A/N: So, this is some idea that has been hunting me for a while and I finally got it written. Big thanks for those who were waiting for it. Oh, and this chapter isn't Steroline-centered. But I promise that next chapters (if I ever write them) will be loaded with our babies. This is just the beginning. Enjoy!

… …

"Matt Donavan." She says, voice low and eyes wide. "You didn't."

He stands still with mouth open. His hands are up in the air, protecting himself from what's next.

"I'm sorry." He says before taking a step back.

She kneels down next to the broken glass and stares at it. He gets worried so he looks at Bonnie as she stands next to the door, holding in a laugh. She shakes her head at him with pursed lips. And he wants to tell her this isn't funny. They break the eye contact as they hear a sigh leaving her lips.

He looks at her and she's already on her feet again.

"The good news is, it was that ugly vase that one of my mom's friends gave me." She says with a relived smile and his shoulder slumber down at the happy news.

"The bad news," She says, finger pointed to his chest and eyes back to shooting daggers. "is that it could've been another one that I love."

He tries to take a step back but she takes another step forward.

"Which means that you can't walk around and break stuff. The voice of something breaking shouldn't even exist. Got it?"

He manages to nod only.

"You brought your tennis stuff with you?" Bonnie says as she examines the bags.

"Of course I did." She says as she walks to her, leaving Matt so he can finally breathe. "I won't stop playing just because I moved out."

Bonnie takes a deep breath and rests her hands on her hips. "Okay, we have more seven boxes to unpack in the living room, so let's move."

She turns on her heels and walks out of the room.

"I think I've had enough unpacking for one day." Matt says and regrets it as she turns around and glares at him. "Kidding." He says.

"That's what I thought. How about you start with cleaning the floor?" She wiggles her eyebrows and grins at him.

"So did you like the place?" Bonnie shouts from the other room and then appears at the door with two boxes.

"It's nice." She shrugs. "Although I'd rather move in with my best friend instead of living alone."

"Didn't we talk about this before?" Bonnie says with a sigh.

"About what? You having a boyfriend? Or the fact that I hate your boyfriend?" She says with a fake smile.

"You met him only three times." Bonnie says, clearly not agreeing with her.

"It was enough for me to know that he's a jerk." She shrugs and turns around with a grin.

Unfortunately Matt couldn't hold his laugh, so a little chuckle escapes his mouth. And it was enough for Bonnie to glare at him.

"I just don't like him." Caroline says.

"Well you have to figure it out, because today is his birthday." She says. "And you're coming."

Caroline and Matt glance at each other then look away, but Bonnie catches it.

"What?" She asks. "You're coming."

"I have to unpack." She says in a rush although she knows it's so lame.

"And I have to help her." Matt adds.

"What?" Bonnie almost shouts, almost. "you said you were coming."


"No, no no no." She says, finger pointed at him as she walks to him. "You are coming."

"Come on, Matt. You can't abandon me." She says.

"He's your boyfriend." He argues.

"And you are my best friend." She replies.

He opens his mouth but nothing comes out. She looks at him with those beautiful brown eyes and he melts. He sighs in defeat and shakes his head as he looks down.

"Fine." He says.

She claps her hands once and turns around beaming. Then her eyes get narrowed at the blonde in front of her.

"I still have to unpack." She says quickly.

"Caroline Forbes, if there's anyone who can unpack and go to a party at the same day, it's you." She says with her hands on her hips.

Caroline looks to Matt then back to Bonnie. She lets out a breath and tries so hard to ignore the victory smile on Bonnie's face.

"But I won't buy him a gift." She snaps back before opening another box

"Come on." Bonnie whines. "It'll be fun. Consider it as your welcome party. You'll meet new people and have fun." She winks at her.

"Yeah, and Tyler will be there." Matt says from the other side of the room and she glares at him.

Why is everyone glaring at him today?

"I think I can survive another day without Tyler and Liv." She says.

"They broke up." He says.

"I couldn't care less."

"Shit." Bonnie says while staring at her phone. "Guys I gotta go now, something is wrong with the cake and I still don't know what to wear and I have to decorate the place." She rambles as she puts the bag on her shoulder.

