SUMMARY:  Lily goes to Hogwarts, and James goes to Beauxbatons.  They've been writing letters to each other since their 3rd year.  What happens when James gets transferred to Hogwarts?

A/N:  Okay, I hope this is a big enough twist on the story... I've had this idea for quite a while, but it kinda got... popular, so hopefully this'll be different enough from the other ones to keep you interested.   Without further ado, the first chapter of my new story!

Chapter 1:  The introductions of Lily and James


Lily Evans was popular.  she had the right friends, what seemed like 1,000's of boys chasing her, and was very rich.  Of course, when someone's life sounds as perfect and wonderful as Lily's does, you should know... that's not true.  On the outside, Lily seemed happy and bubbly, but on the inside, she was constantly crying.  Her home life was not very good, to say the least.  Her parents' marriage was on the verge of failing, and she was always bickering with her horse-like sister, Petunia.  The one and only person she could stand was her older brother, Aaron.  Unfortunately, the summer before, he had gone off to a Muggle University in America, and the only way she could keep contact with him was through mail.  Well, with all the things happening in her home life, one would assume she found all her joy as Hogwarts, since she stayed there all the time, which would be... a wrong assumption.  In truth, Lily had no real friends.  In fact, quite a large number of the female population of Hogwarts hated her.  It really wasn't her fault, though, as the people she called her friends would be rude to anyone who wanted to be friends with Lily who wasn't "popular" enough.  She was also very popular with the guys, which made a lot of girls jealous, making them hate her.  After four years of this, Lily, realizing she had no real friends, and no family to talk to, turned to her last option... talking to random people she didn't know from other countries.  Which is where our other main character comes into play... a certain French boy named James Potter.

The last word you would use to describe James O'Ryan Potter would be shy.  With dark, licorice hair that never seemed to stay put, sparkling bright blue eyes that always seemed full of mischief, and a certain disregard for the rules, he always seemed to be in trouble.  Being only a fourth-year at Beauxbatons Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry, he somehow managed to hold the highest record for detentions and punishments.  He was well known enough from his pranks and whatnot, but wasn't popular.  He had quite a temper, and was easily offended.  It was actually a large part of why his Detention Record was so high.  When someone aggravated him, he would go all-out on what he called a "prank-fest", and wouldn't stop until they apologized.  Well, not having many friends, James would get lonely.  That's the reason why he signed up for a long-distance wizarding "pen-pal" service last year.  About a month after he signed up, an English girl his age wrote to him, and they quickly became friends.  She was in the same boat as he was, without many people she was close to.  After six months or so, he realized whenever he would read her letters he got a funny feeling in his stomach.  Also, he was always nervous when he wrote to her, for fear she would think he was stupid.  Often he would write three, even four drafts before it was considered good enough to send.  This was how James came to the conclusion that he had a crush on a girl he had never met.  Little did he know he would meet her in his 4th year... he just wouldn't know it.


"James, I need to talk to you," James' father said one day, about a month before his school year at Beauxbatons started.  "It's about school."

James sighed exasperatedly.  This was most-likely going to be another talk about how this year needed to be different, and how he needed to stop pulling pranks on other people.  "Coming,"  he said dully.  Turning the corner into the study, he saw his mother and father both sitting down, looking sick.  Of course James, not noticing this, plopped down on a soft leather chair, scowl in place.  "What is it?"  He asked.

"Well... there's a slight problem... "  His mother said, and as James looked at her, he noticed there were tear-streaks on her face.

"Err... I'm sorry for disappointing you... " he started out on his usual apology, but his father held up a hand to stop him.

"It's not that," he said, looking worried.  "I'm sure you've heard from me about a Dark Lord rising?"

"Yeah... but I thought you called me in here for school.  What does that have to do with school?"  He asked, confused. 

"I'll get to that in a moment, just be patient."  He said, sighing.  "Well, that Dark Lord, Voldemort, is after us.  I just got a call from my office at the ministry." 

"Oh... "  Was all James could think of to say. 

"So, me and your mother have been talking, and we decided it would be best if you went to Hogwarts after summer vacation is over, and live with your grandmother in Britain."  Joseph Potter said.  "You can speak English very well, so that shouldn't be a problem."

"Are you serious?!"  James said, eyes bugging out, not bothering to keep out his excitement.  "I-I'm going to Hogwarts?"

