Disclaimer: I don't own Kuroko no Basket. I don't make money from writing this fanfiction. The story contains spoiler for Kuroko no Basket. Also there are quotes from manga, anime, wiki and other sources. This fic isn't betaed yet. I'm not native speaker of English so you've been warned.

Rhapsody in Blue

Chapter I

Most people thought spring, when life began anew, was the perfect time to start things. Spring was also the time when sakura were in full bloom. Many schools had sakura trees growing on their grounds and new students entered the school for the first time under the pink blossom.

As such was Rakuzan, a high school in Kyoto. Rakuzan was one of the most prestigious schools in Japan. The school had been sending approximately two third of its graduates to the top two most prestigious universities in Japan, University of Tokyo and University of Kyoto. The competition for entrance was keen, only the best students were accepted and usually only one out of every four or five students who applies was accepted. Admission was extremely competitive and offers of admission were extended only to pupils with excellent reference letter and those who showed immense talent in sport.

Kuroko Miyu looked around her. So, this was Rakuzan. She couldn't believe that her only son would spend the next three years studying and living far from home. At one time, her son mentioned about Seirin high school but once the time had come, Tetsuya out of blue said that he was going to Rakuzan together with Akashi Seijūrō.

Tetsuya inherited his looks and invisibility from her while he got the characteristics from her husband. He was a quiet and a kind boy. He also had a weak stamina that Miyu was surprised when her son told her that he was chosen as regular of Teikō's basketball team member. He then became a part of the team that won National. Tetsuya was really happy at that time and then suddenly during his third year, he became sad and upset. Unfortunately, that period didn't last long.

"Miyu," her mother said suddenly. "We must not late for Tetsuya' entrance ceremony."

"Yes, okaasan," she replied. She and her mother had come all the way to Kyoto to attend Rakuzan's entrance ceremony for new students.

"Come, Tetsuya."

"Yes, okaasan." Tetsuya replied.

They hurriedly went to the auditorium, where the entrance ceremony would be held. The second and third year students plus parents of the first year entered the auditorium first and took their seats. They gave loud applause as the new students marched into the auditorium, welcoming them.

"Where is Tetsuya?"

"Over there, okaasan," she inclined her head. Other people would have difficulty noticing Tetsuya's presence but as his mother, Miyu always found him.

As expected, next to Tetsuya was Akashi Seijūrō, the captain of Teikō's basketball club. And the reason why Tetsuya attended Rakuzan. She knew him since he often came to their house. The frequency of Akashi's visit increased dramatically ever since Christmas a few months ago. Tetsuya and Akashi were really close. In fact, they acted like they were dating... It wasn't noticeable to anyone else, but she knew her son.

"It is my great pleasure to welcome you to Rakuzan High School. I want to take this opportunity to congratulate you for your excellence performance in the entrance exam that enabled you to join this school. Every one of you has great potential..."" The principal waited until all the new students were seated then stood to make opening speech, encouraging the new students to have an enjoyable and rewarding experience in school. "...with these remarks, I wish you the most fulfilling and rewarding experience at our school. And the last but not the least, let's adhere to our school motto, accomplishment in both letters and arms."

The principal left the podium and the homeroom teachers were then introduced. There were ten of them in total. After that a representative from student council made a standard welcoming speech. And then it was the turn for the first year student with highest entrance exam mark to give speech.

"That's Akashi Seijūrō," someone whispered.

She didn't miss the admiration that laced the voice.

"What a good looking boy," one woman said in a low voice, "and he's so smart too."

"I heard that he's the only heir of Akashi Financial Group."

Miyu sighed inwardly. Even the parents had heard about Akashi.

At the podium, Akashi started to speak. The boy really knew how to speak in front of an audience. Everyone, including her, gave loud applause when Akashi finished his speech.

The entrance ceremony ended with a school song sung by the older students. Afterwards, the new students were led to their classroom by their homeroom teacher.


