I do not own "Gravity Falls"


I wanted to let you all know that I am sorry for the hiatus, it was not intentional. I am happy to inform you that news of a Gravity Falls book as renewed my drive for this story, as well as 'Dipper's Wheel' but not 'Darkness Falls' unfortunately. It didn't garner the attention that I had hoped for. It will not be deleted just yet, I will incorporate it into the other stories first!

I will also be starting a 'Bill's Apprentice' story, an alternative to this one. If Dipper had held a grudge.

This chapter goes out to you 'The Cowardly Christian'!

Chapter 11

Dipper awoke with a yawn, feeling rested. He had slept better than he had in over a week.

"Morning." A voice spoke.

Dipper turned to see, not Mabel, but Pacifica. She was sitting on Mabel's bed, already dressed and ready for the day. He wondered how long she had been up and how late it must be, had he over slept?

"Where is Mabel?" Dipper wondered.

"She never came back." Pacifica answered.

Dipper went down to see if his sister was back, with Pacifica coming down behind. They saw that the shop was once again filled with customers. Wendy was relaxing on the register. Stan was showing off something he had found in the woods and...Ford was explaining it! It seemed that Mabel really had helped them get back together.

But no Mabel.

-Flashback: Last night

"And that's everything." Dipper stated.

He had told her everything. From Fords offer of apprenticeship and his trials, to making deals with Bill and Pacifica. To finally, the breaking into the North-West manor and rescuing Pacifica. He had told her everything, just as he had promised in their deal.

"So what you're saying is, I'm invincible." Mabel stated. "And you rescued your damsel in distress."

"No, Bill just won't let you get hurt because of our deal." Dipper stated. "Otherwise it's off."

"But you did rescue the damsel in distress." Mabel pushed with a knowing smile.

"Well, I-" Dipper blushed at what his sister was implying and began stuttering.

"Invincible!" Mabel randomly shouted.

To Dipper's shock and horror, Mabel jumped off and spread her arms as if to fly. For a moment, as she soared through the air, he honestly thought she would fly, only for gravity to take control. And cause her to land on Soos.

"Ah, Soos is down!" The man-child exclaimed.

"That didn't even hurt!" Mabel exclaimed as she stood excitedly.

Dipper ran down to his sister. Just as he reached her, they were both greeted by familiar demon.

"Shooting Star, just what kind of shenanigans are you up too?" Bill asked.

"Well since you can't let me get hurt, and what little since of self preservation I had is now gone-" Mabel trailed off as she took a thinking pose. "TO THE WOODS!"

"Mabel, wait we-"

-Flashback end

He hadn't gone after her as he should have, he couldn't. Exhaustion had finally caught up to him, he had been busy and had little sleep. He had just barely managed to get into his bed before collapsing.

Strangely, there was no sign of Bill in his dreams.

I should have gone after her! Dipper thought in a panic. Bill only has limited influence in our world! There maybe something he can't save her from! I need to-

He was brought from his thoughts when the Shack's door slammed open, drawing everyone's attention. To his relief and confusion, there stood Mabel...completely drenched on a sunny and dry day...with a treasure chest under her arm.

"I've got undead pirates after me!" Mabel called, gaining the customer's attention. "Someone give me a funky beat!"

Toby Determined reached into his pocket and pulled out a few spoiled beets, yet still covered in dirt as if freshly plucked.

"Days old, or weeks old?" He asked.

No one said anything to the strange man, they only took a few steps back. Mabel just lowered her head in disappointment.

"Toby." Mabel sighed. "Why ya gotta out weird me?"

"I see the Harlot!" An angry voice shouted from outside. "Open fire!"

Mabel ducked inside the Shack just in time to avoid the explosion that tore a hole into the side of the building.

Once the smoke cleared, the occupants could see a dozen, half-decayed men dressed as pirates.

"Now that we have ye, we shall make you walk the plank!" The pirate Captain demanded as he thrust his blade forward. "Be ye scared yet!?"

Thankfully, Mabel ducked out of the way of the sword and began dancing. Each step she took weaved her around the blades, missing her by inches.

"DJ Bill!" Mabel shouted to the floating triangle. "Play me a tune!"

No one but Dipper, Mabel, Pacifica and Ford could see the demon, but everyone could hear the music as it played.

Mabel: Scary-O, Scary-O,
I'm scared but not very though
Scary scary scary-O
I'm not scared from head to toe

Well I'm scared not very though!

I'm not afraid of a pointy sword
if it's not me it's pointing toward!
I'm not worried I'll fall overboard
and pop my head open like a gourd!

Random customer: And pop her head open like a gourd?

Mabel: I'm not afraid of poisonous bugs

if they don't show their ugly mugs.

I'm not afraid of all of you thugs
if I know all you really need are hugs

Mabel takes this time to hug a few very intimidating looking men, who proceeds to tear up and smile down at her. Happy that someone was acknowledging them for something other than their outward, scary features, they decided to join Mabel in song.

