Meh. Close enough.

"Hm. The little Canadian sleeps. We don't need you. You're little British friend is the one we want," Matthew felt someone touch his face. "Oh I do like you. As soon as I get what I want, you can see me as what I really look like," He opened his eyes.

"Hungary-?" The girl shooshed him and smiled.

"Go back to sleep Canada. Go back to sleep Matthew Williams."

Matthew sat up, shaking.

"Yo Mattie! You okay? You were screaming a minute ago," Matthew looked around the room, seeing no girl.

"Yeah. I'm okay Alfred," called Matthew, rubbing his head.

"Arthur made breakfast," Alfred laughed. "I'm having a bonfire in a minute, Arthur's out having a 'very important' magic club meeting."

"Okay Alfred." After the brothers had eaten pancakes (Thanks to Matthew.) burned all the scones, and played video games, they decided to watch the news. Not the most thrilling thing. But the only thing they could agree on.

"Ha! I told you we would beat you! No one can beat the leafs when it comes down to hockey."

"That's the only thing you maple loving Canadians are good at!"

"At least I'm not a fat ass American," challenged Matthew.

"Well excuse me princess," then a new voice spoke in.

"Ones American and the others Canadian. I thought you were brothers, looking at the asymmetrical garbage that is your hair," the duo turned to Kid yelling at the same time.

"Keep out of this! Your hair is worse! Stop copying me!" Yelled the twins at the same time.

"Wait. Kid? I thought we told you to go back," said Alfred.

"Well of course we did not," said Kid.

"Yeah yeah! We didn't!" Piped up Patty.

"Calm down Patty," muttered Liz.

"The rest of the gang is back at the hotel down the road," whispered Matthew.

"What!? How did you know they were here. More importantly, why didn't you tell me, bro?" Matthew winced.

"When you didn't let me in, Black Star found me and let me stay the night. And it sorta, slipped my mind," replied the Canadian.

"Black Star! He's the root of all probl- What in the world are you doing Kid?"

"Organizing the books so that they are perfectly symmetrical," said Kid, picking up one of the books. As he did a piece of paper slid out. Matthew was the first to grab it. Quickly reading it over he paled and ran to the guest room he was staying, crying.

"Whats up with him," mused Alfred grabbing the paper and letting Kid, Liz, and Patty see it. It looked like a journal entry. It read:

Dear person who found this note,

For the past few days I have felt like someone has been watching me. I tried to use the crystal ball I have in my room, but all I got was Elizabeta Héderváry doing chores. (Alfred it's Hungary. Now don't go pestering me when I get home if you find this early.) After the Magic meeting I should be home at 1:30. If I am not than something happened. Who am I kidding. I'm gonna be back.

"Kid what time is it?" asked Alfred.

"2 on the dot... Oh geez. Then-"

"Yeah. Arthur was kidnapped," said Alfred. Kid noticed that under the calm look, Alfred was sacred.

"K-kid. What are we gonna do?" asked Liz, looking over at her sister who was blissfully reading a book upside down.

"We're gonna help Alfred find his friend," Kid motioned for Liz to turn into a gun, and she did. Suddenly he kicked Alfred against a wall and pointed Liz at Alfred.

"Kid what are you doing!?"

"We will help as soon as you tell me what the hell you are! You keep referring to yourself as countries. What is that all about?" Alfred looked around.

"Let me calm down Matthew, then we will tell you. I promise," Kid pulled Liz back.

"I'll hold you to that Alfred."

- This time skip is brought to you by; Me wanting to make this chapter longer. You're welcome. -

"You okay now Mattie?" Matthew nodded.

"I hope Arthur is okay..." whispered Matthew, and he hugged his brother.

"Me too Matthew," Alfred smiled. "If I remember correctly Kid wanted to talk to us about are names. Come on, Canada, let's tell him," Matthew looked up.

"Canada?" asked Kid.

"Alfred," Matthew said warningly, wiping off his eyes.

"It'll be better and help him trust us," whispered Alfred to Matthew. "Yes. Canada. This is gonna be a bit hard to believe, but we are countries. Matthew represents the country Canada, and Arthur is England."

"Who are you then?" asked Kid.

"Me?" Alfred looked shocked. "I'm America! Obviously! I thought you were smart or something," Matthew rolled his eyes. "You can't tell anyone about our identities," Kid nodded.

"Prove it," challenged Kid. Alfred fished around in his pocket, and produced a photo. It was a cut out black and white photo cut out of a newspaper with Alfred in one of the protests with Martin Luther King Junior, not looking a day older. Kid looked at it and started to say something.

"You could look up the article. I'll be there in the picture," Kid looked at Alfred, slightly impressed. "That's why we gotta find Arthur," Alfred attempted to stand but Matthew had fallen asleep. Laying his brother down, he placed his glasses on the nightstand and started walking out leaving Kid looking at the photo.

"What about wars?" asked Kid, and Alfred froze. "Like the Revolutionary War," Alfred turned hiding his face.

"All I wanted was my freedom, and Arthur didn't like that," Alfred walked the room. After a moment, Kid followed.

Please don't kill me for mentioning the Revolutionary War. At least I didn't go mention something like the war of 1812 or Davie. Oopes. This is TheMaplePancakes running from angry fans out.