Disclaimer: So surprisingly I have not Magically obtained the rights to Descendants or disney so I am not super rich so yea...

Warning: Rated M for all the icky stuff and bad language and the naughty things that are going to happen

A/N: Thank you anonymous person who left a review I look forward to your continued reading of my story. I also would like to take this moment to thank my favouritors and followers you guys are awesome. :D ON TO THE STORY! Just a quick thing though Sorry this took so long. life you know how it is we're all people...

Chapter 3:

"I've got no strings to hold me down"

"The paperwork certainly is very impressive, but I just don't think I will be able to place you. I've got a number of new students coming in from the isle of the lost as part of the new king's decree as well as a new class opening up that I have to write a curriculum for and you don't even have half your details written here."

"I'm sorry?" The young man said confused.

Fairy godmother opened up the application form. "Like here look," she pointed at previous education. "Where did you study?" Then up flipped over to the front page where it stated known relatives. "Who are your parents? Do you have any siblings? Can you contribute the required study fees to the school? These are all things we need to know. I'm sorry, Max, dear I can't just let you into Auradon prep even if you do present an interesting argument in your entry essay."

The young man thought for a minute he thought he was out of ideas then it struck him a story he once read about his father an old tale he knew what to do. "I'm an orphan. That's why I didn't fill out known relatives," a lone tear welled up in his eye and Max choked it back. " I don't really like to talk about it. I was squired to become a knight but a wise man who lived near by saw potential in me saw more and tutored me. He sent me here to learn."

Max was certain he was going to get away with it when a small detail had slipped through. "Squire? in this day and age? that is odd?"

Shit "Well you know Camelot is a strange place" max started shuffling in his chair certain he was never getting into this school now. never going to get a chance to be normal.

Fairy godmother looked sideways at him. "Camelot? Who was your Tutor there?"

"Merlin…." Max gritted his teeth hoping she didn't quite catch the name but he wasn't quite so lucky

"Merlin? Really? As in the Merlin? Did you know he is here now as a visiting professor maybe I could go get him and he can straighten this all up for us. Because if I got confirmation from THE Merlin combined with this beautiful essay you would be a shoe in for the advanced placement program." Suddenly she was gone, giddy as ever out the door and the down the hall.

"FUCK!" Max screamed out loud. A thousand thoughts rushing to his head about how he got into this situation. He thought about running, running and never looking back. Then he thought about the letter and how he had no where to go. "Just sit and wait He thought, who knows he could be a pretty cool dude about the whole thing. Or he could turn you into a statue and leave you somewhere in the courtyard for a thousand years you know whatever works. Or maybe he is like your mother and is a crazy ass motherfucker who will send you half way across the damned world for whatever reason and then tell you it was for some other reason and then confuse the hell out of you. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!

"Hi Max" Spoke an oddly friendly voice interrupting every last thought running through his head. Max looked up and saw a middle aged man standing in front of him he was wearing robes tucked into three quater shorts and what appeared to be a night cap. his arms were extended outward like he wanted a hug and given the circumstances Max decided he would oblige. During the hug Max noticed the man was not wearing shoes. "I'm Merlin" He whispered into his ear.

"I figured." Max whispered back.

Fairy godmother entered the room as the two broke their embrace. "well you two definitely seem close. I'm sorry to have doubted you Max I am just under a lot of stress at the moment what with Merlin teaching youth Sorcery and all that."

Max turned to Merlin. "You are?" he asked excitedly.

"I am" He responded as if he suddenly remembered. "say would you like to be the first student to sign up for it?"

"Are you kidding me? study sorcery under the greatest wizard of all time? where do I sign up?"

"Not so fast," Fairy Godmother interrupted. "First you need to be roomed somewhere. There isn't a lot of space available with all the new students coming in a few months so I am thinking I will room you with the only person on campus without a roommate. You can sign up for extra curricular classes in the morning. But, if you are going to be here you will perform to your fullest potential. That means I want you in all of the advanced placement classes. There is a bit of catch up work you will have to do but if the Essay you wrote is any indication I imagine it shouldn't be hard."

