"You know it's beautiful out here," Spencer said as the two walked hand in hand down Waikīkī beach in the moonlight. Their hotel was located right along a stretch of beach, near some of the finest restaurants, and shops in Hawaii and so it had been easy to decide that a moonlit walk sounded wonderful, especially with this gorgeous beach so close to where they were staying at Trump International Hotel and Tower.
"Yes it is," Hotch agreed as he looked around at the gorgeous venue.
It was a gorgeous night with the stars twinkling in the dark night sky and more visible then when they were home in Virginia with all the city lights and the lights of the nearby houses of their neighborhood interfering with seeing the starry sky, which was one of the downsides of civilization. Also the two could see the waves crashing onto the beach although they were far enough away that they weren't going to even get their feet wet, still it was a beautiful sight.
"This was a perfect way to end the first day of sightseeing," Spencer sighed as he and Hotch continued to walk side-by-side holding hands. "It's not very often that you actually get to see the stars at home considering we live in the middle of a suburb and the lights of the others houses is always interfering with the view."
"That's very true," Hotch agreed. "Of course I'm never really been interested in just looking at the stars, well not until you came into my life anyway. Looking at the stars alone is hardly any fun, but with a partner it's different."
"So you're not one for learning your constellations or the names of individual stars, I take it," Spencer teased the older man.
"Too busy to even consider doing that, as you know even if I was interested," Hotch said. "With my job and looking after Jack I'm lucky I have time to breathe, so I never really had time to develop a hobby."
"Well, I hope you're going to make time for me, especially now they we're married," Spencer said teasing the older man again, although he was at least partly serious.
"You don't have to worry about that," Hotch assured the younger man even as he raised the younger man's hand to his lips kissing the middle of his palm. "You and our family are my first priority even if I know that my job must come first."
"I know," Spencer assured his mate feeling the tingling in his palm from where his lover had kissed it. "I was only teasing you a little. You always put me and the children first, when you can and I appreciate it."
"You will always be my first priority," Hotch told Spencer quite seriously. "I'd rather lose my job then lose you or the twins as that would rip me in two."
"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere because as you know it would rip me in two as well," Spencer told the other man then changed the subject to something less serious. "So what are our plans for tomorrow?"
"Well, there's this coffee and tea place I thought we could try right in Trump Towers since I know you love coffee so much," Hotch said glad of the subject change. "We can have breakfast there to before we start seeing the sites for the day. It's called the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf."
"Well, you certainly know me very well, don't you?" Spencer said with a grin giving his mate's hand a squeeze in appreciation.
"I should," Hotch said turning his head to smile at his lover. "I've been living with you for two years now and I wouldn't be a member of the BAU if I was unobservant."
"All right, you have me there," Spencer admitted, "and after that?"
"Well, there are lot of shops around the hotel I thought maybe we could go in look around and maybe pick up a few souvenirs for us and the rest of the family," Hotch suggested. "I thought we could take it easy tomorrow since we're still kind of jetlagged from our flight."
"Sounds good," Spencer said. "If I'm tired then I know you are since you are older then me and have the stressful job."
"And looking after three small children isn't stressful," Hotch snorted.
"Well, yes," Spencer admitted, "but I have Sara to help with that and she is absolutely wonderful with them as you know."
"The day after I thought we could maybe tour one of the museums in the morning as Honolulu has several, have lunch somewhere nice and then maybe do the Waikīkī aquarium after that. If it isn't time for dinner by then I'm sure we can find some way to occupy our time until it is," Hotch said.
"Sounds like a wonderful day," Spencer said.
"Well, I didn't see any reason to rush through the museum just to say we had done it, so we might as well take our time seeing what we want to before going for lunch," Hotch said. "I'm sure we won't have time to see the whole place in one morning since it's pretty big."
"So that would be the Bishop Museum? The one with all the tribal artifacts?"
"Yeah, I believe that's what it was called," Hotch agreed. "It seemed like something we would both be interested in seeing."
"Yes, it does sound fascinating, doesn't it?" Spencer agreed. "You're right to there's no need to rush through the place just so we can say we've been as we can always come back sometime. It we rush we won't really enjoy ourselves at all or at least not as much."
"And I will at least would not remember what we saw as clearly as you will thanks to your eidetic memory," Hotch added and Spencer nodded knowing that this was true.
"Something that is rushed through, instead of taken slowly is often not remembered as clearly as it should be," Spencer said by way of agreement.
The two men fell silent and just walked along the beach hand in hand enjoying each other's company stopping every so often to kiss softly and tenderly for a few minutes before continuing with their evening stroll.
~~~Hotch and Reid~~~
"You know, in the two years we've been together we've never been dancing," Hotch told Spencer as he gently held the other man in his arms as the two of them swayed across the floor.
Hotch had convinced Spencer to try dancing at a club and the other man had given in without too much protest, although he had told Hotch that he hadn't really ever learned how to dance and his lover had promised to teach him. He had then protested that he would just make a fool of himself because he was so naturally clumsy and Hotch had promised him that he would never allow that to happen and that he would be with him every step of the way. Finally Spencer had given in and allowed Hotch to take him to a dance club where they had gotten drinks, although his was nonalcoholic. When some people realized that the two men were a couple some people had told them quite rudely that they needed to go to a gay club and did not belong among normal people, but Hotch and Spencer had ignored those people pointedly. Both men still quite frequently received looks of disgust and loathing, wherever they went and people figured out they were together romantically, but both men ignored those looks whenever they happened and just concentrated on each other tuning out everything else around them. Spencer could still feel those peoples eyes on him and Aaron a few minutes later as the back of his shoulder blades kept prickling at the less then friendly regard, but he did his best to ignore it just like he always did whenever they went out to dinner or some other place when they were home.
At first Spencer had been worried about stepping on his lover's feet when the two of them heading out to the dance floor after entering the club, but thanks to his Aaron taking the lead and his gentle guidance, that hadn't happened yet and Spencer was actually beginning to relax and enjoy himself as being held close by the man he loved and adored was something he always looked forward to, although they were usually either buck naked in bed or sitting on a couch at home with him on Aaron's lap.
"That's probably because I never would have even thought of it since I never learned how to dance, properly," Spencer suggested with a slight smile as he and Aaron swayed to the music. With Hotch leading him around the floor he hadn't stepped on the other man's feet or tripped once, which he considered at least a minor miracle. "In fact if truth be known it was never something I was interested in learning, at least until you came into my life and then I thought that it would be nice if we could dance together and hold each other close, but as I said I never would have brought it up since I'm so naturally clumsy, which was one of the major reasons I never learned how to dance properly."
"You should have brought it up and I would've taken you dancing much sooner and taught you how," Hotch said with a leering grin as his eyes left Spencer's face to rove up and down his body.
"I was too embarrassed," Spencer admitted a little reluctantly, blushing at his lover's obvious attraction to him. "Dancing is not a skill I ever sought to acquire, but then again I never really had a chance to nor was I interested until after we had met as I said a minute ago."
"You don't have to be embarrassed to tell me anything," Hotch told the other man softly kissing him on the cheek. "I will never make fun of you just because you don't know how to do something. You're not perfect, and in fact no human is, so just because you've been ridiculed in the past doesn't mean I will do the same. A lot of people don't know how to dance you know, and the only reason I do is because it was part of mine and Sean's etiquette lessons when I was a child. My family, especially my mother's were very old-fashioned and I was taught all that was thought proper for a young man to know back then, which of course, included dancing."
"It wasn't this kind of dancing, I bet," Spencer said with certainty. "If your mother's family was that old-fashioned, you probably learned ballroom, or the waltz."
"We did," Hotch said, "but this kind of dancing isn't all that hard, especially after learning all those complicated dance steps when I was a child. Compared to that this is easy."
"I just bet it is," Spencer agreed with a smile that lit up his face. The two continued to dance for almost an hour before finally deciding to go and sit down and get off their aching feet for a few minutes when the song ended.
