Ruby! Ruby! Ruby get up! "I'm awake!" Ruby shouted as she jumped up. Unfortunately, her bed couldn't take that kind of force and stay suspended. Fortunately, Weiss wasn't in her bed. Unfortunately, Yang was. There came a muffled "OOF!" as the bed crashed down on her.

"Sis!" Ruby called, trying to move her now demolished bed off her older sister. She needn't have worried however, as her sister simply punched her way through it all.

"Sorry! I didn't know my bed was so unstable!" Ruby said as Yang climbed out of the wreckage.

"Aww, don't worry about it!" Yang replied. "Nothing can ruin my mood today!"

"And why is that?" Blake asked from behind her book. Ruby fumed. Her sister had gotten caught under her now demolished bed and Blake had been reading the whole time! Yang, however, didn't seem to notice, "'Cause today's the day the exchange students come in for the tournament!"

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that." Blake said, quickly closing her book. "Let's not be late then."

"But what about this mess!?" Weiss yelled.

"Oh, uh, we'll... clean it up later?" Yang said, inching towards the door.

"Oh you... fine! We'll do it later. But only because I want to go see some boys."

"That's the Weiss I know!" Yang said playfully, taking Weiss in a headlock and starting down the hall. "Ouch, hey! Let go of me! Stop! You're pulling my hair! Stop it! Guys? Some help?!" Weiss called as Yang dragged her down the hallway.

"Sorry Weiss!" Blake called back. "There's nothing we can do! Come on Ruby, let's get going. Weiss is probably going to explode once she's released." With that, Blake started down after the others.

I'm the only one that ever exploded... Ruby thought as she followed the trio. It was going to be a long day.

"LOOK AT ALL THE STUDENTS." Yang said as the group reached the entrance to Beacon. And boy, was that an understatement. There were thousands of students coming in through the giant doors!

"I didn't know this tournament was so big." Blake stated, subdued by the amount of people.

"Come on Blake!" that was Weiss. "This tournament is talked about, well, everywhere!"

"Well, sorry, Mrs. Know-it-all, but some of us have a life other than school!"

"You call reading a life?!" Weiss retorted, outraged at the ignorance some people could show.

"See? THIS is why people call you the Ice Queen!" Blake said taking a threatening step forward.

""Oh you little-" Weiss said, stepping up into Blake's face.

"Uh, guys?" Ruby said.

"WHAT?!" both Blake and Weiss shouted at the same time.

"What is i- oh my god." Yang said as she stared at what Ruby was staring at.

"What are you guys staring aaa... oh wow." Blake said as her eyes widened.

"What in the world could hold your attention for that- Oh." that was Miss Ice Queen. (Hey!)

Walking through the doors were the four cutest boys any of them had ever seen. The one in the middle, who was also obviously the leader, was wearing a red cape that reached just past his knees. He had dark hair with streaks of red, spiked and shiny, red eyes, and the best smile ever. The one to his left was wearing a brown jacket that was open at the front, displaying a white t-shirt underneath. He was a blond and had gold eyes, he was most likely the joker. The guy on his left was wearing a white suit, complete with a white rose tucked into it's breast pocket. He had white hair and light blue eyes, most likely the gentleman. Then there was the guys on the red guy's left. He had his face buried in a book but would occasionally glance up and add a few words to the conversation. He had black hair, black eyes, and wore a black combat suit. All the girls registered all this info in the short time it took the other group to get to them.

Yang was the first to react; "Hey there!" she called to the boys. They glanced up at her. The leader smiled and said something. The rest grinned, even the black one, and came over to her.

"Woah! Red, give me some sunglasses, 'cause this one is hot!" That was the blond.

"Shut up Yin, that's a quick way to get a trip to the doctor." Red said, chastising blond- Yin. "Sorry 'bout that." Red said turning back to the girls, and the Ice Queen. (Hey!) "He's a little outspoken."

"That's ok!" Yang said, her mind whirling. He had called her hot! "I don't mind." Red smiled.

"Hi!" Ruby quipped, cutting in front of her sister. "My name's Ruby!"

""Nice to meet you Ruby." Red said, as he flashed his smile. Ruby almost crumpled. He was so handsome!

"Let me introduce you to my team!" Ruby said grabbing Weiss and Blake. "This is Weiss, and this is Blake!" There were a chorus of "Hey's" as all the boys said hello.

"And this is Yang, my sister." Ruby said grabbing Yang's arm.

"Sisters?" Red said peering at the two of them. "You don't look like sisters."

"None taken. We had different mothers." Yang said, quickly cutting off Ruby's reply.

"I see. Well, here's my team: this is Yin Hey-oh! this is Will How do you do? this is Braxton Hey. and I'm Red."

"Red? Just Red?" Weiss asked, curious.

"Yeah, you don't want to know my real name." Red said, glancing over at Yin.

"Oh come on," Yang said. "Tell us!"


"Yeah, tell'em 'Red'." Yin said laughing.

"Shut up." Red said, punching Yin yet again. Yin just laughed and shook it off. What kind of a relationship do these two have? Ruby wondered. "Alright, here goes, my full name is: Reddok Farza Gunga-Hario Rouge." There was a moment of silence. Then they burst out laughing. By they, I mean Yang, Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Will, Braxton, and Yin. Red simply stood there, shaking his head as the others rolled around on the floor, laughing hysterically.

"Alright alright, It's really not that funny."

"Yes it is!" Yin said, in between gasping for breath.

"Hey, you shouldn't be talking." Red retorted. "You have an even weirder one."

"Really?" Ruby said, shakily standing up. "What is it?"

Red smirked at Yin, who was now breaking out in a cold sweat. "His name is, Yin Your-anus Rouge."

That set everyone off again, that is, everyone except Yin, who was currently staring at his brother with murder in his eyes. He got up.

"Why'd you do that?"

"Hey, you're the one who started it!"

"Yeah well, you aren't the one with the middle name of a planet!"

"You aren't the one with a middle name that sounds Italian!"

"That's because it is Italian!"

"OK OK OK OK, what brings you to Beacon?" Ice Queen said. (Hey!)

"Oh, isn't it obvious? We're here for the tournament!" Yin said as he got up off the floor.

"Really?" Ruby said, surprised. "Then you're exchange students."

"No," Red said smirking. "We're just here for the tournament."

"But don't you have to be-" "Don't mind her." Weiss said cutting in. "She doesn't know what she's talking about." All four boys rolled their eyes. Such synchronization!

"Alright, well, we'd better go," Red said, turning to leave. "We still have to find our rooms."

""Oh, ok, well, nice to meet you!" Ruby called as the boys walked away.

"WAIT!" Yang yelled. The boys turned around again. "I have a question."

"Shoot sunshine." Yin said, winking at her. Red punched him.

"Are you all... single?"

They all smirked and exchanged knowing looks. "Well, sunshine," Yin said, barely ducking Red's fist. "That, you're gonna have to find out yourself." The boys all smiled (synchronization!) and wandered off, leaving three girls and an Ice Queen (Hey!) very confused.