Hi! It's been a long time since I wrote something for real, huh? Blame laziness, college, family issues from attending a funeral for my grandad to attending my older brother's wedding and being otherwise caught up in nonstop IRL action. So, I'll just skip my boring and useless excuses and get to the real reason why I've made my comeback.

This is a story that's beta-ed by my great friend The Swordslinger since he's as much of a Fourze junkie as I am thanks to him, and with a little blessing from BahamutReishiki.

Looking into the writing of Kill La Kill and Kamen Rider Fourze it's obvious where this crossover would come from. Both series share noticeable and obvious similarities, because the lead writer is the same for them.

Among other things he's responsible for, are Gurren Lagann and New Getter Robo, both of which are among my favorite giant mecha anime.

To those new to Fourze, it's about a hot-blooded heroic Kamen Rider fighting to protect the innocent and making friends. If you haven't seen it, correct that because otherwise this story will be lost on you.

So, without further ado, The Lord of Pages and The Swordslinger present…*drumrolls*

Disclaimer blah blah, Trigger Toei me no owny blah blah.

For story purposes, this takes place after Gentaro becomes Fourze, and after he befriends Meteor.

Beta Author's note: For those who need translations:

Uchu kita – Space is awesome/Blast off/It's space time. As a side note, this is a hard one to pin down.

Henshin – Transform/Transformation.

Yosh! – Nice! /Good! /Sweet!/Alright!

Life Is Cosmic! Honnōji Kita!


"UCHUU… KITAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" An exuberant cheer that echoed into the infinite expanse of space played on a huge video screen. Inside of a dark room, a woman sat upon a huge round chair, looking at the events displayed with a deeply serious expression.

Her appearance was striking in the room, a bright white and blue dress that showed noble breeding and wealth, long black hair that had an illustrious sheen, absolutely gargantuan beyond belief eyebrows, harsh and near ruthless blue eyes, a rather large pair of breasts, long and toned legs, and a frown that seemed like it was permanently etched right into the contours of her face.

The video shown was shaky and blurred, obviously taken by a cell phone camera held by a terrified hand.

But the quality wasn't what was important, it was what was being shown. A white suit clad being with an odd rocket like helmet shot into the air, an orange rocket appearing over its hand as the individual cheered loudly before slamming into a… monster for lack of any better descriptive word.

Namely a tall reddish orange monster with a block like head and a heavily armored body, the video carried on showing the, for lack of a better word, Masked Rider launching the monster into space via a bike attached to a rocket.

There the video ended as they disappeared into the atmosphere, before it was rewound to the exact moment of the fight.

"Satsuki-sama, do you believe that is real? Surely this video could be doctored or altered in some manner, modern special effects work is capable of that," The woman watching the video seemed to not notice the question, until her blue eyes shot to the side.

A blue haired man in a white outfit with a furred jacket and fancy glasses bowed his head in apology for his impertinent question, acknowledging said apology with a curt nod, she waved a hand in a sharp manner, making him obey her unspoken command.

The video rewound for a third time, then was altered as the man begun typing rapidly, multiple viewpoints opening up over the video screen, showing different cameras filming at different time periods. Images flashed by rapidly, too fast for a normal human eye to completely track.

But the woman watching was far from ordinary, and her keen eyes tracked every image she saw with pin point accuracy. Each shot was individually filed away in her mind, a football player tackling a regent haired teenager roughly her age, that same teenager jumping into a ford to find a school girls cell-phone, the same teenager loudly proclaiming his desire to befriend everyone in the school, each time that teenager seemed to be an important figure.

"Stop, there. That's the one we want." The woman commanded, and there was what she wanted to see. The teenager from before, putting on an odd blue belt with multiple switches on its surface and flipping each one slowly. A computerized voice yelled out from the belt with a rocket ignition being heard from somewhere.

"3!" She leaned forward with a focused expression, her hands bridging themselves intently.

"2!" The blue haired man looked up from his computer, his interest caught by this as well.

"1!" Pausing from eating a bag of rich surgery treats, a pink haired girl in a band uniform looked at the screen curiously.

With a huge grin, Gentaro pulled a handle on the belt and shouted as he rose his hand into the air. "HENSHIN!" And in an explosion of blue smoke surrounding an energy field when the last word was shouted by the teen and the belt's computerized voice, the youth was covered entirely in an armored suit!

A rocket ship like helmet with orange compound eyes stood out first, and a bright white form that evoked imagery of a space suit. Black lines and orange highlights gave the chest a prominent display, while silver and black armored shoulders gave it an almost knight like appearance.

Four distinct patterns on each limb, an orange circle and black square for the right and left arms, and a blue x and yellow triangle for the right and left legs respectively

Completing the armor were space suit like gloves and boots, and black knee pads.

The video was rewound to before the transformation, revealing the teenager as he was unarmored.

Black hair worn in a regent hair style, a pompadour of impressive design which showed the teenager took great care of it. His Japanese features, with a tall and muscular build for a teenager his age, delinquent based clothing and a dog tag gave him an uncouth appearance.

But his eyes were what showed his true character, they were filled with joy, excitement, and a brightness that made the world seem a little bit kinder.

"His name is Kisaragi Gentaro. Age: 17. He is a transfer student to Amanogawa High in the Kyōto Prefecture. It was founded some ten years ago by the famous Astronaut Gamou Mitsuaki. And more importantly… it is one of the few schools that has a complete and utter 0.00% Life Fiber saturation." The blue haired man rattles off a string of information that had the pink haired girl snort in irritation.

"Whaaaat? Impossible, check the data again, Puppy. That can't be right. A school with no Life Fibers that we haven't conquered yet? Maybe your stupid geek computer had a malfunction, it has to be wrong."

Uncaring of her rudeness, the blue haired man checked the data again, the same information popped up every time no matter how many times he ran the simulation for its own sake, "Satsuki-sama, the data never lies. Amanogawa High is completely without any Life Fibers."


Instantly a hot-blooded voice replied to the first, a wooden tapping punctuating its words, "Oi, oi, oi! Those are my club mates, Gamagōri! Satsuki-sama, allow me to go instead! I'll get these idiots into line with Honnōji Academy's ideals, on my word as Captain of the Kendo Team!"

Not even a fraction of a second passed before she gave her answer, "Denied. Listen well both of you: that is a direct order. Amanogawa High is to be left alone. The orders are from higher than my own self, REVOCS has a vested interest in the school, and they wish for it to be untouched until an appropriate time has been set. "The woman replied in a sharp tone that brokered absolutely no argument, making both owners of the voice quiet down.

A short pause went by as the woman mulled over her options, ultimately deciding upon the one that had the most benefit towards her goals.

"Inumuta. Get the approval for his transfer to Honnōji Academy and finalize it. He will prove to be an intriguing addition to our school, and more importantly, he will be here so we can study this… Kamen Rider belt of his," Her orders given to the blue haired man, the woman rose slowly just as a grey haired butler materialized out of the darkness around her chair.

"Satsuki-sama, your tea is ready," he said with a most polite bow to the young lady.

His dutiful bow made the woman's lips quirk into an ever so slight smile, "Thank you Soroi, your tea is just what I need to compliment this rare good mood of mine."

Her gracious tone made the man bow even deeper, both departed from the room along with everyone else inside.

The video screen was left paused on the teenager posing with his friends and looking happy, his smile so bright it appeared like the sun itself.




Two voices screamed out proudly as a pair of bowls filled with delicious looking stew were thrust into the air. Each bowl contained a warm meaty broth, with delicately cut vegetable slices in the shape of planets, the delicious and rare Amanogawa High special cuisine item, the Space Stew, and it even came with rich garlic bread that was baked into a star and moon shape.