"Oh, yes, most of those etiquette lessons I loathed and so did Sean, but children really don't have any choice in the matter, but to do as their parents want, although again it was mostly my mother who insisted that we needed to know all that kind of thing. It was one of the reasons I was so glad to go to college and get away from home. You couldn't really argue with mother, as not only was she very stubborn, but she would also punish you quite severely if you weren't careful."
Spencer winced at that as he could just imagine how Aaron and his brother had been punished when they had been children.
The song ended before Spencer got a chance to reply and the two men went to the bar and ordered two more drinks as they both knew better then to leave their drinks unattended in a place like this, where anybody could slip something into it, like a roofie, or some other drug. Hotch was more aware then most of what could happen in places like a very crowded bar or in this case a club, simply because he had caught killers in places like this before and he had made sure to tell Spencer to never leave his drink unattended and why it wasn't a good idea.
"Excuse me sir," the bartender said and it was clear he was speaking to Hotch.
"Yes? What can I do for you?" asked Hotch politely with a raised eyebrow.
"The lady over at that table in the corner wanted me to give you this and also an offer to join her," the bartender said pointing off into a darkened corner handing Hotch a drink, which was clearly some kind of whisky.
Hotch knew that according to bar etiquette if he accepted the drink that he was also accepting that he was interested in the lady who had bought it, which he wasn't as not only was he now a married man again, but he was deeply in love with his mate and would never even consider accepting another women's attentions or man's for that matter and so Hotch immediately set it back on the bar and said, "You can thank the lady for the offer, but I'm not interested and that I am not on the market."
The bartender looked surprised, but nodded as he watched the dark haired man put his arm around the waist of the younger one with dark brown hair and lead him to one of the few empty tables talking quietly to him the whole way.
"Well, I should have expected that to happen eventually," Spencer said sounding resigned even to himself. He didn't really appreciate it when some female tried to get Aaron's attention, especially when he was standing right there, when it should have been obvious that the two of them were together. Oh he had gotten used to the once-overs that the females gave his mate whenever they went somewhere together, especially since Aaron never paid any attention to the way that the women of the species looked him up and down obviously imagining what it would be like to see him naked, not that they would ever find out. Seeing Aaron naked was a privilege reserved for his eyes alone, just like seeing him the same way was reserved for Aaron and no one else.
"It happens all the time," Hotch admitted as the two of them sat down at one of the few empty tables side by side, "but usually turning them down and telling them that I'm in a permanent relationship gets them to back off, although there have been a few over the years that were really aggressive, even before we got together. I hope you don't have any doubts about my feelings or my loyalty to you as women trying to get my attention as it happens all the time, but it doesn't mean I accept them."
"No, I don't have any doubts about your loyalty to me as I never would have agreed to your marriage proposal if I did," Spencer replied immediately, meaning it. "It's just that I've been hurt more then once as you know, and I don't really appreciate the way some woman tries to get your attention even when it's obvious that you and I are together. I mean we came in together and were just dancing very closely and intimately together for god sakes and so it should be obvious even to the densest women that you aren't available."
"They were probably just testing the waters," Hotch said his voice normal despite the warm little glow he felt when Spencer assured him that he didn't have a single doubt about his loyalty to their relationship.
"We could have just been dating you know and a lot of men and women are bisexual. For all that woman knew our relationship was not serious, though I agree that it was very bad manners to buy me a drink when it is obvious I came here with someone. Don't let it bother you to much as it is bound to happen sometimes and so long as I don't pay any attention that will discourage most of them."
"And for the ones that aren't discouraged?" asked Spencer suddenly feeling very possessive of the other man.
"Then I'll have to employ other tactics is all," Hotch said calmly with a shrug. "I'm sure they'll be some women in the future that don't know how to take no, I'm married for an answer and when that happens I promise I'll tell you about it as hiding something like that would only make you suspicious of my loyalty to you and I never want you to doubt how I feel about you."
"I could never doubt your feelings for me and not just because of the bond we share, but I suppose I'll have to get used to women trying to get your attention, because I know there's no way I can prevent it."
"Why don't we just enjoy ourselves and forget about those women altogether?" Hotch suggested taking Spencer's hand under the table and giving it a squeeze. "We came here to dance and just because one woman was bold enough to buy me a drink even when I haven't even looked anywhere else except at you doesn't mean we should let one bold woman ruin our evening."
"You're right," Spencer acknowledged. "Let's finish our drinks and get up and dance."
"And here I thought you didn't like dancing," Hotch smirked at his lover.
"I didn't," Spencer admitted with a shy smile, "but that's only because I didn't know how, but thanks to you teaching me, and as long as I can be in your arms I could dance all night. I feel so safe, secure and protected with your arms around me that I never want to leave them."
"Good, because I would love to go dancing with you again sometime," Hotch said with a satisfied smile as he leaned down to peck his mate gently on the lips, which Spencer responded to immediately, "whenever we can fit it into my busy schedule. Having you in my arms is pure heaven as I love holding you as close as I can."
"Then we'll definitely have to do this again sometime soon, since it is an activity we both enjoy," Spencer said blushing as his lover regarded him with such a look of love on his face that it nearly brought happy tears to his eyes.
"We will," Hotch said as he kissed Spencer on the lips again not caring who noticed, "and that's a promise."
Once the two men had broken apart they finished their drinks and left the table to spend the time dancing the night away before they went back to the hotel and made love for hours before they fell asleep in each other's arms.
~~~Hotch and Reid~~~
"Hey can I have this dance?" asked a voice as Hotch and Spencer continued to dance although both were getting pretty tired as they had been at it for over two hours.
Spencer looked over at the very pretty woman, with long blond hair that had interrupted his and Aaron's time together and he asked to politely. "Are you talking to us?"
"Well, of course, do you see any other gorgeous men dancing together."
"In that case, unless you haven't noticed neither one of us is interested in anybody else. In fact we're on our honeymoon and we really don't want to be bothered so please leave," Spencer told the woman as politely as he could, but Hotch could tell that he was getting irritated with all the women that had approached them in the last couple of hours asking for a dance from one of them, although it was usually him, but twice it had been Spencer. This particular woman had to be at least the sixth or seventh that had interrupted them trying to horn in on their privacy. Truth be told he was also getting annoyed and it took a lot to do that, so he couldn't really blame his lover for his irritation. Actually come to think of it not a single one of those women had been Hawaiian and had been tourists just like them. It was if the woman in this particular club couldn't believe that two men were a couple and that they were both up for grabs.
"You mean you're actually married?" the women almost shouted in anger.
"Yes, we are," Hotch told the lady firmly. "Now kindly do what my partner told you to and leave. Neither one of us is going to be dancing with anyone except each other."
"Two men being married is sacrilege and evil," the woman shouted moving forward and raising her hand as if to hit one of them. "You should both be drawn and quartered so that your evil doesn't spread."
"Ma'am," Hotch told the lady his tone going from polite to annoyed and angry, "I suggest you leave as what we're doing or if we are or are not married is no ones business, but ours and it's definitely not yours since we don't even know you. If you dare strike one of us I'll have you arrested for striking a federal officer and for assault. I am so damned tired of women approaching asking for a dance when it is clear that we haven't danced with anyone, but each other or even looked at anyone else. At least the others though were polite when we turned them down, you on the hand come over here expecting for one of us to actually dance with you and when we turn you down you start spewing your poison. Well, both of us are sick of it. All either one of us wanted was to have a good time and that does not include for women such as yourself to horn in on us when it should be clear to anyone that Spencer and I are together. Now I firmly suggest that you leave, before I do have you arrested on any charge I can think to throw at you."
"You can't do that," the blond woman blustered.
"Ma'am and I use the term loosely, I can and I will." Hotch removed his badge from his pocket and shoved it in her face not feeling like being polite. "Special Agent Aaron Hotchner Bureau Analysis Unit Federal Bureau of Investigation and if anybody knows the law it is me, especially since I was a lawyer before I joined the bureau."
The woman looked startled for a moment and realized that she had indeed gotten herself into a pickle. She had so wanted to dance with the handsome man with slicked back black hair and the darkest brown eyes she had ever seen. Right now though those dark eyes were glaring at her coldly with an intensity that was extremely unsettling, actually downright frightening was closer to the truth. The blond woman had no trouble imagining Aaron Hotchner getting whatever answers he wanted out of suspects.
