Disclaimer: All rights go to the writers, producers, creators, and owners of this amazing show. The only things I own are the ideas and time spent writing this. Enjoy!

Chapter 2

The rumour that the Lydia Martin: brightest witch to walk the halls of Hogwarts since Hermione Granger, was going to Hogsmeade with Slytherin outcast Stiles Stilinski this weekend spread like fiendfyre through the entire student body. A frenzy like this hadn't happened since Draco Malfoy was seen exiting a broom closet with a certain know it all Gryffindor following close behind,, and that was years ago. The whole school was buzzing with the new gossip. The first years gushed over how romantic it was and the seventh year girls despaired over the amber eyed slytherin apparently being officially off the market. Lydia could care less about the rumours. In fact she acted like she didn't even notice that the whole school was talking about her. She just went about her day walking the halls next to Allison with perfected elegance, and her heels clicking behind her.

"I'm still not happy I had to find out from a third year that you're dating Stiles," Allison said as they entered the advanced potions room. Lydia sighed and turned towards the brunette

"Allison, for the hundredth time, I'm not dating Stiles." she stated. Allison mumbled something under her breath that sounded like "not yet". Lydia rolled her eyes at that.

"It is one date, that's all it is." she said

"But it's with Stiles!" Allison exclaimed which caused a few heads to turn their way. Lydia glared at them and lifted a perfectly shaped eyebrow almost daring anyone to try and listen.

"Allison I love you. She said softly. "But I really don't see what the big deal is!" This time Allison was the one to roll her eyes.

"Come on Lydia of course it's a big deal!" she whispered. "One minute you're swearing to Merlin that you would never have feelings for him, and the next you're going on a date with him! Which has me wondering what changed your mind?" Lydia stared at her best friend. Truthfully she didn't understand what changed either. For years she had the impression that all Slytherins were the same. Pure blooded jerks who only cared about themselves and didn't associate with anyone who was "beneath them" Lydia scoffed at that. Dating Jackson only seemed to strengthen her bias. The entire time they were together he always told her what she could and couldn't do. She wasn't allowed to be seen with him half the time because he feared he would be called a "blood traitor". Lydia ended things immediately when she caught him making out with another ravenclaw underneath the quidditch stands. His words still haunted her to this day "at least she's not a lowly mudblood like you." he had sneered at her. That comment landed him in the hospital wing with a broken nose from a rogue bludger. And that was the first time Lydia found out she could do wandless magic. That day Lydia had vowed to never associate with anyone in Slytherin ever again. Now here she was about to finish her seventh year and Stiles Stilinski decides it's okay to prove her wrong. And if there was one thing she hated more than anything, it was being wrong. She had never given him the time of day over the years because he was a Slytherin. Even though he was Scott's best friend since before Hogwarts and he was almost always around when Allison Scott and her were together, Lydia ignored him. That didn't mean he didn't try very hard to get her to notice him. He would try and start conversations with her, but Lydia would give him short and empty answers. She knew all about his ridiculous crush he had on her. Allison had told her during their third year. She thought it was a joke and he was planning to humiliate her so she never gave him the chance. Plus even if it was true, she didn't have time for a silly crush. But when she thought back on it, he had never made one remark about her blood status, and he always called her by her real name unlike the rest of Slytherin house. Stiles was certainly not the stereotypical Slytherin. He wasn't necessarily nice all of the time, more sarcastic and a little bit over confident, but he was never cruel towards others. He did like to manipulate and pull tricks on professors and he did lie his way out of a lot of things, but that was only a small part of who he was. Lydia had figured that was why he was placed in Slytherin. She still didn't understand why he wanted to help her yesterday. And what confused her even more was as to why she let him. She never accepted help from anyone. Only Allison on occasion, but even that was rare to happen. She was wary at first but then he brought out his muggle highlighters and candy, and they actually had a decent conversation. Albeit it was littered with banter and sarcasm, but all Lydia had cared about was the fact that she was truly enjoying his company. He genuinely wanted to help her, and now it made her feel so guilty. After how cold and distant she had been towards him since they had first met he never wavered in his kindness and ambition to befriend her. She didn't deserve his friendship or any of his affections. And that hug she gave him! Lydia Martin did not practically jump into the arms of supposed enemies every day. She still didn't understand what compelled her to do that. A simple handshake would have been a good enough way to thank someone for their help. She wasn't a total ice queen, but she wasn't a fan of physical displays like hugging. She didn't even know what was happening until it was too late. And once he had pulled her back to him she felt like she never wanted to leave his arms. Allison had once asked her to remember what it felt like to love someone. She couldn't come up with an answer. Lydia had thought she loved Jackson but he never wanted to hug her or hold her hand, but Stiles didn't seem to hesitate after she hugged him. Something had felt so right and maybe that was the feeling Allison had meant. Needless to say Lydia was utterly confused. She also could not deny that he was incredibly handsome. His amber eyes that were always filled with warmth, so unlike his housemates with their cold and calculating and judging stares. And his messy hair tossed so carelessly on top of his head. Lydia could still feel the surge of energy she felt when his large hand grabbed her small one. It was all starting to overwhelm her.

"Ugh" she exhaled as she let her head thud onto the table. Allison snickered beside her.

"You know I always thought you two would be good together" Allison said matter of factly. "I mean have you seen the way he looks at you sometimes?"

"You can't be serious Ally" lydia gaped

"I am! Listen, who is the smartest witch in this school?" the brunette questioned knowingly. Lydia didn't hesitate,

"Me obviously," Allison laughed at her bluntness

"Right and do you know who your runner up is?"

"Greenberg?" Lydia smirked. Allison ignored her sarcasm. She had to make her best friend see that her and Stiles were a perfect combination.

"Stiles!" she exclaimed. Lydia raised an eyebrow at her. She didn't understand why that would mean anything. She knew Stiles was smart, everyone knew that. He was in a lot of the same classes as she was.

"So?" she asked. "Do you want me to date an idiot?" the words left her mouth before she could stop them. Allison's eyes widened and a triumphant grin stretched across her face.

"So you do want to date him!" she yelled proudly. Lydia shoved a hand in front of Allison's mouth to keep her quiet.

"Allison inside voice!" Lydia hissed. She looked around the room to see people whispering to each other. Lydia turned back to her and glared at her. Lydia could feel Allison's lips mouthing that she was sorry. But by the look on her face, Lydia knew she was anything but.

Wow has it been a really long time! I honestly forgot I used to write this. Well now I have to finish it and I think it's gonna be a few more chapters long because I have so many ideas running through my head right now. This chapter was all about what's going through that constantly analyzing head of Lydia. Next we get to see what Stiles is thinking and how he is reacting to these rumours. As always please leave your feedback and reviews I really do appreciate it :)