Hello readers! If you are confused as to why this is chapter three instead of four, I combined three and two. I thought they made better sense together. I fully admit to the fact that I am terrible at updating. Things happen, fanfiction slips from my mind, and suddenly it's been months since I've written anything. :/ Despite the wait, I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Disclaimer: I don't own Star Wars rebels whatsoever.

You have something only dead men have

The windstorms on Lothal were infamous.

The endless golden plains had little in the way of resisting the gales of the oceans. The seas brought life and commerce, but they also brought powerful air currents. Children tell stories about these winds, about the animal gods and spirits who watch over this land. They say that the howling of the lothwolf spirits are what bring such devastation. They say that when the snake goddess sees the winds she sometimes joins in. She goes round and round in circles, around these howls, until all that remains is a ravaging cyclone.

Ezra struggled against the powerful winds of Lothal. The grass whipped around his legs and made his eyes water and burn. Every scream for help he made (the Lady, the Man, the Boy he could see them. They were standing there, the gust rippling through their robes. They watched with apathetic eyes.) was stolen and added to the endless howls of the lothwolves. He couldn't remember how he got here, or why he still stood when everything flew right by. Ezra thought he could hear whispers of voices he thought he had forgotten.

(you'll be safer-)

(Stay here, don't look back, we love you)

(What a good boy you are!)

(Don't talk about your gift love, it's not safe)

And of voices that he had never heard, but tugged at his heart regardless.

(What happened? The empire did)

(Nice shot lothrat)

(There is no try-)

The boy's muscles ached from the effort of staying up, and his throat was so dry. Just as he was about to fall a red flash split the dream.

Ezra woke up gasping. His eyes fluttered around the small, dark cabin, looking for any signs of danger. When he determined that he was safe, Ezra closed his eyes and regained his breath. He ran a hand through his dark curls and tried to ignore the pit in his stomach. His latest talk with Bossk hadn't ended well.

You have something only dead men have.

The thought scared Ezra.

He had been threatened with death before. Not just in the job with Bossk but on the streets too. Winter cold and summer illness was no joke on Lothal, and that was without the violent winds of the plains.

But in those times there was something he could do, that or he was was in danger because he chose to be be. Ezra was proud but he wouldn't deny that he was more reckless then a bounty hunter should be.

This was something new, this was something he had no decision in. Apparently the last person to know about this power was him. Bossk didn't have many tells or ticks, but after traveling with him so long Ezra could see that the hunter had known the truth. Boba Fett and those imperial agents seemed to after him because of that power.

Ezra pulled on his outfit and scrambled to the cockpit door. He took a deep breath, steeling himself for another talk with Bossk. He needed to know what this power was, why Bossk had never told him about it before. The trandosan didn't give up information easily, not even to his own apprentice. This wasn't going to be an easy battle.

Ezra walked into the cockpit and sat in the copilots chair, arms crossed. There was no greeting or smile. They both knew how serious this talk was going to be. The silence was heavy between them.

"You said that a bounty hunter should know every card they have, in any situation." Ezra said. He tried to phrase his words carefully. "I don't know all of my cards."

It was a long time before Bossk spoke.

"Ever heard of a Jedi, kid?"

"N-not much." Ezra stuttered. He expected a lot of different answers, or none at all. Certainly not this. "What about them?"

"The jedi were the most annoying do gooders in the galaxy." Bossk said. His face was twisted, as if he smelled bad Bantha milk. "Always up in my tail. They didn't like our kind."

"No one likes our kind." Ezra interrupted. Bossk raised an eye, but he couldn't keep his face straight and chuckled a little.

"You're right about that." Bossk said. He looked back to the window, his smile fading. "The jedi had something special, they were different then everyone else." The trandosan snorted. "Gave them a sense of superiority too. They could lift objects, twist minds, do things no normal being could do."

Ezra felt dread coil in his stomach. Should anyone be able to do that? His parents told him about the amazing powers jedi had, but they didn't say anything about twisting minds. The memory of his parents kind voices twisted his stomach even further. He knew what Bossk was going to say next.

