Chapter 1: A new start

"Babe you up"

Kate yells while pouring coffee into two cups. Ana walks downstairs and sits on one of the barstools taking one of the cups from Kate. She looks tired and sad. Kate sits down next to her, pulling her long blonde hair into a pony tail, looking at Ana she asks.

"You nervous"

Ana takes a sip of her coffee and stares out the floor to ceiling windows, only answering with a nod. Kate sighs and pulls Ana into a hug, whispering she tries to comfort her friend.

"What happened in New York is NOT your fault honey. What he did was wrong, what he is doing now is wrong and all those publishing companies rejecting you will regret it. Some day the thruth will come out. I promise you"

Ana hugs Kate back. She knows that Kate would do anything to ruin this mans good reputation, not all PR is good PR. Kate Kavanagh is an intern at The Seattle Times and her father, Eamon Kavanagh, is the owner of Kavanagh Media so to say the least they have great influence on the media in Seattle and could easily make the incident public. But that is not something I wish. I just want to forget it ever happened.

"Kate, please promise me you won't do anything stupid. I just want to forget it ever happened"

Ana says and let's go of Kate. She gets up and walks around the kitchen island starting on breakfast.

"Pancakes ok for you"

Ana asks looking at Kate. Sighing Kate gets up from the barstool walking towards the front door.

"I have to go or i'll be late. I need to get ready for an early meeting. Call me as soon as you're done with you're interview, ok? We can have lunch afterwards and talk. Oh and remember, you just have to give the Kavanags the green light and we will take him down, got it? Daddy is beyond pissed about what happened"

Kate says blowing Ana a kiss and walks out the door. Kate is Ana's best friend since college. They went to WSUV together and were roomates for four years. Kate majored in journalism and Ana in English literature, her dream being to work in publishing. Now that dream has been shattered by her previous boss, Jack Hyde. Ana has applied to several publishing companies in and around Seattle with no luck. With a 4.0 GPA you would think one of them would call her back, but she has been blacklisted. They don't say that when she calls, but it's implied and I know it's all because of him. Jack Hyde, that bastard. So Ana found herself applying for any job available to pay for her rent.

She lives in a loft next door to Kate. It's a little loft with an open kitchen, dining and living area downstairs. The walls are all white and there is a floor to ceiling window and door out to the balcony from the living area. Her bathroom and living room are upstairs, just above the kitchen. The style is minimalistic. Ana loves having her own place, having it clean and simple. She liked living with Kate, but it was too much after four years. Kate is wonderful, but a handful. Fortunately Kate understood when Ana wanted her own place. Anas parents and step parents have been helping her financially lately as Ana hasn't had a job in a couple of months, but she hates it. She wants to be able to take care of herself, like she did throughout college working part time at the hardware store. She got a job at SIP as assistant to the Commissioning Editor, Jack Hyde, straight out of college. It was good for a couple of months although Hyde was too personal. She should have seen it coming. Everything changed after New York. Ana sighs walking upstairs to get ready for her interview. Now finally someone has called. She applied for a job as the assistant to Ros Bailey, second in command at Grey Enterprises Holdings, and she called her almost immediately to schedule for an interview. It's not her dream job, but it will help financially plus the companys reputation is good. It will look good on her resume, and maybe help in the future to get a job in publishing.

"So, I only have two more questions. Why did you leave SIP so abruptly? And why haven't you applied for another job in publishing?"

Ros Bailey looks at the beautiful girl sitting opposite of her desk. Ana is wearing a simple outfit, black pencil skirt and white shirt with black heels. But she looks breathtaking. Long dark hair in waves, sparkling blue eyes and dimples. She has been smiling throughout the interview, but now she looks nervous, fidgeting her fingers and biting her lip.

"There was an incident with my boss. I'd rather not talk about it"

Ana answers looking down at her fingers. She takes a deep breath and exhales. Looking up at Ros she continues.

"As for applying within publishing, that will unfortunately not be possible anymore"

Ros cleverly avoids asking further questions as she senses that there is more to this story, and very painful details as Ana's eyes fill with tears when answering. Ros stands up, walking towards Ana she takes a seat next to her. Ana takes a good look at Ros. She is a beautiful women. Brown shoulder length hair, dark brown eyes and slim figure. Ros is wearing a tight white pencil skirt, white shirt, beige waist belt and black heels. She looks good, but there is more beyond the looks that makes her stand out. Ana sees a strong, powerful women. She knows that people respect Ros, you could see it from the moment Ana met her in the lobby. Both men and women look at Ros with admiration. This is the woman Ana wants to work with, she wants to learn to be as strong as her. Ros takes Anas hand in hers, bringing her out of her thoughts.

"You with me"

Ros asks Ana arching her brow.

"Yes, sorry. I just got lost. It rarely happens"

Ana answers blushing. Ros smiles.

"Listen, whatever happened at SIP. It doesn't matter. It will not affect my decision. I think you will be a good assistent to me. If you want the job I am willing to give it to you right now"

"Oh my God, thank you. Yes, of course"

"Good, can you start Monday"

"Yes, of course. Thank you so much"


Ros says standing up and walks back to her desk. Sitting down on her chair she glances at a picture frame and smiles. Her eyes sparkle with love. Ana looks at the photo. It's of a women smiling sweetly, blonde with blue eyes. She is very pretty. Looking back at Ros she knows she has been caught staring. Ana blushes and bites her lip.

"It's my partner. Love of my life. Gwen"

Ros tells Ana.

Walking towards the coffee shop nearby to meet Kate for a quick lunch Ana is on cloud nine. Rummaging through her black bag to find her phone to call her dad she doesn't notice a man walking towards her. He is looking down at his phone, reading an email about a new assistant being hired. Seconds later they bump into eachother, Ana almost falling on her butt as she hits his chest. It's like she walked straight into a brick wall. Strong hands hold onto her waist pulling her to him. She looks up through her long lashes and is met by grey eyes gazing down at her. Wow, he is gorgeous.

The characters will be a bit different from the books to fit the plot, but not too much. I have also added a few characters.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything, but the plot of this story and some of the characters.

I have a pinterest up for the story. Minafanfic/

Also I apologize for any errors, English is not my first language.