PROM NIGHT: part 2 (the rewrite)
By Robster80

Notice: I had to change the ending a bit due to fears of beihg blackballed for copying someone else's work. Maybe I'm being paranoid, but better safe than sorry, right?. It's still a Takari, and a song is still included in this half. Characters are still property of Bandai, Toei, etc.

Kari hummed happily as she wrote an entry in her diary while she lay in her bed. The kiss she had shared with TK earlier had fueled the fire in her heart and she had been thinking about him almost nonstop. The sudden ringing of the phone broke her concentration. Since she was the only one home, she had to get up and answer. "Hello? Hi, Joe! What's-? Omigod, is he-?! What happened? DAVIS?!?!" Now Kari's blood began to boil. She ignored Joe's voice on the phone and screamed, "I'll be right down!" before she slammed the receiver down as Tai walked in.

Seeing his little sister angrily slam the phone made Tai start to worry. He silently prayed that TK wasn't involved and that he or Matt wasn't at fault. "What happened?"

Kai was startled by Tai's question. Facing him, she said, "TK's in the hospital. He got hit by a car and broke his foot trying to avoid Davis who was trying to kill him."

In an instant, Tai knew what Kari would do now. "Come on, sis! I'll drive you down." Then, I'm gonna get with Matt and we'll have a nice "chat" with Mr. Motomiya.

Tossing Kari her jacket, he led her down to the parking lot and got in his car.


TK slowly awoke to several familiar voices around him. His eyes opened to see his parents, Matt, Kari, Tai, and Joe standing around him. It was then that he noticed he was in a hospital bed and his left foot was in a cast. "Man," he groaned, his memory coming back to him. "Some martial artist I am! I leap right into the path of a car."

"At least you got out of the way before you were seriously injured," his father said as he pulled out a cigarette. "That Ranma Saotome's a heck of a teacher if he taught you to be that quick." Joe immediately grabbed the cigarette and broke it in two as he said, "Mr. Ishida, you know that there's absolutely no smoking in the hospital!"

TK looked right at Joe. "What's the verdict, doctor?"

Joe took a file from the foot of the bed, examined it and said, "Well, you're dad's right about you being lucky to be alive. The bad news is that you'll have to stay here for a few days and keep off your foot for about over a week."

Kari's face became pale. "But Joe! The prom's next Friday!"

Joe shook his head. "I'm sorry. He won't make it in time. Better find someone else for the prom, Kari."

Matt and Tai both glared at Joe after he said that last comment. He looked at them and said, "Remember, you two, I'm not the one who helped cause this. You want to pound somebody, go find Davis. And make sure you give him a good kick in the chops for me."

The two nodded, and dashed out of the room. Mr. Ishida ran after them, yelling, "Now Matt, I will have to arrest you if you do commit murder!"

Mrs. Takaisha shook her head, then faced Joe. "I'd like to speak with you in private, Joe. Kari, would you watch TK for me?"

TK almost beamed as he realized that his mother was doing this on purpose. After they had left, he and Kari were now alone. Kari finally broke down and cried into TK's chest, hugging him tightly.

"Oh, TK! This is just horrible! Just when everything seemed to be all right..."

TK wrapped his arms around the woman at his chest and said, "Please don't cry, Kari. This is just another example of Murphy's law: 'Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong.' Besides, we've been in worse situations like this and still pulled out."

Kari looked tearfully into TK's eyes. "TK, I want you to know that I intend to go with you to the prom or not go at all. And don't try to talk me out of it, because I intend to spend prom night with you even if it's here."

TK wanted to protest, but instead said, "As you wish. That way, at least I get to see how sexy you look in your dress." He said that last line with a grin.

Kari laughed and playfully hit him upside the head. "You naughty boy! Just for that, I'm going to smother you with kisses."

"Oh no!" he cried jokingly "Not that! You couldn't make that chocolate syrup instead, could you?"

Kari shook her smiling face as she climb on top of TK, careful not to bump his injured foot. The two were about to kiss when someone gasped, "Oh my! This is not right."