The teenager from before held the bowl in his hands, with a black-haired girl eagerly holding her own bowl with him. She wore a bright blue school girl outfit, with a red tie and white under shirt as well as a plaid skirt. Her hair was long and black, her body made her be the definition of petite, and her face was a mousy and very cheerful one.

"Space stew is so warm and full of tasty beef~! The wondrous Space is in our hands~! Together Hayabusa-kun will dine with Gen-chan and me!" The girl pulled out an adorable stuffed satellite plushy and piloted it around the soup as she began drinking it straight from the bowl. She was Yuki Joujima, best described by her peers as a space nerd.

Even as she drank it, the teenager did the same, and drank heavily at that, finishing it within moments. Wiping his mouth with his sleeve, he slammed his hand down dramatically and gave a cry of delight, tears pouring amusingly down his face as he bit into the bread.

"So delicious! Space stew is just what we need to ignite the passion of our youth! If there is anything more wonderful than enjoying Space Stew with my best buds, then I don't know what that thing is!"


Without warning the teen's ear was grabbed by a furious looking man wearing suspenders, a bright tie, and a teacher's outfit. He was very lanky, had the kind of face you'd expect on a teacher in a near permanent bad mood, and a single man who'd need more than luck, and his eyes said he wanted to have more than a few words with the teen.

Tugging on him furiously which put them roughly at face level, the man had tears of frustration and anger in his eyes as he yanked on Gentaro's ear, "KISARAGI! You had to steal the last Space Bread from me, didn't you? I have to fight day and night to get even the stew, then I have to begin standing in line for hours and hours for the bread, and… And! YOU DAMN FIEND, YOU TOOK BOTH FROM ME! GIVE ME BACK THE STEW AND BREAD YOU STOLE!"

Chuta Oosugi was a teacher who did things by the book if there ever was one… and he was shaking the pompadour haired teenager like Gentaro was a jar of candy and he a fat gluttonous child.

"Heh, Gentaro is a popular one, isn't he?" Watching the proceedings were four other teenagers, one had brightly bleached hair with a headband, numerous colorful accessories on his body and hair, and an even more colorful loosely worn outfit.

JK, real name Kaizo Jingu, had his hand over his cheek and a twisted little grin on his face that grew watching Gentaro and Chuta go at it, when he saw his companion roll his eyes he made a loose shrug to that teen who gave a sigh at his obvious amusement.

This teen had straight combed brown hair worn over his face and a far more orderly outfit, at his side was a black briefcase of a sort with a sticker that was designed as the helmet the white armored Gentaro used attached to it. He was Kengo Utahoshi, a youth given to strange spasms that had his health in danger at times and his annoyance was palpable, but it appeared to be more resignation than outright irritation as he watched the proceedings.

A sudden chill washed over him without, in response to which his sharp eyes snapped to the side when he noticed a dark aura besides him.

"Hmhm… Gentaro has a powerful aura today… an aura that says… 'Destiny will arrive.'"

A very attractive but at the same time deeply creepy girl had a dark aura surrounding her which disappeared with her face easing into a smile, with a face clad in make-up and pitch-black hair worn in a goth style, she appeared the very image of a goth girl. She was Nozama Tomoko, a girl who desired to be a witch.

And finally, looking a bit worried at Gentaro's continued rough handling by their teacher, was a handsome teenager in a drab brown school uniform, and somewhat messy hair style, rounding up the final and most recent addition to the Kamen Rider Club. Ryusei Sakuta, secretly Kamen Rider Meteor. And the one most indebted to Gentaro for befriending him and making him see the power of friendship.

"Shouldn't we help Gentaro? I mean he's…" he trails off when Gentaro broke free of his own accord and dashed off from Chuta with his bread clutched in his right hand.


"KISARAAAAAGIIIIIII!" And with that a wacky chase scene happened, if the legendary Benny Hill Soundtrack just so happened to play at that exact moment, then it would've been complete.


For Gentaro Kisaragi, life at Amanogawa High was everything he wanted in life. He had buds, was making new friends every day and was in the full springtime of his youth.

Destiny had a nasty habit of coming calling sadly, being the gigantic sadistic bitch that she was. And just as Chuta was chasing him to the very entrance of the school, a huge limousine stopped right in front of the entrance. Instantly a red carpet slammed down in front of them, and a horde of literally identical teenagers appeared on either side of them silently.

Each and every one was a bowl-cut wearing young man with their eyes shadowed by their hair, all clad in a light grey Gakuran uniform with a single large black four-pointed star on the chest, and a smaller white star on the collar.

In the middle of the chase and the rolling carpet, Oosugi failed to see the red velvet until he was flipping in the air after tripping on it. He would have cried further but was too busy seeing the smiling faces of a very attractive and rather young female teacher with a dumb smile on his face.

Gentaro saw it with a new burst of energy in his process of legging it.

"Yosh! Freedom is-"

And he was pulled out of that enjoyable but short-lived moment when crashing into the limo. He stumbled after getting his breath knocked out, but managed to remain up. An arm snaked around his torso to hold his pained stomach while he forced the air back into his lungs.

"Ow… That stings. Who parks here any-" and he noticed his hands were lighter, "Ah! MY GARLIC BREAD!"

A flash of toasty brown passed by his eyes. His bread, perfectly heated up to be that mixture of soft and crunchy warmth that melted mouths, was falling down. Everything seemed to go in slow motion. His hand shot forward to grab it. And another more delicate one grabbed it.

"Excuse my abrupt visit." Said the woman before him, handing him the bread, "And you are Kisaragi Gentaro."

He stared at her, his mouth shut close.

For a good two seconds.

"What a beauty!"

Satsuki didn't flinch, raise a brow, or showed any sign that she heard the odd teen before her blurt out what he thought of her. But many of the bowl haired teens around them were gritting their teeth, clenching their fists hard enough their knuckles cracked, and whispering promises of death to the man that made his manly pompadour a part of him instead of him being defined by it.

Gentaro instantly noticed the atmosphere shifting, and merely gave them a huge grin as he bit into the bread. Every bite filled him with the glorious bliss of space itself! Why, this bread and he were destined to be together.

Watching his uncaring attitude with minuscule curiosity, Satsuki noticed something intriguing that had her snap to closer attention.

Life Fibers themselves seemed to vibrate in his presence, almost as if drawn to his very nature. The Goku Uniform clad students didn't notice it, caught up in their hatred towards this man, but their outfits waved ever so slightly in Gentaro's direction.

'I see, he is an interesting one. What might happen if he was to be near a K…?' she cut off of that train of thought, forcing any and all emotion from her face as she slammed the hilt of her sword into the carpet's surface. Gentaro's eyes flashed towards it, before snapping up towards her with eagerness and happiness.

That… wasn't what she expected and before she knew it a hand was thrust into her face, the pompadour haired teenager giving her a wide grin that shone like the sun.

"So, you're a samurai? I always wanted to befriend one, and now today I have! I am-"

"Kisaragi Gentaro, I have heard of you. I take it you don't know who I am?" She interrupted him in an authoritative tone, cutting him off from what he was going to say as she mentally prepared a speech to convey to him the honor of being accepted into Honnōji Academy.

Instead of kowtowing, bowing, or even submitting to her as she was used to, Gentaro instead did the impossible and shocked her.

