Tyki wasn't the only one to raise an eyebrow at Allen's weird actions. First of all, he could've shattered his phone throwing it like that. Luckily, when Lavi picked it up, it wasn't damaged at all. He then gave Allen a curious look before carefully giving it back to him. Said teen glanced over at Tyki in suspicion before quickly texting the person back...whoever it was. "Is there a problem?" Tyki asked, uncertain if he should ask after the random outburst.

"Oh, no, not at all."

That tone clearly suggested that there was definitely a problem.

"Are you positive?"

Allen glanced up from his phone, putting it down for a second. "Oh, it's not much. Just that the same mind reading wacko I met somehow got my number." Tyki couldn't help but snort. That definitely sounded like Wisely. He could never guess how Wisely knew things he knew, he was a pretty mysterious person. The only thing he could really tell was when he was lying. There wasn't any trick to it, Tyki just had that sixth sense when it came to Wisely, and the man lied a lot.

"Hm...you said you saw him at work? Maybe he asked your boss about it."

"Uh. I don't think J-he would just outright give my number out to people..."

"Maybe he lied and said he knew you? He is a pretty big liar."

"Hm...maybe...ugh. I think my boss would at least ask if I knew him though..." Allen then remembered Jerry's words from a few months ago, oh, honey! I've got to hook you up! I'll find a nice guy for you, okay, sweetie? Just leave it to me! "...or maybe not..."

"You work at Jerry's right?" Lavi questioned. Tyki immediately stopped what he was doing, that being pouring himself another cup of coffee, and glanced over at the teen again. Allen winced, that's right...Tyki wasn't there when they found out...oh no... "What kinda guy is Jerry, anyways? He's always upbeat when I see him."

"Ah...yeah...it's hard to get him down." Allen chuckled nervously. Tyki's stare was really bugging him. Especially when he narrowed his eyes and hummed like that.

"What is it?" Link asked.

"Nothing." Tyki replied, rubbing at his chest.

Did he catch on...?

"How long have you been working there?"

"You're...quite a curious one, huh? Hm...about three years now..."

Lavi's eye narrowed then and he pursed his lips. "Oh, really? So, you were there when that huge incident went down?"

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck-


"Yeah. Y'know. The whole 'oven explosion'. I think we were talking about it before, but you were kinda out of it so I don't think you heard us."

"Ov...en...explo...sion..." Allen said slowly, beginning to sweat. "Ah...haha...that..."

He suddenly felt the overcoming urge to run. Really fast. Like, he really needed to get out of there. All of them were narrowing their eyes at him. He was too suspicious at the moment.

"So you do know about it? Do you know what really happened? I mean, Jerry seems like a trusting guy, but ovens don't just explode." Lavi leaned his chin in his hand and stared at Allen intensely.

"I...um...yeah...actually..." Allen rubbed his neck, feeling a load of stress kick in. He was so fucked...so fucked.

"You, what?" Kanda asked, glaring at him.


"It was what?!" Kanda then slammed his hand on the table, making him jump. Maybe...if I don't make eye contact...they'll spare me? Or should I lie? Ah, but Tyki is good at seeing through lies I believe...oh god...

"That was..." Allen trailed off, glanced at Tyki for a split second before keeping his head down and mumbling, "...I don't want to talk about it..."

The kitchen became silent.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Kanda spat. Allen refused to look at any of them and saw that he was getting a few messages. Huh, speak of the devil...it's Jerry. He mused to himself, opening the message. He was asking if Allen would work the weekend since someone called off and honestly, Allen didn't mind. It wasn't like he had anything planned for this weekend...

"You were involved, weren't you?" Tyki asked nonchalantly. Allen stiffened a bit, but tried not to let his nervousness show. Little did he know, Tyki had already figured that part out. He could tell by Allen's body movement how nervous he was. All those sessions with Wisely about psychology and such helped him keep an eye out for that sort of stuff. Allen was silent for awhile, and Link had wandered into the kitchen to grab a drink when he caught the mood. Allen was nervous, Kanda looked pissed, Lavi looked worried and Tyki...he couldn't read Tyki's emotions at the moment, actually.

"Did I miss something?" Link questioned.

"A bit." Lavi answered uncertainly.

"I...really don't want to talk about it..." Allen finally replied. He jumped whenever his phone began randomly buzzing in his hand.

It was Neah.

"Ugh...sorry, I have to take this-" Allen stood up, but Kanda grabbed his arm with one hand and his phone with the other.

"Not until you fess up."

