called an Evil Fairy?"

"But, you are still a fairy." Mavis countered pouting, not missing a beat. "You can hear me and see me, when only a Fairy Tail wizard should have such an aptitude. You are a fairy at heart. The second, and only other fairy I have met."

Zeref merely chortled in response. "That is because, I bear the very embodiment of magic itself, Mavis."

His eyelids fluttered open for the second time to a strange ceiling, as he ignored the velvety placate of a mattress, and the placid warmth of a blanket wrapping him. Casting his incisive gaze around, he quietly scrutinized his surroundings, and found no one around to his respite. The view held no relevance to him at the moment, as his eyes skimmed for something, or more particularly for someone. His eyes halted upon seeing his partner Rook Blonko, who still wore his durable Proto-Tech Armor, while his Proto-Tool was nearby on the other end of the bed. Apparently, whoever had brought them here, hadn't possessed ill-intent or bad impetus, otherwise the Proto-Tool wouldn't have been overlooked. It would have enthralled more inquisitiveness obviously, since it was alien tech for crying out loud.

He let out another sigh of relief, upon noticing the small heaving movement of Rook's chest, that entailed he was still breathing and alive, after the encounter with that monster. The Revonnahgander seemed fine. Just unconscious it appeared. The small smile on his face supplied further corroboration.

It was at that moment that he noted his current condition. Still clad in a pair of green pants, accompanied by black and white shoes with black stripes. He glanced around to find his black-striped, white shirt with short sleeves, sitting on a chair behind the head of the bed. It didn't remain there for long as he pulled it on to cover his averagely skinny body from prying eyes. That didn't imply that he was mortified by his body, but rather he preferred to not walk around half-naked with only his trousers on.

Self-conscious of such trivial things, and yet, he had no idea, who had brought them here in the first place.

It was at that moment, that he turned over to the only window in the room. The one next to him, and was greeted by a rising red sun, illuminating the darkness. Seems like, it was very early in the morning, almost close to dawn. He gaped as he stayed stagnant, enraptured by the sight for a moment, before turning back to his room.

He changed his position into that of a lotus stance, and deliberated. It took a little endeavor on his part, but he found it. Yup, he still had access to his newly found Anodite heritage, but they were different than what he reminisced. He could definitely feel that his inherited endowment seemed to be far more potent and zealous for some unknown reason. But that wasn't all. It appeared that his mana was in more copious amounts, while it flowed through his entire body. It's also seemed to be animated for some reason.

'No, more like it's reacting.'

His eyes snapped open to reveal that they were incandescent beguiling blue, instead of pale emerald. 'Is it because of the strange energy presence in the air?' He shook his head, and his eyes relapsed back to their true green color, as he observed his surroundings more closely.

Nothing much to say, except it was just an ordinary room with three beds, a cabinet on the opposite end of the room to the left of the door, which was beside a mirror, a window above the bed, and a closet standing next to the bed. Walking over to the mirror, he glanced at himself, or to be more precise, his eyes fell upon the emerald orbs of his manifestation. Then, his gaze reallocated to his unkempt brown hair, and pale skin but he begrudgingly noted something else. He was short again, and de-aged. He tried to rationalize it, but failed. This time, there was no fountain of youth after all.

"Is it some kind of side-effect of traveling into this universe? But, Paradox never mentioned anything like this happening. But Then again, he never did bother to do much, except for showing up when everything is wrapped up. I am supposed to be nineteen, and now I think I am… maybe ten? Great."

Then his eyes darted to that uncanny for a watch, still clasped on his left wrist, and he tapped the faceplate but nothing happened. It wasn't functioning, yet, a smirk grew on his face. "At least, I still have the original Omnitrix instead of the prototype one, when I was ten. Despite the fact, that it is still rebooting, but I can still go hero-"

His train of thought screeched to halt, and his body quavered ever so slightly. It wasn't cold. But, the dark memories of his past that exhibited as figment of the imagination. 'That all had happened, didn't it?' Color drained from his face. His smile curled into a grave vacant look, that couldn't be discriminated much from the angst; the pain of losing people adored by him. All of those atrocious memories… and why was he here. Whilst recalling, everything began aching for some reason.

On a rickety leg, he evocatively tore himself from the mirror, in hope that it would just mend the anguish. However, every footstep he took, only overhauled the melancholy that was humiliating him. The sick fate had left nothing, but aridity in those dull eyes as he continued pushing himself forward, ironically running away from the lurid screams of people, somehow reverberating in his head.

That was him, with the resolve that can never be deterred, and can never be broken.

But despair had dulled his determination.