Merlin winked and walked toward the door. "If that is all Verna? I would like to return to my office. It seems I have lecture to prepare for tomorrow. And Mr Emrys, if you wish to attend, the youth sorcery class is held at ten thirty sharp every Tuesday." As Merlin began to shut the door he quickly popped his head in "Do not be late."

"He called you Verna? Why?" Max asked smirk still painted on his face from his chance meeting.

The Fairy godmother laughed. "For the same reason people call you Max. Verna is my name, but you may call me Ms. Felton." Max opened his mouth to reply but Verna cut him off. "Trust me it is easier than calling me Fairy Godmother all the time. Now then shall we go meet your new roommate?"

The young teen nodded, picked up his suitcase and followed Verna down the hall. The fairy Godmother told the story of how Auradon Prep used to be grand castle before it was repurposed into a school. A number of lecture halls were built over the past months and the new King has worked very hard to make the school as hospitable as possible. Max looked around, to his left and his right the walls were covered in ancient artwork, expensive drapes and no matter how hard he tried Max still saw this place as a Castle. After a number of twists and turns they reached a bridging hallway that overlooked the courtyard. Max stopped to breath in view. The gardens were breathtaking and for the first time since he was set free Max was able to appreciate the fresh breeze of natural air.

He hadn't realised how long he had stopped there for but it must have been awhile because before he knew it Verna was back trying to pry him from his perch. "It is getting late Max, and I don't want to have to wake your new roommate to introduce you."

Silently Max resumed to follow Verna to the mysterious room at the end of the journey. A number of thoughts about who the roommate was had already passed through his head but he could not have possibly known how wrong many of them were. When they finally approached a door it was large and had two guards posted outside. Verna smiled at them and they bowed and let her pass. The knock at the door was ginger and playful Verna smiled once more but this was different it was almost there to reassure Max that everything would be okay.

The door was answered by a sleepy teenager in crown print boxershorts Max had to stifle a laugh but he was certain that the other boy had heard. At first the the sleepy teen seemed annoyed then he realised who had knocked and his face turned bright red.

"Principal Felton, what are you doing here?" He tried to cover his boxers but realised there was nothing in reach.

"I know it is late Benjamin but do you mind if we come in? We can give you a few minutes to dress if you like?"

Ben blinked a few times then nodded quickly closing the door. Max heard drawers opening and things being thrown around and one point he was certain that he heard someone fall over and whispering. The door opened again and Ben was dressed in casual sweatpants and an old t-shirt.

"Please, come in." Ben looked at Max as if he hadn't seen him at the door before. "Sorry, how rude of me, I am Ben, King of Auradon, and you are?" Ben extended a hand toward the young man

Max looked down at the hand being offered to him and he quirked an eyebrow. Then he remembered where he was so he smiled and gripped the hand tightly shaking it to say hello. "My name is Maximus Emry, but you can call me Max, I am not a king," He tried to lighten the moment but no one was laughing.

Verna cleared her throat. "Max will be your new roommate, I have already called ahead and made arrangements a Bed will be here in a matter of minutes so you two will have some time to get acquainted." Ben went to say something but the fairy wouldn't let him she just kept talking. "Now with the bed will come a map and your advanced classes schedule. If you decide you can still fit in extra curricular studies around that schedule then I encourage you to do so. Benjamin. I want you to be nice to our new student, he is an old student of Merlins and I imagine will do very well here at Auradon Prep." Verna approached Ben and got right up in his face. "I expect you to treat him as nicely as you treat the little delinquents from the isle. If not better, do you understand?" Ben audibly gulped then nodded quietly to show he understood. "Very good. Enjoy your time here at Auradon darling. I expect great things from you." Verna left the room smiling but gave Ben a warning glance.