"The empire killed most of them. A few are rumored to be here and there, but I doubt any are true. Those clones didn't miss many shots." A minute passed in an odd solemnity. Ezra knew Bossk wasn't grieving for the jedi, so what was he waiting for?

"Those that are left aren't jedi anymore. The empire hunted them down," The boy didn't like where this was going. "Made them all...theirs somehow. I can't explain what they do kid, if you ever see it-"

"You're not turning me in?"

Bossk looked surprised and turned to look at Ezra. "You think I would just throw you at them after that display back there Shorty?"

Now it was Ezra's turn to be surprised. Bossk was practical enough to see that having Ezra around was a risk, yet he was still hanging on to him? The boy felt warmth bloom in his chest. He admired his boss before, but it increased trifold. "No."

Bossk appeared to be a little uncomfortable with such an open display of affection from Ezra. After a minute the trandosan said "There's rumors of a rebel cell on Lothal you know." Bossk's claw-like fingers twitched. "There's even a fellow that claims he saw a light saber with the leader once."

"Do you think he could be a jedi?" Ezra asked, intrigued. A Jedi on Lothal seemed unthinkable to him. A Jedi would have helped him on the streets, a Jedi would have done something about the empire.


The night passed in a rare silence. No jests, no more words passed between them. Sometimes before bed Bossk told him a story about the clone wars, or about his solo bounty hunter days. Tonight didn't hold a story.

Lothal hadn't changed much in the past two years.

"Mind staying here for a second kid? This contact of mine is doesn't like teenagers. Thinks they're too unstable for bounty hunter work."

"There are plenty of grown bounty hunters to prove him wrong. Remember that one giant hat man?"

"Cad may be senile, but that doesn't mean you're coming with me."

"Fine, but why here Bossk? Why Lothal of all places?"

"Kriff, I don't know Shorty. Go steal a meiloorun or something!"

"Ok, OK. Good luck with the contact."

"...Yeah, good luck."

Bossk didn't come back.

Ezra waited in the street corner for hours. He broke and checked the spaceport when he say the twin moons come up.

The Hound's Tooth wasn't there.

It felt as if a blaster bolt went through Ezra's heart. Bossk cared, he knew that. Bossk wouldn'the, he wouldn't-But he would. He can't hunt when he's being hunted himself. The logic came and was violently pushed aside by the whirlwind of emotions hitting the boy like a speeder crash. He couldn't breathe, he ran hand through his hair and checked his equipment in his head. He knew it was only a distraction from the truth, but as he marched through the empty streets he made the list.

Blaster? Yes. Light armor? Yes, but Ezra wished to the Lothwolves he had his heavy set. Rations? Yes, in his pack. (Old habits die hard.) Credits? Only around 50 because he expected to go back h-Bantha crap, what am I going to do?

I am such an idiot. All he could do was stay. He couldn't fly, or call Bossk (At least his parents didn't have a choice, but Bossk-), or do anything really. This simple fact infuriated Ezra. Actually everything was infuriating the young bounty hunter. The chill in the night air, the sight of well fed children in their home windows. Worst of all the stormtrooper trotting about as if they were owned the planet.

The moons shouldn't have been shining, the howling wolves shouldn't have been this loud. Ezra stormed back and forth in an alley for the hundredth time. He couldn't stop shaking, and he felt tears coming, but he forced them back.

Street kids don't cry. Neither did bounty hunters.

His body finally had enough of the constant pacing and tension that had been coursing though him for hours. Ezra collapsed on to an alley wall and sunk to the ground. He needed to formulate a plan tomorrow. The bounty hunters would come for him. They would figure out that he had been dumped here. Maybe Bossk will tell them. Ezra thought, spite curving his mouth.

He needed a ship, credits to buy that ship, and a way to keep getting credits once he was off this wretched planet.

But for the foreseeable future he was stuck here. Stuck on that planet nearly killed him several times. Lothal, the place of his ancestors.

Lothal, the place where he'd probably die.

If you have advice or a question, please tell me! I hope you liked it. I wouldn't mind a review at all. ;).