He stepped forward, his grin widening even more, every one of the Honnōji Academy students gasping in angered shock at his audacity, "I don't! But what I do know, what I'm certain of, what I can tell you right now! Is… That we're going to be best buds! Because I am Gentaro Kisaragi, the man will who befriend everyone in this universe and beyond!"

He finished his speech by banging his chest twice with his fist than pointing at her, if one cocked an ear they'd hear feudal music play dramatically upon this statement. Satsuki had never met anyone like this man, and she was personally thankful that she had not brought the Elite Four with her due to her belief that it'd have been unnecessary.

That and Nonon would want to have more than a few words with the teen and/or rip off his pompadour.

It would be not be beneficial towards her ultimate plan of bringing this Kamen Rider under her school's command if he was attacked by one of them for disrespecting her so profusely.

Even as she considered the idea that he was disrespectful, Gentaro stepped even closer to her, his eyes penetrating her stern glare that grew even colder at his increasing disrespect, and what he did next shocked her even more.

He grinned widely and told her to her face, "Starting from today, you're one of my buds! Your eyes tell me you need a bud, and there is nothing better for making people happy, than having a good friend!"

The Kiryūin heir had all she could take of his attitude, and before Gentaro had blinked once the section of the carpet that she stood upon shot up into the air, carrying her to such an extreme height that she literally towered above him, the school behind him, and everyone surrounding the grounds and campus.

Taking a deep breath, her expression turned frightfully angry and passionate as her voice carried itself all the way down to where he was by sheer volume and force, "KISARAGI GENTARO! I AM SATSUKI KIRYŪIN, THE CHAIRMAN OF HONNŌJI ACADEMY'S STUDENT COUNCIL! STARTING FROM TODAY, EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY, YOU ARE TO TRANSFER TO MY SCHOOL! You act like a pig in clothing! Which you wear without respect or discipline! I will make you into an upstanding student, an exemplary member of society, and break you of this useless mentality of yours!"

Gentaro cringed, feeling how from the sheer volume of her voice his hair was blown backwards. He was quick to grab it and swiftly slick it back in place.

"Gather your belongings, meager as they may be, and place yourself onto a train to Honnō City! Your new life, nay, your new existence as a proper human and not a mere pig in a slaughter house begins today!" She ended her speech by slamming her swords hilt dramatically upon the carpet platform, making it snap back to its former ground level height before she stepped inside of the limousine and a pair of students shut it dutifully for her, with that the clone brigade disappeared along with the carpet, herself, and the limousine as if they had never been there at all.

A speech that she had prepared personally but had not felt half as much passion towards until she had met Gentaro himself and found her irritation with his naivety grow. An idiot that considered friendship with herself? With no regard towards their station?

She would break him of this foolish notion of attempting to go beyond his role in life, because as a Kiryūin, she stood far and apart from his commoner nature, Rider or no Rider. Gentaro just placed a hand over his eyes, squinting when a huge light appeared out of nowhere to function as a backdrop to Satsuki, her words flooded into his ears, and just as they finally registered he screamed out in harmony with Chuta's voice.


At a special club house which was a nice little base on the moon they would find more shock.


"WHAAAAAAAAATTTTTTT?" Yuki cried out to Gentaro as he sat in his usual chair in the Rabbit Hutch, his expression serious for once, and in a rare state of thoughtfulness.

"Honnōji…" JK started with a hand on his chin and an amused grin, "Now that's a name to fear. Even my connections have been afraid of putting their noses too close."

Yuki kept panicking, "Is it that scary?! No, wait! That's not the problem! What're we going to do with Gen-chan gone?! For our club it's like taking an astronaut out of a space shuttle!"

Pouring over a computer, Kengo gave an unamused snort as he checked up on the official Honnōji Academy Site, swiveling around in his chair, the intelligent brains of their group gave them the information that was offered on the site.

"The site itself promises an exceedingly competent education and the highest level of respect for its graduates. Those who leave this school have one of the finest diploma's in all of Japan, comparable to Tokyo U. even, and their credentials offer them a wide range of employment, from being allowed to join the REVOCS Corporation or being offered a job at any of the major conglomerates of Japan."

Looking shocked, Yuki put a hand to her chin, mentally picturing Gentaro in a business suit and glasses as he went around an office space-yelling happily, she shook her head rapidly to drive the amusing image from her mind.

The doors to the Rabbit Hutch slid open with a hiss, Tomoko and Ryusei walking in with two new additions.

A tall young man with combed brownish black hair, roughly a year or two older than the group, he had a very toned and athletic build, showcasing a muscular physique comparable to Ryusei and Gentaro's. Over his body was a football jersey and dress pants, along with designer sneakers. But what he looked concerned about the most was his companions' obvious agitated state. He was Shun Daimonji, the former King of Amanogawa High and Star Quarterback, now graduated and a college student along with the female arrival.

And what a beauty she was, she was a very shapely and attractive girl with short cut brown hair, and a designer dress, oddly enough not one of REVOC's number, although many young girls were wearing that brand nowadays. Along with curvy and decently sized breasts, a well-formed rear, and beautiful features, she was considered one of the top girls at Amanogawa High at the time she was there.

Miu Kazeshiro, the Queen and Former chairman of the Kamen Rider Club, she looked to be a right fury as she marched up to Gentaro and grabbed the lapels of his jacket angrily before she lambasted him, "Gentaro! You're just going to let that Kiryūin woman trample all over you and force you to move to that floating chunk of rock she calls a city!? You have responsibilities here, a life here… and what of the Zodiarts?"

Gentaro for once had an utterly serious look on his face as he gently took Miu's hands from his jacket and crossed his arms, "She has the same eyes you and Shun did when we first met, Miu. Possibly even colder and more lost. That is why… I'll befriend her."

The hot-blooded and confident grin he gave her at the end wasn't one of arrogance, it was one of a man who wanted to do something driven by a passion that could move mountains.

He stepped away from Miu, his face breaking into a wider grin as he turned around, "Besides! Honnōji Academy sounds like a great place! I'll be able to meet new friends, and befriend the entire school like I did Amanogawa High!"

Giving his friends a grin so bright it actually shone in the room like a star, he said warmly, "I'll always be a Kamen Rider Club member, always be a part of the Rabbit Hutch, and always be your best bud! It's not like it's the first time I've left friends behind, but the memories of those I have met, our experiences, even our youth, they won't go away!"

He slammed his fist against his chest twice, then pointed at them, his attitude soothing their worries.

"Because, we're best buds!"

That single proclamation managed to make his friends smile again.

Ryusei stepped up with a nod at him turning apologetically to Miu who was still unconvinced, "Besides, it's not like I can't fight too. Kisaragi… No, Gentaro, I will protect the school while you're gone, you'll have nothing to worry about. Tachibana-san, the club, and myself… We'll stop the Zodiarts in your place."

Rising from his seat, Kengo walked over to Gentaro and handed him the Fourze Belt with a small sigh of resignation, "Kisaragi, even though you're going to that school I have a feeling, no, a deep premonition you will need this. Perhaps you won't be able to access Cosmic, since you'll be away from us, but you will be able to fight still."

"Kengo… you…"

Here the frail young man turned away, giving Gentaro a soft chuckle, "You always find yourself in some kind of problem regardless of being here or not Kisaragi, so you'll need the Fourze Belt to fix that trouble. Don't mess it up too much because I won't be able to help you with everything while you're at that school. But with Radar you'll be able to contact us and we can visit you if you need us."

Yuki nodded, "And don't forget to take pictures and videos with the Camera Switch!"

Gentaro gave her a thumb up, "Leave it to me! I'll make a ton of buds and bring them here at Amanogawa for a great party!"

