Welcome all to REBELLION! This is book 2 of my trilogy "The Rebellion". This is a continuation of book 1 entitled REBEL and it will not make much since without the first book so please read that first. As promised this book is about the war and will be the least fluffy of all of my books. The third book will be about what happens after the war and will be the most fluffy of all of the books. Please enjoy the story as always I do this for me first and you second. I love you guys, but I'm not going to change my story based on reviews, so if you don't like the story please read something you do like, because you should enjoy what you read as much as I enjoy writing what I write. I love reviews of all types but I won't beg for them so if you wnat to support or make comment on the story please feel free!

I am only going to say this once: I do not own any pre-existing X-men Characters and any brands or other names or items that are held in copywrite are the sole belonging of those who old that right. That being said my origional characters are mine and mine alone and may not be used or published without my explicit writen consent.

Please Enjoy!

Chris felt the smarmy man run his filthy finger down her spine again and fought the urge to cringe. Her slinky backless dress showed her massive tiger tattoo that to the Japanese people meant she belonged to them; the Japanese mafia. Any tattoo meant mafia to them, but one such as hers left an impression. She yearned to grasp the hilt of the slender knife that had already rubbed a bloodied raw strip on the inside of her left thigh and drive its delicately engraved blade deep into the chest of the mob-man who was now sliding his fingers down the crack of her ass though her dress as they walked. Instead she walked silently beside him taking his treatment as she was expected to, a gift, keeping her heavily charcoaled eyes downcast and her back rigidly straight. The floor beneath her socked feet was filthy as were the walls, tables, and chairs of this old smoke joint. It was not the kind of place the Japanese Mafia usually did business, but some lower level slum slept in these piss corners and this was a front of some sort to test her she was sure.

She was close to the end of this whole mess and they would test her one more time before letting her up to see the boss. Not the real mob boss mind you, she didn't really care about him anyway; no the only person she was interested in meeting was the lowest man on the totem pole with all the information they needed on the shipments of sentinel weapons. Damn the Japanese Mafia for getting involved in this damn war and making her infiltrate them like this, but she really couldn't blame them; they hadn't had more power or money in generations. They had found a supplier of sentinel weapons made to target mutants, bought them, stored and protected them, and then were shipping them out to anti-mutant extremest armies around the world. Team Alpha, Chris and Logan's team, were currently on a mission to stop this organized form of weapons distribution as it was becoming detrimental not only to mutant extremist armies, but all mutants.

She let herself be lead down the hall to a room with a closed door where the man stood back and waved for her to enter, but she did not move.

"Enter woman." he said in harsh Japanese and yet she did not move. He gave her a rough shove and she stumbled forwards slightly as she knew a woman should, but she did not reach for the door, only stood there looking at its base like a beaten dog. "I told you to enter slut." he growled in her ear through clenched teeth.

Chris could feel the blood in her veins like a shock of cold water and took a deep breath to answer him in her own smooth as silk version of his language, "This is no door I am interested in opening."

"You said you wanted the top; this is as on top as a little bag like you gets." he snarled back at her.

"Master Hikaru will be displeased to hear as much." she said standing to her full height and turning to face away from both the wretched man and the door. "He had so hoped to lend his expertise and those of his children in your endeavors, but it seems you have no need for such skills." she suggests as she began to step away.

Before her foot hit the grungy floor again however, her arm was caught in what would have been a bruising grip to an ordinary woman as the man rasped, "Master Hikarusan has no sons. He could be no older than forty; surely he has not even the ability to have sons old enough to be of use to us as he was never married in the years I knew him."

"I am pleased to hear you have met Master Hikaru, although I am quite assured he has never met the likes of you." She accused pointedly calling the man's bluff on having met her deceits lover. She did however continue saying, "The Mistress of the house was brought in upon Master Magurisan's grave illness when Hikaru was only fifteen so that Master Maguri could see the family bloodline passed on once more. She gifted him with three sons and a daughter over the next six years and has a permeant residence in the Yagamori household."

It pained Chris to lie so blatantly about the ancient and noble Yagamori house that her late lover had belonged to, but the Yagamori name was respected throughout all of Japan as not only one of the oldest and most powerful families, but also the most dangerous. Part of the story was true; Hikaru had been raised by his uncle, Maguri after the death of his father and had died of cancer soon after Hikaru had become a man in their society at the age of twenty, but Hikaru had no children. Chris had once carried Hikaru's child, but had lost the child mid pregnancy due to the stress of walking in on the scene of Hikaru bloodily murdered in their bed.