His legs buckled, and he audibly collapsed down on his knees. The utter anguish strained a strangled sob tearing out his throat, as he clutched his face in sorrow. The hot, unbidden tears leaked from between his fingers, and they hit his lap with soft plops, soaking his pants.

That little anticipation of seeing light again atrociously attenuating within him, but he knew that they were all dead. He had failed, and now he was hiding from his nemesis in this new universe – to begin anew.

Isn't that what Paradox had said?

But, was it really possible for him to start over, without those beloved people to stand by his side?

Maybe, he would mourn for his loved ones today, and begin anew tomorrow with his dearly departed friends and family believing in him, and his partner from the afterlife.

Isn't that what they would have wanted him to do?

To be what he always had been.

Saving the innocent and helping the weak, and to be the shield of righteousness.

A hero!

The brunette teen leisurely and indolently opened his eyes, for the third time, since he had stepped foot in this new province. But surprisingly, he wasn't sprawled on the floor anymore, as he last remembered, but rather once again tucked on the bed, underneath the comfort of blankets. Apparently, he had passed out from exhaustion, after sniveling for an hour. It was the sign of frailty, but it did help him, by slackening the grief to a certain extent at the very least, for him to feel a little lighter and jovial in heart.

'I needed that.'

Pushing himself off the bed, he explored for the very first thing that crossed his mind, and a frown crossed his face. Rook wasn't there, and neither was his Proto-Tool.

"You have finally woken up."

Ben's neck snapped toward the source of the weary voice, only to find the Revonnahgander blocking the doorway with his hands on his hips, completely fit to go. "Are you alright?"

Rook nodded affirmatively.

Ben glanced outside to find the sky glowing a reddish orange. Perhaps, it was closing to dusk, with a couple more hours to spare, until the last rays of sunlight perished. He had probably slept for the entire day. 'That explains the kinks.' Shaking his head, the brunette begrudgingly forbid the bed, and stood up and then stretched his limbs to unwind them. "So where are we exactly?"

"Mr. Sequen narrowed down our location to somewhere in Kisaragi village, at the pedestal of Mount Zonia." Rook shrugged diffidently. "I am not explicitly aware of anything else, save for that he protected us, and his sense of absurdity quite contradict what I have seen and studied. Exclusively when compared to yours', he is more aggravating, and inconvenient." A bead of sweat rolled down his face, and a grimace adorned his demeanor. "Perceptibly, he prefers to joke, a lot, I might add."

"Sequen, eh? I guess I'll give him our gratitude, for helping us back there." Ben stated, before a nerve began throbbing in his temple, and his right eye pitched once. "And I am not aggravating as you claim." He shouted out indignantly.

Rook overlooked the dispute rather easily, and deliberately. The last few years had actually helped him to put up with the brunet's behavior. "I ensured to offer him our appreciation, before he left."

Ben cocked an eyebrow, losing his indignance. "He left?"

"He is supposed to return later tonight." Rook replied slowly. "Just went to fetch us supper, but I presume, we should probably leave contemplating that the little awareness of us, the better. I was considering slinging you over my shoulder, and escaping in the shadows, but now that you are awake, it saves me the trouble."

Ben slanted his head to the side, his eyebrows still raised. "Anything suspicious you found?"

Rook shook his head. "I am tentative. I think, he was rather friendlier, than I anticipated from a stranger, and inquired lots of questions, some of which confounded me quite a bit. I chose to avoid telling him much, and he was making consecutive unexpected jokes. Consciously I believe, as if, he was persistent to get struck."

Ben smirked. "He must be really good at cracking jokes if he got you worked up like that. You normally don't lose your cool, and temper. But, I think we should give him a benefit of doubt, for helping us back at that mountain you just mentioned."

Rook developed a serious look. "I meant it, Ben, even if I am not refuting your words. However, he was the presumptively one to save us from the monster, that had almost eaten us, or so he exclaimed. For such feat alone, he must be exceptionally dominant, and it precludes we stand a low probability of survival against him, with your Omnitrix still rebooting."

"Yeah, and I'm not sure how long it's going to take to reboot. Do you really think he's dangerous?"

"Well, his facade implies otherwise, and but he did mention something about magic."

Ben's interest perked up. "Magic, eh? I had sensed some unfamiliar odd energy in the air earlier when I was concentrating. I guess that's what people think it's here. Magic."

"He was actually riveted upon seeing me. Said, I am the first of a kind he had seen along his long years of journey." Rook shrugged apprehensively. "Not really surprised. They are oblivious to the concept of aliens."

Ben pondered his options for a bit, before finally speaking up. "We know hardly anything about this world. If he had helped us then, I think we should give him the benefit of the doubt. Might as well, we could gather more information and knowledge about this world, before we go out there and face them."