"No, I really need to take that."

"Well that sucks." Kanda replied sourly as he stuck Allen's phone in his pocket.

I really thought I had the patience to deal with this guy, but I guess not.

"Can you, like, not?" He sighed, rubbing his face. "That call is important."

"If it's so important I'm sure you'll get another call."

"Uh, yeah, but I'd rather get the call over with, so please give me my phone back."

"As I said before, if you didn't fuckin' hear me, not until you fess u-"

"I don't have time for this." Allen groaned, removing his arm from Kanda's grasp and storming off. He'd just have to call him from Cross' phone.

"Where the fuck are you goin'?!" Kanda snapped.

"Away from you!" Allen shouted back from the living room, slipping on his shoes. He felt someone grab his arm again and sighed. "Look, I really need to-" he shut up when he saw that it was not Kanda, but it was Link. The others had awkwardly followed them into the living room.

"This is important too." Link said sternly. "I don't know what could possibly be more important to you than this is to us. Mikk was hospitalized for quite a long time and it was quite troublesome. We can't do anything about the past, but we deserve to know."

"...um...I mean, I know he was hospitalized for a few months and all...but wasn't that paid for...?"

"That's not the issu-" Link paused. "How did you know that?"

"Wh-what? Of course I knew h-he was hospitalized...I did work the-"

"No one said anything about it being paid for." Lavi cut in.

Allen blinked.


"O-oh...well...um..." Damn it, now what? I can't just say that Jerry told me, that would be suspicious...what do I do?

"Just tell us what happened, dude." Lavi said, rolling his eyes.

"And what your involvement was." Link added.

"...I...I really don't...w-want to...talk about this..." Allen stuttered, feeling quite intimidated now that they were all basically cornering him. Somehow their faces flashed into those of the criminals of eight years ago. Ah, I forgot to take my medicine...this isn't good...

"I don't give a shit if you do! We have every right to know!" Kanda hissed and grabbed the front of his shirt.

"T-technically...the only one who d-deserves to know is Tyki..." Allen said faintly.

"You live with us! We all should know!" Lavi cried out.

Someone please remove this man from me. Allen thought, starting to feel dread kicking in. Damn it, why do I get so weak?! Why does this always happen when I'm cornered?! Why can't I stand up for myself?! I've had enough of being pushed around already! Allen could feel himself trembling, he could feel Kanda moving, as if he was getting ready to punch him in the face. Honestly, he's had enough of this. He'd blamed himself for years, but suddenly, he began to realize that this wasn't really completely his fault, and to be honest, they were all being assholes about this whole thing.

"FINE!" Allen shouted, throwing Kanda off of him. "You know what?! I don't care! It was my fault, okay?! I'm not exactly proud of it!" Allen was no longer trembling in fear, but in anger. It was the first time that he felt angry about something, rather than upset...but they were being quite rude about the whole ordeal.

"What...?" Link whispered, "...your...fault?"

"Yeah, okay, it was an accident! Oh, no, I just blew myself up on purpose! I mean, yeah, I might have been a bit unstable at the time, but that didn't mean I wanted to go all suicide bombing on the place! Why didn't you guys think about how I felt about the situation?! Why do you think I didn't want to talk about it?! This isn't only about Tyki, you know! But you know what? Whatever! I don't care!" Despite his words, Allen felt like he really did care...a lot...if the tears falling down his face said anything about it. "I get it! I fucked up! But it wasn't...I didn't mean to...ugh! Forget it! I don't care! If you want to know the whole fucking story, go ask Jerry! 'Matter of fact, you stole my fucking phone, so just call him up yourself!" He really couldn't stand to be in this room anymore. He really couldn't...he could barely register himself storming out of the house and walking into the city. It was not too far from the house, but he never really walked to the city before...it was a bad idea, honestly. He always used his GPS wherever he went because of his bad sense of direction.

Somehow he found himself outside a different cafe.

He scrubbed the tears from his eyes, not really caring how bloodshot they were, and walked to the front to ask to borrow a phone. The girl at the register nodded dumbly, a bit taken aback from his appearance and gave him the phone. I might as well buy something while I'm here...Allen thought; luckily he always carried his wallet with him and paid for a small coffee with a little bit of sugar. After asking for a spare pen, he took his receipt and dialed up Cross' cellphone, trying his best to stifle his sniffling.

"Who the fuck is calling me so early in the damn morning?"

Allen could only roll his eyes and let out a quiet laugh.

"It's almost noon."