Giving a sigh of exasperation, Miu none the less gave Gentaro a determined look while pointing at him. "KISARAGI GENTARO! I may not be your senpai any longer, but this is a direct order from me as your chairman! Go to Honnōji Academy, and show it the power of the Kamen Rider Club!"

JK let loose a little titter of amusement that none the less became serious, for him at least, "Gentaro, I know you'll make things reaaaallly interesting at that school, so when you get there, try to keep yourself safe, alright?" He tried not to sound worried, he really did, but the pompadour wearing teen was someone that had made his way into his heart and befriended the hell out of the twisted little booger.

Stepping forward, Ryusei was surprised when his arm was clasped by the one he was indebted to, Gentaro giving his fellow Rider a grin that lit up the room, "I know you'll do just fine Ryusei! Because, you're my bud! And I always trust in my buds!"

"G-Gentaro-san… I… I'll do my best. I promise. For everyone and for…" Tomoko stepped out from behind him, before grabbing Gentaro's shoulders with an intense look on her face.

"You'll face a lot of danger there, maybe more danger than you think you can handle, but I trust you. You will… become a Cosmic Legend." Pulling away, she walked back to Ryusei and gripped his shoulder in a manner far too intimate to not be romantic, "I'll make him into a proper man, Gentaro. When you come back he'll be a Kamen Rider worthy of this school. I promise it, so don't worry."

Her face gained a beautiful smile that made Gentaro clap his hands and laugh happily, Yuki making a long 'oh' sound at the huge blush spreading over the other Rider's face.

Shun stepped forward, his broad arm shooting out and wrapping around Gentaro's, the two men giving each other a look of pure manliness, no words were needed between the Star Football Player and his best friend, but just for the sake of it, he told Gentaro, "You'll do well in that Academy, because you're someone who can make the impossible possible… You follow your heart and give others the power and drive to believe in their dreams. Maybe you're not a King, but you're far better, you're an Ace."

The two shared one last manly hug, complete with tears, before they wiped their eyes.

With that, Gentaro had a final party with his friends, he didn't know what would happen to him next, and he didn't know what would happen when he got to the school or Honnō City, but he'd face it with a smile on his face and the burning power of the friends he'd made!


After classes, Gentaro gathered his things, a framed picture of him and the Kamen Rider Club, the switches, an extra pair of underwear, mentally he thanked Eiji Hino – also known as Kamen Rider OOO - for that good idea, and a small picture of Misaki Nadeshiko – Kamen Rider Nadeshiko - framed in a heart locket.

Outside of that, the clothes he put in, and the Belt, he was ready to go. He saw his beloved grandfather already at the door to see him out. Gorou Kisaragi was a tall old man, wearing a Biker jacket stained with the oil of his craft, a wench in his hand, dark work pants, and mechanic gloves.

Despite that, his face had a smile as warm and bright as any of Gentaro's best showing that the two shared more than blood, the mechanic grabbed his grandson into a tight hug which the regent haired hero returned with just as much force.

"You'll do me proud Gentaro, your parents would be proud as well, I know this. Honnōji Academy… it's a good school, and you'll become an even better man there. Who knows, you might even find a fine girl there!"

"Gramps! I'll do you proud! And I'll make sure to befriend everyone there too! When I return to you and my buds, it'll be with even more buds that I've made there! And we'll have a party to celebrate it!"

The Kisaragi men needed to say nothing more, so with that Gentaro gave his grandad a final salute and walked off into the setting sun.

It wasn't long before he had boarded the train that went straight into Honnō City, using the bike Kengo gave him when he showed how determined he was to be Kamen Rider Fourze, the Machine Massigler, to make the trip to the train station. Thankfully, the train had a bike storage coach. Putting his motorcycle there, and then storing his small amount of luggage he was set to go.

Relaxing in a high-class passenger seat right next to a window overlooking the station, Gentaro turned his head when a girl carrying a huge red case of some kind flopped down next to him with a noncommittal grunt.

She stood out as fairly interesting and definitely unique compared to those Gentaro had met before, with messy black hair with a red lock hanging over her face, weird blue eyes with slightly spoke-like pupils, a modestly sized chest and backside that showed she was already blossoming as a woman, and an average school uniform. Complete with her rough and tumble face, she gave off a harsh and wild vibe to all who saw her.

"Hey, you don't mind me taking this seat, right? Train's filled right up, and this was the only other good seat with a window, and I didn't want to sit in that other seat for obvious reasons." The girl gave the regent haired teenager another look, her bright blue eyes being drawn to his regent styled hair before flicking her head at a window seat next to a heavily obese teenager with a terrible case of acne and body odor.

He smiled, "Sure, what better way to enjoy a ride than with a new friend?"

She ignored that odd statement, more focused on what was on her mind, "Uh, what's with the hair by the way?" she finally asked.

Gentaro gave her a cheeky grin and passed a hand over his pompadour as if combing it, "This hair is my romance as a man, a story of passion."

Raising a brow but shrugging his attitude as him trying to make a joke, she nodded, "No need for the drama, but ok. Not that I'm one to talk with this." Flipping a red lock from her face, the girl extended her hand to Gentaro, "My name's Ryūko Matoi, and… uh, yeah, I'm not too good with the whole conversation thing. It's been a while since I traveled or talked to anyone while traveling for that matter."

Gentaro merely flashed her a grin so wide that she could see every one of his teeth, "That's fine! Traveling is the Dream of Youth itself! Every new place has new people, and with new people, new buds to find and memories to share! I'm Gentaro Kisaragi, the man will befriend everyone in Honnōji Academy!"

Outwardly Ryūko gave Gentaro an awkward smile as he banged his chest twice and pointed at her, but mentally she felt a cringe, 'Is this weirdo for real? Doesn't matter, it just shows that school accepts nuts. I gotta find out who killed my dad and this place was the best place to go to find out.'

He leaned on his seat with his grin getting wider, "I can't wait to get there! I feel like I can blast off from the excitement! To make my first friend there is going to be… awesome!"

Seeing him pump his arms up with the smile of a ten-year-old told he'd visit Santa's toy factory made Ryuko reconsider taking the other seat, for half a second. She watched his hand extended to her with wide, puzzled eyes.

"What're you doing?" she asked.

"It's a handshake, a sign that we know and accept each other." He said with that same childish grin.

Ryūko didn't know what to say or do. The guy was odd beyond ridiculous, and he wanted to shake hands with her. Then again, he at least didn't pull out a mirror with a long handle to try to look up skirts like the guy on the other empty seat.

She mentally debated on this, but ultimately, she felt compelled on holding out her hand slowly and hesitantly. What he did next shocked her and caused her to feel some sort of electrical chill run down her back. He grabbed her hand and shook it once, his grip tightening in which she unconsciously tightened it back.

Pulling his hand away he made a fist and put her hand into one, then banged the top of his fist against the underside of hers, a feudal drum banging in her head, before reversing the process with her.

With that, his grin became infectious and she felt her face gain a grin of her own as he happily proclaimed, "All right! Now we're buds! That means you're my first friend on my way to Honnōji Academy! YOOOOSHHHH! FRIENDSHIP… KITAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"

His cheer filled the train's compartments entirely as it begun racing towards the far off island city.

Ryuko thought quietly to herself as she watched Gentaro cheer, 'Maybe, just maybe… this guy isn't so nuts after all… Maybe he believes everything he says… Which means he's an idiot… yet…I find it hard to really dislike him for that…'

"Hey, so what's with this kita stuff?" He was startled out of his reverie of the approaching city, making him look embarrassed.