"I would preferably dispute, but it is your call, and wait until you hear his absurdity." Rook relented.

Ben gawked at the strange man with a sweat drop running down his head. He was strange; Ben had to give him that. In his long life, he had never seen a human such as him. He possessed plant-like physical features: his head resembled a slightly gnarled tree trunk, whilst his hair reminded Ben of a leafy treetop, as he was donning a high-collared kimono tied with a belt, loose trousers, a coat, and a pair of boots.

"Weird." Ben mumbled under his breath, as he sat on a chair, waiting for his host. He had anticipated to have a conversation with him, no sooner had he returned, but instead that was purposely belated after the old man claimed that they would eat first, and their host cooked up supper.

"I told you so." Rook whispered.

"C'mon, he doesn't look like a threat."

"Neither do we."

Ben nodded begrudgingly. His partner was indeed right. Who would expect two ten-year-old kids, at least that's what Ben assumed Rook to be, perilous of all things? Many would likely misjudge them, just for their age, offering them an edge.

"Warrod-" Said wizard glanced up at the brown-haired boy skeptically, as his inquisitor spoke. "…old man."

"Warrod is fine." Ben nodded acknowledging the old man's words. "It's a joke, a joke!" Warrod erupted into a deep belly uproarious jollity.

The Omnitrix wielder face-faulted, but he quickly scrambled to his feet, as a sweat drop rolled down his forehead, and a question mark appeared over his head. "A… j-joke? Wait! Was that even a joke?!"

"It would be a joke, if it were a joke." Warrod guffawed childishly.

'Talk about maturity.' Ben deadpanned. 'This guy… really takes it out of you.'

"I told you so." Rook stated as a matter of fact.

Ben glared at the Revonnahgander with a tick mark on his temple, and shouted indignantly. "Will you quit it already?!"

Rook simply shrugged in response, amused.

"So, what was it you wanted to talk about anyway, young lad?" Warrod questioned. His demeanor rather inverted suddenly, but now he sounded genuine. "Ben-kun, was it?"

"Benjamin Tennyson. And, thank you for saving us earlier gramps."

"No worries there. I just escaped with you both, before you were assaulted… physically." Warrod dismissed it placidly. "Although, I was wondering how you little kids got up there. Mount Zonia is a rather precarious place to be, and those clothing aren't meant to keep you warm. Then, few wizards have ever made it back alive from there. I just happen to stumble across you there, and brought you to this village. If it weren't for my interest in rare herbs, I wouldn't have been there in the first place."

'Wizards, eh, so people here use magic? No wonder, he looks so bizarre for a human.' Ben thought inwardly before responding, opting his words cautiously. "I guess we got lost, and somehow, ended up there, while looking for a civilization." He lied. "And, I'm… ten, and I'm not that short." He huffed out.

Warrod chuckled amused. "So, what magic do you use, Ben-kun? Your partner there isn't emitting any magical energy, but I can sense quite a familiar energy from you."

Ben cocked an eyebrow at the implication. 'Might be mana isn't that different from whatever magic people here use.' He wondered silently before replying again. "I manipulate… energy and transform into monstrous beings… I think that's it? I hope that doesn't sound wacky, is it?"

"Energy Manipulation and Take-Over magic, you say?!" Warrod smiled. His acute tone entailing how apprehensive he was. "We don't usually get to see that much here nowadays."

"Yeah, it's rare I think."

'Energy Manipulation Magic could possibly be a Lost Magic.' Warrod reflected to himself, mulling over the boy's abilities and the versatility of his magic. "And your partner seems to use Holder-type magic."

Ben glanced at the Revonnahgander, and his eyes narrowed at the Proto-Tool. Something that would catch anyone's attention. "I think you can say that. His gun is definitely effective, and was specially constructed for him to use." He spoke charily, facing the old man again. "So, what magic do you use, gramps?"

"Ah, I practice Green Magic, to create trees and plants, to halt the spread of deserts, while I also create rare concoctions too. It's nice to call it an unselfish activity but honestly, I call it a hobby of mine to kill time."

Ben nodded at the prudent words spoken by the old man. "That is really interesting." He esteemed, while thinking of certain aliens in his arsenal, who had the same aptitude. His attention was again drawn toward the peculiar insignia, printed on the old man's coat. "What's that symbol?"

Warrod noticed the representation before letting out a good-humored chortle. "I am the fourth Wizard Saint of Ishgar. The title bequeathed by the Magic Council to me." He smiled in nostalgia. "Some also call me and mages ranked above, the Gods of Ishgar. But I prefer the term mage instead. I don't even think, I am strong enough to even defeat you kids. I normally don't like using offensive spells."