"Aaron, she isn't worth it," Spencer said in a calm voice speaking for the first time in about ten minutes. "Why don't we just go back to our hotel room, we can go dancing some other time."
"I will not let this woman ruin our evening," Hotch said glaring at the woman again, although the blond woman noticed that his gaze and voice softened noticeably when he looked at the other man. "I won't say she doesn't have a right to her opinion, but she does not have the right to enforce her opinion on others, nor does she have to right to try to strike somebody just because they don't agree with her."
"Aaron, come on," Spencer pleaded. "Let's not let her ruin our honeymoon."
"Alright," Hotch finally agreed calming down. "I suggest you get out of my sight before I change my mind."
The blond haired woman skedaddled as fast as she was able through the crowd.
"Wow, I've never seen you lose your temper like that before," Spencer said as soon as he was sure they were basically alone again. Both men looked around at the crowd and noticed that people were trying not to look in their direction and had been ignoring the confrontation entirely, which was fine.
"I do have a temper, Spencer," Hotch told his mate as the two of them went to sit down at a free table no longer in the mood to dance the night away. "Just because I don't normally loose it doesn't mean that I don't have one."
"I know that," Spencer told him quietly as he squeezed Aaron's hand under the table. "I was just commenting that you hardly ever lose it."
"It takes a lot," Hotch admitted. "I can get frustrated, or annoyed a lot easier then I lose my temper."
"Yes, I know," Spencer said with a smile for he had seen Hotch annoyed or frustrated on more than one occasion in the two years they had been together, but not truly angry like just a minute ago. He had been sure that Hotch was actually going to deck that woman, which is why he had spoken up in the first place in order to prevent that from happening, since it would get his lover in trouble and he didn't want that.
"I hope I didn't upset or frighten you," Hotch said as he studied his lovers expression.
"No," Spencer said shaking his head in denial. "You had every right to lose your temper with that irritating woman who was butting into our business. It is not any of her business if two men are together and she definitely didn't have a right to start spouting about us needing to be drawn and quartered since we were unnatural to be two men in a relationship. Besides everybody on the face of the Earth has a temper and just because you don't normally lose yours doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. I could never be afraid of you even if you did lose your temper directly at me occasionally instead of just venting about someone else. I'm sure you know that I have a temper myself, although normally like you I don't ever lose it. Our tempers are not what defines us unlike some people who lose their temper way too easily."
"Good," Hotch said and inwardly breathed a sigh of relief, although he should've known that Spencer would never be afraid of him just because he did lose his temper occasionally as he was right everybody did have one.
"So now that that blasted woman has ruined the romantic atmosphere what do you want to do for the rest of the evening as it is still fairly early."
"Well, we could find another club and continue what we were doing or we could go somewhere for a very late dinner, since we never did eat or we could just go back to the hotel room and order room service," Hotch said.
"I say we go somewhere and eat," Spencer said. "You were right when you said that we shouldn't let some woman who doesn't know a damn thing about us ruin the rest of our night. I'm willing to put this incident behind us if you are. We have to realize the we are going to face prejudice many times in the coming years, although I realize that not many will be so blatant as she was. I can put up with hateful glares if you can, although I would prefer to never go through another confrontation like we just did I realize that it will happen sometimes. In other words I knew what I was getting into when I agreed to start a relationship with you and I know you did too."
Hotch smiled glad to see that the confrontation of a few minutes ago hadn't put Spencer in a bad mood. Sure they could have done without the incident happening at all, but both he and Spencer knew that such confrontations would occur sometimes, although Hotch couldn't help but wish that it hadn't happened on their honeymoon.
"Why don't we go out for a late dinner? I wasn't hungry earlier since we ate lunch so late, but I am now," Hotch suggested.
"Sounds good," Spencer agreed. "I wasn't hungry an hour or so ago, but now I am and I'm rather see some more of Honolulu instead of going back to the hotel and ordering room service, even if the food is excellent."
"Then that is what we will do," Hotch said taking Spencer's hand and raising from his chair the two men heading towards the door of the club not caring who saw them together for they knew that they would face a lot of people over the years that thought their relationship was the devil's work, but such people didn't know what they were talking about ad didn't really matter in the great scheme of things so long as their close friends and family knew and accepted the truth.
~~~Hotch and Reid~~~
True to his word Hotch refused to let Spencer leave the hotel room at all for their last three days in Hawaii, not that the other man protested to much. The two of them had indeed packed as many tourist attractions as they could fit in in just eight days for the three days they had spent in the hotel room when they had first arrived and the three they planned on spending before they left, gave them just a little over a week to see as many of the attractions as possible. The two men had attended a luau and eaten at nice restaurants for all three meals of the day during that week. They had taken that helicopter tour that Spencer had wanted to do, gone to see Pearl Harbor and the memorial that was right next door, moseyed their way through a little outdoor shopping center buying souvenirs for themselves and their family that were actually made in Hawaii and a dozen other things as well.
When they had gotten back to the hotel each night they had made love for several hours no matter how tired they were from the activities of the day, because they knew their respite from three small boys was going to be brief and that once they got back home their honeymoon would be over. In fact Hotch had woken Spencer up more then once in the middle of the night because he was feeling quite horny and had fucked his mate senseless, without even bothering to ask for permission for at least an hour each time until his libido was finally satisfied. Spencer hadn't minded a bit when this happened and was in fact quite happy to be woken up, even though usually he hated to be, just because it proved that his mate couldn't get enough of his body, not that he didn't enjoy the experience because he did—a lot! In fact Spencer had done the same thing a few times himself, although he was leery about waking his mate up at least at first, but Aaron certainly never seemed to mind, even if he went to work a little tired the next day. If the grin on Aaron's face for the rest of the day after that was anything to go by he enjoyed being woken in that fashion. At work of course Hotch always kept his expression normal so that nobody would suspect anything was out of the ordinary, but on the inside he was grinning like a maniac. He couldn't really keep his happiness from the rest the team though, especially David Rossi since the older man knew him best, besides Spencer, of course. His old friend always gave him a knowing smirk and a wink on these occasions and Hotch would smirk briefly in return, not at all embarrassed, although he knew very well that Spencer would be, before returning to what he had been doing.
"I wasn't joking when I told you I was going to keep you in the hotel room for at least the last two or three days," Hotch said as the two men lounged completely naked on the couch since neither had even a pair of underwear on.
"I knew you weren't," Spencer said as he laid between his lover's legs, with his Aaron's semi-hard cock pressed against his lower back. His upper body was stretched out across Hotch's chest with his feet reaching almost all the way to the end of the couch, since he was just over six feet tall and the couch wasn't much longer. "This is a pretty spectacular second option though as it isn't like we can go around the house buck naked unless we're in our bedroom with the door closed," Spencer added as he relished his mate's warmth and cuddled as close as he could get to the other man knowing very well that all his wriggling about was going to cause Aaron to get even harder down in his nether region.
"Stop that!" Hotch ordered, not sounding as if he really meant it at all and then added, "Not unless you want to me to fuck you senseless right here on the couch."
"That was my plan," Spencer told Hotch, glancing back at him with a cocky smirk as he had predicted his lover's reaction with a hundred percent accuracy.
"Well...in that case," Hotch said as he slowly took the younger man into his arms then stood up from the couch heading over to the bed with Spencer's arms around his neck. "I think we can find a more comfortable place to fuck each other senseless then the couch, especially since we have a very comfortable bed right here."
"Oh I have to agree about the bed being very comfortable," Spencer said as he started placing kisses all over Hotch's face starting with his cheeks, then his nose and forehead and then finally his lips all got the same treatment. "I wish we could stay another week at least. I haven't missed my sons as much as I thought I would, but then again you're very good at keeping me distracted."
Hotch smirked briefly, even as he leaned down to kiss the younger man on his very plump lips and then started to slowly nibble on one corner of them working his way slowly towards the center.
Finally the kiss broke as they reached the bed and Hotch put Spencer down gently on to the edge of it, before releasing him.
