Brick's P.O.V.

All of us packed our stuff, getting ready to leave. Today, we were going back. Sakura was crying, because her 'beloved' Zane was leaving her, but he promised to call her when he has time. Seichiro was upset too, but got over it, knowing we'll either call or visit. Butch put his stiff in the car, deciding to ride on the wolf. We said our goodbyes to them and got inside the car. During the ride, some of us were chatting, others were sleeping and the rest were just minding their own business. I noticed that Kori was staring out of the window the whole ride back home, looking deep in thought. Momoko fell asleep on my shoulder during the ride, but I didn't mind. I wrapped an arm around her shoulders and laid my head on hers, enjoying the moment. I noticed that Butch looked a bit grumpy but still had a grin on his face.

Aoi and Natsuna were also sleeping, Zane was also staring out the window and Asahi, Kaoru, Boomer, Miyako and Natsuka were talking with each other. The ride was peaceful and we arrived in Tokyo in no time. The driver brought us to our house, the sudden stop caused Momoko, Aoi and Natsuna to wake up.

''We arrived already?'' Momoko gave a cute yawn

''Indeed we have.'' Kori answered and got out of the car

''It's good to be home.'' Aoi smiled as he followed Kori

''Yeah.'' Natsuna yawned and stepped out of the car as well

The rest of us quietly got out and took our suitcases as Kori passed them one by one. The driver dashed off after we got our belongings and walked towards our house. Butch still was sitting on the wolf's back, making me sigh.

''You should get off of the wolf and get your things.'' I told him

''Don't wanna.'' he stuck out his tongue at me

My eyebrow twitched, I was ready to pounce on him but Momoko put a hand on my shoulder.

''Leave him be Brick.'' she whispered

I glared at Butch who in return smirked smugly. Out of the blue, his suitcase came flying at him, hitting him straight in the face and knocking him off the wolf. I followed the direction where the suitcase came from, only to see Kori looking at Butch normally, her right arm positioned in a throw motion. All of us, excluding Butch, had a deadpanned expressions.

''I'm starting to regret bringing the wolf to you.'' Kori spoke

Butch just groaned in pain. I smirked, knowing Kori was on my side. I grabbed Momoko's free hand and the two of us walked side by side inside, the rest following suit, leaving Butch on the ground with the wolf sniffing him.

After unpacking, everyone sat in the living room. Kori, like usual, was reading a book. Zane was looking at his phone, typing, probably texting Sakura. Aoi and Asahi were having an arm-wrestling, Natsuna and Natsuka cheering for them. Butch and Kaoru were watching TV. Miyako and Boomer were watching funny things on the laptop in front of them. I could tell from their giggling. Me and Momoko were just chilling, Momoko cuddling up next to me while I had my arm wrapped around her waist.

The nice atmosphere in the room was ruined by a vibration. All of us turned to look at Kori's phone that laid on the table in front of her. Kori put a book mark in her book and closed it, putting it on the table and grabbed her phone. She probably received a message. Sighing, Kori got up and turned to me.

''I'll change and go see what Akamaru needs me for. If you need me, call me.'' I nodded and she left the room

The others looked at each other and shrugged, going back to what they were doing. Me and Momoko exchanged a confused looks, but remained silent. Hearing some sounds, we knew that Kori left since we also heard the sound of her motorbike.

''Looks like she left.'' Butch said

''Do you think Akamaru is calling her because of what happened back in Kyoto?'' Natsuka asked

''Who knows.'' Asahi shrugged

''It must be important since Kori-chan got dressed and left in such speed.'' Natsuna said

''How do you know?'' Boomer asked

''Don't you remember that Kori is faster than normal people?'' Aoi sighed

''And that also explains how she can disappear in a blink of an eye.'' I added

''How about we do something else? Kori's business is not our business.'' Momoko looked at me

''Momoko's right. If Kori wants to tell us why Akamaru called her, she will.'' Zane said

We nodded in agreement and dropped the subject. I couldn't help but notice that Aoi looked concerned about something. I decided to shrug it off.

Kori's P.O.V.

''So you said it was impotant.'' I said

I sat in a chair in front of Akamaru's desk, Akamaru looking from window like always. A few minutes passed and he decided to turn around, placing his elbows on the desk and intertwined his fingers.

''Before I tell you why I called you here, I want answers.'' he looked deeply into my eyes

''Answers on what?'' I raised an eyebrow

''On what happened in Kyoto.'' he answered bluntly

Sighing, I told him exactly what I told the others. He seemed to believe my story. Nodding, he pulled out something from his pocket, giving it to me.

''What's this?'' I asked

''Someone sent you this. I haven't opened it, knowing that you have to be the first.'' he sighed

I opened the envelope, pulling out a letter and...a card? I looked at the card, it was a deck card, seeing the design. The card was a Joker, a skull with red nose, with red make-up around the mouth area, red eyes and a black and red clown hat. Me andAkamaru gave each other a confused look before my eyes went to the letter. Unfolding it, I began reading.