"Well it's just something I like to shout. But I know it could be a bit annoying if I kept doing it."

"Yeah, ya think?" She asked with a snide tone.

He gave a bashful grin despite her words, "My bad! I'll try to limit my kita output for appropriate situations!"

"Heh… Thanks man, I don't think I could handle a shout 'every' day about things we're doing that are fun."

"I'm glad you reminded me that I do it a lot! I've been having to put yen in the Kita jar for a while now!" Ryūko couldn't help the loud snort, her eyes squeezed tight while her shoulders shook rapidly.

"Hehe…Guess it is kinda funny, right?" He asked her with a gigantic grin, the likes of which made his face seem to glim in the sun.

She rubbed the back of her head, blushing red with angry embarrassment, "Yeah…Well. I'm just saying man. Try to cut back on it, alright? Save the Kita for the big moment."


She gave him a half-lidded stare, "Do you have a remote or something to lower your volume?"

"Being myself is not hiding who am I." he retorted with a grin.

"That's a no, then." She grumbled.

The train chugged along at a steady pace, eventually arriving at Honnō City without any incident. Once Ryuko and Gentaro got off the train, they went their separate ways, Gentaro heading towards the official Honnō City Transfer and Acceptance Registration Committee to finalize his acceptance into the Academy at the very top of the island.

Whereas Ryūko stood silently at the very bottom of the school, giving it a wide grin as she pumped her fist briefly, "Aight… Time to find out the truth, Truth… Kita… I mean… Time to find out who killed my dad!" She felt a little left-over energy from Gentaro burst out, before looking around quickly to make sure no one noticed it.

Holding her case over her shoulder, she marched up to the school to begin searching for who murdered her father.


"Amazing! This place is so huge! Honnōji… Kita! Whoop! Gotta remember to cut back on that" Walking around the HCTARC Building was just a small taste of what awaited the ever cheerful Gentaro at the academy.

The building was gigantic and a stark white with very faint rainbow patterns to the walls. Elegant furniture lent itself splendidly to a fountain set in the middle of the gargantuan opening hall, beautiful portraits of Satsuki Kiryūin lined the walls, with a huge section of the portrait wall set aside for a woman that gave Gentaro an odd feeling.

Said painting was of a tall attractive woman in an utterly expensive white dress and fur boa giving the room a sardonic smile. Wing-like flowing silver hair with rainbow highlights, bright red eyes that shone like cruel playful rubies, and a body best described as wondrously well-endowed and curvaceous.

She stood tall and with an air about her that suggested utmost poise and self-confidence, the painter was someone who was obviously extremely skilled, as every aspect of her body, clothing, and face was detailed to the point where Gentaro could almost swear she was breathing and moving.

Gentaro took a few seconds to take in this woman's features, noticing a plaque dedicated to under the portrait, he walked over with his luggage slung over his back to read it to himself.

"This section of the HCTARC building is dedicated to the CEO of REVOCS International Inc. She is the shining diamond that will lead the world into a new era and humanity to its ultimate destiny, and her name is Ragyō Kiryūin, gaze upon her works and praise her for their supreme glory. Without her angelic guidance and benefaction, this Honnō City would not exist as it does now."

"Ragyō Kiryūin, huh? Yosh! She sounds like a real beauty of a woman! I hope I can meet her one day!" Gentaro gave her no more thought than those words, but if he had just turned his head back as he walked away, he would've sworn that the paintings smile grew that much more sadistically curious and her vision drawn entirely to his own body.

Walking up to the help desk, manned by an utterly droll looking female clerk with huge coke bottle glasses, a well-groomed suit, and combed brown hair worn in an extraordinarily boring manner, he excitedly told her, "Gentaro Kisaragi! Transfer Student from Amanogawa High! I look forward to making new best buds in this school!"

The woman's face never changed from a completely placid and unenthused look as she pointed to her name-tag 'Unzari Aneko', literally meaning Boring First Girl, and handed him a huge stack of papers to sign, that asked among other things regarding his personal information, if he had ever had wet dreams involving clothes, if clothes and fashion were interesting subjects to him, if he liked girls who wore pink or girls who wore white, if he disliked umbrellas and rainy days, and if scissors for whatever reason aroused him.

They also asked for increasingly odd information, such as did he hate girls who had stupid fathers who cut out gorgeous blue eyes that you could get lost in forever, did he like cute girls who loved meeting new people and being friendly, did he prefer blondes or brunettes if the first it asked weren't they awesome and if the second why the chuffing hell did he even like such an ugly drab color, and finally ended with a question on if he'd like to be employed at any given time to REVOC's and if he liked being a part of super cool special stuff.

Gentaro, bless his pompadour wearing head and cheery disposition, answered every question with enthusiasm and excitement.

When she was handed in her huge stack of papers Unzari merely let loose a tired yawn before she handed him a ticket that detailed his exact position and ranking in the school's hierarchy depending on his grades, physical reports, and overall talents.

As the Kamen Rider eagerly began reading his place, it clearly stated and without any doubt, "No Star, Second Year."

"No star? Well! I'll merely show that I'm someone who will befriend every star!"

His sunny smile never once faded, even as he was shuffled off on a public tram and kicked, quite literally, in the seat of his pants into a rundown slum. Getting up and dusting off his clothes without so much as a grunt of pain, he mindlessly raised his suitcase out of the hands of a bunch of urchins sneaking to nab it.

A young boy with brown hair worn in an odd sort of topknot style, and clad in a pair of sunglasses, a dark t-shirt, cut off shorts and flipflops angrily tried to swipe the suitcase or even kick Gentaro's leg to make him drop it.

"C'mon you doofy prick, give me that! It might contain valuables or cash!" Gentaro merely walked away from him towards a rundown tenement barely even qualifying as a dorm, a wide grin on his face until without warning a blur appeared in front of him and made him stop dead in his tracks.

"STOOOOPPPPPPPP! That place, that place! It is no good, not a single mystery croquette ingredient to be had! No sirrie! I've seen cockroaches the size of dogs run amok, and do you want to be eaten by giant cockroaches? Mako is afraid of even the mouse sized ones that steal her food, and another thing, if you go into that place you'll suffer super-duper drafty nights! It's cold in there! I know this because Mako stayed there with her family when she first came to the Academy, but it was too cold and no one actually stayed there at all! Of course, it was snowing and winter when we came, but it's still too cold and you'll die of frostbite or be beaten to death by evilly laughing snow men or worse!"

All of this was said in one single breath without any pauses and acted dramatically out by a small girl with a short coconut haircut, bright brown eyes, a white schoolgirl outfit with a blue collar and tie. She was also in possession of a surprisingly large bust, wide hips and a face best described as lacking any sort of negativity to it. It was round, hamster-like, and innocent in a very cheek-pinch inducing fashion.

And then it was like her brain started to rotate its gears and she realized something important, "AH! BUT I FORGET! MY NAME! My name is Mako! Mako Mankanshoku, and-"

"Kisaragi Gentaro! I've met my second best bud here! Nice to meet you and be your friend!"

Mako paused as the wheels of her admittedly small mind stopped, the poor overworked chubby hamster that functioned as her train of thought pausing to get a quick sip from its water tank before taking another cup or two of coffee. She snapped back to reality, with a face that was pouring honest tears as she looked at Gentaro's brilliant smile and outstretched hand.