They looked to see a female doctor with long brown hair standing in the doorway, frowning at their behavior. TK read her tag, which said, "Kasumi Tofu." Making the connection, he said, "I know you! You're Akane Saotome's oldest sister!"

The doctor's frown soon turned into a smile as she said, "Oh, so you're Ranma's top student! I thought your name was familiar. However, this is a hospital and not a motel. You'll have to wait until you're feeling better before you both continue your conversation."

Kari frowned as she got off of TK, but placed a light kiss on his forehead and said, "I'll see you later," as she walked out of the room.

TK looked at Kasumi and said, "Now I know what sensei had to put up with when you lived with him and your sisters."

Kasumi smiled and said, "You have no idea what Ranma had to put up with, TK, and you should be grateful not to. Now get some sleep. My husband's heard of your case and might have a special remedy for you."


Kari couldn't concentrate in school the next few days. TK and his broken foot were all she could think about. She was lucky that Ken and the others helped her out in several classes. She noticed Davis had been smiling all the time, and was secretly sickened by it.

After school on Friday, she gathered her homework and TK's homework into two separate parts of her book bag and prepared to go to the hospital as she had done all week. This time, however, Cody, Ken, and Yolei waited for her and asked if they could go with her. She agreed, and they walked out together. As they exited the building, they saw Davis waiting outside the gate. Kari gave her book bag to Yolei and told her to take it to TK. Yolei was about to ask why but Ken said, "Just walk on, and ignore the helpless screams of a dying fool." Taking the hint, Yolei followed Ken and Cody in a different direction as Kari stalked towards Davis.

Davis looked to see Kari coming towards him and smiled dreamily. He was so lost in his fantasies that he failed to notice that Kari was emitting a dark aura around her. "Hey, Kari! I heard PK was in an accident. I guess this means you won't be-."

He was cut off as Kari slapped him. "That's for your obsession!" She then stomped his foot. "That was for getting TK in the hospital!" Finally, she landed a punch in his stomach, knocking the air out of his lungs. "AND THAT IS TO LET YOU KNOW ONCE AND FOR ALL I WILL NEVER EVER GO WITH YOU TO THE PROM OR ANYWHERE ELSE! LEAVE ME AND TK ALONE!!" Not letting him get another word in, she continually punched him for ten seconds before sending him into orbit. Sighing heavily, she then headed off towards the hospital.


TK awoke from his nap to see Mimi, Matt, Cody, Yolei, and Ken beside him. Mimi was holding several pink, white, and red roses. Matt gave them to her, no doubt, he thought as he smiled at them all.

Matt was the first to speak. "How do you feel, kid?"

"Well, my foot's still broken, but my head hurts less than it did before. Other than that, Kasumi's been looking after me so I don't actually need a nurse." When everyone looked at him funny, he said, "That's right, you don't know her. She's the older sister of my sensei's wife. She married a doctor who works at the local clinic and sometimes here for special injuries."

Yolei sighed with relief. "That's good. For a moment there, I thought you were cheating on Kari."

"I'd shoot myself before doing such a thing. And even if I didn't, Matt or Tai would've done it for me."

Matt smiled and shook his head. "Shoot you? No way. I'd just pound the living daylights out of you. I have no idea what Tai would do, though."

Mimi gently pushed him aside as she pulled out a red rose and gave it to TK. "Get better soon, TK."

TK nodded. He knew better than to try and argue with someone like Mimi. He then noticed Yolei was carrying two book bags, one of which happened to be Kari's. "Yolei, where's Kari?"

Cody spoke up for Yolei. "She had to 'thank' Davis for putting you in here. We were told to give her bag to you until she arrives."

Ken then spoke up, "I take it this means you won't be attending the prom?"

Matt glared hard at Ken, but TK said, "Lay off him, bro! He has a right to ask. I have to stay off my foot for over a week, Ken. So the answer is no, I won't be going."

Cody then said, "Well, we should be going now, TK. Our parents are waiting for us and I have a kendo lesson in about five minutes."