The direct bloodline ended with him; a bloodline that passed on the skills and traditions of the Japanese master assassins known as Ninjas though intricate training and direct blood lineage only. To this day Chris payed a toll in her own blood for the right to use the Yagamori family's precious and ancient Katana which was rightfully hers after she killed the last member of the direct bloodline; her own son. Using her history with Hikaru so flippantly made her feel cheap, but he was the one who taught her that the best soldier uses not what weapon happens to be in his hand, but what weapon is best suited for the job.

"Three sons you say? Hikaru himself and his three adult sons willing to help in our operation? What proof have you that you are not some common whore with pretty story?" that grating man asked.

"Master Hikaru has entrusted me with the Yagamori Katana as proof of my loyalty to the Yagamori family. I am willing to show it only to the man I seek however, not whomever you have in that room to hold me down while you have your way." Chris said silken voice ice cold.

The man sneered at her; it was no secrete what he had intended to do, nor was it unexpected that he should get his way with her no matter the trade agreement, but Chris had her own man to get home too and the sooner she did the less likely this place was to come tumbling to the ground.

Piotr was barley able to sleep on the uneven rocky ground and his muscles protested heavily every second, but it was too cold up in the mountains at night here for him to turn to metal; he would be fine, but Kitty would freeze. Kitty... he moved a little to look down at her and she grimaced and whimpered, squirming a little to get more comfortable; good, she was still alive. "Are you ok?" he asked her voice gruff, but more from exhaustion than sleep. His face was weather beaten and the stubble on his face was thick only keeping away a beard with the help of a dull razor blade on whatever shiny thing he could find; usually his own leg.

"Never better" She groaned meekly with a half smile.

Piotr placed a hand against the back of her forehead where she lay huddled in three blankets hoping her fever had broken. Rogue and Remy were stealing drugs for her in a nearby village, but they had been gone eight hours and not yet returned. Emma and Bobby were keeping watch while Chris and Logan infiltrated the Japanese mafia. Only three and a half months into this damn war and they were half starved, threadbare, and sick already. Remy had a gash on his left arm that was only just healing and Bobby had developed a slight limp in his right leg due to a nasty fall down a cliffside during a battle with a rogue mutant renegade group, although it was becoming less noticeable every day. Then Kitty was the one that got sick next. It was winter in the middle of the Japanese mountains, not a place for the poorly dressed or feint of heart.

Her fever had begun three days ago and Chris had demanded the rest of the team sit and heal while she and Logan did their work, but the harsh weather and lack of good rest kept her from getting better. Her fever had spiked high enough for her to hallucinate last night and Piotr had been up with her for hours. Now he collected her in his arms and held her to his warm body wrapping the blanket around them both even though she insisted that protocol dictated otherwise.

This time she was too far gone to argue and that scared Piotr more than anything. He stripped his shirt and coat bundling her head and neck with them before pressing her as close to his warm bare skin as he could. She felt like being too close to a radiator the way the heat peeled off of her in stinging waves. She mumbled something about honey bees to him before nestling down close and drifting back in to an uneasy sleep.

"Where's the Katana?" the mobster asked her harshly backing her up against the all.

"Safe." Chris replied in her smooth Japanese.

"Give it to me." He demanded.

"It's for your boss, well not your boss, but your bosses bosses boss... and that's being generous to your station.

"You overstep your place bitch." The man hissed grabbing her by one arm.

Chris was calm and cool letting the her arm bruise in his grip as she said, "Your will want to see me in one piece, and if that doesn't mean anything to you, imagine the wrath of not one but four Yagamuri masters breathing down the back of your neck. Name a time and a place. I will meet with the highest level boss you have. I will have the Katana and your boss will take me to meet with the Jade Emperor."

The man spat at her bare feet in disgust, but let go of her anyway. "I will have to be in contact with my supervisor and he his and so forth. Tell me where you stay and I will contact you there." He demanded.

"No deal. I'll meet your man in front of the Silver Dragon Club at half till midnight three days from now. I will wear the formal Kimono of the Yagamrui house." Chris told him.

"You wear the insignia of Master Hikarusan himself across your back. You claim you cary a sword once held by the great Yagamui ninjas that served the Shoguns until their dying day. You make demands like an empress. What makes you think I won't slay you where you stand for dishonoring the most anciently sacred house of Japan, American?" The man hissed into her face in disgust the urge to slaughter her where she stood eating at his nerves.

"Because you fear I tell the truth." She reminded him before turning and walking herself out the door.

The hotel they had booked for a week with a fake card was in another part of town, but a Japanese style traveling cloak and a handful of coins took her through the subway systems in less than fifteen minutes. Chris sighed a little sadly when the greeting staff at the Toyoko in greeted her happily knowing that the money in their accounts would disappear after a month. She took the elevator up to the eleventh floor and could already hear her mate sniffing the air for any sign she had been injured.

