That night Severus contacted Charlie to tell him about the drama from the afternoon. Severus didn't have problems with him later that night and he was thankful for that. The healer told Severus that he would stop by first thing early in the morning.

"Next time this happens Severus, you need to contact me right away. He is sick so often, I need to make sure he won't get another lung infection or any other disease." The healer chastised him.

"I understand." Severus responded accepting the chastisement.

The next morning Severus woke up early and ordered breakfast. This morning they were having omelets and pancakes. After that task was finished, he woke up Harry.

"Harry, it's time to wake up." Severus said while shaking him awake. 'When did I start calling him Harry? Oh, merlin, I am getting soft. That boy is going to be the death of me,' Severus thought. Harry woke up right away when Severus called his name.

"Get dress and meet me in the kitchen." Harry gave a nod to Severus.

Snape came back out to the kitchen and spotted Charlie already sitting at the table serving himself food. Severus was not surprised to see Charlie sitting there, but he was surprised and a little ticked off that Charlie was grabbing food for himself.

"I'm glad you feel welcome." Snape commented.

"It was sitting here and despite being a healer and knowing how wrong it is skip breakfast I usually leave without having breakfast. You don't want to deprave me from being healthy." The healer replied back sarcastically. Snape just rolled his eyes. Harry walked out of his room and was greeted seeing both the men sitting at the table eating breakfast.

"Sit down, Harry. Today we are having omelet and pancakes." Severus invited Harry.

Harry sat down at the table. Severus already put food on Harry's plate before he came down he also already lined up his potions in front of his plate. Harry looked down at his plate surprised at seeing food already there. He had one omelet and a small stack of pancakes. Harry began eating and pretty soon he felt full he could only eat half an omelet and one pancake. He is still having problems eating rich food. After giving up on eating knowing he will get sick if he ate any more food, Harry automatically took his potions.

"All finished there Harry?" Charlie asked Harry.

"Uh-huh, I couldn't eat anymore. I'm full." Harry said patting his small stomach.

"I hope you didn't overeat." Charlie said kidding with him.

"Not this time." Harry said with a frown. Charlie saw the frown and wish the boy had more confidence in himself.

"Harry I was only kidding with you. Though I am glad to hear you know when to listen to your stomach. Now how about we move over to the couch where I can give you a quick exam." The healer told him suddenly acting professional. All three of the men walked to the living room taking a seat on the couch.

"I heard from a little birdy that your temperature went up by one degree and you also had an asthma attack." The healer explained to Harry while giving Severus a wink at the same time when Harry wasn't looking.

"Yeah, but it was nothing. I'm fine now," Harry shrugged.

"Fine, you were not fine yesterday afternoon." Severus interrupted in outraged. Severus couldn't believe Harry could say that. Didn't he care about his health at all?

"Relax, Severus. Let me take care of this," Charlie put his hand on Severus's arm to calm him down.

"I know you believe you were fine, but I would like to check myself to see if you are healthy now. It is my job." Charlie told Harry seriously while putting in a little humor to not get him too upset. Charlie wanted Harry to know he can allow other people to help, but he also didn't want the boy to be upset because he said something wrong.

Charlie easily picked up Harry and put Harry on his lap. He put one hand on the boy's chest and the other hand on his forehead.

"First, I am going to magically scan you and then I will switch and check you the muggle way. Sound like a plan?" The healer explained to Harry.

"Sounds like a plan," Harry repeated agreeing with Charlie as he felt the tingling healing magic. The magic always made Harry feel safe and warm.

The healer could feel that Harry was still wheezing a little bit. Besides the wheezing, the healer could feel Harry's temperature is slightly up. The good thing is Harry recovered from his infection. Except he will mention to Severus to watch Harry's fever. He didn't want Harry to get sick so soon after he finally recovered. Charlie changed the tingling healing magic into energizing magic to wake up Harry.

Harry is prone to falling asleep during his exams. Though Harry wasn't the only patient that fell asleep on him. Charlie had many patients, mostly his more fragile patients, have sensitivity to magic and more likely had this problem and Harry was definitely fragile.

"Now it's time for the muggle exam. Are you awake for this, Harry?" Charlie asked watching Harry slowly wake up. Harry gave him a nod to show the healer his is fully awake.

