Author's Note: Thank you for the reviews and follows! Here is another update…This is based off of a prompt submitted to OTP Prompts on Tumblr. The text of the actual prompt is posted below, but no specific user/person is associated with the prompt. I wanted to do a cute, short and sweet Christmas-y fluffy thing, so…

Prompt: Imagine your OTP (not in a relationship yet) going into a coffee shop or restaurant and when they go back out there's a mistletoe hung above the door that the cashier points out. Person A protests and Person B just reaches up and kisses Person A, saying it's just a harmless tradition.


Greg didn't usually go into coffee shops. He had his particular brand of coffee that he liked and he made it a specific way. It was probably the one thing about him that he consistently refused to change. Besides, most coffee shops had drinks that they claimed were 'coffee' but actually contained more milk and sugar than anything else. If he wanted sugary milk, he'd make his own sugary milk…but that was the point, wasn't it? He DIDN'T want sugary milk. He wanted COFFEE. It was easier to make it himself, the way he liked it. That way he didn't have to waste $5 on sugary milk that he didn't want in the first place.

This was different, though. Morgan swore that he would appreciate this place, which was off the beaten path and not part of a particular national chain known for its green siren logo. She knew that he was an admitted coffee snob, so if she was willing to make such promises, it had to be good. He trusted her judgement when it came to good coffee, so he was willing to go out on a limb and try out a new place.

He walked through the door and spotted Morgan right away, sitting in a corner table with a cup already in front of her. She smiled and waved him over. Greg pulled off his coat and draped it over the chair before sitting down with a smile.

"I see they serve coffee in actual mugs rather than paper cups. That's a plus." He said.

"Of course! I told you, this place is for coffee snobs such as yourself. I can't believe you didn't know about it already."

"Me either. I'm always on the lookout for out of the way places like this." Greg said, glancing around appreciatively. The coffee machine was a giant copper thing that looked as if it were made in Italy in the 1920s. It shot out steam and made a lot of rattling noises that Greg liked right away. A display of assorted pastries sat off to the right and the menu was posted above that.

"What did you order?" He asked curiously, peering into her cup.

"Oh, just the drip coffee. It's a house blend." She gave Greg her cup and he sniffed it curiously. It smelled like good quality coffee.

"Hmm." He considered her cup before returning it to her and studying the menu. He took a couple of minutes to order and waited patiently for them to brew the coffee fresh. He bought a croissant to go with it.

"So, how did you find this place, anyway?" Greg asked.

"By accident. A friend and I were looking for this particular food truck that sells Korean barbeque pork tacos and beer and we stumbled upon this place. We never found the food truck, but I ordered some coffee and it was probably the best I'd ever had aside from your secret stash of Blue Hawaiian at the office."

Greg laughed. "Korean barbeque pork tacos sound good."

Morgan smiled. "Well, maybe you can come with me the next time I go in search of that food truck then, because I still want some."

Just as Greg asked her what exactly went into Korean barbeque pork tacos, other than the obvious, Greg's order was ready at the counter. He picked up his cup and croissant and brought it back to the table. He split it with Morgan and she nibbled it while he took a small sip of his coffee.

"Yes, this is exactly what I wanted." Greg said with an excited grin on his face. Morgan was glad that she'd found a place that was good enough to meet his standards. Greg wasn't usually snobby about most things, but coffee was the one thing he was particular about. It was like with her and chocolate. She was very particular about the kind she liked.

They sat in companionable silence, eating the croissant and sipping their coffee until they finished.

"So, final judgements?" Morgan asked as they returned their mugs to the counter.

"I'd come back here and get coffee. If the cup I just had was any indication, I'd say they're doing it right." Greg said, picking up a flyer for a band that would be playing at the shop the next weekend. Morgan stared down at it.

"Hey, want to go see this?" Greg asked. Morgan smiled.

"Sure thing!" They started for the door when the cashier that had rung up their order called out to both of them.

"Hey, wait!" They both stopped at the door and turned to look at the girl, who was grinning. Her bright blue hair stuck up all over the place. She pointed above their heads. Greg and Morgan looked up at the same time to see mistletoe hanging above them.

"Uhh…" Greg glanced at the cashier uncertainly and then at Morgan, who appeared to be contemplating the mistletoe carefully.

"I don't know…"Greg started to say, but Morgan lowered her gaze from the mistletoe to him. She studied him a moment, reached her hands up and took his face in her hands, stood on her toes and planted her mouth firmly onto his. It was the best tasting kiss Greg could remember getting, at least recently.

Morgan lingered for a moment before pulling away slowly and staring up into his eyes. Greg could only stare back, speechless.

"It's a harmless tradition, Greg. Isn't it?" She smiled mysteriously and was out the door, leaving him to stare at the spot where she'd been standing, frozen in place. He blinked and looked up at the cashier who was smiling mischievously.

"You better go get her." She said knowledgeably.

"Yeah…" Greg raced out the door after Morgan. She hadn't gotten very far.

"Wait, Morgan…"

Morgan stopped and turned to look at him. Greg stopped in front of her. She gazed up at him expectantly, the smile still on her face. Greg took her face in his hands and returned the favor, without the excuse of the mistletoe hanging above them. When he pulled away, Morgan was smiling.

"Merry Christmas, Greg." She said quietly. He grinned.

"Merry Christmas, Morgan." He mumbled back, as they were lost in each other once again.