"Wh...brat? What the hell? Why didn't you call me from your damn cell?"

"It's in use, probably."


Allen sighed, "it's a long story. Anyways, can you give me Neah's number. He was trying to call me, but...I don't exactly have my phone on me anymore."

"Yeah, hold on a second." Cross grumbled over the phone. Allen heard a few beeps, meaning Cross was looking through his phone and obviously hadn't had his number memorized. After writing the numbers relayed to him down, Allen hung up with a short thank you, he dialed up the number given to him.

"Uh, hello?"

"Hi, Neah, it's Allen. Sorry I couldn't answer your call, a bit of trouble came up and I don't exactly have my phone at the moment...um...what did you need?"

"Oh, Allen! I'm glad you called me back! I was going to say that I managed to get a meeting between you and the other...um...you know."

Wow, he really did not need to hear this.

Don't get him wrong, he still wanted to talk to the guys, surprisingly enough, but he was honestly not in the mood, at least not after what happened. Not to mention he hadn't even taken his medicine...things were not looking up. He didn't even know how he'd be able to face the others again after yelling at them like that. Nice job fucking yourself over, Allen. He thought.

Wow, he was really dropping the f bomb a lot today.

"Are you still there? I can cancel it if you're uncomfortable."

"No, no! That's okay! I'll be there. I'm just..." Allen sighed. "I'm a bit stressed at the moment is all."

"Well, I don't blame you."

"Heh, yeah. Where did you want to meet and when?" He questioned, grabbing the pen again.

"Hm, how about we meet at the library next week? I'll pick you up around three in the afternoon and take you to...uh...the prison...and have you talk with them...but you can always cancel if you want!"

"No, that's fine, thank you."

"Alright! Well I'll see you then!"

"Yep, see ya." Allen's smile dropped when he finally hung up. He returned to the counter, thanked the lady, and returned to his seat. At least he didn't have to worry about driving there himself, but now what was he going to do? Everything he had was at the house and he didn't have their schedules memorized enough to avoid them. He didn't exactly have that many friends.

"Well, look what we have here." Allen glanced up, raising his eyebrows when a certain white haired man joined him at the table.

"Wisely? What're you doing here?"

"Wondering why you aren't answering my texts." He answered smoothly. "Hm, are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine; but I don't have my phone on me at the moment. My roommate decided to be an asshole and stole it." He glowered.

"Oh, yeah? You wanna vent?"

"I'm not going to-"

"I don't mind." Wisely interrupted, knowing that Allen was going to say he didn't want to burden him. "I'm a psychologist after all...or well, going for one. This can be some good practice for me."

"I...don't really like talking about it..."

"That's okay too, but you know, you shouldn't bottle things up."

Allen sighed, how was he supposed to refuse?

"Sooo, let me get this straight. You were pressured into telling the others what happened three years ago, and now they're probably upset with you and they've got your phone and you don't wanna see them."

"You're...not mad?" Allen asked quietly.

Wisely blinked in response. "Why would I be?"

"I mean...I accidentally blew up your uncle so..."

The guy began laughing quite loudly, "dear god, no! Actually, I find it hilarious you did that, even if it was by accident. Tyki used to be a real asshole, y'know."

"No, I didn't know...but, yeah, that's the gist of it..."

"Hm, you could camp over at my place for awhile, but my cousin is visiting so she might creep you out a bit."

"You creep me out already, I'm sure she can't be that bad..."

Oh how wrong Allen was.

Wisely drove Allen over to his house, inviting him in. Allen was eternally grateful to Wisely at the moment. The fellow Brit said that if he needed anything all he could do was ask; also saying that he could stay here as long as he wanted. The younger brought up the topic of not having any clothes, or a toothbrush for that matter, but Wisely solved it quickly, saying he could borrow his own and that he always had spare toothbrushes for when his family decided to visit him.

Speaking of family...Wisely was right when he said his cousin would freak him out.

"Hiya! You're cute! My name's Road, what's yours?" She grinned in a way that did not seem pleasing at all.

"Uh...my name is Allen, it's nice to meet you." He smiled.

"Hm, Allen huh? Has Wisely kissed you?" She asked nonchalantly.

Allen blinked several times before blushing a bit, "...why?"

"I see!"


"So are you his new lover? I honestly hated that other chick, she was a bitch. Talked a lot of shit about Wisely being too lazy."


"Road, give the guy a break." Wisely called from the kitchen, bringing out cups of tea for all of them.