'My Dear 'Joker',

I hope you like the card I made for you, I made it just for you. If you don't, then too bad, you'll need the card. You're the 'Joker' in my game. In my game, YOU are the strongest. And I know for a fact that you still need Electro to evolve, so I'll give you ten days. Use these ten days wisely. I'll give you small hint of where I am since I know you visited your parents. I'm in a place, abandoned building. That's the only hint I'm giving you. And don't try to take your friends with you, you know nuisance is not needed. And like I said on our first meeting, you'll be begging on your knees for me to leave your family alone. And I'm still laughing, remembering how you almost blew up that lab. HAHAHAHAHAHA! XD

Anyway, DO NOT tell your friends or cousin about this, you know better than anyone when it comes to threats, you don't mess with the people having the upper hand. Oh and you have to play the 'Joker' or I'll be sad. T^T

And since you're smart, you'll be able to figure out my whereabouts.


Ichinose Ayame'

Sweatdropping, I began thinking if she is related to uncle. Though I soon got angry, just reading her name makes me angry.

''What kind of shit is this?!'' I exclaimed, crushing the letter in my fist

''What's in the letter?'' Akamaru asked

''Remember how everything startred?'' I asked, trying to calm myself

''Get to the point.'' he demanded

''A teenage girl started this. Every mafia that formed, every member that joined, every boss that was chosen. It was all because of one girl.'' I began

''And how do you know?'' he glared at me

''I met her once. I was in one of my solo missions. That's when I met her. Remember how I almost blew up uncle's lab? That was when I met her.'' I answered

''And who is she?'' he raised an eyebrow

''Ichinose Ayame, the creator of the 'Mafia War' as she calls it. I don't know how, but she found out about the strongest mages, me included.'' I sighed, burrying my face in my free hand

Silence fell upon us, until Akamaru broke it.

''What are you planning?'' he asked

''I'm not planning, I AM going to end this once and for all. I'll go on a solo mission tomorrow.'' I got up and threw the letter in a trash can

Not bothering to listen to Akamaru, I quickly left, the card in my hand.

Momoko's P.O.V.

All of us, except Kori, sat in the dining room, eating. We heard a sound coming from the out side and soon Kori came. I looked at what she was wearing. A short sleeved blue and yellow chinese top, a blue jean skirt and white socks that reached her hips. Her face had a slight anger written on it. The rest also noticed it.

''Are you alright?'' Miyako asked

''I'm fine.'' Kori sighed and sat down next to Aoi

''Did Akamaru do something to make you mad?'' Zane asked

''No. It's something else.'' Kori grabbed her plate and put some of the lasagna that me and Miyako made

''Let's not talk about it on the table. I'm sure you don't want to talk about it noe either.'' Aoi said

''Yes. Also before I forget, tomorrow I'm going on a solo mission.'' Kori said

''But we just came back.'' Asahi said

''That doesn't mean that I don't have work to do. Like I have told you, Electro has to evolve soon.'' she retorted

No one said a word after that. But I could see Aoi side-glancing at Kori. Weird.

After dinner, we went to our rooms. Me and Brick ended up cuddling on the bed.

''Today was a strange day.'' Brick sighed, burrying his face in the crook of my neck

''Since when do we have 'normal days'?'' I jokingly asked, giggling

''You have a point. But I couldn't help but notice that Aoi is hiding something.'' he said

''Even Kori looked like she was hiding something.'' I said

''Whatever they're hiding, one of them will have to tell us eventually.'' he responded

Humming in agreement, I closed my eyes, both me and Brick falling asleep in each other's arms.

Aoi's P.O.V.

I snuck inside Kori's room and didn't see her. But soon a voice behind me startled me, causing me to jump slightly.

''Now this is what I call 'Personal Space Invader'.'' I turned around to see Kori smirking cooly with her arms crossed over her chest

''I thought you were here.'' I simply said

''I was thirsty. Why are you here?'' she closed the door and sat on the chair in front of her desk

''Why did Akamaru called you?'' I asked

Having the same expression, Kori turned to her desk and began writing.

''To put it simply, Ichinose Ayame wants to fight me. Or that's how I took her words.'' Kori then threw something at me

I caught it with my left hand and saw what it was. A 'Joker' card.

''Why would she give you this?'' I looked at the card and then back at Kori

''She said that I'll need the card, that I'M the 'Joker'. She gave me ten days, knowing that Electro has to evolve soon. That's why I'll go on a mission tomorrow.'' she got up and turned around, walking towards me

Stopping one feet from me, she handed me something. Grabbing it, I noticed it was an address.

''What's this for?'' I asked

''This is where she is. Before you sneaked in my room, I managed to figure out her small 'hint'. Tomorrow, I want you to tell the others the whole truth after I leave.'' she said

''What? Why?'' my eyes widened

''I'm getting tired of hiding the truth. I also want you to tell them that it's their choice if they want to follow me or not.'' she said

''You sure about this? They might tell Akamaru.'' I gave her a doubtful look

''And that's why you'll make sure they don't utter a word to him.'' she grinned

''Guess I'll have to listen to you yet again.'' I joked

We chuckled a bit at what I said. I got up and headed towards the door but stopped before I could open it.

''I don't care what happens from tomorrow. All I care about right now is for this to stop.'' I said and left straight for my room

Though I also failed to see Kori's gentle smile.