"Well, at least we're already undressed, so we don't have to worry about doing that," Hotch said as he joined his lover in bed. Spencer for his part was already laying on his back, pillow under his hips with his legs spread as wide as they would go, arms at his sides waiting for his lover to begin.
"Well, I see you are all ready for me," Hotch smirked looking into his mate's eyes and what he saw was anticipation as well a deep never-ending love and a great deal of lust. Oh yeah Dr. Spencer Reid did indeed look forward to anything that he, Aaron Hotchner chose to do to the younger man's body and that was what spurred Hotch on and sent him into alpha male mode.
"You are mine!" Hotch roared as he slathered his penis with the lube that was waiting quickly and then without bothering to prepare his lover he shoved his cock into the younger man's body causing Spencer to whimper in pain, although the look he shot Hotch told him that he desperately wanted him to continue and that he could take a little pain, especially since the pleasure he was getting was beginning to overcome what little bit of discomfort there was.
"You are mine! My mate! My lover! My property! No one shall ever touch you intimately in anyway except for me!"
"I belong to you," Spencer told his Aaron sincerely even as he leaned up and kissed his lover, gently and tenderly on the lips pouring every ounce of feeling that he had for the older man into it.
"I am yours," Spencer repeated as he leaned up and kissed the older man all over his face and chest even as Aaron was shoving his cock in out of his body making his climax get nearer and nearer. "Do with my body whatever you want and I will not protest at all, for my body belongs to you, as does my heart, my mind, my soul and especially my cock."
"Yes, they do," Hotch growled pulling his cock completely out of the other man's body for he was not ready to let his Spencer come quite yet and knew just how far he could go he order to put his lover on the edge, but not make him go over. Hotch was being very gentle as he ran tender hands up and down his mate's body pinching his nipples gently, before moving down and kissing every inch of Spencer's stomach. He gradually moved lower, until he was gently caressing the skin of Spencer's inner thighs right next to his cock, placing gentle tender kisses along the skin.
"These belong to me," Hotch said softly as he continued to stroke Spencer's inner thighs causing the other man to whimper as pleasure began to course even more strongly through him. Spencer lifted his hips as high as he could planting his feet firmly on the bed, legs spread apart. This was his way of begging his lover to get on with it as he felt as if he was going to explode from the intense, earth-shattering pleasure that had been slowly building within his belly.
"Yours," Spencer agreed his voice extremely hoarse from the intense emotions that were coursing through his body.
"This is mine too," Hotch said taking Spencer's very stiff and hard cock in his hand and moving it up down, causing his lover to look at him pleading with his eyes for him to stop this torture, but Hotch just smirked in return not ready, quite yet to end it.
"Yes, my manhood is yours too," Spencer agreed his voice husky since his lover seemed to need an answer from him. "My cock has never reacted to anyone else the way it does to you."
"And it had better never react to anyone except me," Hotch ordered roughly even as he took the tip of his mate's cock into his mouth and begin to suck gently causing Spencer to purr and moan in pleasure as he withered on the bed. "Because every single part of your body, your head, your arms, your legs, your chest, your middle, your lips, your hands, your feet and especially your manhood belong to me."
"My whole body belongs to you," Spencer said even as he leaned up and kissed Hotch on the lips. "It belongs 100 percent to you and only you. I will never have sex with anyone else other than you."
"Just make sure you remember that," Hotch playfully growled kissing Spencer's throat where his pulse was located. "You married me so having sex with anyone other then your husband, would be considered adultery as I know you are aware."
"You don't need to worry about that," Spencer assured his lover in all seriousness his voice hoarse with the many emotions that were coursing through his body. "I would never even consider betraying you in that way or any other, for I love you so deeply that just thinking about having sex with anyone other than you makes me almost literally sick to my stomach."
Hotch immediately noticed that the man that he had just married just over a week ago did indeed look just a tiny bit green around the gills and this reassured him that the man he adored was being completely truthful in his words, not that he had any doubt about his mate's loyalty to him. He never would have proposed if he'd had any doubts at all, not after what had happened with Haley. No, Spencer wasn't the kind of man who would ever betray his wife or in their case lover, unlike his previous wife Haley who he had known was cheating on him as he had read the signs easily whenever he had been home. He had never confronted her about her affairs, and yes he was positive their had been several over the years they had been married, although he could have. That relationship and marriage had been different though as he and Haley had never talked about their day and all they had ever seemed to do was argue when he was home, especially after the honeymoon phase was over.
"I know," Hotch answered quietly with love and tenderness in his voice, "I have absolutely no doubts about your loyalty to me and I hope you don't have any about mine to you."
"No, absolutely none," Spencer assured his lover the green tinge fading from his face as his stomach settled down. Spencer took Aaron's face in his hands and very gently and tenderly kissed the other man on the lips. "I think you know me well enough to realize that I never would have agreed to your marriage proposal if I wasn't absolutely positive that you loved me for who I was—completely. Besides if you had sex with anyone besides me it would be considered adultery to you know even if I know that it will never happen. I realized after the first time we made love that the two of us belong to each other in that way and no one else. No one can come between what we share, simply because our bond is much deeper then most couples even know is possible. People will come and go out of our lives, but there will always be us, always together. I have no doubt whatsoever that our bond will last through absolutely anything except for maybe betrayal by the other, which of course will never happen, so nothing will be able to break our bond."
"Well then," Hotch said with a pleased half smile coming to his face that immediately turned into a full blown one when he looked down at his lover's naked body, which had from the first time they had made love had absolutely captivated him and the soulmate bond was only a tiny part of that. "Let's continue what we were doing shall we?"
"Be my guest," Spencer said as the tight intense pleasure in his belly that had subsided a little doing the course of their short conversation immediately began to rise again.
"Oh, I will," Hotch assured him with an absolutely shit eating grin. "Have I ever told you that I absolutely love everything about your body? I know you don't believe you are very handsome or desirable, but believe you me you are both, at least to me. I desire you all the time, even when I'm at work as I often have trouble concentrating on my paperwork, because I can't get you out of my head and believe me the rest of the team has noticed how often I have been distracted in the last couple of years."
Spencer blushed in embarrassed pleasure and was happy that his mate loved his body and wouldn't want him to change.
Hotch continued what he had been doing previously, slathering his cock with more lube and pushing it in and out of Spencer's anus, while kissing and licking the pulse at his throat so it wasn't long at all before both men came all over each other and the bed.
"I love you, Aaron," Spencer said softly when Hotch had collapsed beside him on the opposite side of the bed. The two men kissed softly and tenderly for a few minutes before they drifted off to sleep content in each other's arms, even more in love then they had been before.
~~~Hotch and Reid~~~
Spencer woke with a groan feeling a little stiff and sore from their previous night of lovemaking and felt a flash of regret that their honeymoon would be ending in less than 24 hours.
"Awake at last I see," came the amused voice of his husband and lover, Aaron Hotchner. "I've been awake for quite some time."
"What can I say you wore me out," Spencer said grinning at his lover as he stretched the kinks out of his body feeling the stiffness from not only being curled into one position for to long, but also from their very intense lovemaking just a few hours ago. "You could have woken me up you know."
"Oh, no, I couldn't of done that as you needed the rest," Hotch replied kissing his lover tenderly, "and besides I enjoyed watching you sleep. You look so relaxed, and boyish when you sleep, did you know that? You look at least five years younger."
"No I didn't know that," Spencer said blushing a little, at his lover's words, "but then I never slept with anyone except Clara and a couple of other woman before we met. They were all one night stands and none of them cared anything for me, although I was at least attracted to them or I never would have had sex with them. I didn't do that to often and I definitely didn't invite any of them to meet my sons, so in that respect you were the first."
"And I will be the last," Hotch growled playfully causing Spencer to chuckle and kiss his lover on the lips.