Ken and Yolei gave him a curious look before they understood as Matt and Mimi also left. Leaving Kari's bag on a nearby chair, they exited just as Kari walked in.

TK smiled at her as she approached him. "So, how was school today?"

Kari sighed. "Not good. I couldn't pay attention in classes again because I was worried about my boyfriend. The fact that Davis was smiling all week wasn't helpful, either. Today he had the nerve to try and ask me to the prom after what he did!"

"Your boyfriend must be lucky to have someone as special as you if you've been worried about him all week. You tell him I said that."

Kari laughed at this, then kissed TK. "I also got today's homework for you. Luckily since it's the end of the year, there's not much." It was then she noticed the rose.

TK took it and said, "It was from Mimi. She got a bunch of these from Matt before they came to see me and gave me this one."

Kari frowned at him. "Are you implying that I was jealous?"

TK worriedly waved his hands and shook his head. "Nononono! I was just-! Ow!" He suddenly grabbed his head in pain.

Kari gasped. She never meant her joke to end like this. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry, TK! It was only a joke."

TK looked at her with a silly grin. "Gotcha!"

Kari looked at him in shock, then said, "Why you..." just before she kissed him on his lips. She broke off, saying, "Don't you ever do that again! What if you really get hurt and I won't believe you?"

"Then I'll have to live with my injuries for you. That reminds me, how did you 'thank' Davis, as Cody put it?"

Kari smiled as she described how she gave Davis just what he deserved. At the end, TK whistled and said, "Remind me to never get on your bad side."

Kari stroked TK's cheek as she said in a seductive tone, "Really? Maybe when we get you back on both your feet, I'll show you just how much fun my bad side can be."

"Oh, behave!" TK said in his best "Austin Powers" impersonation, and they both cracked up.

At that time, a tall man in glasses and a black gi entered the room. "Ah," he said, "you're in good spirits today, TK. That's fine since it'll help out a lot. And you have a pretty visitor to help us as well."

TK and Kari looked at him, startled by his entrance. TK then smiled and said, "Hello, Dr. Tofu. This is my girlfriend Kari. Kari, this is Kasumi's husband."

Kari and Dr. Tofu exchanged greetings before the doctor took out a small flask and said, "Here's how it works: I'm going to remove the cast and place on some of this gel I made from a scroll I found during my travels in China. It will sting, but the bones should automatically reconnect. Kari, I need you to hold down TK while I apply the gel."

Kari nodded as Dr. Tofu cut off the cast on TK's leg. She placed her hands on TK's chest as he placed his arms behind his back so not to wildly thrash about and hit Kari. Once Dr. Tofu completely removed the cast, he opened the flask, poured some gel onto his hands, and began to rub it on TK's broken foot.

TK felt numerous knives stab his foot all at once. He tightly gripped his arms, digging his fingernails into his skin to make sure his arms wouldn't break out. He grimaced in pain from both the gel and his nails.

Kari pushed her full weight onto TK's body once she saw him grit his teeth. She hated doing this to her best friend/boyfriend, but if it healed his foot, they would have the last laugh on Davis. "I'm sorry," she said.

"If I accidentally hit you," he said with his teeth still grit. "I'll be the sorry one." After two minutes, the pain left TK's foot and he relaxed. He pulled out his arms knowing the worst was over. Kari was the first to notice his arms were bleeding slightly. He had dug some of his nails through the skin from the pain. Fortunately, Dr. Tofu had anticipated this and quickly applied peroxide and bandages to the arms.

"These aren't bad. Just use medical cream and Band-Aids for two days and they'll be fine. As for your foot, you should be walking out of here by tomorrow morning. Should I inform your parents?"

"I'll do it," Kari said. She got up to leave, but TK stopped her and said, "Call Matt, too. Tell him I want to go tuxedo shopping as soon as I'm out."


Kari stood in front of several mirrors, trying on the tenth prom dress she picked out with Mimi, Yolei, and Sora that Saturday afternoon. They had been in the store for almost half an hour as Yolei and Kari tried on dresses. Yolei had tried on four dresses before she found one she liked, and now it was Kari's turn. This was the latest one, and she frowned with disgust. It was a small and tight red dress that came down to the top of her knees and had no sleeves or straps. It also had matching gloves.