"Alright Harry let's take your temperature first." Charlie popped the thermometer in Harry's mouth. While Charlie was waiting he pulled out a stethoscope.

"Okay let's see what your temperature is." Charlie said pulling out the thermometer. "Still 38 degrees," Charlie announced. Charlie gave Severus a knowing look that meant he was going to have a conversation later about Harry's results.

"Alright, I'm going to listen to your lungs." Charlie told Harry. Charlie still told Harry step by step directions knowing Harry's background. Besides this was the only way to keep Harry calm throughout the exam.

"I'm just going to listen to your lungs. Just breathe normally for me right now. I'll tell you when to take deep breaths." Charlie explained while listening to Harry's lungs very carefully.

Charlie knew he was still wheezing from the earlier exam, but he wanted to know how bad the wheezing was from the stethoscope. Charlie loved the healing magic for many reasons, but for certain things like listening to lungs after an asthma attack the muggle medical way was still the best. So far the Charlie only heard a slight wheeze which was a good sign.

"Now take a deep breath," Charlie directed Harry. "And release it. One more time Harry." Harry followed his orders mindlessly. Charlie finally put the stethoscope away and pulled out an inhaler from his bag.

"The only bad news I have for you is take two puffs from that inhaler every two hours. I heard a slight wheeze when I was listening to your lungs." Charlie explained to Harry.

Harry pretty much knew the results before the healer started his exam. Harry silently took the inhaler and took the two puffs. He knew there were still side effects from the attack last night. He could still feel it in his chest every time he took a deep breath. Harry tossed the inhaler back to Charlie when he was done with it and Charlie packed it away. Charlie carried a spare inhaler in his bag labeled as Harry's. He always had a spare, so he is prepared for any emergency. Charlie pulled out a fever reducer for Harry to take.

"Now for the part you hate. I know Severus didn't put any salve on your scars today." Charlie said with a frown.

Charlie picked up Harry and put him on his lap. Severus was already prepared with the salve. Charlie already started releasing his calming magic on Harry the moment he made skin contact. He was in charge of keeping Harry calm while Severus put the salve on Harry.

This time Charlie released enough calming magic to put Harry asleep. He knew it would be impossible to get Harry to take a nap so early in the morning, but he was in a desperate need to rest his body. Charlie didn't want Harry to get sick so soon and with this stubborn fever he will not take any chances.

"Did you really have to put him to sleep, so we can talk privately?" Severus sarcastically said.

"I only put him to sleep, so he wouldn't get sick. Though it is helpful not to have him eavesdropping during our conversation," Charlie said jokingly catching on to Severus's sarcasm.

"So what did you want to talk about," Severus asked uncertain while he finished putting salve on Harry.

"I'm concern about Harry's insistent fever. I really don't want him to get sick so soon. I want you to give him a fever reducer every couple of hours. I really want to get rid of this fever, so I can clear him for physical therapy." Charlie said professionally while letting out his concern for the boy.

"I understand, besides the two puffs on his inhaler and the potion every few hours, he is fine," Severus asked.

"Yes, he is fine. He should wake up in a couple of hours. He can stay in bed until after lunch to rest and then he can do light activities for the rest of the day." The healer ordered.

"I understand. Harry wanted to ask you a question, but he never had a chance to ask you. He wanted to know how long we need to put salve on his scars." Severus asked for Harry. Actually Severus wanted to know the answer himself because he hated seeing Harry that vulnerable, not to mention all the pain the child is going through from his flashbacks.

"The scars are healing very well. Probably within the next few days we can stop." Charlie answered.

"That's good. Harry will be so happy when I tell him." Severus commented.

"I was wondering when I could take Harry to Diagon Ally to get some new clothes and toys? I don't really have anything to entertain him." Severus asked.

"If his fever comes down we can go tomorrow. As long as I can come along with you to watch him." Charlie said giving him permission with an incentive.

"Great, I'll tell Harry over lunch." The two men talked for a little bit about other things. Eventually Charlie look at his watch and realized he had to leave to go to another appointment. He excused himself and disappeared through the fireplace.

Severus occupied himself by brewing potions. He casted a spell to alert him when Harry woke up. Once Harry did wake up, Severus was able to leave his potion for a short bit and give Harry his next potion and to remind him to use his inhaler.

