Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight and I never will.
A/N: Okay so I decided to do one more chapter that I wanted to be a surprise for all of you. It was literally kind of like a last minute thing. The idea popped into my head and I just couldn't resist. Surprise!
It has been almost 6 months since my run in with James almost ended in disaster. That means it's also been almost 6 months since I broke up with Edward and finally got my goddess. Since that day everything has been fantastic. When Rosalie said she was going to worship the ground I walked on she truly meant it.
Our six month anniversary is coming up soon and I would love for us to have a weekend away. I, of course, couldn't plan something like that alone so I enlisted the help of one overactive vampire pixie.
I have decided that since Rosalie and the rest of the family, except Alice, are going away for the weekend on a hunting trip now would be that perfect time to start planning.
"Are you sure you're okay with me leaving?" Rosalie asks as we stand outside of the house with the family waiting by the trees for her and Alice waiting for me inside.
"Beautiful girl, I promise I'll be fine. It's only for the weekend. Besides I know you're just a phone call away. I love you. Now leave." I say as I kiss her gently and push her towards the rest of the family waiting. This is going to be the first weekend Rosalie has spent away from me since we got together.
"I love you too, baby girl." She says with a smile as the rest of the family takes off with her in tow. When I think they're a safe distance away I release a sigh that I had been holding in.
I quickly walk inside and close the door behind me. "Now Bella, if I didn't know better I would think you were almost happy Rosalie was leaving." Alice says as she walks out of the kitchen smiling.
"Of course I'm not happy she's going to be gone all weekend, but the fact that she is gives me time to plan." I say with a mischievous smile on my face.
"Oh really, and what exactly would we be planning for Bella?" I know for a fact Alice knows exactly what we're going to be planning with her cheating future seeing ways. She's just being dense on purpose.
"Are you really going to make me say it, Alice?" Now it's her turn to give me a mischievous smile.
"I can't make you say something I don't know, Bella." Times like this really make me hate her. She enjoys making me suffer too much.
"Ugh fine! I want to plan a weekend away with Rosalie for our six month anniversary. Will you please help me?" Sometimes I really hate Alice because she's getting way too much enjoyment out of this.
"Of course I'll help you! Now what do you have in mind for your special day?" She asks as she takes a seat on the couch in the living room. I walk over and sit down next to her.
"I was thinking about going to Port Angeles, but outside of getting a hotel room I have no clue what we could do. I don't want to go to a restaurant and have her watch me eat. That's not very romantic." I want it to be something worth remembering.
"Bella, I'm sure Rosalie won't care as long as she's with you. I do have an idea though." I feel myself lean closer to her.
"What's your idea? I really want to make the night worth remembering." I watch as Alice leans back into the cushions as she crosses her arms over her chest.
"Before I tell you my idea I need to know something first. Are you planning on consummating your relationship with Rosalie on your anniversary?" I feel myself blush a deep crimson as I think though Alice's question.
"Well….I mean….I do wish to give myself to Rosalie completely, but only if she is ready for something like that. I want too, but only if she does." I say as I hang my head successfully hiding my face behind my hair.
"Bella I'm pretty sure Rosalie has wanted to fully claim you since the moment she first saw you, and after Edward she most definitely does. Vampires are very territorial creatures especially when it comes to our mates." I can't help but smile when Alice says that Rosalie wants to claim me.
"Well umm...that's good to know. Now can you please tell me your idea?" I say as I finally feel like my blush has settled enough for me to lift my head.
"Well instead of going out for dinner you're going to order room service." I quickly interrupt Alice because that is just a different form of the same problem.
"Again Alice I don't want Rosalie to just sit around watching me eat." I watch as she rolls her eyes at me.
"Well if you let me finish what I was saying you would know." Alice says with an exasperated eye roll. "Order room service and while you eat allow Rosalie to drink from you." Alice says as though it is that simple.
"Isn't that dangerous though? I would never doubt Rosalie's control, but I don't want her to blame herself if something goes wrong." The thought of Rosalie feeding from me sends a pleasant shiver down my spine.