"Yes, you will be, I don't need nor want anybody else," Spencer assured him firmly cuddling as close to his lover as he could get enjoying his mate's warmth. Hotch wrapped his arms protectively around the much smaller form of Spencer Reid and thought he would never let anything happen to the younger man for if it did he knew that he would never be truly happy again. It was hard and frightening to realize that his happiness was wrapped up in the presence of this one man, but it was and so he would never allow anything to happen to him since he'd never been this content or happy in his whole life. Nothing would ever come between him and Spencer and if anything tried it would be dealt with appropriately for he would do almost anything to protect his lover.
"And neither will I," Hotch said kissing the top of Spencer's head causing the other man to let out a contented sigh and close his eyes in pure happiness.
"You know I'm all stiff and sore from what you did to me earlier," Spencer commented after a long enough silence that Hotch thought that his lover had gone back to sleep again.
Hotch's grin was absolutely predatory, but when he answered his voice was mostly normal. "What can I say you are absolutely irresistible."
"You're the only one that has ever thought so," Spencer answered still insecure about his looks and also his sexuality even though he knew that Aaron thought he was very handsome.
"Those women were idiots and their loss is my gain," Hotch told him quite calmly, although Spencer could imagine his lover's expression was deadly serious, even if he couldn't see it at the moment. "Are you up for another bout of lovemaking or are you too sore?"
"I'm not that sore and I'd like to keep it that way since we do fly out in less than 24 hours and it is a very long flight."
"You're not going to deny me the pleasure of your body for the next two days are you?" asked Hotch with a raised eyebrow, "because that's what it amounts to by the time we get home."
"No," Spencer said opening his eyes to look into Aaron's dark brown ones, "but I would prefer that we just make out heavily and that no actual penetration takes place as that is what has gotten me this sore. You're welcome to kiss, nip and lick me all over my body. In fact you can do anything you want to except for that. If I wasn't about to get on an airplane and have to sit for hours at a time then I wouldn't object to the other thing."
"Well, in that case," Hotch said a leering grin blossoming onto his face as his eyes rove up and down his mate's body. "There are other ways for us to get off, although penetrating your hole is my favorite."
Spencer snickered and said, "It would be, but I can't really legitimately say anything because I love doing the same to you when you allow me to be on top. I promise as soon as we get home you can do to me what you want even though I know I'll probably be even more sore for the next few days after that."
Hotch's grin reappeared wider than ever and he was immediately looking forward to fulfilling his mate's promise to him.
"That makes you happy I see," Spencer murmured his brown eyes looking at the shit-eating grin on his lover's his face.
"Oh yes, it does," Hotch assured him with an evil grin, "and I think I can contain myself until we get home, but when we get into the house and after we spend sometime with our sons just be prepared to not be allowed to leave the bedroom, except for meals for the last couple of days of my vacation time. Once I go back to work we won't be able to do that kind of thing except on weekends whenever I'm not out of town."
"Well, I can see that you going out of town so much is going to help me heal in between," Spencer said with a grin of his own. "Why do I have a feeling I'm going to be constantly sore for the next few months?"
"Because you're very intelligent and perceptive?" Hotch suggested only half jokingly, because he knew that the other man was exactly that.
"If I may inquire what has suddenly put you into the mood of us fucking each other all the time?" asked Spencer seriously. "Our sex life has always been more than satisfactory, at least from my end, but you've taken it to a whole new level in the last month or so. What brought it on?"
"Oh, just you agreeing to marry me," Hotch told his lover quite seriously, although the sparkle in his eyes told Spencer that his mate was in a very good mood.
Spencer thought about that then slowly grinned and said, "If I had known how you were going to react to me accepting your marriage proposal I would've found a way for you to propose much sooner. This has been the most intensive and pleasurable month of my life so far, despite the fact that I've been sore in varying degrees ever since then and you tell me I can expect more the same after we get back to Quantico."
"Oh, you can," Hotch assured him with a lecherous grin looking up and down his mate's totally naked body his eyes sparkling in obvious pleasure at the sight, causing Spencer to blush for at least the third time in the last few minutes. Suddenly he grew more serious and added, "but it's also partly that I've needed this vacation for at least a couple years and being able to relax and be myself instead of keeping up my work persona like I have to when I'm on the job. Spending my vacation time on my honeymoon with a man I adore is just icing on the cake as far as I'm concerned."
"Well, if you weren't such a workaholic we could've taken at least a couple of vacations by now even if it was just a few long weekends," Spencer pointed out, although he was inwardly very pleased with Aaron's description of him.
"That's going to change," Hotch assured him. "Now that I know our relationship is solid and since we are married, I'm going to take some more time off sometime in the summer and we can go somewhere with our sons and Sara to if she wants to come along, although she might decide to go visit one of her children while we're gone."
"You had doubts about a relationship?" asked Spencer surprise looking truly startled.
"Not doubts precisely," Hotch objected. "I suppose I just wanted to make sure that our relationship would last before I decided to take any long vacations, not that I truly doubted it would you understand. For example I knew for sometime before Haley was killed that she was having an affair and in fact she'd had at least four or five different lovers over the years. If I hadn't been a profiler and known the signs I probably never would have known as she was always really careful. My point is that when you get burned once you want to be really sure of your partner's feelings and also be certain that they would never cheat on you before you do something irreversible. When you agreed to marry me though that erased all the doubts I was secretly harboring as I know how careful you are about relationships and that you never would have agreed to my proposal if you didn't share the same feelings I have for you."
Spencer didn't verbally respond and instead just kissed his mate directly on the lips tenderly and passionately to let him know that he did understand about having doubts as he had felt the same near the beginning of their relationship, but not in the last year or so.
"So you're not upset at me?" Hotch asked a unusually tentative and Spencer shook his head negatively.
"No, because I harbored a few of the same doubts near the beginning of our relationship, as I couldn't help but wonder what it was that you saw in me that I didn't, although not in the last year, so I do understand where you are coming from. I'm just happy that my agreeing to your proposal put those doubts you had to rest—permanently."
"They did and it's also the main reason I've been...shall we say inspired lately," Hotch said with a another wide grin his eyes again roving up and down his lover's naked body.
"Is that what you call it?" asked Spencer choking back a laugh. "Inspired?"
"What else would you call it?" asked Hotch the grin refusing to leave his face. He'd been smiling almost constantly for the last month and a half, in fact ever since Spencer had agreed to marry him. Oh he always maintained his facade at work, but every time he looked at his lover he couldn't help the wide grin that always felt like it was splitting his face in two. He had always been the serious type, or at least he had all his adult life, but ever since he and Spencer got together he had been happier then he had ever thought he could possibly be.
He was so happy, and ecstatic that Spencer had said yes to his proposal and agreed to tie his life to his that his feelings just couldn't be contained inside his body. Spencer had of course noticed he was always grinning like an idiot in his presence, but hadn't commented because he did understand Hotch's feelings since he felt like grinning himself anytime he looked at his mate. That a man that was so obviously superior to most of the rest of the male species had willingly tied his life to someone like him had been an enormous boost to his self-confidence. To Aaron he was desirable and in fact his mate had barely been able keep his hands to himself even when they were out in public and this secretly thrilled Spencer no end, although it also embarrassed the hell out of him since he wasn't one for public displays of affection and usually neither was Aaron. So what if he had been almost constantly sore for the last two weeks? He would take soreness any day of the week just to have Aaron in his life, since he remembered perfectly what his life had been like before the other man had come into it thanks to his eidetic memory.
"Well anytime you get inspired feel free to use whatever you think of on me," Spencer said. "Being sore all the time is getting a little annoying, but the sex is so spectacular that I really don't mind that much."
"I'm glad to hear you say that, but I have some ideas I want to try, although they'll have to wait until we get home because you'll be very sore before I'm done and you're right that you don't want to be to sore for the flight as I know that would make the ride back rather unpleasant."
"Thanks for that," Spencer said gratefully. "The flight is going to be long enough that I want to be as comfortable as possible, well as comfortable as you can be surrounded by dozens of other people and unable to stretch out your legs as much as you want. Of course I am grateful we're not flying in third class as there is definitely no leg room back there."
"Until then though why don't we use the Jacuzzi again and that should get at least some the soreness out of both our muscles," Hotch suggested and Spencer nodded enthusiastically for he loved the Jacuzzi and was going to miss it when they left.