Yolei also frowned at the dress. "You look like a hooker," she said finally. Kari nodded in agreement. "This'll go on for years!" she screamed as she rushed back into the dressing room to remove the dress.

Sora and Mimi sighed, then looked around with Yolei for another dress. Finally, Mimi found one and rushed it to Kari. After five minutes, Kari emerged and looked in the mirrors. The white dress was snug, but not tight, had spaghetti straps that ran down halfway her back, the skirt went down past her knees to her ankles, and had long sleeved white gloves to match. It almost looked like a wedding dress except for a large blue diagonal stripe running the middle of the dress, the blue shoes, and the blue hair clip accessory.

Kari smiled, so did the other girls. She looked at the price, which left her enough for her to get TK his boutonniere even though Sora's mother offered to do it for free. Facing the girls, she said, "Let's check out, ladies!"

Further downtown, TK, Matt, Ken, and Tai were in a men's clothing store looking at tuxedos. TK was enjoying himself now that his foot was much better. He found a nice white tux at a good price, and after trying it out, he knew he wanted it. Ken also found his tuxedo right away, which was also white. "Lately, I'm sick of dark colors," he said. "I don't know why, but I want to try something new for a change."

Matt's band had been requested to play for the prom, and since his father shrunk his original tux in the wash by accident, he had to buy a new one. He finally found a black tuxedo similar to his old one and bought it. "I dunno, you guys, " he said as they exited the store. "When TK and I wear our tuxes, I'll feel more like he's getting married and I'm giving him away."

TK smiled and said, "Who knows? Maybe one day, you and Tai will."

Matt's face became pale suddenly. So did Tai's "Y-you're not gonna propose to Kari at the prom, are you?" they both asked.

TK looked at them sinisterly. "The thought had crossed my mind." With that, he took off down the street, laughing all the way. Matt and Tai ran after him, yelling their heads off that it was not funny at all. Ken laughed quietly, not at TK's joke, but at the possibility that one-day Matt and Tai would be in-laws. "Well, at least now I can go rent a limo without anyone ruining the surprise to Yolei. I owe you for this, TK..."

Suddenly, Ken got an idea. He immediately rushed to the limo rental as fast as he could.


The big day finally came. TK was nervous, especially since his gut kept telling him that Davis was up to something didn't help much either. He had just finished dressing at 5:30 that evening when the phone rang. He picked it up. "Hello?"

"Mr. Takeru Takaishi? This is Trowa, your limo driver for this evening."

"Limo?! I never rented a limo for tonight."

"Correct, sir. But I was ordered to tell you that Ken sent me and he's paying for your limo tonight, no charge. He also said not to tell Kari who's really paying for this."

"Why that son of a-! This must be costing him a fortune. Well, Trowa, where are you now?"

"Look out your window, sir."

TK did as he was told, and saw a black limo out front with a man with brown hair waving at him while holding a cell phone.

"Can you see me, sir?"

"Yes I can. I'll be right down." After hanging up, TK put on some cologne, grabbed Kari's corset, and rushed out.

After meeting Trowa face to face, TK entered the limo. As Trowa drove for Kari's, he called her and told her about the limo except for the part that Ken was paying for it all. She was indeed shocked, but said she would be ready.

At the Kamiya's apartment, Kari was looking around furiously for something. "TAI!!! Where are my gloves?!"

Tai sat on the couch, watching the news. Sighing, he said, "You're wearing them, sis!"

Kari looked at her hands. "Heh, heh... I knew that. Now where are my earrings?"

"In my hot little hand like you asked me to put them for you."

Kari rushed into the room and snatched the earrings from Tai to put them on.

"Chill out, Kari!" he said. "It's just TK. You've been out with him before, and it's not like you two are getting married." At least I hope not!

Kari glared at Tai. "Look, every time we went out, something always happens to ruin the mood. I have a right to be nervous, especially since Davis has been following me almost everywhere I go after TK got out of the hospital."