"Oh, sorry Wiz, I can't stay around to chat. The twins said they wanted to play today, so I'm going to be out with them."

"Please don't call me that...and that's fine, just make sure you don't forget anything..."

"Yeah! I won't! See ya, Wiz!" She giggled happily before kissing his cheek and skipping out the door.

It had to be the strangest sight Allen had ever seen.

"That was...peculiar." Allen said slowly, taking a cup with a quiet 'thank you.'

"Yeah, she's a little strange. Wanna guess her age?"

"I mean, I guess...is she twelve?"

By Wisely's laughter, Allen was probably way off.

"She's thirty five."

Allen spat out his tea. "What?! She looks so young!"

"Hahaha, yeah. I mean, not that you have any room to talk, you look about fifteen." Wisely grinned.

"...how do you know I'm not?"

"Well, you live by yourself, by that I mean with other people. You also work at Jerry's."

"What does me working at Jerry's-"

"Lately he's only hiring everyone above eighteen. Did you not know?"

"Uh. I am eighteen. Actually, I've been working there for three years."

"Obviously. I mean, you did just tell me about what happened."

Allen blushed when he realized what he'd said, "ah...yeah...I forgot...heh..."

"So, you live with those guys right? Does that mean you're in on their whole...thing?"

"Their relationship? No. I just moved in almost a month ago..."


"Yeah...it was a bit confusing...their landlord sent them a message about opening up another spot in the place, but they didn't exactly get the message for whatever reason, so my being there was quite unexpected...that sure was a hectic day." Allen sighed.

Wisely chuckled, "I can only imagine...so, does that mean you're single?"

Oh no... "Well, yes...but I don't really fancy relationships..." Allen answered honestly.

"Oh? So you're more of a 'No Strings Attached' kinda guy."

"I'm not going to lie and say no."

"Haha, I figured. You give off that vibe."

"Uh. I hope not...the others don't exactly know much about me."

"That being your sexuality and your relationship status?"

"Please stop doing that..." Allen whined.

"You're a funny kiddo." Wisely chuckled again. "So you're single and you're a 'Friends with Benefits' kinda guy. Looks like we have a few things in common." Wisely opened one of his eyes and gave Allen a smug grin.

Well...this took an unexpected turn.


"Mhmm..." Wisely smiled as he placed his cup of tea down, closing his eyes quite peacefully. He opened them when he looked over in Allen's direction. Allen could only stare back, unsure of how to respond.

He certainly couldn't respond when Wisely leaned over and kissed him.

For one, his lips were a bit preoccupied and for two...he was too stunned to even realize what was happening. Well, he knew that Wisely was kissing him for one, and beginning to touch places that hadn't been touched in what felt like decades...and that he was kinda liking this. This had 'bad idea' written all over it, but...Allen was in a careless mood, and he had been sensitive for awhile...and he was telling himself to get laid.

Despite knowing this was a bad idea...Allen couldn't make himself push Wisely away.

Allen was quite surprised that he managed to avoid his roommates for an entire week.

He was also very surprised that he managed to stay off his medication for this long.

He wasn't very surprised that Wisely was the one to give out his location.

I don't know if anyone could tell but that last part was part of Chapter two but I forgot where I wanted to cut it off and I wanted to update to let you all know that I'm sorry for not updating! I can't exactly write on FFN on my phone HOWEVER I did make an AO3 account for practice writing if anyone wants to go take a look at those! Actually the only story I think is adequately good is "The Best Thing". My user used to be called "Kristina" but I changed it to "Elvira_Rayne" so everyone knew I wasn't dead. Once I am able to get on a computer, I will see about updating FAC! Be patient please! Oh and also! I have a cosplay account on IG if anyone is interested. I do cosplay Allen, but I moreover cosplay Lavi now. My account is "mewnella". Now that that's all done and over with, I'd like to thank XavierForest, inuyashamunkey, TrueCountryCowgirl (lmao thanks I guess), Tsukiko K, DeathKitsune666 (OML I LOVE LINKLLEN/PIE SHIPPING! I plan on cosplaying Link actually and my gf cosplays Allen OuO), Shaberu-chan (I DIDN'T EVEN GET THE UNDERTALE REFERENCE I MADE but omg the con was so much fun and I wish we hung out more but THERE'S ALWAYS NEXT YEAR), Usagi-Twins, banapples2018 (lmao because I'm evil), Vhappybean (I'm glad you like it! ^u^), and aquavenn (thank you I had a great time! I'm actually heading to another one tomorrow aha I'm obsessed quq)