"Since Rosalie is your mate there is no chance of her losing control or hurting you. The strong mating bond you two share will keep that from happening." I take Alice's words into consideration as I think it through and start to finalize my plans.
"You're positive nothing can go wrong?" I ask just to double check. I want our anniversary to be memorable in a good way.
"Bella, I would never suggest it if there was a chance that you would be harmed. Rosalie loves you more than anything and would never do anything that would put you in danger." I nod silently as I realize that Alice is right.
"There's only one other problem with that plan, Alice. What do I do if she refuses to feed from me?" I ask as doubt starts to creep into my mind.
"Again since Rosalie is your mate she can't really deny you anything. Your relationship was built on respect and trust. Since you trust her enough to offer yourself to her then she in turn will respect you enough to take your offer. It might take some convincing, but nothing I'm sure you can't handle." Alice says with a wink as she gets up to start making me lunch. Why these vampires insist on feeding me like I can't do it myself is beyond me.
"Okay, thank you for your help Alice." I say as I stand up and walk around the counter to give her a hug.
"Oh no I'm not quite finished helping you just yet. We still need to go shopping so you have the perfect outfit to seduce Rosalie. Also I need to make arraignments at the hotel so everything is waiting for you two so there's no chance of you being disturbed." Dare I say it, but I think Alice is more excited for my anniversary than I am.
"Alice, can you please try not to overdo it? If you do Rosalie is going to know that you helped and then took over." I chuckle as I shake my head.
"I would never overdo it Bella! How dare you doubt my ability to be subtle!" She says as she places her hand over her heart in offense.
"I would never doubt you, Alice. It's just that your ability to be subtle is on a totally different level from mine." I say with a cheeky smile as I move back to my chair.
"Fine, I will Bellaify my subtlety just for you this one time. Fair enough?" She asks as she starts to grill some chicken for my salad.
"Fair enough. Now just one more question, do we have to go shopping?" I know I sound whiny, but Alice enjoys trying to kill me with every shopping trip.
"Yes, we do." She says simply enough as she goes back to the fridge to pull out some baby spinach.
"Alice, as much as I love you, I absolutely hate going shopping with you! We treat shopping as though it's a marathon and even though my leg is healed it still aches sometimes." I sigh as I subconsciously start rubbing my leg.
"I promise I won't be that bad. Now hurry up and eat so we can get the shopping out of the way now." I nod silently as I quickly start to eat. Rosalie is so lucky I love her.
I mentioned in passing one day that I wanted to spend our anniversary in Port Angeles, and Rosalie jumped at the chance to get some alone time together.
Currently we're on our way to Port Angeles. I'm trying not to act strange, but I can't help but feel the beginning of my nerves starting to creep in. I'm still worried she's going to reject my offer or she's going to want to go back home instead. I just really want this weekend to be special and perfect.
"Bella, sweetheart, are you okay? I seemed to have lost you for a minute." Rosalie says with a sweet smile as she pushes some hair behind my ear. As I looked up I realized that we were in front of the hotel.
"I'm sorry. I'm fine I guess I just got lost in thought is all. Let's just go inside." I say as I quickly slide out of the car without waiting for a response from Rosalie.
"Woah Bella what's the rush? Are you okay?" Rosalie asks as she quickly gets out the car behind me.
"Nothing's wrong per say I'm just really nervous is all." I mumble as I stop at the entrance and cross my arms over my chest.
"Baby girl, what's there to be nervous about? It's just me and you. No matter what you know I love you, right?" Rosalie says as she walks up to me and wraps her arms around my waist.
"It's our 6 month anniversary and I know it's not really that big of a deal, but I just don't want anything to go wrong. I asked Alice to help me plan all of this because I wanted it to be perfect. I love you too, Rose." I say as I wrap my arms around her neck.
"I don't know what all you have planned, but whatever it is I'm sure I'll love it. Now stop being nervous and let's just enjoy spending time together, okay?" I nod silently with a faint smile as I step out of her grasp and grab her hand. I quickly lace our fingers together as we walk inside.