Caroline rolls her eyes and Matt busies himself with some box.

"I'll see you at eight, you know the address." She says as she kisses her cheek . "Welcome to New York."

"Bye, Matt." She says before heading to the door.

"Yeah." He mutters without looking up.

… …

She takes another sip from her third glass. Eyes wandering around the not-so-interesting people around her she starts to regret coming to this party. But she had to come, Bonnie would've killed her.

The party isn't that bad actually. Bonnie did a good job, she would do better of course.

She sighs for what seems like the fifth time in ten minutes. Her eyes search for Bonnie but she's nowhere to be found. However, she notices Matt at the bar pouring himself something to drink, so she stands up and walks to him.

"When can we leave?" She asks.

"Now if you want." He says without looking up. She raises her eyebrows at him.

"It's not like she'll notice. Damon's entertaining her." He looks at her and smirks.

"Ugh, here we go." She says and motions with her head to something behind him so he turns around.

He looks back and sees Bonnie and Damon walking to them. They seem like bickering about something else.

"Hey, guys." Bonnie smiles as she approaches them. Matt smiles as his eyes wander on her black dress. She looks beautiful.

"Hey, Bon." Caroline smiles too. "You did a great job by the way." She looks around the place and Bonnie beams like a little child.

"Hey, Blondie." Damon interrupts with a smirk. "How is it that you didn't say happy birthday to me yet?"

Matt rolls his eyes.

Caroline gets ready for throwing a sassy comment.

Bonnie looks at her with a warning look, that be nicelook.

"Happy birthday." Caroline breathes out.

They spend more minutes talking, arguing about the cake's flavor. Caroline manages to slip out and go back to the couch she was sitting on. Her hand plays with her hair while the other holds her glass. She catches a snow glob on the table next to her and then she reaches for it after putting the glass down.

She stares at it for a while for no reason. A smile appears on her lips absently. Then she puts it back with a sigh and looks at the open balcony next to her.

Her eyes catch him in less than a second. His back leaning against the fence, eyes looking at her directly, but he looks away when she catches him.

Her eyes wander on him, wearing some grey shirt with jeans jacket on it. He looks up again and she sees his eyes, and they are green. Beautifully green.

They stare at each other for few seconds, neither breaking the eye contact. She is waiting for him to look away first but he doesn't. His look confuse her, he's not smirking nor winking. He's got a ghost of a smile on his lips. His look makes her feel as if he knows her, that she actually considers that they'd met before.

He finally looks down at his feet then turns around and looks at the street.

She looks away too, but she gets bored again of the view. People that she doesn't know, having some boring conversations that she doesn't care about. So she looks back at him.

She catches him, once again, looking at her. But then he turns his head quickly and stares back at the street.

She can't stop the smile that appears on her face. She takes a deep breath then stands and walks to the balcony.

Her hands move down on her green dress. She stands against the fence, few steps away from him.

She looks at the street for a few seconds. Enjoying the view of New York streets. She can feel his eyes on her so she looks at him, then he looks away again.

It's now his turn to enjoy the view, eyes running over the street, hands holding the fence firmly. And her eyes are still on him all the while. She takes a moment to look at his face; jaw clenched strongly, eyes looking down. But his hair, it's his hair that attracts her, it reminds her of super-heroes.

She smiles at the thought.

After more fifteen long seconds of her looking at him, he finally looks up and meets her eyes. It seems so close, that it feels like she's stuck in a dream or a memory. Everything around them blurry. His gaze is so intense, his eyes so sad.

She can't help it but smile a little. She blinks several times and her smile grows bigger when he smiles. It's the smallest kind of a smile, only a little curve of his lips.

"Hey." She says.

And suddenly that smile falls down. His face looks troubled as if someone just hurt him. He clenches his jaw and she notices his hands turning into fists. She can see his eyes glistering with water, but she pushes the idea away.

And before she can say anything else he leaves, more like storms inside and disappears. Leaving her speechless on her own.

… …

Time passes and she's still standing there, watching the passers at the street. She hears loud laughter and music coming from inside, but she doesn't move.


She turns around at the familiar voice and smiles as she sees his face.