Kuroko Tetsuya found himself in the same class as Akashi Seijūrō. They chose to sat next to each other. Not even five minutes in his new class and someone tried to sit on his seat.

"I already sit here," he stated.

"Gya!" the girl looked surprised to see him. "I'm sorry," she mumbled out. "I didn't see you earlier."

Tetsuya nodded at her in understanding. He was used with this situation.

"I'll find other seat," she mumbled and scurried away.

Seijūrō looked at him in amusement.

"Everyone, please sit," Mori-sensei, the homeroom teacher ordered.

Mori-sensei gave welcoming speech. It was followed by student introduction. After that, the class chose student representative for the student council. It was no surprise at all that Seijūrō was chosen. It seemed that he had become a new idol in the class. A famous basketball player and the only heir of Akashi Financial Group. News traveled fast.

Textbooks were handed out and commemorative pictures were taken and then they could go home. Or, in Tetsuya and Seijūrō's case, going back to the dormitory. However, they needed to make a stop at basket ball gym first.

"Are you ready Tetsuya?" Seijūrō asked.

"Yes, Seijūrō-kun," he replied.


Rakuzan High School was well known for its basketball club, the most famous and the strongest high school basketball team in Japan. And this year, the team would undoubtedly get stronger with the addition of Akashi Seijūrō, the captain of the legendary Generation of Miracles.

Shirogane Eiji entered the first basketball gym and looked around him. All of basketball member team from second and third year were already there. Half of them were excited and the other half were in awe at the prospect of having Akashi as their captain. Yes, captain. When he scouted the teen, Akashi had requested that he was made a captain. He also requested that he could appoint the new vice captain. And that was then Eiji found out that Kuroko Tetsuya, the phantom sixth man of Teikō, would join Rakuzan too.

Normally, the upperclassmen would protest. Making a first year as club captain was unheard of. But then again, they were talking about Akashi Seijūrō. Akashi even added that anyone who disagreed was welcomed to face him in basketball match. No one dared to say anything after that. Even the three members of the Uncrowned Kings didn't say anything. Eiji knew that each of them had faced Teikō during their middle school and suffered a defeat of their life.

The door opened and Sato Takuo, his assistant walked in. He was followed by Higuchi Shota, the team manager as well as regular from the third year. Behind them was Akashi. The teen truly had a presence with him. Everyone could feel it. But where was-? Eiji blinked. Oh, Kuroko was next to Akashi and he didn't notice him earlier. The weak presence of that boy was truly amazing.

They stopped in front of him.

"Coach Shirogane," Akashi greeted politely.

"Coach Shirogane." Kuroko said flatly.

"Akashi, Kuroko," he greeted back. He was rather taken a back, not for the first time, by the power of Akashi's eyes. It was truly intimidating to see them on someone so young. "We're pleased to have you two here."

Akashi gave him a small smirk while Kuroko's expression didn't change at all.

They turned to face the team.

He opened his mouth and said. "Today, we assemble to welcome the new captain of Rakuzan basketball team, Akashi Seijūrō-" he paused a bit.

Akashi glanced at him pointedly.

Eiji continued, "and the new vice captain, Kuroko Tetsuya."

Author's Note:

Hi, everyone!

Rhapsody in Blue is a 1924 musical composition by American composer George Gershwin for solo piano and jazz band, which combines elements of classical music with jazz influenced effects.

Since we don't know much about Rakuzan students, I have to create OC to fill the story.

Rakuzan here is based on Azabu High School, one of the most prestigious preparatory schools in Japan. Azabu teaches boys between seventh and twelves grades, and admits 300 students each year. There are over 100 teachers and about 1,800 students in total. There are nearly 50 clubs, and the chess club, the othello club, the go club, and the shogi club are especially well known for their extraordinary achievements, which includes winning the all-Japan championships almost every year. The clubs, the school festival, and the athletic meet are all planned and organized by the students without any help from faculty members. Among its notable alumni are Japan prime ministers, ministers and businessmen.

Thank you for reading and please review.