"F… F…F-friend? Mako hasn't made a friend in her entire time at Honnōji Academy, no one was willing to listen to her or talk to her! She had her family but it was really lonely, and you m-m-mean it? You want to be Mako's friend? But she snores, she's a bit unrefined and she doesn't like math!" In response to that, Gentaro grabbed her hand, gripping it tightly as he shook it once. Before withdrawing to press his knuckles to hers, put his fist underneath hers, banging it up once, then reversing it with her fist banging his down, his smile made Mako even happier than usual as it stretched to the skies honestly.

"Mako, you're the first friend I made here in Hōnno City! And that means, best buds never ever abandon each other! You'll be stuck with me, hope I don't intrude much!" Mako cried some more tears of happiness, blew her nose on Gentaro's offered tissue, cried a little bit more, and then happily cheered with him.

"FRIENDSHIP!" Went Gentaro.

"FRIENDSHIP!" Mako copied.

"KITAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" they shouted as one with their fists thrust to the skies.

Their cries echoed out into heaven itself before Mako suddenly panicked.

"OH NO! THE MANDATED FREE TIME PERIOD FOR NEW STUDENTS ARRIVING HAS PASSED! You'll be late unless you make it on time! And it's not fun when people are late on their first day of class! Gamagōri-senpai gets really mad and yells a lot at the people who do! Repeat offenders get punished, and double repeat offenders get expelled on the spot!"

"YOSH! THEN WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR, MAKO-CHAN? WE'VE GOTTA MAKE IT TO HOME ROOM!" Grabbing her, his suitcase, and her lunch bag, Gentaro dashed off in a manner that would've made a cheetah monster jealous.

A huge dust cloud billowed out in the trail they left as they ran to the far off yet imposing academy at the top of the island, and left the boy from before in the dust, his fist clenching before he angrily yelled, "Dammit! So close to nicking his trousers!"


"Sit, stand, bow. Ah… we have two new arrivals to homeroom today… class, please welcome, ah… Gentaro Kisaragi and Ryūko Matoi." Gentaro was pleasantly surprised when he got into class and found himself directly seated across Ryūko with Mako right next to her.

Having met and been introduced to Mako before class started, Ryūko hadn't minded becoming her friend either. Gentaro was clearly vibrating with excitement at the fact that he had home room with his two new best buds. Mako for her part had become friends with the red-locked girl as quickly as a house could catch on fire.

Ryūko didn't have it in her to tell Mako to go away and was clearly at ease when around either of the two. Not being used to two magnets for optimism left Ryūko as the cynical one between the two. Which suited her just fine. Having the two of them as her buffers was perfect. It meant she didn't need to talk with anyone and could just let the two chatter-boxes do their work.

Their homeroom teacher was a man whose very features were best described as unremarkable. Limp shaggy blue hair, a stubble on his face, sloppy teacher clothes and huge glasses to conceal every aspect of his eyes. He even spoke in an as lazy and listless manner as possible, his very nature seemed completely at home in the stifling and gloomy room with its rows of identical looking students.

Gentaro himself was the only one besides Ryūko who had his own uniform due to his newness in the school, and their teacher who introduced him tiredly as Aikuro Mikisugi merely told him, "Your uniform will arrive later, ah, Kisaragi-kun. Please report to the School Uniform Distribution building for your outfit when it does arrive."

Flashing a grin that spoke of his unique and rebellious nature, the pompadour wearing teen merely thumbed his nose in response, "A man's pride stands in the outfit and image he conveys Aikuro-sensei! To take off the clothing I chose to wear, is to betray my very nature as a youth! I can no more remove my clothing than remove my very pride as a man!"

Pumping her fist cheerfully, Mako nodded in complete agreement with the Rider's words, her face as excited as his was, "GEN-CHAN IS RIGHT! There can only be a man's pride in what he wears! Without that pride, then he will not be as heroic or cool! If Gen-chan was some secret kind of super hero, that'd be amazing! He'd be all whoosh, and bam, and POW! And ride on a super-secret cool vehicle! Maybe a car, or even a bike! He could even have a secret Gen-chan Super Cave, with images of Banchou and stuff too!"

Slamming her face into her desk, Ryūko felt a heavy sweat drop roll down her the back of her skull at the antics of the two people that called her their friend, 'These guys are idiots… just, total idiots… Why the hell did I agree to be their friend? Even worse, they pump each other up by just being together, if they begin dressing as overly muscular versions of themselves and talk in horrible German accents I will kill them…'

Aikuro Mikisugi merely gave off the appearance of staring at him before moving on to address the rest of the class, "If you're open your text books to page 10 we can talk about the history of…" And with that the classroom became quiet, Gentaro found his time pleasantly spent reading the omni-information text book that talked of Honnōji Academy.

The book itself was a text that had all of the knowledge that was needed to go through the school, from history, literature, world history, and more. It was literally a book big enough to crush skulls with, and if Gentaro wandered to the Library and Book Reading club at any given time and was foolish enough to space-yell he'd learn that personally.

It was especially interesting to him, because it offered a rare look at Satsuki's background. Skipping ahead to relevant chapters, he learned that Satsuki was born 18 years prior, she was the daughter of Ragyō Kiryūin, her father was an acclaimed scientist, she was a child prodigy, and she effectively ran the school and all of its facilities with the help of the Elite 4.

He briefly pondered if they had little critters stuck in red and white balls to battle with kids but shrugged it off. Mako must have been on his same wavelength of daydreaming, because she was drawing Gentaro with his own set of six pocket monsters to face Satsuki's best.

Relevant footnotes gave him basic information on each of them, there was Uzu Sanageyama, a green haired ex-delinquent who was now the Kendo Club Captain as well as the Athletic Club Committee President. It said he left his bad ways thanks to Satsuki, which Gentaro took great interest in reading.

Next was Ira Gamagōri effective president of the Disciplinary Committee also notable for being the oldest student there at 20 years old. Particular emphasis was added not to trifle with him or those he protected for any reason, and that he was bigger than you. That part was underlined twice as a personal trait of his.

Then there was Nonon Jakuzure, a pink haired girl notable for being Satsuki's closest elite member and the president of the Band Club, as well as managing virtually every non-athletic club in the school as their president.

And finally, Hōka Inumuta, President of the Technology and Information Gathering Committees. Little information was given beyond his past as a very computer savvy guy and skilled with everything that needed to be analyzed before being recruited into the school.

His grin was bright enough to wake up Mako and force their red-streaked friend to shield her eyes, 'Yosh! I can't wait to befriend them too!'

The history book ended with a few interesting tidbits regarding school regulations, school career options, and a chapter entirely devoted to a small white square that warned Gentaro that if it was harmed, touched, or marred to any degree he would be publicly flogged by the entire schools BDSM Club and then expelled on the spot.

In a rare display of intelligence, he carefully turned the pages and made a mental note never to open that page again for any reason whatsoever. The book ended with a speech written by Satsuki herself that told Gentaro of the extremely high expectations she had for him as a student, using a lot of big words and grandiose prose that made him think she had fun writing speeches and didn't want people to know. However, his brain was not big on complicated words, so he flipped through them.

An interesting factoid that he learned was that every text book had a speech written for it exclusively for its student, and that this speech was penned by Satsuki upon her learning of the student's identity.

An even more interesting fact that was mentioned very briefly in the text was that if she found absolutely nothing interesting about the student, she merely used a mass-produced speech that imparted generic rules and regulations into it.

The end result was that if she didn't find you interesting enough to warrant her knowledge, she didn't have much to say to you or really care for you much.

The fact that she considered him interesting enough to write a speech exclusively for him made Gentaro pump his fist eagerly, "I know we'll be best buds, Satsuki-chan!"