The Jacuzzi was big enough for at least four people and so they had plenty of room to move around if they wanted to or just soak up the warmth of the steam and the water and not move at all. Spencer usually spent his time sitting on Hotch's lap as the two of them made out rather heavily, although they had never had full blown sex as that would have defeated the purpose of the hot soak.
"I really wish I could have one of these at home, but I would worry constantly about one of the twins or Jack drowning, although it's mostly Lochlan and Landon since I know their curiosity. As I said I'll wait until they are a little older and they have a little bit more sense and then I'll consider having one installed in one of the bathrooms. In fact I might just have them installed in all the bathrooms, especially when the twins and Jack are grown and gone," Spencer said as he rose from the bed and headed for the Jacuzzi limping a little with every step causing Hotch to smirk, because he knew it was only because of their intense and earth-shattering lovemaking that his mate was limping and that satisfied the alpha in him who looked at it as a visible claim upon his mate, even if no one else would ever know why.
The mark from his teeth with a little bruise around one of Spencer's nipples was also his way of claiming his mate and would be visible for quite awhile, even after the limp disappeared at least to him. Of course Spencer had left his own love bites—one on his chest and one on his inner thigh near his cock where he had bitten a little to hard—that luckily would be covered by his clothing so no one would ever have to know, what an animal that Spencer could be in bed at least with him.
"Are you coming, Aaron? Or are you just going to stand there?" Spencer called as he had already started the tub and it was filling rapidly.
"I'm coming," Hotch said striding across the room until he was at Spencer's side in just a few steps.
He took the other man in his arms and tenderly held him close both men able to feel their cock's pressed against each other's bodies. "I love you," Hotch told the man he adored, kissing him on the lips tenderly and gently.
"I love you too," Spencer assured the older man returning the kiss. "We had better watch the Jacuzzi though as it's just about to overflow," he added when they had broken the kiss.
Spencer stepped out of Hotch's arms just long enough to turn off the water flow and then turned back to his lover.
"Care to join me for a nice, hot soak?" Spencer asked with a smirk already knowing the answer.
"Of course," Hotch said with a smirk of his own waiting until Spencer stepped into the tub before following.
"I'm going to miss this when we go home tomorrow," Spencer sighed as he sat down on Hotch's lap and leaned back against his chest as soon as the older man was settled.
"I am too," Hotch said as he put his arms tenderly and protectively around the younger man and just held him close, Spencer upper body pressed against his chest, his lower half sitting directly on his already half erect cock.
"And it's just not the Jacuzzi I'm going to miss, but the fact that we won't be alone anymore just you and me," Spencer commented sounding very drowsy as the extremely hot water had almost lured him to sleep.
"Oh, we'll find some time to be alone," Hotch assured him, "even if it's only a few long weekends, every few months. We'll go rent a cabin or something up in the wilderness and away from civilization if we have to. Now that I know what being alone with you is like there's no way I could ever give it up completely. It's been wonderful, with no children or Sara around. I love them and I know you do too, but this has been really good for our relationship since we haven't had anyone else to be worried about, except us."
"Oh, I agree," Spencer said as he kissed Hotch on the lips. "It's been absolutely wonderful with it being just you and me for the last two weeks. I love my sons, but we both needed this time away from everything so we could concentrate on just us."
The two men leaned back in the tub and just enjoyed the heat as it slowly seeped into their sore muscles relaxing them and taking many of their aches and pains from their sexual activities with it.
~~~Hotch and Reid~~~
"You're home, you're home!" all three children shouted excitedly as Spencer and Hotch walked in the door.
"Yes, we're home again," Hotch told the three children, putting down the handle of his luggage and leaning down as Jack ran into his arms while the twins ran to their father and hugged him around the legs until he put down the handle of his own luggage and also leaned down and hugged them both at the same time happy to be home, but already missing the closeness that he and Hotch had shared when it had just been them.
"You were gone a long time," Jack said, and Hotch supposed that to a seven year old a little over two weeks was a long time. They had been gone almost 16 days if you included travel time.
"Well, we're back now," Hotch told his son, "and we brought each of you something nice."
"What did you bring us?" asked the twins at the same time.
"Well, you'll have to wait until we unpack, since it is in our luggage," Spencer told the three children who groaned in disappointment.
"It sure is good to have you home," said Sara, who had allowed the three children to greet their fathers before speaking.
"Thank you, it's good to be home," Spencer said extracting himself from his sons gently so he could go and give Sara a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
"So are you hungry?" asked Sara
"Yes," Hotch answered. "It was a long flight and airplane food while edible isn't exactly very filling."
"Well, I'll just whip you up something quickly then," Sara offered.
"No that's okay, we'll just order pizza," Spencer said. "I haven't had pizza in awhile and I'm in the mood for a vegetarian and besides you could probably use a break from cooking."
Sara started to automatically protest, but Spencer gave her a look and she stopped. "You've had to look after three very active kids for two weeks all by yourself and I know that couldn't have been easy and would have at least been very tiring. Having pizza once in awhile isn't going to do them any damage."
"All right," Sara finally said giving in. "I could use some time to just relax."
"Ah dad," Landon whined. "We want some pizza."
"Don't worry, we'll order your favorite to," Spencer assured the three children. All three children liked a pizza with more meat on it the better. They claimed that vegetables did not belong on a pizza and all three adults had solemnly agreed, while thinking that was so typical of children in general as most kids didn't like to eat vegetables no matter how good they were for you.
"Yes, you could use a break as looking after three small children is not easy, especially by yourself," Hotch said coming back into the den having been on the phone with the pizza place already having ordered two pizzas knowing what everyone liked already. "The pizza should be here in half an hour."
"Yeah!" the three boys cheered causing the three adults to smile.
"So why don't you tell us about your trip?" Sara suggested knowing that Spencer and Hotch would edit it appropriately and only tell the rated G version, especially with three children present. Besides she didn't need to hear the intimate details either as that should remain between Spencer and Hotch, besides it hadn't been so long since her George's death that she had forgotten what you did on your honeymoon. She was quite sure that they had spent a great deal of time in bed and even though the children hadn't noticed both men were very relaxed, more relaxed then she had remembered seeing either one. They also seemed to be even closer then when they had left, which really was only natural, since they had been alone for two weeks, with no children interrupting them at a delicate moment, so of course they were as they had been constantly together for that time.
"All right, let us take our luggage upstairs and then we'll come back down and tell you all we saw and did, while we were gone," Spencer agreed grabbing the handle of his suitcase and wheeling it towards the stairs, Hotch following.
~~~Hotch and Reid~~~
"Alone at last," Spencer sighed as he walked directly into Hotch's waiting arms putting his head on the other man's shoulder. Both men had already taken off all their clothes and so were totally naked holding each other, their bare skin touching everywhere that was possible.
"Yes, alone at last," Hotch agreed as he kissed the top of Spencer's head.
"I never realized how hard it would be to be separated from you," Spencer said. "I realize that we sat together on the couch, but we did have to act with a certain amount of decorum in front of Sara and the children. I couldn't attack you and rip the clothes from your body like I wanted to and such behavior used to very unlike me, until I met you that is." Spencer smirked briefly.
"It will be that way for awhile," Hotch said knowing exactly what his lover was getting at, "since we did just share two very intensive weeks concentrating on us. Once we've been home for awhile, with lot's of distractions around, things should return to mostly what they normally are."
"I don't want to lose this closeness that we've gained," Spencer said his tone slightly worried.
"We won't," Hotch promised him. "We'll take some long weekends away every few months just like I promised you back in Hawaii and that should help us maintain the level of closeness that we gained on our honeymoon. You could also travel some with us when when the team has to go out of town on a case just so we can be together and not necessarily to help us catch our unsub."
"Those are very good suggestion," Spencer said. "I won't be able to travel with you too often with the children still so young. I know Sara is perfectly capable of looking after them for a few days, but I don't think they'd really understand if I just decide to go with you you."
"I think they understand perfectly," Hotch told his lover. "They understand about our relationship after all and I think they're smarter than you're giving them credit for. They understood after all that they would be ready to ridiculed for our relationship when some people found out even if they didn't have anything to do with the decision."