We quickly check in and head up to our room where the really fun of the evening will be taking place. As I slowly unlock the door with a shaky breath I take a deep breath as we walk through. I don't know exactly what Alice had them do to the room beforehand, but I know she would never set me up for failure.
"Oh my god," I hear Rosalie whisper behind me releasing a shocked gasp. As I lead her further into the room the heavy door closing with a gently slam. She can see that the whole room is covered in fire and ice roses, her favorite.
"Do you like it?" I ask slowly as we walk into the living room and I see a tray waiting for us with my dinner. I forgot to warn Alice about my little change to our original plan.
"Oh my god Bella, I love it! Thank you so much. This is already the best anniversary ever!" She says as she pulls me into a fierce hug. I smile brightly as I hug her back just as fierce.
"Well technically this is just the start to our night. I still have a few more things planned that will hopefully make this night ever better for both of us." I say trying not to sound too cryptic.
"Oh really?" Rosalie asks seductively as she starts to rub her hands up and down my sides. "What else do you have planned for tonight, baby girl?" I groan internally. I absolutely love it when she calls me baby girl it just does something to me.
"How about we sit down before we talk about that?" I say with a cheeky smile as I slide out of her grasp as walk towards the gigantic couch in the middle of the living room.
I try to gracefully sit down on the couch, but as I watching my beautiful goddess I know I will never be as graceful as her. "What would you like to talk about?" She asks as I can hear the undertone of worry in her voice for some reason.
"Rose, why do you sound worried?" I ask as I turn my body to face her as I grab one of her hands and gently start to play with her fingers.
"Traditionally nothing good comes when your significant other says that you should sit down before you talk." I'm pretty sure if vampires could blush Rosalie would be right now.
"How about I tell you what it is and you can decide if it's good or bad?" I say with a faint smile as I look down out our hands. I really hope she doesn't think it's bad.
"I can agree to that." Rosalie says as she grasps my hand tightly taking my only distraction and way of stalling.
I sigh deeply as I think about how I might want to word things before I just decide to go for it. "I want you to feed from me." I say drifting off at the end as I see the look of shock grace Rosalie's face.
"No. Absolutely not! What if I hurt you?! I would never be live with myself if I accidently killed you Bella!" Rosalie shouts as she shoots off the couch and starts pacing in front of me. I had a feeling something like this would happen.
"Rosalie, do you honestly think I would have asked if hadn't seriously thought about it? I even talked to Alice about it. She believes that since our bond is so strong your love for me will outweigh your bloodlust. If you don't want to do it then that's fine and I will accept your choice, but don't make that decision solely based on fear. I love you and I trust you enough not to hurt me." I say softly at the end as I come to stand in front of her and wrap my arms around her neck placing our foreheads together.
"Are you sure about this, Bella? I love you too much to hurt you." Rosalie whispers as she looks into my eyes with such intensity.
I nod slowly never breaking eye contact. "I'm completely sure Rosalie. I want you to feed from me." I watch as her eyes go pitch black as she releases a threatening growl.
Before I have time to process anything I feel Rosalie wrapping her arms around my waist and lifting cause me to squeak as I wrap my legs around her waist. She quickly walks us into the bedroom as she starts leaving wet open mouthed kisses along the column of my neck. I couldn't resist groaning.
"I don't just want your blood Bella. I want all of you. I want to be able to call you mine." Rosalie growls as I see her inner beast starting to take over.
"Then make me yours, Rosalie." I whisper as I pull her into a passionate kiss. I feel heat rush to my core as Rosalie starts to gently squeeze my ass encouraging me to grind against her stomach slowly.
Abruptly our kiss is interrupted as she walks into the bedroom and tosses me down on the king sized bed. "Move back," she orders as I watch her beast gain full control. If this were anybody but Rosalie I would be afraid for my life, but I know that she would never hurt me.
I silently take off my shoes before scooting back in the bed. On all fours Rosalie seductively crawls over to me. I moan softly as she settles on top of me and I feel our body's line up perfectly.
