Disclaimer: I own nothing but my words and my mind. DC owns everything else.
Authors Note: My apologies for the hiatus! Would just like to say a massive thanks for all the positive reviews iv'e had on this story! So anyway iv'e got right on and bashed out a couple more chapters! Steering away from the fluff for a second I wanted to write what I felt would be a very realistic situation for poor HQ! This chapters just a little lead up to more J/HQ plot but for the moment I really enjoyed writing the Ivy/Harley friendship! I hope i did it a smidge of justice... I hope! ENJOY, BE NICE! xo
Chapter 3
"So you're feeling better then?" Ivy sat across from Harley outside a coffee shop in downtown Gotham, despite the gloom it was a hot day and both ladies were wearing sundresses. Harley nodded enthusiastically as she sipped from her cup, a cigarette poised between her fingers on her left hand, her nails now painted alternating colours of purple and green. By this point Harley's recovery had progressed dramatically and she'd stopped taking her pain medication altogether. Occasionally she still felt a stinging in her right knee but nothing she couldn't deal with. "Well girl you certainly look healthier" chirped Ivy as she eyed Harley's newly formed curves over the rim of her large oval sunglasses. Needless to say once she'd stopped taking the pills her appetite returned and now she was more mobile she'd put more hours into gym training. She had to admit, it felt good to get back on a beam, to twirl and spin her way around a room again. She was still in the process of mastering a double backflip though, but she knew she'd have it down by wednesday and she smiled. "Honest Red I feel great! It's like everythin's back t.." She stopped suddenly, dropping her gaze to the floor and taking a long drag of her cigarette. Ivy's eyes narrowed questionably as she noticed the sudden dramatic change in Harley's body language. "But..." she pressed and watched as Harley stubbed out the butt and took to fiddling with her sunglasses in her lap. Harley sighed, it was such a lovely day and she never really liked offloading her problems onto Ivy. Especially not when they were having a nice time. "Oh it's nothin' Red." She pouted as she tired to push back tears, looking up to the sky and then to Ivy who was still staring at her, although rather irritated now. Harley opened her mouth to speak but before she could Ivy exploded. "What did that bastard do now? I thought he was supposed to be helping you!" Ivy's fingers gripped the handle of her mug whilst her other hand clenched into a fist on the table. For weeks Harley had droned on about how her wonderful puddin had been the key to her recovery. About how loving and caring and patient he was. I knew it was all bullshit she thought. Her voice came out loaded with venom "What the hell did he do! Tell me!" Harley couldn't stop the onslaught of tears as they burst out, makeup ran in streaks down her cheeks and she covered her face with her hands. She sobbed into her fingers as she learned onto the table, knocking over her mug and her elbows rested in the coffee that had been spilt. "Oh Red! It's not what he's done... It's what he hasn't!"
That thew her. Ivy's mouth opened, then closed. She reached up and took off her glasses, learning in closer to Harley. "What are you talking abou.." Her words trailed off as she tried to hear herself speak over Harley's loud wails. "Harley stop crying for God's sake and tell me what's going on!" Harley straightened up and quickly wiped away the tears from her eyes. Ivy handed her a handkerchief from her purse and she blew her nose. She sighed once more and handed it back to Ivy who grimaced and tossed it to the floor. "Well everythin's been so amazing lately Red! Mistah J's been real helpful!" Harley smiled shyly, a blush escaping across her face as she thought back to all the bath physio and late night ice cream sandwiches. She looked up to see Ivy waiting impatiently, "Just get to the point!" "Okay Okay! Geez! So really Red everythin's been great! It's just we... erm... still haven't..." She shot Ivy an embarrassed look as she twiddled her thumbs awkwardly on the table. Ivy raised her eyebrow as she lightly tapped her fingers on the ashtray, "Still haven't what?" Harley flushed crimson and dropped her gaze to her lap, she could feel Ivy's eyes eating into her face. It killed her to think she'd have to say the words out loud. "We still haven't... you know.." Harley gestured with her hands, joining her thumb and index fingers to make a circle and put her other index finger through it twice. Ivy caught on when she saw this and slapped Harley's hands away in disgust "Seriously Harl!" However when she saw the genuine look of pain in her friends eyes she sighed and reached across the table, taking Harley's hands in hers. "Im sorry girl, it's just... erghhh" the thought of the Joker with his shirt off made her shudder violently and she resisted the urge to gag.
