A few things before we get to the story. First and foremost, I don't own Wizards of Waverly Place or Descendants. Secondly, Auradon only knows of the evil Alex and have no idea that she is only part of a whole. Third, being familiar with The Wizards Return: Alex vs Alex is recommended but not mandatory to understand this fic though it does provide a bit of the backstory. Fourth, I have plans to turn this into a trilogy with the first one focusing on events from the movie. Fifth, Enjoy.

Lexi-Victoria Justice

Charles-Lucas Till

Once upon a time, long long ago well, more like twenty years ago Belle married her Beast in front of six thousand of their closest friends. Big cake. Yeah, so instead of a honeymoon, Beast allied with King Charming, united all the Kingdoms and were both elected to rule the United States of Auradon. They then proceeded, to round up all villains and sidekicks, basically all the really interesting people, my Mom, and Dad included, booted them off to the Isle of the Lost with a magical barrier to keep them there.

Now my Mom was never supposed to exist. The way she tells it is that some girl couldn't handle who she was tossed the parts of her she decided she could lose and voila, Mom was born. Apparently there was this crazed plot to eliminate mortals from the world and only my kind, wizards, would exist. It was hatched up by my father Dominic. My parents tricked the girl into activating the spell. She managed to foil the plot, however, she couldn't fuse back with my Mom, and thus Mom banished her to an unknown location. So my Mom and Dad were sentenced to the isle for the rest of their lives.

The Isle of the Lost is about as grungy as it gets. Absolutely no magic, no Wi-Fi no way out. You'll meet the big kahuna's and little fish soon, but first...

Ben and Charles future CO-rulers of Auradon were being fitted for matching suits Ben's blue, Charles' gray, for their coronation. It wasn't their idea. The room they were being fitted provided a great view of the Isle of the Lost. They both heaved a sigh. They straightened up at the arrival of their parents Beast and Belle as well as Charming and Ella. Chad, Charles' younger brother Chad also swaggered in. He looked as bored as he did jealous.

"Ah, there they are, The future rulers of Auradon," King Beast said.

"Going to be crowned next month while you two are still practically newborns," King Charming said.

"They're sixteen dear," Ella said to her husband.

"Sixteen? That's far too young to be crowned. I didn't make a good decision until I was at least forty-two," King Beast said. Belle gave him an insulted look.

"Uh, you decided to marry me at twenty-eight," she said

"Ah, it was either you or a teapot," he said. Giggles filled the room. "Kidding." Ben and Charles thought it best to tell them now while they're in a good mood. Ben stepped forward.

"Mom, Dad," he started. The tailor pulled him back to finish taking his measurements. "We've chosen our first official proclamation," Ben said. He took a deep breath before continuing. "We've decided that the children on the Isle of the Lost be given a chance to live here in Auradon," he said. He was met with squeaks, silence, and shock. "Every time I look out to the island I feel like they've been abandoned."

"Charles, Ben. You can't be serious. It's guaranteed to be a disaster. They're there for a reason," Chad said. His tone condescending. King Beast looked like he was about to explode.

"The children of our sworn enemies living among us?" he said, shock and mixed with anger and exasperation clouded his words.

"Have you two thought this through? You'd be putting your citizens in danger," King Charming said.

"We start out with a few at first, only the ones who need our help the most. It's our hope that they choose good, following the success we would allow more children to leave the island from there," Charles said. "We've already chosen them."

"Have you?" King Beast asked, looking no more convinced. King Charming not much less. Belle and Ella seemed to be warming up to the idea. Belle took her husband's arm.

"I gave you another chance," she said to her husband. She then turned to Ben and Charles. "Who are their parents?" We decided it best to start with the least threatening.

"Cruella De Vil... Jafar... Evil Queen... Maleficent—

"Ah! Maleficent!" King Beast said in a mixture of shock and rage.

"And Alex Russo and Dominic," Charles said, finishing the list.

"Alex Russo! Dominic! Son, they are two of if not the worst of them all. If there wasn't a glitch in the spell replicator none of us would be here," King Charming said. Chad who was behind their parents had a smirk on his face, enjoying Ben and Charles being chewed out.

"Dad, Beast, just here us out here," Charles said.

"They are guilty of unspeakable crimes," King Beast said, cutting in. The servants then quietly took their leave.

"Their children are innocent. Don't you think they deserve a shot at a normal life?" Ben said defensively. Slowly but surely King Beast and King Charming were being worn down.

"I suppose their children are innocent," King Beast said.

"One chance. We can't afford them more," King charming said. Belle and Ella gave their children approving looks, before being ushered out. Only Chad remained.

"This isn't going to end well," Chad border lined sing songed before making his way out. Ben and Charles let out a sigh of relief.

"Ohh Lexi, come here," Alex said. Lexi had just gotten out of bed, sleep still in her eyes slightly blurring the edges of her vision. She made her way to her Mom. Her Dad had already gone out for the day. After taking the seat opposite her Mom, Alex dropped several heavy tomes in front of her. The sound jostled her alert. "You won't be going back to Dragon Hall this year. You and four others will be going to Auradon Prep," she said.

'Auradon?' Lexi thought. That had to be a mistake. "Mom, you can't be serious,"

"Yes, I am. The royals decided that children of villains should be given a chance to lead normal lives in Auradon. The books are filled with spells and potions you'll be able to use once you leave the magic barrier. Oh, and here's my wand, it's useless to me," Alex said.

Ever since Lexi had heard of magic as a little girl from her parents, she had been fascinated by it. The thought of it almost made her excited to leave. Almost.

"Mom, I'll be surrounded by paranoid, elitist snooty boots. Are you really going to subject me to that?" Lexi asked. If it wasn't for them she'd be glad to go.

"Not my problem. Put the books in your bag. I already conned a couple dumbbells into packing your things," she said. That didn't make Lexi feel any better, the last time Alex conned people into packing her things most of it wasn't usable again.

"That's it?"

"Your Father wishes you the best. Aside from that no," Alex said. "Oh, the kids you're going with are Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos. They're going to be part of a plan to get all of us off the island. I'll be back for my wand then. I didn't have them include you because it'd be too much trouble for me to get involved with Maleficent. That woman is so annoying. Now shoo," she said.

Lexi knew that that was all she was going to get. With Mal Evie, Jay and Carlos, Lexi knew she was automatically the odd one out. She didn't think she'd ever said one word to them. She gathered her things and left the place she'd called home for sixteen years. She went to meet up with the others, which would start a new chapter in her life.

I will be adding two or three more oc's if you have any suggestions you can include them in reviews.