"You don't know how long I've waited for this, my love. Ever since I first saw you I've always wondered what it would be like to have you writhing beneath me in pure ecstasy. My head between your legs tasting your sweet nectar from the source as you scream my name" I moan louder as her hand roughly travels up the length of my side underneath my shirt.
"Please don't tease me. I need you so badly." I plead as I see a sinister smile break out across her face. Before I have a chance to question it I feel my shirt and bra being ripped from my body.
"God you're beautiful." Rosalie whispered before she quickly latches onto one of my nipples bringing her hand up to tease the other. I moan louder as I start to grind into her wishing I had friction of some kind.
"Oh yes," I moan softly as I feel Rose gently bite my nipple before switching to the other side. I weave my fingers in her hair pulling her closer. "Rose, please I need you." I feel myself starting to soak through my underwear.
"What do you need Bella? Tell me what you need." Rosalie whispers in my ear as I feel her finger teasing the hem of my skinny jeans.
"I need you to make love to me. I need to you fuck me. I need you to touch me where nobody else has or ever will except for you. Please I can't wait anymore." I beg as I tightly grip the comforter underneath me.
"Mine!" Rosalie shouts followed by a fierce growl as she also rips my jeans and underwear off clearly not noticing that I was wearing a thong just for her.
I don't have time to dwell on it as I watch Rosalie drop down on her knees at the edge of the bed and grab my ankles quickly pulling me towards her. She roughly spreads my legs before diving in. I moan loud as I feel her tongue take a long lick up my slit. She wastes no time focusing on my clit.
"Oh fuck Rosalie," I moan louder as I lie back on the bed. I keep one of my hands weaved firmly through her golden locks while my other hand is tightly grasping the comforter trying to keep from floating away.
My pleasure comes to an abrupt halt when Rosalie removes her mouth, and lies her head down on my stomach looking up at me. "Bella, baby, are you sure?" She asks as I look down and meet her intense gaze. I know she's asking if I'm sure about her taking my virginity, but isn't it a little late to be asking that?
"Rose, I wouldn't have planned all of this if I wasn't sure." I whisper trying to subtly hurry her along. I am beyond painfully aroused and I need her to fix it.
"I love you," She whispers as she gently kisses my stomach where her chin was placed before attacking my clit again with a renewed vengeance.
In the background I feel one of Rosalie's fingers gently starting to tease my hole. Gently sliding one of her fingers in, but quickly pulling it out before it can go deep enough to give me pleasure. That continues to do that a few more times before I lose my patience as she starts delivering teasing swipes to my clit.
I know she wants to be gentle with me since it's my first time, but right now I need her to dominate and claim like I know her beast wants too. "Dammit Rosalie, at the rate you're going I could have gotten myself off 10 minutes ago." I smile as I hear her release a fierce growl shaking the whole room.
"Do you have a problem with my pace, Isabella?" She growls against my clit sending shockwaves through my entire body.
"As much as I enjoy your painfully slow pace I would rather be claimed by my mate right now." I pause as I think about the consequences of my next sentence. "The same mate who allowed her brother to attempt staking his own claim on me." If possibly she growls louder and I know for sure I'm going to get the desired result.
"You're mine!" She growls as she quickly shoves two fingers into my pussy breaking through my barrier. Before I even have time to register the pain it's quickly being replaced by pleasure as Rosalie sets a fast and rough pace and she latches back onto my clit.
"Fuck yes Rose," I scream as I feel my orgasm hit me fast and hard. I feel Rosalie place her thumb on my clit and start rubbing in rough circles to match the pace of her fingers.
I feel her lay gently kisses up my body as she slides up to my ear. "I know you did that on purpose, Isabella. If you wanted it rough all you had to do was ask." I scream louder as she hits a particularly sensitive spot. "Are you about to cum again, baby girl?" All I can do is nod my head vigorously.
With a few well placed thrusts I feel the coil wound tight in my stomach release again but a lot more intensity. I feel Rosalie's teeth pierce through the skin on my neck. I see a bright white light before everything around me goes black. I think I just had the best orgasm ever.
A/N 2: Damn it's been forever since I've written a sex scene. Let me know if I'm still any good at it.