"I told you shouldn't have worried, Joseph," Martine Potter said, smiling slightly.  "You're going to have to leave as soon as possible, in case something... happens, so you might want to start packing."  

"Well... wait... "  he said as something dawned on him.  "It's just for this year, right?  I'll be coming back here next summer?"

"...No."  His father said heavily.  "It'll be a while before you see us again."

"Can I stay here and just go to Hogwarts?"  He asked hopefully.

"That won't work, James."  His mom said sadly.  "your father and I are going into hiding, and unless you want to discontinue your education, there's no way you could come."

"I... I guess I'll go pack... "  James said, and slowly left the room.


Dear Nuria,

Hi!  How are you?  I'm doing just great.  I just got back from vacation in Scotland, and am trying to get all my school shopping done for Beauxbatons.  I hope that all is going well with you.  How was your vacation in America?  You probably had a lot of fun.  I've been to America before, but it was when I was four years old, so I don't remember too much.  It might be on the schedule for next years big vacation, so I'm really excited.  Well, I'd better be going now.  My grandmother is here, and she gets cranky when I'm not around 24/7.  Hope to hear from you soon! 


James looked at the letter.  It was okay, and it would have to do for right now.  It was the 4th draft, after all.  He wanted to tell her quite a few things... including that he was going to go to Hogwarts and his real name, but he had never really liked his first name, and he was worried she would hate him, so he had made up a load of crap about himself.  Sighing, he folded up the letter, stuck it on his owl's leg, and watched her take off into the night.  Turning back around, he wished that his life wasn't so complicated. 


Lily looked out her window longingly, searching the sky for a bird... an owl, to be exact.  Her parents were fighting... again, and she wanted something to distract her.  She was hoping for a letter from O'Ryan, a very nice French boy she had met from an international wizarding "pen-pal" service.  Ludicrous as it sounded.. she was starting to like this boy she had never met... as more than a friend.  Often she would find herself daydreaming about him, and, as hard as she tried, she couldn't stop.  Maybe it was the fact that O'Ryan had never seen her to judge her by her looks.  Also, he seemed to be in the same position as Lily, and they could relate to each other.  He was the nicest person she had ever associated with, and didn't seem conceited at all.  Just then, a dark figure came soaring towards her window, and she quickly moved aside so it could get through.  A black owl with stormy blue eyes entered her room, and Lily immediately got happier.  It was from O'Ryan.  After the owl perched on her desk, she quickly untied it and read it eagerly.  After reading it, she frowned slightly.  He talked about himself for most of the letter, and he wasn't sounding like himself at all.  Sitting down on her bed, she sighed deeply.  Instead of making her feel better, O'Ryan's letter had been very disappointing, and now she was worried about him too.  What was wrong with him?  Just then, Petunia came in, interrupting her thoughts.

"Yes?"  Lily asked rather coldly. 

"One of your fellow freak-friends are downstairs.  They want to talk to you."  She said a sneer on her face.

"You know, that sneer really doesn't help you a lot, Petunia.  Of course, not a whole lot could help you, could it?"  She said, inwardly sighing.  She didn't want to deal with her friends right now.  She didn't have the energy to act like an idiot.

"Well at least I have a tan!"  Petunia said, and stalked out of the room.

"Ookk... "  Lily said out loud to herself, and headed downstairs.  As she reached the bottom, she saw Janelle, her 'best' friend sitting on the couch.

"Oh my God!"  She said when she saw Lily, and immediately got up, hugged her, and kissed the air on either side of her face.  "I like-can't believe really you!"

"Me neither, Janelle!"  She said, putting on a fake smile and ditzy voice.  "How long has it been, like-a whole month!  I've missed you so much, sweetie!"

"Me too, Lily!  My mom just like-dropped me off for an  hour so we could catch up, and so I could totally ask you to go school shopping with me tomorrow!"  She said, slightly jumping up and down.  "So, what do you say Hun?"

"Oh my God, that's what I totally need!"  Lily said, mentally banging her head against the wall.  An hour with Janelle?  "Let's go to my room so my dorky sister can't eavesdrop, okay?"

"Okay!"  Janelle said, and walked up the stairs to Lily's room.  Lily followed behind slowly, knowing this would be a VERY long hour.


Wooh hoo, my first chapter is done!  Sorry its kind of short... but here's what you can look forward do next chapter:  James' ride to his grandmothers, shopping with Janelle, and more letters!  Also, it's not beta-read, so sorry for any mistakes!