Max looked around the overly extravagant room then back to his new roommate who looked rather angry. "You know I have never shared a room before either. Could be fun." Max was once again attempting to lighten the mood. once again he failed.

"I am going back to bed… hopefully when I wake up this will all have been a nightmare."

"I'll show you a nightmare" Max thought to himself. And just as his eyes flared up red there was another knock at the door. The teen quickly shut his eyes to hide the shift in colour. "I'll get it."

Ben collapsed on top of his bed. "It better not be another new roommate. One is enough."

Max answered the door only to see a young boy with black and white hair standing at the door. He appeared to be wearing pawprint pajamas. the younger teens eyes shot up in surprise when he saw Max at the door. "S-sorry Wrong room, I was looking for Ben."

"It's the right room Carlos," Ben yelled from his bed. He made his way over to the door and pushed Max out of the way. "What's up?"

Carlos looked down at his feet. "Oh nothing just coming to see what all the racket was about. Plus Mal said she saw the Principal on her way out the window and we thought something bad was going to happen."

"Nah just got a new roommate is all. This is…"

"Max," Carlos interrupted. "I know, we've already met…. " Carlos was mere seconds away from exposing Max to Ben but when he saw the please don't look on Max's face he quickly tried to come up with a lie. "Outside… The office… f-for admissions? He was looking for directions. Anyway it's getting late and I don't want to be caught out after curfew. Nice to meet you again Max."

Ben looked between Max and Carlos trying to figure out what the real connection was. But he was tired so he shrugged it off and went back to bed. Max however chased Carlos down to thank him for lying, and to ask him a few questions.

"Carlos, wait!" Max called out after the white haired teen. When he finally caught up Max was out of air. "You run fast. I forgot how fast you actually are. I wanted, to say thank you. For lying. I know you remember me I can see it your eyes."

Carlos bit back at that. "That look is called fear. Or do you not remember making life hell for us on the isle. Like the time you made Mal breath fire every time she opened her mouth or unleashed a fake evil genie on Jay, or the time you sent me running for my life from evil wolves that came out of my shadow. The worst thing you did was trap Evie in a mirror for like three days. She was terrified of the things for months. So when you vanished we were happy you were gone. I'd say the others even forgot who you are. But I will never forget that dark look in your eye when you used magic. The things you made people do…"

"Oh come on that was the past I was like ten and had more power than everyone on that island what did you expect? Besides you can't tell me you didn't like Puppet dance…." Max raised an eyebrow waiting for a response but got only a cold stare from the De'vil boy. "I...ve got no strings to hold me down. to make me fret to make frown. I got no strings and now Im free there aint no strings on me." Max started doing the dance that he had once made the boy do, and to the tune of the song that he made him dance to as well. It was no surprise that Max did not see the fist connect with his face from the shorter teen.

Carlos looked down at Max. "I'd say… no I did not like doing the Puppet dance."

Max got up and dusted himself off then cleaned the blood off his lips. "I can get you Ben. All I need if for you to keep quiet."

Carlos was unsure. "I'll keep your secret, for now. But if you hurt anyone, I'll make sure the right people are alerted as to who is here in Auradon."

Max watched Carlos leave before he returned to Ben's room. The young king was fast asleep but Max's bed was finally there. All Max could think about was getting some sleep then going to study magic with his Father

A.N: Just as quick protection the song and title do not belong to me. they are disney's they are from Pinnochio I kinda thought it was an appropriate thing that Max was seen as the Island Bully before he got locked up. ALSO I recently learned that Madam Mim is mentioned in the Book prequel However I don't think I will be using that in this story. So just on record now I will not be treating anything from the book prequel as if it happened. Maybe in a different story. But for this one no.

Next chapter shouldnt take as long but I make no Promises. I like to read reviews. Lets me know what people think. I dont care if they are bad thoughts. Mistakes are how we learn. Sometimes we cant see our own mistakes