'It's quite hard to believe, that he's a God. The last one that proclaimed he was a God, I had to kick his ass and send him packing.' Ben mused before he recalled something else. "What exactly is Ishgar?"

"That is the old name of this continent, Fiore. This land was Ishgar of Earthland, in its early days."

Ben nodded perceptively. He had gained more than enough intellect to clarify, where he was and what type of world he had been dumped into. With that said and done, he decided that he wanted to know more. Well, he just prayed that his inquisitiveness didn't get him busted.

"Oi, gramps, can you tell us more? I mean, I don't know much about this continent and magic, and what's this Magic Council you spoke of earlier? I have been alone for most of my life so I never communicated with people much."

Warrod sent the Omnitrix wielder, rather a long scrutinizing glance. He had picked up something during their short conversation, and the earlier one, he had with the boy's odd companion. This kid seemed to be congregating knowledge, or something similar. But why?!

"Have you ever heard of Edolas?"

"I don't think so." Ben responded smiling inelegantly. "What is it anyway?"

"I myself know little of what Edolas exactly is, or what it might look like in its best days, except that it's an alternate parallel world to Earthland. But since you didn't come from Edolas, where did you exactly come from?"

An irresistible silence spread, as Ben's eyes widened, and he inadvertently shared an apprehensive glance with Rook. "How did you?" The Omnitrix wielder was quite disorientated, while the Revonnahgander was ready to instigate an attack, upon the smallest indication of enmity. They couldn't gamble that knowledge getting out.

"Your astuteness is very limited and specific, especially concerning Earthland or Fiore. Your friend there uses some kind of instrument, I have never seen before, and you both are quite aware of your surroundings like veteran fighters. Then, as I mentioned before, those clothing aren't meant to survive the demoralizing cold of Mount Zonia." Warrod vindicated. "Apart from that, I just guessed and apparently, I was right."

"So, you didn't read our minds, like an actual God?"

Warrod laughed at the purposely witty question of the brown-haired boy. "I remember mentioning that I prefer to be called a mage instead. That title was offered to me without any notice, and, if you want, then you can talk to me about it. I won't force you otherwise."

Ben and Rook shared another glance, and the former sighed deeply. Honestly, they didn't know, whether the old man could honestly be trusted, but until then, the old man barely emitted any ill intent to them. He had a strange, yet reliable aura around him, that solicited others to believe in him. Imprudent maybe, but instinct was entirely something else. But, talking of their past wasn't something, they had planned to do anytime soon. Not when their wounds were still fresh, and bleeding.

"Well, that's a long story but we're not from this universe." Ben bit his lips. "I think-"

"We would rather prefer to not speak of it, sir." Rook interjected. His tone somber and despondent. "And, we would appreciate, if you repress this knowledge to yourself."

The desperate change, and poignant emotional turmoil in the duo demeanor didn't go unnoticed by the old man. 'Apparently, bad things have happened to them.' Warrod thought, while waving his hand dismissively and returning to cooking. "As I said, don't worry a thing about it. There is no life without secrets after all."

"Thank you, gramps."

The next day hailed both Ben and Rook, with the scenery and livelihood of the Kisaragi village, before they finally embarked on their own voyage, despite the remonstration and admonition of the fourth Wizard Saint to do otherwise. The previous long night of conversation and gaining more comprehension and information about this new world, seems to have proven indispensable to the duo. Not to forget the Jewels generously offered to them, to spend on their journey.

Even though they had their share of differences, their last late night's conversation, and Warrod's actual concern toward them, had reinforced their positive intuition of the odd mage. Even though the eccentric sense of humor of Warrod, could be aggravating every now and then, since he made startling jokes at unanticipated times, and at unexpected opportunity. It was safe to say, that he was quite modest with his prudent and judicious thoughts, and had bountiful treasure in the form of knowledge.

And, who could have guessed that he was a century old?!

A couple of days ago, they barely knew about their whereabouts', and what they were going to do next. But now, they had basic knowledge about this world, and all thanks to the old Wizard Saint. Even though they hadn't revealed anything in particular about their own origins, Warrod hadn't let it disappoint him, and instead he was quite ecstatic, to say the least, and assisted them to learn more about Fiore, asking nothing in return.

"So, where are we going?"

Ben was broken out of his reverie, and he looked at the Revonnahgander, shrugging serenely. "I actually don't know. Honestly, we have actually nowhere to go, except to the Fairy Tail guild mentioned by gramps. But I just want to explore a bit… to know the land better. So why not, let the path lead us." He chuckled at his own humor, while pointing to the small bag, slung on his shoulder. "I think, we have enough supplies to support us for a while."