By the time classes ended, Gentaro was already talking eagerly with Ryūko and Mako, the red-locked girl listening with a slowly growing headache as the dim bulbs talked about something completely asinine.

"And did you see how that bear beat the witch?! With the help of the Mighty Jinjonator!"

"I know! But the second was my favorite, I loved the Ice and fire level!"

"But the first was more classic and had that great game over screen!"

"That was the best part of the game! But the second had better transformations!"

"The first had better music though!"

"And the most recent one was horrible!" Both agreed on that point it seemed before they went back to talking.

"Ugh. Can you guys please talk about something I can give some input on?" Ryūko finally asked, wanting to interject and get them to discuss something else.

Gentaro paused, looking at her with keen interest, "Sure! What do you want to talk about Ryūko-chan?"

Put on the spotlight like that, the red-locked girl swallowed and looked from side to side nervously, panicking now as she didn't know what to bring up. She floundered for several minutes until she realized what she could talk about.

"Hey. So you said you like fighting, right Gentaro? You ever see the King of Fighters tournaments? I've been a big fan of them since I first started watching martial arts tapes."

"Oh! You mean guys like Terry Bogard, Blue Mary, and Mai Shiranui? I love watching them when they fight on TV! They're so cool! Especially Terry, he's incredible!" Gentaro said, before he punched the air with a shout that Mako cheered with, "BUSTER WOLF!"

Ryūko grinned as she responded, "Are ya okay!? Hell yeah! He might be American, but I love that guy! He's so damn good! His fights with Ryo Kusanagi were incredible! I always liked seeing him show off with his moves and fight!"

"You catch the KOF tournament 2013? It was so cool!"

She fist pumped, "Yes! Oh man that fight was rocking! Iori fuckmotherin' Yagami showed back up! Back to kick ass, take names, and be a stone-cold mother! Even if he's a total jerk and jackass, his fighting style is the shit man!"

"Mako loves seeing Rock Howard fight! He's got all of the best moves!" Mako said cheerfully, clapping her hands as Ryūko rubbed the back of her neck with a wry grin.

"Heh. Maybe you guys are damn fun to talk with. I never got to talk about martial arts tapes, what I learned watching them, or the other stuff I used to watch when I was at my old school." She commented, seeming to take some nostalgic pleasure in thinking back on her past, "Hey, what do you guys think of cheesy horror movies?"

Mako did a full-body shiver, "Mako-chan thinks those types of movies are super scary… She can't even watch nature documentaries!"

"My cousin York loves them though! I've seen a lot of really cheesy bad horror movies thanks to his input!" Gentaro said with a fist pump, Ryūko couldn't help the genuine smile that came across her face at what he told her.

"Really? Alright, hot-shot, let's test you. What movie had the freakish multi-mouthed creatures that detected you using sound? Had a really epic scene in a water flooded basement." She asked him with a rather eager tone.

"Deadly Swarm! I love that one!" Gentaro said instantly, making her clap her hands.

"Ding ding ding! That's god damn right!"

"Oooh… Mako thinks that sounds real scary…" She said with a nervous look.

Ryūko folded her hands behind the back of her head, shrugging in response, "It's just a movie. I never get scared watching them. I just laugh."

"You laugh?" Gentaro asked her in surprise.

The drifter scratched the side of her nose with a slight grin, "Hell yeah. I love stupid cheesy horror movies. The ones with god-awful acting but cool practical effects are the best. My personal favorites though are stuff like The Thing. I will never not love the opening sequence. So badass." She begun to hum, doing a long drone as she walked alongside them, "The first thing you hear, then you see that lone husky running through the snow. Just ominous as all get-out. Followed by the helicopter. I can watch that sequence an endless number of times."

"Wow! You really know your stuff Ryūko-chan!" He told her.

Ryūko looked skywards with a large grin on her face, "Damn right I do. I must've spent hours every night watching those tapes. Really was lonely at times though. Nobody wanted to watch that stuff but me…" Her tone took a more bitter note, her expression grimacing in annoyance, "It really sucked. Not a single girl there liked the same stuff I did. Hated being there at times."

Unfortunately for her sanity and mood, the duo went right back to nattering away.

On and on they went, Ryūko felt pure bliss when she finally saw the courtyard outside and their conversation seemed to trail off, but that sense of relief quickly died when she saw a student strung up on a cross. He was quite the opposite of awake and had clearly been left there for quite some time.

"Guys. What. The Hell. Am. I Looking at?" Gentaro's smile died on his face, and for the first time Ryūko saw it without a smile. He had a frown that spoke of fierce justice and honor, a look so serious it seemed out of place on him as he walked towards the cross silently.

Mako burst in front of him suddenly and threw her hands up an X in an attempt to block him, "GEN-CHAN! STOP! This student was punished by the school! He tried to steal from us, and as much as Mako wants him to be given a proper burial or free him, it's against the rules! Mako would hate seeing her best friend get punished too!"

In response, the serious rider merely walked past her, and for the first time Ryūko stopped thinking of him as an idiot.

He… actually looked cool as he jumped up and broke the student out of the chains keeping him attached to the cross, his hands holding the heavily beaten up student carefully.

"KISARAGI! WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THAT RULE BREAKER? PUT HIM BACK OR RISK SHARING WITH AND SUFFERING HIS PUNISHMENT!" A voice boomed, boomed so loud it blew Gentaro's pompadour back, he merely smoothed it back without so much as a blink as he stared up at a giant man.

A body so broad and muscular it towered above even the biggest monsters he'd seen and fought, clad in a uniform defined by its unique status, three stars over its surface connected to each other, spiked shoulders, bright white coloration, gigantic gauntlets, and immaculate appearance.

His skin was of a dark coloration, with bright blonde hair, ferocious looking brown eyes, and massive eyebrows. In response Gentaro merely begun pulling the beaten up student into his back, ignoring him silently.

"O-Oi… What're you… doing…?" the bloody rule breaker asked, but Gentaro remained silent.

The man's eyes seemed to glow a fierce white until Gentaro had finished helping the student up, he quietly stood up towards the giant.

Raising his head, the man stepped back at seeing Gentaro's face, a reaction he had not expected, "You beat up someone who might've had dreams, hopes, ambitions, even friends and family… Thief or not, to go this far to make an example out of someone… I can't forgive it! You… Are someone who needs friendship, delivered to you by a fist and then an open hand." Saying his words with the heat that seemed to burn on his eyes, Gentaro gave Ira a determined glare as he banged his fist twice against his chest, before pointing at the man.

The man merely stared him down harshly, before slamming his fists together loudly, "I! Am Ira Gamagōri! You may have read about me in your issued text book, Kisaragi Gentaro! You have the interest of Lady Satsuki, and that is a rare blessing and gift! DO NOT FORCE ME TO SEE THAT BLESSING TURN INTO A CURSE! You will accept your punishment, and not step out of line anymore! I promise, you will not suffer that filth's fate as this is a first offense, but you will not step out of line again! This, I promise as well."

Gentaro merely clenched his fists and stepped forward, his body dwarfed by Ira's own, yet to those watching, he seemed to stand as an equal to the man, their wills unbending and unflinching.

"I will accept no punishment! I am Kisaragi Gentaro, and I… AM THE MAN WHO WILL BEFRIEND YOU!" He stepped even closer to the giant and pointed in an absolutely determined way at Ira.

The dark-skinned man saw something in those words, perhaps belief beyond measure, perhaps a certain quality that reminded him of himself, but the truth was… he could respect Gentaro. He saw him in his full conviction, and for that, as insulting and disrespectful to the proper way of things as his words and actions were, he could not help but think of respecting that determination to stand by his beliefs so completely.