"A good point," Spencer acknowledged, "so you're right they more than likely would understand if I decided to travel with you for a case just because I want us to be together, not necessarily because you need help catching your unsub."
"We can shelf this discussion until later because right now I believe it's past time for me to fulfill your promise, the one you made to me in Hawaii," Hotch said.
"Oh and what promise was that?" Spencer teased the older man remembering what he had said perfectly thanks to his eidetic memory.
"You remember perfectly what you said," Hotch told Spencer with a knowing smirk.
"So I do," Spencer agreed. "What position do you want me in?"
"On your side for right now," Hotch ordered him and Spencer obeyed immediately.
Hotch got on the bed behind his lover and took the lube out of the drawer as well as a cock ring.
"Put this on your cock," Hotch ordered his lover handing the younger man the cock ring.
"Oh, you want to stop me from coming," Spencer commented holding the cock ring in his hand and waiting until his cock was as stiff as possible. He always got intense pleasure at using the sexual toys that Aaron had bought. If it had been him he never would've been brave enough to buy such things or even go into an adult toy store where they were sold.
"For as long as possible," Hotch said. "Besides it will intensify your sexual pleasure as you well know."
"And what about yours?" asked Spencer.
"Oh I was going to allow you to do the same thing to me after I'm done with you," Hotch told his lover causally causing Spencer to take a moment to absorb his mate's words.
"You're going to let me be in charge?" asked Spencer in surprise. He had been in charge several times on their honeymoon and also in the two years they had been together, but it still didn't happen too often since Aaron Hotchner was definitely the alpha male type and therefore usually was always on top or doing the penetrating when making love.
"Yes, I am," Hotch said and had the pleasure of seeing Spencer look at him with such love in his eyes that it actually choked him up a little.
"You don't have to do that for me, but I really do appreciate it," Spencer told his lover kissing him gently on the lips. "I enjoy doing the penetrating of your body with my cock just as much as you do mine as you know. You know your body is a perfect fit for my cock and I hardly ever have any trouble at all."
"It's as much for my pleasure, as it is yours," Hotch assured him. "I do like to be penetrated occasionally, so long as it's by you and the cock ring will prevent me from coming until we're ready. You're right though my cock is a perfect fit for your body too and that might have something to do with the fact that we were made for each other."
"You're right, so why don't we get started," Spencer suggested laying back on his side.
"Do you know how irresistible, you are?" Hotch asked rhetorically even as he kissed the side of Spencer's neck tenderly.
"Only to you," Spencer told his mate quite seriously knowing that no one else male of female had ever looked at him with such a tender possessive look of utter love before Aaron Hotchner.
"Good," Hotch growled possessively nipping Spencer along his neck, and then tenderly kissing the place he'd made afterwards. "Other people have no idea what they have lost out on and that's all to the good as far as I'm concerned for you are for me alone and no one else will ever get to see or touch you in this way. If you weren't already aware I'm very possessive and nobody else has a right to your body, but me and this is doubly true now that we are married."
Spencer sighed contently as his lover begin to tenderly caress his body slowly moving his hands up and down his skin gently stroking. He didn't mind in the least that Aaron was so possessive of him because he felt the same about the older man and normally he wasn't the possessive type at all, but when it came to his lover, his partner, his mate he definitely was. He would fight fiercely to protect his Aaron and the rest of those he considered family, even though he wasn't normally the fighting type at all.
Hotch kissed the younger man between the shoulder blades and then gently moved down kissing every single inch of his back and side. His Aaron was apparently feeling very tender and gentle, because there was no rush for either one of them to reach their climaxes, Spencer noticed. His lover was apparently determined to kiss every inch of his back and his side and he didn't mind at all as it made him feel warm all over that his Aaron was taking such care so that he got as much pleasure as possible. Thanks to Aaron's ministrations his climax had been building extremely slowly that Spencer hardly noticed at first except for the fact that his cock was standing stiff at attention and was beginning to be very painful. Spencer had placed the cock ring over his penis and pushed the rubber ring down until it rested at the base once that stiffness had been achieved. Because the cock ring prevented the blood from flowing past the base his cock immediately began to tingle and throb even more then it already had been.
He didn't want to come after all until Aaron was done doing whatever it was, although he was enjoying every minute of his lover's gentle, tender touch. Normally when they made love each wanted to reach their climaxes as fast as possible, but whatever had brought out this gentle, tender side of his lover Spencer sure would like to know what it was, so that they could have a repeat. This gentle, tender side of Aaron was not exactly normal, at least when they were making love as usually they both wanted each other so much that they were usually frantic and didn't take much time for foreplay, before, one of them was lubing up their cocks and the other's anus, and then shoving their member into the other's hole.
He wasn't denying that they both always enjoyed the experience and their climaxes usually came close together and were almost always explosive. Aaron's gentle tenderness brought their lovemaking to a whole new level though.
Hotch started kissing the other man on the side of the neck again and then said quite suddenly, "Flip over onto your back, pillow under you hips."
Spencer obeyed immediately, although he had trouble rolling over onto his back from his side as his muscles felt as if they were made of jelly and tingled constantly after his Aaron's treatment of them. Oh the tingling wasn't unpleasant, in fact it was quite the opposite, and Spencer wondered what his lover was going to do now that the skin of his whole right side and back felt like they were warm all over. Spencer could still feel every spot where his Aaron had pressed his lips including the side of his neck and he was tempted to never take a shower again since his skin had never felt so hypersensitive before and he seemed to be feeling Aaron's touch even after his lover had moved on to another spot on his body.
Finally Aaron seemed to be done doing what he whatever he was and Spencer was almost glad as his cock at the moment was so painfully engorged that he knew his climax would be the most explosive one he had ever had. Unfortunately he couldn't come until the cock ring was removed so he sincerely hoped that he was allowed to remove it soon, before his body literally exploded from the pleasant, yet painful sexual tension coiled within his belly just waiting to be released.
Hotch got himself into position and Spencer could see from where he was laying that his lover's cock was also painfully engorged and he didn't have a cock ring around it to prevent himself from coming. Spencer watched his Aaron lube up his cock and then also make sure to apply the gel to his hole as well so that he would slide in easily with only a little pain.
"When I tell you I want you to remove the cock ring," Hotch said speaking for the first time in at least 10 minutes.
"Alright," Spencer replied giving his lover a kiss on the lips causing Hotch to groan as his cock was very painful and he knew that Spencer's was as well. In fact he knew with absolute certainty that Spencer's was more so simply because the cock ring prevented all the blood that was pooling at the base from going anywhere and his lover's penis had already been painfully engorged before the cock ring had been placed.
Hotch inserted his cock into his lover pulling himself in and then ramming himself back in hard and so it didn't take long at all for his penis to become even more engorged than it already was.
"Now!" Hotch finally ordered and Spencer immediately obeyed reaching for the cock ring, pulling it off the base of his penis and up until it finally came off the tip. Blood rushed to that part of his body causing the feelings coiled within his stomach to increase a hundredfold until he went completely over the edge and his cock became even more engorged than it already was simply because he had released the one thing that was holding the blood flow and semen back. Spencer cock exploded all over Hotch whose body was just above him as well as his stomach and even the bed sheets. At the same time Spencer felt his lover's cock explode as well deep within his body and it took quite a long time for both men's cocks to stop spurting semen.
Both Hotch and Spencer lay panting on the bed curled against each other.
"I love you, Aaron," Spencer told his lover softly kissing him on the lips as soon as he was sure he could speak. "That was absolutely wonderful."
"But also painful," Hotch commented with a grin.
"Well, yes, there was some pain, but it was pleasant kind, if you know what I mean," Spencer said.
"I do indeed," Hotch agreed as he put his arms protectively around the younger man who was happy to curl as close to his lover as he could get.
"I think we're going to have to take a rain check on me doing the same thing to you though because I'm exhausted," Spencer said. "Besides the boys will be up in a few hours and we need to spend some time with them no matter how much I would like to keep you here in bed for the next couple of days."
