Disclaimer: I don't own Dragon Ball Z.

Rain. Rain. Rain.

The very first time happened on night such as this.

Vegeta was on a rampage once again. Every word I said fell on death ears. His mouth just moved a mile a minute. He wasn't hearing anything but the sound of his own voice. What a voice it was. Loud. Boisterous. Demanding. He's so damn loud and obnoxious.

He commands attention. Whether it's positive or negative, he gets it. I certainly have my eyes on him. That blue spandex of his left little to the imagination. Skin tight and showed off every chiseled muscle. Well defined abs. A strong jaw. This man is without a doubt absolutely stunning. Those eyes of are so dark. Blacker than the depths of the deepest black hole. They're so mesmerizing with their intensity. Vegeta's stare is usually so cold and calculating. He's looking at you trying to figure out your weaknesses. Believe me, he will do just that. This gaze of his is penetrating. Ebony orbs look right into your soul. They see exactly who you are, everything that makes you who you are.

Tonight I made an error. A flash of lightning is all it took. In that moment the smirk was there. Vegeta's eyes shined with amusement. He caught me checking him out. A soft, barely audible gasp escapes my lips. The next thing I knew my back was against the wall. He's standing there right in front of me. Another flash showed me his eyes dark as the night. They were so sexy and fixed only on me. I froze because he's too close to me. Right in front of me. Then I feel his lips on mine. I went stiff. How in the world did this happen? This man always tells me he can't stand me! Vegeta has nothing but disdain for me. He's kissing me! Oh, does it feel good.

Such soft lips for a man so hard. Vegeta actually exudes warmth, even though he's constantly pushing everybody away. Here he is pushed up against me. I feel just how male Vegeta is. He may be a Saiyan, but he's certainly not lacking where it counts. Especially if this bulge is any indication. He took my moan as an invitation to slide his tongue into my mouth. This was absolutely amazing! I had no idea he could kiss like this. He continued to amaze me for the rest of the night. The only thing louder than my screams was the thunder clapping outside.