There was a knock on the door just then. Mr. Kamiya opened the door to reveal TK in his white tuxedo. "Come in, son-in-law," Mr. Kamiya joked as TK entered.

"NOT FUNNY, DAD!" Tai shouted as he leapt off the couch. Kari shook her head at him before she walked up to TK. She felt her breath leave her as she stood in awe of his tuxedo.

TK nearly had a nosebleed at the sight of Kari in her dress. His comment on how sexy she would look came back to haunt him, for she was indeed very sexy. A tap on the head from Tai snapped him out of his trance. "Earth to TK! Give her the corset and get ready for the cameras."

Blushing, TK gave Kari her corset and she his boutonniere just before Mrs. Kamiya huddled them together for pictures. Both Mr. and Mrs. Kamiya held cameras and took pictures.

Once they were done, TK said, "If we're not back by 11 tonight, you have my permission to send one of those photos to the police, that is if I haven't already turned myself in."

Kari's parents laughed at the joke, but Tai took it seriously. "The hell with the cops, I'll hunt you down myself!"

Kari glared hard at Tai and gave one last warning: "Lay a hand on TK, and I'll make sure you never have kids!" With that, she grabbed TK and led him out of the apartment down to the limo.

"I'm sorry about Tai," she said as they took the elevator. "He's acting like it's our wedding and not our prom."

"That is actually my fault," TK said as he raised a hand behind his head. He explained everything to her and expected her to get mad. Kari did, but said, "Those two can dish it out, but can't take it."

As the elevator doors opened and they stepped out, TK said, "Then I have some good news for you. The Saotomes are going to chaperone the prom tonight, and they promised us some protection tonight." This made Kari feel a little better.


The prom was a huge event. Matt and his band took turns with the DJ for the music, which gave him time to keep his eye on his brother. TK and Kari made sure to stay together the entire night. Luckily, the Saotomes had kept their eyes on them as promised. However, Davis had been smiling all night.

Finally, it was time to announce the king and queen of the prom. Principal Kuno took the microphone and prepared to make the announcement. Kari gave TK a reassuring squeeze. Principal Kuno finally said, "The queen for this year's prom is... Miss Hikari Kamiya!"

The cheers came rapidly as Kari hugged TK and bounced onto the stage. Matt smiled at her and hoped TK would be elected king. Miss Hinako placed the silver crown on Kari's head and whispered, "Don't worry. I checked the votes myself, and TK will be king."

Then the principal reluctantly announced the king. "...Takeru Takaishi!"

Thunderous cheers followed as TK smiled triumphantly and walked up to the stage and shook hands with the principal. Mr. and Mrs. Saotome and Matt winked at him, though he missed them.

"I DEMAND A RECOUNT!!" someone shouted from the back. Everyone looked to see Davis glare up at TK. "There's no way TC won! There's just no way!"

"I disagree," Miss Hinako said as she approached the mike. "I counted the votes myself, and you only received one vote. It's TK who wins the title as king."

Kuno sulked as he gave TK the crown. He wanted Davis to win, but his wife and Miss Hinako threatened him not to. He knew better than to cross Nabiki and Miss Hinako.

Now Davis was really mad. He rushed up to the stage and slugged TK hard. "I'M TELLING YOU FOR THE LAST TIME: KARI'S MY GIRL!" He didn't stop his onslaught, but now TK was blocking his attacks. Mr. Saotome stood ready. He knew TK wanted to handle this himself, but also knew Davis wouldn't give up so easily.

Deciding that enough was enough, Kari slapped Davis hard across his cheek. "I AM NOT YOUR GIRL, MOTOMIYA! GET THAT THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULL!"

Dvais was so mad, he didn't know who had struck him but pulled back his fist for a punch.


Kari obeyed as TK leapt at Davis and delivered a swift spin kick, sending the angry teen across the room. Everyone moved aside as Davis hit the floor with his back. "See you next fall," Ken said as he and Yolei looked at him.