Too bad Gentaro was disrespecting his rules.

Here was a human unafraid of fighting for his beliefs, and one who saw him and was unafraid of his appearance, Satsuki had been the first to truly accept him for himself, and the Elite Four were next, Gentaro was the most recent he met that had accepted him for who he was completely.

Thus, despite that respect, "RULES ARE RULES, KISARAGI! If you will not acquiesce to punishment by my hands… then perhaps, you will submit to the authority of-"

"SATSUKI KIRYŪIN! TELL ME! DO YOU KNOW WHO KILLED MY FATHER?!" Both men whirled around suddenly, as they saw Ryūko angrily pointing her case at the woman herself. Satsuki stood on top of a towering platform, the same backlight that so blinded Gentaro from before shining down upon them as she gazed sternly down on those who had drawn her attention.

Mako was panicking desperately in the background as Gentaro stepped up besides Ryūko, the two giving each other a look of matching determination, for their own reasons they were both here, and they coincided with each other here and now.

With a sudden yell, Satsuki's voiced bellowed down to them and blew Gentaro's hair back again by sheer weight and volume, "RYŪKO MATOI! YOU ASK A QUESTION SUCH AS THAT, DEMANDING ANSWERS THAT I WILL NOT GIVE, AND DARE TO SHOW YOUR UNCOUTH IMMATURITY TO ONE LIKE MYSELF? KNOW YOUR PLACE! You are but a spoiled child, crying and asking why its dinner is not the same as it was the night before! You will obey the rules of this Honnōji Academy or be expelled by force!"

"How about you go fuck your rules? What gives you the right to be a condescending bitch like the world owes you something?" If Satsuki's words were elegance dripped in silk and wrapped around steel, then Ryūko's were as blunt to a heavy cricket bat to the skull. She dropped the case she carried to the ground, hisses of steam pouring from it as it snapped open.

She reached down slowly, and drew forth from the case a red blade, keenly honed and sharpened to a near diamond scratching point, it bore a unique handle that resembled one half of a scissors, making Gentaro realize with total suddenness that it was a scissor blade, or half of one really.

She pointed this weapon angrily at Satsuki, the tension was so palpable one almost expected that a pin dropping was all they needed to leap up and attack each other personally.

The School President didn't need to respond to that inquiry, as Ira was more than eager to raise his own voice in furious rebuke, and to Ryūko's surprise a crowd had gathered around them without warning, "YOU WILL APOLOGIZE IN MOST EARNEST AND SINCERE TERMS RYŪKO MATOI! OR YOU WILL SUFFER DEARLY FOR SUCH INSOLENCE TOWARDS LADY SATSUKI!"

Ryūko merely flipped him the bird in response, making a tick mark of some profound size grow on the man's head. Before anyone could make a move in response to the blazing tempers let loose in the courtyard, a barrage of boxing glove clad fists struck her in the face, blowing her back and onto her ass.

"OI! Allow me to take care of these two Gamagōri-senpai! I, Fukuroda Takaharu will be happy to teach these two a thing or two about respecting their betters! One on one or two on one, I'll take 'em both on without hesitation for daring to challenge Satsuki-sama!"

A young man suddenly appeared without warning on top of an arena post, both the two rule breakers spun around in shock, their expressions in perfect harmony of abject surprise as they had gotten on top of a boxing ring's canvas.

Spinning back around, they faced a young man with a buzz cut, fierce light grey eyes and a missing tooth. He was clad in a unique outfit to say the least, with massive bright red boxing gloves that seemed to be made out of wiggling fabric, these glowing threads seemed even wilder at being pointed at Gentaro's body. Over his head was a boxer's head-guard that had two stars over it, each one connected, a boxers robe, boxers shorts secured with a championship belt, and of course high-top sneakers.

The still bloody student cringed, but looked at the boy with the pompadour, his hand reaching for Gentaro's shoulder, "Oi, you shouldn't do this for me… I mean, I'm a spy! I kind of earned it!"

The hot-blooded teenager turned to him with one of his cheerful smiles, "Don't worry… I don't mind if my buds give me trouble." He then turned to the boxer.

With another barrage of boxing gloves, Ryūko was forced to parry them with her scissor blade, flinching slightly from the insane force behind each strike.

Knocking her arms back upon breaking her guard and leaving her wide open, she was defenseless to stop him from bobbing his head and body rapidly from side to side as he darted forward, his grin widening he declared, "YOU'RE FINISHED RULE BREAKER! AS PUNISHMENT FROM ME TO YOU, TAKE THIS! DEMPSEY ROLL!"

And the one to take the punch, stopping Fukuroda, was Gentaro.

"What?!" even if she tried to be cold, Satsuki had been actually shocked by Gentaro.

Mako was as speechless while blood trailed down Gentaro's face, "Gen-chan! Please, get on your knees and-"

"It's ok, Mako. I don't mind." The pompadour banchou said with a grin. "If I can't fight for my buds when they are in front of me, I'd feel something worse than death."

Takaharu walked backwards, getting some distance from him slowly, his fists out in a shield guard, "What's the matter, rule breaker? You want to die so badly or be a hero? Well don't be! Because my name for today is Mr. Sandman! You'll be out like a light before you can even realize how much shit you stepped in! You'll join the foul-mouthed girl in your own personal hell before long!"

In response Gentaro pulled out something that had Satsuki's hands arch themselves in pure interest, Inumuta appearing at her side with his handheld being typed in mercilessly for every camera in the vicinity to get every detail, said something was his belt.

Flashing a hot-blooded grin at the boxing captain, the belt suddenly extended itself out, connecting itself firmly to his waist. The Life-Fibers in his gloves seemed to grow excited, and Takaharu felt his blood rise in burning excitement, something was going to happen, and it made his fighting spirit wild and rearing to go!

Gentaro gained his laidback smile, "I don't think so because I'm going to befriend you! The name's Kamen Rider Fourze! Let's settles this man-to-man!"

Flipping the switches on his belt one by one, the rider pulled the handle on the belt, making it shout in excitement!

"THREE!" Inumuta was already looking at his handheld with pure interest as it displayed Gentaro's vital sign rise up in response.

"TWO!" Satsuki felt herself unconsciously leaning forward, she whispered to herself in anticipation, "Let us see how you fare against a two-star, Kamen…Rider."

"ONE!" The crowd felt their breath go tense, Mako looking up at this spectacle in awe.

"HENSHIN!" Both Rider and belt yelled out in excitement, smoke burst out along with a glowing blue energy screen and the transformation was complete!

Fourze, had arrived!


AND THAT'S MY RAP! As my buddy The Swordslinger is wont to say, I'll leave it at the first Henshin!

And boy am I excited to finally be back in the saddle everyone! This chapter will be a two-parter, first the introductions, then the first major fight scene! I hope I did everyone justice and kept the story fresh and interesting! I'm a bit uncertain about presenting this story, especially as To My Death I Will Fight is so good, but I hope to do both series justice and make people laugh and hopefully cheer to my story!

And just so you know, the pairings are already set in stone and they won't be changed. The romance will appear later on, and you'll be able to speculate and debate for The Swordslinger and my amusement. For now, this is a hot-blooded story of Justice, manliness, friendship, and overall… UCHU KITAAAAAAAAAA!

And yes, there will be sadness and manly tears, but like in Fourze itself, the sadness will be given a manly kick to the ass for excitement and happiness to take their place.

The Lord Of Pages Out!