"I agree," Hotch said kissing his mate on the lips tenderly. "Tomorrow night though you can do the same to me."
"I'd be happy to," Spencer assured the older man. "What you did to me was absolutely fantastic and I'm not sure how you resisted ramming your cock into me or kept yourself from coming before you wanted to."
"Willpower," Hotch answered simply with a smirk, "I know you know I have a very strong will."
"I do," Spencer agreed. "I know that I never could have done the same if it hadn't been for the cock ring I would have released my load long before I did."
"I think you underestimate yourself," Hotch told his lover quite sincerely.
"Maybe," Spencer said still sounding doubtful and Hotch knew that he would have to do all he could to help his mate gain confidence in himself at least in the sexual arena, "but for now I'm for sleep, because I'm absolutely exhausted. First there was the long flight back and that wasn't exactly invigorating, then we spent several hours with the children and Sara, and finally ended the day with some of the most spectacular sex I have ever had."
"You meant to say that 'we' have ever had," Hotch corrected with a smile.
"All right fine, that we have ever had," Spencer said repeated Hotch's words obligingly with a tired smile, "so it's no wonder that we're both exhausted."
"No, it's not," Hotch agreed giving his lover one last kiss before they both drifting off to sleep curled in each others arms.
~~~Hotch and Reid~~~
"So how was your honeymoon?" asked JJ as soon as she spotted her boss stepping off the elevator bright and early on Monday morning two weeks later.
Hotch looked at her his face expressionless as usual, but then it split into a wide grin. "Spencer and I had a wonderful time."
"I just bet you did," Morgan commented with a leer as he came from visiting Garcia.
Hotch rolled his eyes at the other man, but that was the only reaction he showed to Morgan's implied comment.
"I bet you didn't even get out of the hotel room much," Morgan added with another leer. "I certainly wouldn't have wanted to if I was married to a gorgeous woman."
"Derek Morgan!" JJ admonished the other man. "That is absolutely none of your business!"
"It's okay, JJ," Hotch said gently with a smile. "I'll take care of this."
JJ looked from Hotch to Morgan, who looked as if he knew he had gone to far and nodded disappearing into her office.
"Come into my office, Morgan," said Hotch his expression stern.
Morgan nodded followed not looking happy and Hotch was happy to let him think he was in trouble until they had entered his office and the door had been closed.
"Sit down!" Hotch ordered the other man who obeyed looking as tense as a coiled spring.
Suddenly a grin broke out on Hotch's face and Morgan relaxed now that he knew that Hotch wasn't mad at him.
"Man, Hotch, you really had me going," Morgan commented relaxing a little more.
"Well, your behavior really was inappropriate," Hotch told the other man a little sternly, but then smiled a little, "Mine and Spencer's love life is no ones business, but I'm also in to good of a mood to really be mad at you."
"That must've been some honeymoon," Morgan commented and watched as a slow shit eating grin that slowly formed on Hotch's face and how his dark brown eyes, that looked almost black began to sparkle.
"Oh it wasn't just the fact that it was my honeymoon, it was also the fact that I needed that vacation in the worst way and had for quite a few years. Taking it with Spencer, the man I love was just icing on the cake so to speak."
"Well you certainly look tanned, relaxed and happy," Morgan said as he stared at his boss, who did indeed look relaxed as he sat behind his desk.
"Wouldn't you be if you had just come back from your honeymoon with a woman that you loved more than anything else in the whole world?" asked Hotch rhetorically and Morgan nodded.
"Yes, I would be," Morgan admitted.
"And just so you know Morgan your comment about us not leaving the hotel room was inaccurate to say the least."
Morgan looks surprised that Hotch's comment but nodded. "So you two did get out and see some of the sites?"
"Yes, we did," Hotch assured the other man with a grin. "I'm not denying that we spent a lot of time in bed, but we also went to see Pearl Harbor and the Arizona Memorial that was close by, took a helicopter tour of the islands, and brought back souvenirs for everyone. We ate in some of the finest restaurants, went to a luau, and toured several museums. We even had a romantic dinner for two on one of those dinner tours that are on a yacht and got to see some dolphins and other aquatic wildlife. We went scuba diving underwater and even got to see the view down deep from the portholes of a submarine."
"Well, it certainly sounds as if you two enjoyed yourselves," Morgan commented with a grin and Hotch nodded.
"We sure did and we would like to go back someday since both of us know we didn't even get to see a tenth of it before our honeymoon was over. One thing is that we stayed on or around Honolulu and they're are several other inhabited islands to explore, but you've got to plan all that stuff out in advance as the only way to get to the other islands is to fly and you have to make your reservations at the same time as you book your original flight."
"So is Spencer as relaxed and as happy as you are?" asked Morgan with a raised eyebrow.
"Yes, he is," Hotch told the other man with a smirk. "I kept him so distracted he didn't even miss his sons very much, which is really quite a feat since he loves them so much."
"I'll just bet you did," Morgan said with a knowing leer and was relieved to see that Hotch laughed.
"I'm sure he'll be by the office sometime in a week or so once he's had a chance to recover from all the stuff we did on our honeymoon," Hotch said calmly.
Hotch didn't specifically mention the fact that Spencer was a little bit stiff and sore from all the times that he had rammed his cock into his lover's body in the three days that they had stayed in their hotel room at the end of their honeymoon, not to mention the times they had had sex after they had gotten home. They had made, love, fucked each other, ate a meal from room service, had sex again, slept for a few hours, ate again, spent sometime in the Jacuzzi letting the hot water help sooth the soreness out of both their muscles, along with some cream that Hotch had been more than happy to rub to his lover's body, Spencer doing the same to him afterwards, had sex, made out, and all of that had been done with the both of them totally naked the entire time.
It was accurate to say that they had probably fucked each other at least a dozen times in those three days if not more than that since they had been making out like rabbits, in between sleep, food and a couple of hours in the Jacuzzi every day to help with the soreness in their bodies. And after they had gotten home they had also fucked each other at least four or five times for the last couple of days of his time off so it was no wonder that Spencer was so sore as it wasn't just from the sex during the honeymoon, but after they had gotten home as well.
"He wanted to spend sometime with his sons, which of course includes Jack since he hadn't seen them in a couple of weeks and of course they come first since they are still really young."
"I never told you or Spencer this, but I am so glad that you found each other," Morgan told Hotch sincerely. "You've been so much more relaxed and happy since you and Spencer got together and I'm sure the same could be said for Spencer too."
"Spencer has taught me how to relax and get some fun into my life," Hotch told the younger man and Morgan nodded.
"Yeah, you were kind of serious all the time," Morgan admitted, "and you hardly ever smiled or seemed to do anything but work. And yes, I know you spent a lot of time with Jack, but that was it."
"Well, thanks to Spencer I've finally learned how to separate my work from my private life and I hardly even bring my work home anymore, except to discuss case files with Spencer of course, since he enjoys doing that so much. Besides he really is brilliant and has given me a different perspective on most case files that we discuss."
"Yes, believe me I know how brilliant your lover is," Morgan said. "He has helped solve several cases from behind the scenes that we never would've been able to solve by ourselves or at least it would've taken us much longer an also that's probably one of the major reasons you guys have such a good thing going," Morgan suggested. "You couldn't really discuss case files with Haley and even if you could have she wasn't really interested in doing that, but Spencer is, which I'm sure has something to do with how close you two are."
"You're right about that," Hotch agreed, "but now you had better get out of here and look like you've been scolded as I'm sure JJ has told the team that I dragged you into my office for inappropriate comments."
Morgan nodded and put the appropriate expression on his face making sure that his body language matched got up from his chair walking out of Hotch's office all slumped over as if he had just been scolded.
Hotch followed him and he was immediately surrounded by the rest of the team who all seemed to want to ask him at the same time how his honeymoon had gone and Hotch told them all about his trip leaving out the more intimate details as those were for him and Spencer alone to remember.
Morgan stood at the back of the crowd and just watched as his boss and friend fielded the rest of the team's questions with ease and felt very happy that Hotch had met Spencer Reid for the other man had changed his boss's life for the better in the last two years and in his opinion that was a very good thing.