After all, Harley was her friend, her best friend and this was clearly upsetting her. The least she could do was listen. I wonder if Crane could cook me up a memory loss toxin? Harley smiled sweetly at Ivy "Please Red, I don't know what to do?" Tears welled up behind her eyes once more as she began talking. Ivy listened and nodded along where appropriate, trying her hardest to feel sympathetic for her clearly deranged friend. More than anything she thought about how lucky she was to be single. "He started sleepin' in the bed with me again after we started the bath physio! So I just thought that.. I donno, that.." She searched Ivy for help "That things would naturally progress from there" continued Ivy. She wanted to avoid saying the words as much as Harley did. "Yea exactly! Maybe not straight away but.. eventually! But it's been weeks Red! Im like back to normal and he still doesn't wanna.." Harley's bottom lip began to tremble and tears ran down her face involuntarily. "Is it me Red? Be honest!" Ivy sighed, "Oh Harley would you stop! You're really asking if it's your fault that psychotic creep wont..." She trailed off and growled agitatedly, pressing her fingers into her temple. She couldn't believe she was having this conversation again. Although... when she thought about it now, she couldn't remember the last time they did. Ivy looked up "How long has it been?" she asked bemused. Harley suddenly recoiled, curling up in her chair. She lifted her legs onto the seat and wrapped her arms around her shins, resting her head on her knee sadly. "Not since the accident." She frowned heavily but her tears had ceased. Ivy noticed how she just sat mournfully, staring at the floor as she spoke. "Actually it's longer cause we had sex three days before I think?" Ivy scrunched up her face, her eyes closing tightly in disgust. JESUS Harl don't say it out loud! Now ill never get the image outta my.. ergh Gosh darn it! She opened her eyes to see Harley looking up at her meekly, she looked so small and so hurt. If she was honest she found it slightly pathetic to see her crying over a dry spell with the Joker but she reminded herself to be open minded. "Gosh it has been a while." Ivy replied dryly, making an attempt at sympathy but failing dramatically. Harley didn't notice however and instead launched into a monologue. "I know right! So I figured maybe he just needs reminding of how much I love him! Y'know like a surprise! To say thanks for bein' so wondaful the last coupl'a weeks!" Ivy was learning on her elbow with her head resting in her palm, her other hand stirred her now cold coffee. She kept her eyes on the swirl of liquid in her cup as she nodded and hummed in agreement.
Harley beamed as she continued, reaching down by her side into a shopping bag and pulling out something excitedly. Ivy looked up and a frown appeared between her brows "What on earth is that". She looked questionably at the very small and very thin purple silk and black lace garment Harley displayed proudly. "Its a nightgown! I got it in my Puddin's favorite colour! Im gonna wear it tonight!" She squeaked happily as she folded it into the ghastly pink and scented tissue paper and put it back into its bag before pulling out an equally ghastly see-through set of matching purple panties. Ivy sighed, letting her fiery head fall lazily, her hair flowing onto the table. She shot up, throwing it around her head and over her shoulders. "Why don't you just chain yourself to the dinner table with ice cream on your tits? Hmm? Or maybe just throw yourself naked at his feet covered in chocolate sauce?" Her voice was dry and harsh as glass, loaded with sarcasm and disapproval. It disappointed her to see Harley diminish herself to little more than some sexual plaything, why couldn't she see her worth? So what the Joker didn't want to push her buttons? Ivy could think of plenty of guys who would! And she wouldn't need to dress like a desperate whore to get it either! "Do you think that'd work Red?" Harley ached for reassurance and Ivy couldn't help but see the desperation in her eyes, she sighed and smiled at her lovingly. She had to hand it to Harley, she always tired. "No. Im just kidding. The... dress is nice Harl. Besides Im sure it'll all work out, just don't do anything you don't want to." Harley beamed back at her, her eyes beginning to sparkle slightly and she leaped up quickly rushing to Ivy's side. She kissed her on the cheek with a loud "Mwha!" and Ivy couldn't help but smile wider. She liked to see Harley happy. "Thanks for everythin' Red! Your the best friend a girl could ask for!" "And you are as amusing as always Harleen!" Harley winked over her shoulder at Ivy before putting on her large black rimmed glasses. She bent down to pick up her bags and skipped off happily towards the abandoned theatre. Ivy sighed once more, learning down to pick up her own purse. She opened it, pulling out a mirror and her favorite shade of poisoned lipstick. She reapplied it and pouted, smiling at her reflection happily and wondered if it was worth giving Harvey a call. After all, why should Harley have all the fun.