DISCLAIMER: I don't own charmed


Phoebe Halliwell sat on her bed unconciously twisting her engagement ring around on her finger.

"I can't believe this!" Phoebe marveled aloud.

"Believe what sweetie" said her Cupid fiancé, Coop who had just silently beamed in behind her and was now leaning in the doorway.

"AAH!," Screeched Phoebe accidently levitating three feet in the air,"Damn it Coop don't do that, you startle me which causes this!"

"Sorry! Here need a hand?" Asked Coop, while putting up his hands to help his fiancée down.

"Thanks" said Phoebe once she was on solid ground. Coop looked down into his soon-to-be wife's brown eyes and pulled her in for a long kiss. What they didnt notice was the room shifted and they were transported into the attic. When they pulled apart they looked around in confusion.

"Maybe your power glitched and it beamed us to the manor" Suggested Phoebe.

"It's possible" Said Coop.

"Pheebs is that you?" Called Piper's voice.

"Yeah sorry Piper didnt mean to wake you!"

A very young looking Piper walked into the attic. Both sisters,past and future, jaws dropped.

"Phoebe y-youre old!" Stammered Piper.

"Excuse me Missy, but you're older than I am! At least you WERE. Coop how the hell did this happen?" Phoebe ranted.

"Piper whats go- Phoebe why is there two of you?" A thirty year old, and very much alive Prue asked her sister Phoebe as they walked into the attic, having been woken up by hearing voices.

"I don't know but if she's a demon then she is definitetly going to pay I need my beauty sleep for a certain man."said Phoebe of early 2001.

"You mean a certain demon..." Muttered Prue.

"Demon? So that could be Drake, Anton, or Cole... Umm... Well we don't meet Drake until Chris is born, Anton , you two vanquished while your past selves were trying to strangle me, so it must be-" Phoebe was interupted by someone shimmering in,"Cole" said Phoebe,of the future, in a pissed off voice.

"Hey baby" said Past Phoebe."We kind of have visitors at the moment."

"Huh?" said Cole, while turning around and looking at the new arrivals, bewilderedly.

"Hi, yeah we're from 2007 and basically have no idea of how we got here... This is Coop-Coop, this is Past Piper, Prue, me, and Cole." Phoebe from the future said putting emphasis on her dead sister's name.

"Ooh, someone is hot, hot, hot!" said Prue, looking at Coop.

"Sorry Prue, but by the smell of it he's a Cupid, their not aloud to date!" said Cole teasingly, but in a mean way.

"Actually, that rule was lifted so me and my fiancée could get engaged" Said Coop, not sure if he should tell them he was married to Phoebe.

"Who's your fiancée ?" Scoffed Cole.

"Me" Stated future Phoebe, proudly. Cole looked at the older Phoebe in shock.

"You!?" Roared Cole.

"Easy there, don't go all Balthazar and throw an energy ball at me!" Said Phoebe bitterly.

"Cole doesn't do that stuff anymore!" shot back Phoebe of 2001.

"Tell that to my dead s-" Coop clamped a hand over Phoebe's mouth.

"Maybe we should summon your mother, that would stop the arguing. " Suggested Coop.

"Shows how much you know about your so called fiancée her mom's dead!" Said Cole with a triumphant tone to his voice.

"Yeah I know, I was suggesting that we summon her." Explains Coop.

"Umm guys I don't mean to interrupt but perhaps we should call Leo. Ya know for business reasons." said Piper hoping to see her fiancé.

"Oh, um... sure. Leo! Damn it Leo, I know you can hear me!" called future Phoebe.

Leo appeared in a swirl of bright lights, he saw piper and looked to the past Phoebe,"What the hell could you possibly need Phoebe? Your gonna get me in trouble with them!"

"It wasnt me it was me!" said past Phoebe pointing to her counter part.

"Whats going on?" Leo asked when he saw future Phoebe. He was beginning to get very confused.

"Hi Leo, I'm Phoebe, from 2007 and this is my lovely fiancé, Coop. Piper says we need you to say whether or not im allowed to summon Mom, but we all know she just wants a reason to see you!" said future Phoebe cheerily.

"Umm, you don't need my permission but I should really tell the elders this" said Leo.

"You don't need to, Mom'll let 'em know when she goes back." Phoebe assures." Spend some time with your wife- I mean fiancée. Sorry still not used to the whole your not married yet thing!"

"Wait how do we even know you're me?" P. Phoebe asks herself suspiciously.

"Oh lets see... For starters i can summon either mom or grams at will. I know that Leo was killed in Guadacanel in the army as a medic. Paige and I learned that when his 'buddy' Rick stabbed him and Piper as a ghost that one time . And Cole, I know that you like, fine wine, Jazz and, long walks in the park, and I know that cause, I was once you!" Future Phoebe said pointing at her bewildered younger self.

"Okay, I believe her." Revealed Prue."Can you really summon Mom or not?"

"Definitely. I actually just saw her last month at my wedding. And again when Billie and Christy killed us. There was the whole,'We're teens again!' incident. And at Chris's wicanning and then at Piper's wed-" Phoebe was cut off when Coop's hand clamped over her mouth.

"You were rambling." He explained when she looked at him questioningly.

"Oh uhh thanks" Phoebe said while smiling up at him sheepishly.

"Why did we break up?" Asked Cole suddenly as if it had been eating him inside and itching to get out.

"You were consumed with the source's soul. You went crazy. You tricked me into a demonic wedding and you knocked me up with a mini-source and almost made me kill my sister. When I divorced you went all suicidal and even tried to create an alternate universe to get me all to yourself. It backfired and I vanquished you." Said Phoebe with a digusted tone and a glare towards Cole.

Cole visibly paled and looked like he was about to throw up.

"But that's all in the past. Well in your case the future. Point is there's no changing so lets not dwell on it. I'll set up the candles, someone else find the 'To summon the dead' spell'" Phoebe said.


Okay guys so that was just a random plot bunny that bit me and wouldn't go away! Don't worry though, Im currently working on the next chapter for: Power of Four,Forevermore.

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Love you!