TK then helped Kari to her feet. She said nothing but kissed him deeply. The whole party cheered at them, except for Kuno and Davis. Matt just smiled and whispered to himself, "You put me to shame, TK."

Davis screamed in rage and leapt at the couple, his eyes burning red. He didn't notice a blur with a pigtail rush in front of him and shout, "HIRYU SHOTEN HA!!" A sudden cyclone caught Davis in midair and sent him flying through the roof. TK and Kari looked at the center of the cyclone to see Mr. Saotome standing with his fist raised in the air. He smiled at them and said "Told ya I'd watch your back."

Principal Kuno suddenly pulled out a bokken and charged at Mr. Saotome, but was cut off as Mrs. Saotome pummeled him with a large mallet from her back. "Won't you ever learn, you dolt?!" she said as she shook her head.

Miss Hinako took both crowns, which had fallen in the fight, and announced, "I don't mean to repeat the principal, but I'm pleased to announce the king and queen of the prom: Takeru Takaishi and Hikari Kamiya!"

The crowd thundered once again. Mr and Mrs. Saotome took the crowns and placed them on TK and Kari's heads. Mr. Saotome then ran up to the DJ and slipped him a CD, saying, "Play number 14 on this! It's the king's favorite." The DJ nodded, jammed in the CD and selected track fourteen.

Miss Hinako then said, "And now, the king and queen will have the last dance of the evening." That was TK's cue to take Kari into his arms and began to dance to the familiar song.

When I'm feeling blue
All I have to do
Is take a look at you
Then I'm not so blue
When you're close to me
I can feel your heartbeat
I can hear you breathing near my ear

Wouldn't you agree
Baby you and me
Got a groovy kind of love

Kari knew this was one of TK's favorite songs. She whispered, "Could you sing along just to me, Takeru?" He nodded with a smile, and sang quietly with the song.

Anytime you want to
You can turn me into
Anything you want to
Anytime at all
When I kiss your lips
Ooo I start to shiver
Can't control the quivering inside

Wouldn't you agree
Baby you and me
Got a groovy kind of love

Kari loved TK's added voice to the song, and was saddened when it switched to the violin part. She laid her head on TK's chest, listening to his beating heart. She could die and go to heaven right there.

Matt went over to Mr. Saotome and asked how he knew about TK's favorite song. Mr. Saotome looked at Matt and said, "I make him listen to soft music while doing katas to help him relax. He left this CD at my home some time ago, so I brought it here to return it to him."

TK and Kari both quietly sang along as the vocals returned.

When I'm feeling blue
All I have to do
Is take a look at you
Then I'm not so blue
When I'm in your arms
Nothing seems to matter
My whole world could shatter, I don't care

Wouldn't you agree
Baby you and me
Got a groovy kind of love
We got a groovy kind of love
We got a groovy kind of love

Before the song ended, they pulled themselves closer to each other and closed their eyes as their lips met and held.

We got a groovy kind of love


The next week, TK and Kari graduated with the highest honors in their class, next to Ken and Yolei. That night, they went to their favorite pizza parlor to celebrate, just the two of them. TK was nervous all evening, Kari noticed. "What's wrong, TK?"

Gathering all his courage and hope, he kneeled before Kari and pulled out a box with a beautiful diamond ring. "Kari Kamiya, will you-?"

He never got to finish as she jumped from her seat and yelled, "YES! YES, I'LL MARRY YOU! NOW GET UP AND KISS ME!"

TK did just that, after he slipped the ring on her finger. They didn't notice that everyone in the restaurant was applauding them.


Tai was still watching TV when Kari came in that night. He noticed she was floating on air as she approached him. "I take it you had fun tonight?"

Kari looked at him. "It was the best night of my life, Tai." She then lifted her hand to show her ring. "I'm getting married to TK."

Tai looked at her in shock even after she skipped off to her room. All was silence for a moment until...



Well, I was true to my word. I kept most of the original story in tact. There will be a wedding story set after this, but it'll take some time. Meantime, check out my other fics, including my new series THE BOYZ. Later!