"You are right." Rook harmonized. "That is a better idea, to take some time to gather ourselves."

Warrod Sequen gathered and packed his scattered belongings, while he organized again to embark on his own journey, and continue with his invaluable hobby. Though, he was quite exultant at the moment. It had been years, since he had such a pleasant time with others, and having someone to talk in every once in a while, was what he was actually looking forward to. But that wasn't the sole rationale for his ecstasy. The truth was, he hadn't anticipated acquainting with another user of that proverbial magic.

How long had it been?

He doesn't even remember that anymore, and yet this déjà vu flooding his heart. He was indubitably gonna miss that kid.

Yosh, the prologue done.

Gotta admit, it was long build up, with little pay off. But it couldn't be helped. It was supposed to start from somewhere. When I began putting my imaginations into words, I realized, this is probably the best place to start with. This much time ahead of canon arcs, it would suffice to build Ben's reputation and understanding of magic.

Anyway, once again my sincere apology for discontinuing the original story. As conflicting it been for me to come to term with myself after having spent two full years on it development, I assure you, this story is not going to suffer the similar fate.

After all, I do have planned big for this story.

A little side-note about the story. I'm not skipping anything invaluable, but I would alter few historical events. It wouldn't be only inclusion of Ben here but how his presence changes the future. Unfortunately, the pace would be pretty slow, but probably worth the wait. However, I will try to update as frequently as possible. Won't promise anything though. Life ain't called a bitch for nothing.

Just for the record – time traveling would be another prospect in this story. If you think time traveling isn't your cup of tea, better to skip this story then. But, I will tell you this much, no crossover should be written without the time paradoxes.

Now, I would clarify few questions that are bound to rise due to this chapter:

Q. The same ole Ben loses everything for the beginning, which has been used for who knows how many times already?

Honestly, I will admit, Ben losing his family and Earth is indeed a lot used. But, most authors had used it to as a simplest mean to send our favorite superhero to alternate universes. Few would actually use this to its potential. I feel like I can do much more than just throwing Ben in another world gig. This time around, it's gonna influence Ben's personality tremendously, and the trauma he endures along the way, would shape the future of this story. I will repeat again, this is not only about losing his family. He will gain something invaluable in return.

But, you have to read to find that yourself.

Q. Boring prologue?

Admit it, any story should start at some point. No one can expect to learn the true plot of the story through the first chapter. That is just asking too much. It takes time to build anything from scratch. If this first chapter doesn't pique your curiosity, then try to stick around for a couple more. Unless you truly feel that the story isn't worth your time. But remember, smalls contribute to make something big.

Also, I have only two choices to start this fanfiction. One, either to let Ben meet with Warrod, or letting him get captured by someone, and let them dig information through him. But, the latter would have been too sadistic for my taste.

Q. Many should have noticed, Ben and Rook were rescued, no sooner they entered the realm, but the incident wasn't clarified?

That particular exclusion was entirely intentional. It'll unfold later down the story. Now, you cannot say, I haven't thought it through. I prefer to hold my cards close to my chest, hehe.

Q. Why Japanese-honorifics in this story?

Let's just say, I couldn't grasp the knack to fit few characters from Fairy Tail universe in this story. Some characters have rather peculiar way of expressing themselves. Take Warrod for example. I never heard him converse with anyone without honorifics. Same goes for Jura. I found it discouraging if I cannot convey characters' personality precisely, unless I have plans to make that particular character a bit OCC.

Q. What motivated me to write this story?

This particular idea had been haunting me for quite sometimes. Like literally. That is also a part reason, which influenced me to reboot the original story. I couldn't have resumed two similar stories at once. So, I chose to quit the old one, and switch to this. This is how it turned out. But, that is a small price for a better story.

Q. How long before canon arcs begin?

That is still a long way ahead. Probably, a couple dozen chapters later. Honestly, I'm not sure myself. But, I have plans to include an original arc before beginning with canon arcs. Just to exhibit the development in Ben character.

There, it wraps the few possible questions bound to strike you. Regardless, if there are more questions for me, leave a review, and I promise to return to you, as long as it isn't demanding any spoilers, and me foreseeing the impossible future. I suck at astrology.

It's time for the big shout to 'Vandenbz', 'The God's Eye' and 'SailorChibiMidnight', who went out of their way to proofread the chapter. Their contribution is a truly appreciated. I couldn't express how good a choice I made to ask for their help. Honestly, this work doesn't look like mine anymore.

I hope, you guys find this story better, for the hard work, I and my betas invested into this.

I am off then. Till next time, read & review.