"Tyler." She says.

They share a short hug and pull away with a smile.

"It's been long time." He says.

"Yeah, but we're all together again. Like the old days." She says.

"How are you?" he nudges her playfully and she chuckles.

"Good. I'm great. What's up with you, bad boy?"

"You didn't know? I'm being good boy now." He teases.

"Really? Is that why you and Liv broke up?" She wiggles her eyebrows, and waits for him to get mad that she knows. But he doesn't.

"It's long story, but she didn't leave me. We just didn't work out." He shrugs.


"What's about you? Anything new?" he seems nervous as he asks, and she tries to ignore it because she doesn't like the sound of it.

"Ah, no." She shakes her head still smiling. And again she notices the breath he takes. "I'm not really thinking about it right now. I just need a time for my own. You know, after last time." She gives him a look and he's about to talk again, probably gonna defend himself.

"I should go check on Bonnie." She smiles before walking past him and walking inside.

She notices Bonnie right away, pouring herself something to drink.

"Hey." Bonnie says quickly as she sees her. "Tyler is here."

"I know, we were just talking." She sighs.

"And?" Bonnie asks, clearly interested, or worried, doesn't matter.

"I don't know if it just me, but he seems weird." Her eyebrows furrows while talking quickly. Bonnie can tell that she's about to freak out.

"He has that look that he used to put on when he was on mission, like fixing things mission." She widens her eyes and waits for Bonnie to join her in the shock, instead her friend seems confused.

"Like the things between us." She almost shouts because duh.

"And that's bad because?"

"Because things between us can't be fixed, it's done, we're done. I made it very clear when I said and I quote if you leave then that's it and he left." She's freaking out now.

"Okay calm down. It's not like he can force you into something. If you say it's done, then it's done." Bonnie shrugs as she throws some popcorn into her mouth.

"It is done." She says and takes a deep breath. But something is still bothering her, Bonnie can tell.

"Forget it, Caroline." Bonnie says.

"No, it's something else."

"What is it?"

Caroline takes a deep breath and steadies herself.

"Just promise that you won't laugh."

Just as she says so Bonnie starts to laugh for no reason.

"Bonnie." She warns her.

"Okay. Sorry."

"So I was sitting on that couch next to the balcony, and that guy kept staring at me…"

"A guy?" Bonnie smirks but hides it quickly when Caroline gives her a look.

"That guy kept staring at me so I walked over to him, and we basically stood there watching the street and he kept looking at me when I was looking away then look away when I look at him but then he finally looked at me the same time I looked at him and we kinda had a moment he just looked at me and his eyes were kinda sad so I just said hey to start conversation with him but then his face turned and he got mad… or sad I don't really know and then he just walked away like just ran out from there." She finishes breathlessly and takes a deep breath as Bonnie looks at her shocked. She tries to suppress a laugh but she fails, and it makes Caroline angrier.

"I think you scared him off Care." She chuckles and Caroline shakes her head, regretting that she ever shared what happened.

"Was he hot?" Bonnie smirks.

"Well, if you say it like that, maybe." She says, more like lies. "Okay, he was kinda hot, like really hot." She chuckles nervously. And why is she even nervous?

"He had those green eyes. Not green green, just faint green. And his jaw seemed intense as if he was some comic hero." She chuckles, now looking at the wall and not paying attention to Bonnie. "He even got that hero hair."

"Hero hair?" Bonnie asks confused.

"Yeah, you know. It was just nice." She shrugs.

Bonnie chews slowly, her eyebrows getting furrowed and then talks again. "What was he wearing?" She asks.

"um, some grey shirt and jacket on it." She says casually.

Bonnie's jaw drops slightly as she swallows hard. Caroline looks at her confused. "What? You know him?" Caroline asks.

"Caroline." She says slowly. "That's Stefan… Damon's brother."

She says that and Caroline's face drops because seriously? Ew.

"Not just that, he's also deaf."

The word rings in her ears. Deaf. She looks away and tries to let it sink in. She doesn't know him, but she feels bad for him.

She doesn't know him, but his soul seems precious.

She doesn't know him, but she wants to.

… …