A deleted scene from Disney Descendents

Takes place after Ben rescues Mal on their first date.

"I told you that I love you. But do you love me." Ben looks at me waiting for an answer. But the truth is I can't say yes. But I can't say no. No one has ever loved me before.

"I don't know what love feels like." One tear falls down my cheek because the truth is my mom loves power and evil but she doesn't love me. Ben places one hand on my chin and turns my head so I'm looking at him.

"Maybe I can teach you." He says. "Did you make a wish when you threw the stone back in the lake?" I nod my head. "What was it?"

"That I could stay jere and not go back to the Isle." He looks shocked. Im shocked. I cant believe I said that. It is the truth.

"Was it really that bad on the Isle?" When I don't answer he continues. "Tell me about it."

"No, trust me you don't want to know." But he keeps looking at me. "Fine you wanna know here it goes." I stand up and walk to the edge. Looking over the water. Ben stands up but doesn't walk towards me. "There's no sun. I mean it gets light and dark but there is always a thickā€¦ haze I guess you could call it, so it's more like its dark and darker. The food is all scraps from Aruadon, everything no one can eat but we have to. The fruits rotten the foods all moldy the coffee tastes like mud and toad . It's impossible to live there and try to be good. To survive you have to steal. There is no other way because no one has enough money to get by. There's no love only tolerance and if you're lucky a real or fake friend or two. My mom doesn't love me no matter how much I tell myself she does. She pushes me to be like her. I can never make her proud and she's always disappointed in me. I have to go find things for myself because everything we have food, water, it's hers. She's always punishing me trying to make me more evil. Everyday she would tell me that I was a mistake and worthless. She would hurt me as punishment for not being evil enough. I still have some of the scars." I start to sob and I sink down to my knees. Ben walks over to me and sits in front of me. He wraps his arms around me and my head rests on his chest. He rubs my back and kisses the top of my head.

"I love you Mal. I didn't need a love potion to see that." That's the last thing I hear before I faint.