Intimidating looking men: If she knows all we really need are hugs!

Then they turned their attention to the pirates who threatened their new friend. Arming themselves with various items around the shack, they began fighting undead pirates.

Mabel and the men: Scary-O scary-O
I'm scared but not very though.
Scary scary scary-O.
I'm not scared from head to toe.
Well I'm scared, not very though!

Dipper almost, almost couldn't believe that his sister had just broken out into a musical number and was now leading strangers to fight zombie pirates. Then he remembered who his sister was and the town they lived in. As she sung and danced and fought, their eyes met and she winked at him, before glancing at the door. Looking, Dipper and Pacifica saw that the people and Bill were distracted.

"Come on, let's go while everyone's distracted." Dipper stated as he grabbed the blond. "Just as soon as we can get through the exit."

Mabel proceeded to jump onto an unsteady table, drawing the audience away from her brother and future sister in law.

Mabel: I'm not afraid of big earthquakes
as long as the ground doesn't shake,
and I'm not scared of rattlesnakes
if they don't bite but feed me cake!

Audience: If they don't bite but feed her cake!

Mabel: And I'm not scared of Pirates's Hand
but tell that to my freak-out gland!
And I'm not scared I can't see land
but I am kinda scared of being eaten by Robbie's band!

Robbie, who had been practicing with his band in the Mystery Shack's yard, noticed the sudden attention on them. With nothing better to do and with the sudden attention, they began to play.

After seeing so much weirdness in the town, Mabel trusted Dipper's judgement that they may be zombies. They trudged around, groaned a lot and often had dead personalities. So either they were zombies, or overly angsty teenagers.

Mabel and the men: Scary-O scary-O
I'm scared but not very though.
Scary scary Scary-O,
I'm not scared from head to toe.
Well, I'm scared, not very though!

Mabel: Well I'm afraid I'm not scared at all
Pirate: Of being kicked or keelhauled?
Ford: My goodness she's so brave and tall!
Soos: There's no braver girl I can recall!

Stan: I don't know if I'm thankful or appalled.



Either through luck or assistance, an undead pirate was flung into the candy machine and shattering the glass. Taking this opportunity, Mabel motioned to one of the men fighting for her to sing as she began stuffing herself with candy.


"What is Mabel doing?" Pacifica asked. .

"What do you mean what am I doing?" Mabel stated after finishing the last piece of candy. "I'm singing. AND FIGHTING UNDEAD PIRATES!" She exclaimed as she charged back into the fray.

"Look." Dipper stated as he pointed to Bill, who hovered over the fray. "Bill needs to give Mabel plenty of attention so that Mabel doesn't get hurt. He can't watch us and maintain his end of the deal at the same time. It's why he didn't show up when we were rescuing you."

Or invade my dream. He thought to himself.

Distracted by his thoughts, Dipper jumped when a grip fell onto his arm.

"Come with me." Someone whispered, before pulling Pacifica and him away.

Everyone: Scary-O Scary-O Scary-O Scary-O
Scary-O Scary-O
I'm scared but not very though
Scary scary scary-o,
I'm not scared from head to toe
Well, I'm scared, not very though

Scary-O Scary-O Scary-O Scary-O
Scary-O Scary-O
I'm scared but not very though
Scary scary scary-o,
I'm not scared from head to toe
Well, I'm scared, not very though

Scary-O Scary-O Scary-O Scary-O
Scary-O Scary-O
I'm scared but not very though
Scary scary scary-o,
I'm not scared from head to toe
Well, I'm scared, not very though

Scary-O Scary-O Scary-O Scary-O
Scary-O Scary-O
I'm scared but not very though
Scary scary scary-o,
I'm not scared from head to toe
Well, I'm scared, not very though

Scary-O Scary-O Scary-O Scary-O
Scary-O Scary-O
I'm scared but not very though
Scary scary scary-o,
I'm not scared from head to toe
Well, I'm scared, not very though

Somewhere in the distance, a building exploded for no reason at all. Thankfully, it went off as Mabel's song hit its climax, aiding in it being a grand finish.

As one, everyone began clapping at the performance they had received.

"That be a jolly tune ye've sang for us." The Captain stated as he tipped his had. "Now, I need to hang ye as punishment for what ye did. Payment is needed for the crime ye have committed against me crew."

"Hm, my brother has some leftover cure from zombie-ism in the kitchen." Mabel offered. "Will that count?"

"Plunder the kitchen!" The Captain exclaimed.

"Mabel!" Stan shouted. "I've got a bottle of barbecue sauce and a rabid honey badger, want to see how far this bravery goes?" He asked.

"Or are you scared!?" Someone shouted.

"Did I just hear encore!?" Mabel asked.

Review-Please do, they motivate me.

Well buddy, how was that? Hope you liked it.

I feel that it may seem rushed, but this was more to let you all know that I'm still around. The next chapter for 'Dipper's Wheel' is almost finished as well, so stick around.