The door opened before she could reach for her key and strong thick arms pulled her into the room crushing her to a broad strong chest. Chris smiled and sighed with relief as she breathed in her mates scent relaxing into his arms. "I can smell him all over you." Logan half growled, "Did he touch you?"

"Not like that. I promise. I'd never let that happen." Chris promised kissing his shoulder where it lay under her cheek.

Logan nodded he relief, but he still fussed with her here and there making sure she was ok. Assured she was not hurt Logan lifted her gently into his arms and carried her into the bathroom. The bathrooms were small and made of one solid piece of plastic molded into a toilet, small tub shower, and sink. Normally would be barley large enough for one person, but Logan wasn't going to let her out of his sight. He stripped her of her coat, dress and shoes which she had picked on from the mat on her way out of the mob den and threw them to the bed where they landed in a heap.

He lifted her gently placing her in the tub before stripping his own shirt to keep it dry and starting the water. He didn't bother to plug the tu, but left the water running on warm as he dipped the washcloth in, lathered it, and began to wipe the day's smell and grime away from her body. It was peaceful and warm back in her mate's care and Chris planned to enjoy their three day vacation before her work continued.

They worried about their team and Logan had already been in contact with the Professor via a burner phone that he had bought with another fake card. The Professor had mentally contacted Emma who had explained that Kitty was sicker then ever and that Remy and Rogue had gone to get medicine and supplies. The Professor had suggested pulling Kitty from the field temporarily and Piotr had agreed, but Emma had told the Professor to contact her again in two days after the Professor reported that Rogue and Remy had been very successful in finding what they needed and were on their way back.

Logan explained all of this to Chris as they sat on the bed together talking and Chris silently hoped her brother's medicines would be enough and that he had thought to get their smallest team member a heavier coat.

Remy and Rogue were walking back a heavy pack on each of their backs hand in hand. The icy wind whipped around them as they walked back to one of the few safely deserted places in this over crowded country. "What you think Miss Chris an' Logan are doin'?" Rogue asked worried about the dangerous mission Chris would be undergoing almost completely alone.

"Hopefully their livin' it up in a hotel right about now Mon Cheri." Remy said running his thumb over her gloved hand comfortingly.

"Are you worried 'bout her goin' to see the head of the Japanese Mafia?"

"Non Amor. Not really. Somethin' tells me my dear innocent sister knows this Jade Emperor more then she lets on."

They were drawing near and suddenly a sharp cold voice boomed in their heads, "Who are you?" Emma asked in their heads. Remy forced himself to relax and let her in squeezing Marie's hand in comfort as she tried to do the same.

"Welcome home." Emma said slightly more warmly and Bobby materialized from behind a low wall of ice neither of them had noticed.

"The professor said you found what we need." Bobby said happily hugging his Ex-Girlfriend and clapping his teacher on the shoulder as he got near.

Rogue nodded, "How is she?"

"Not good and Piotr is making himself sick trying to help her." Bobby said shaking his head.

"We found an old hedge witch who's mutation is the ability to make plants grow better and differently. She caught us sneakin' in. We told her what was up and she helped us out. Got loads of herbs that she swears will cure all sorts of stuff each in a baggy labeled with what it'll cure an' a few cloaks and furs for all the women to keep'm warm. She gave us some blankets and a few thermoses of hot soup as well as preserved meats and food." Remy explained as the walked into camp.

"Good. They need it." Emma said, "I tried to wake Piotr half an hour ago to change watch shift and he wouldn't wake. He's shivering so hard he could start an avalanche and she isn't getting any better."

"I'll go tend them. Remy, do you have the energy to take watch? Emma's been on nine hours strait." Rogue said to which Remy agreed heading out to take watch with Bobby and split a thermos of soup.

Emma took two of the new blankets and went to lie down after draping one of the heavy furs over Rogue's shoulders reminding her to keep warm while she tended to their teammates.

"Oh Pete..." Rogue said sympathetically over his half bare and shivering form. She placed her head to the back of his forehead, but he wasn't feverish so she figured he was just too cold and his body was shutting down. She unwrapped him from the bundle he and Kitty were tied up in and helped tug his shirt and coat back on over his head. She wrapped him in the last two blankets before going and bundling kitty up in her new down jacket, coat, and cloak before rewrapping the two blankets she already had around her properly.

Piotr's shivering was slowing down and he was slowly becoming aware. "Piotr, come on and drink this here Sugar. I'm gettin' Kitty all fixed up now you need to drink this so you can keep her safe and warm as she gets better ok hun?" Rogue urged.

Piotr blinked a couple of times and took the warm soup from her tipping it back and drinking. Rogue watched and took it away when half the soup was gone going to add some of the fever herbs the medi-witch had given them and shaking it as she had been shown before sitting the bundled Kitty up next to Piotr and slowly tipping it down the girl's throat.