He told Harry he can start his summer homework or to read a book, but he had to stay in his bed until after lunch. Harry wasn't too thrilled about hearing the news. Severus also told Harry he would be in his lab brewing potions and if he needed anything to just tell Twinkle. She will rely the message to him.

Harry ended up grabbing his school books and started doing his homework. Harry never had the freedom to do homework during the summer. He was going to take the opportunity to get started on his homework instead of waiting until the last minute. Beyond popular belief, Harry was not a procrastinator or a student that slacked on his work. Harry did care about his work and wanted to get good grades. He was no Hermione obsessing over getting top grades, but he wasn't like Ron either who waited until the last minute to do his homework. He was Harry, he was his own person, not someone who everyone imagined The-Boy-Who-Lived would act like.

Harry thought he had an unfair advantage since he started school. Since the school found out the The-Boy-Who-Lived attended Hogwarts, the Wizarding World let him, a little boy, handle all the problems and evil the world has to offer. Harry was sick of it. The Wizarding World never once thought that The-Boy-Who-Lived was actually a boy and a student at school. A student who has homework to do and tests to study for to pass school. No one cared, so Harry was left with hardly no time to do his school work. Most of the time he did his school work last minute and hoped he would pass. That was why all his work was average. Just imagine what his work will be like when he actually has time.

Harry took out his Defense against the Dark Arts assignment and book out. It was his favorite subject and he didn't have to concentrate so much on it. After a couple of hours, Severus came to his room and knocked on the door. The knock startled Harry and made him jump.

"C-come in," said Harry timidly. The door was open so Severus knew Harry could see him.

"You don't need to be afraid. I was just coming to tell you it is lunch time," said Severus calmly. Severus watched Harry slowly relax.

"Oh, is it that late," said Harry surprised. He was so focused on his work he didn't notice it was nearing lunch. Now that he knew it was lunch time he was hungry. Severus set down Harry's tray on the bed while Harry cleared away his school stuff. Severus went to sit in the chair next to Harry's bed to eat his own lunch.

"I see you started doing your homework?" Severus started the conversation.

"Yeah, I figured if I was stuck in bed it was the best time to get started." Harry responded while picking up the sandwich from his tray.

"That's good to hear. So I wanted to tell you some things Healer Williams told me." Severus said turning the conversation serious.

"You mean Charlie. Is it bad news?" Harry asked bracing himself for the worse.

"No actually it is good news for once," said Severus cheerfully. He even smiled, but only for a brief second.

"Really what is it?" Harry asked excitedly.

"I asked Charlie about how much longer I have to put salve on you and he said probably in a couple of days." Harry thought about this for a minute. Severus didn't have to apply the salve anymore. No one had to touch his scars or that spot anymore. That means the memories will stop.

"That's great," exclaimed Harry.

"I also asked Charlie if we can take you to Diagon Ally, so you can get some toys and new clothes. Charlie says if you don't have a fever than we can all go together." Severus told Harry.

"What do you mean we all go together?" Harry asked Severus.

"Charlie wanted to go with us in case something happened. He is afraid you might have a panic attack or an asthma attack. He believes I won't be able to help you as quickly and efficiently as he can." Severus explained.

"He thinks I might have another panic attack. He thinks I'm weak." Harry murmured.

"P-Harry, no one thinks you are weak. Right now you are having a difficult moment in your life. We just want to help." Snape said looking at Harry. Harry didn't know he had spoken, so he was shocked by what Severus said.

"No one has uncontrollable panic attacks." Harry said trying to make Severus believe he was not normal.

Severus came over to Harry and grabbed his chin. Severus wanted to make sure Harry knew how serious he was and how he wasn't alone.

"Harry everyone has panic attacks. Everyone has moments of weakness, but it is only one moment in their whole lives. Just one moment. It will pass and you won't feel so weak anymore." Severus explained to him. All he wanted was for Harry to understand that this will pass too.

Snape got off the bed and went back to sit at his chair to finish his lunch. Harry thought about what Severus said to him. All this is just a moment in his life. A moment of weakness. What was Severus trying to tell him? Harry looked down at his tray. He picked up his sandwich and finished eating it. Harry figured he would figure out Severus's message later.