Kung Fu Panda- Blood Thirsty Chapter 4


Tigress was practicing her powers in her room. She could practice without anyone knowing. Truth be said, Tigress was quite amazed at what she could do.

"I can control the elements also?!" Tigress shouted in her mind.

It was true. She could control the elements like wind, fire, dust etc. She was amazed at her own strength.

She found out what she could do in her room. She could make the winds go faster, slower, or even make some sort of wind shield to protect herself! She could control fire by making it burn brighter or lowering it and so on. She had accidently made a tornado in her room with the dust particles in the room!

She wondered what else she could do. Could she stop hearts? Could she bring back the dead using her power as she could control anything? Maybe even life? Heartbeats?

She didn't know. But she was happy with what she could do. She didn't want her mother to find out though. What if her mother asks her to send a tornado to the valleys?

Tigress still missed her friends. The more she thought about them, the more she missed them. She was losing them. She liked her mother's sweet motherly nature. Not the evil nature. The more Tigress thought, she slowly realized that her mother was simply loving her for her power. The motherly nature Phoenix used was mostly false. There were rare occasions where the nature was true.

But Tigress didn't completely trust her. She didn't trust anyone. She only trusted the warriors of the Jade Palace. Her real family.

She missed Kage. Even if they had shared just one kiss, a small kiss, she knew that they were meant to be.

It had been six months. She had been living with her mother for six months. Most of the time, Phoenix was talking about taking over the world. Tigress was tired of it. She had no intention on taking over the world. She just wanted everyone to accept vampires as one.

Right now, Tigress was sitting in her room, on her bed, thinking about her friends.

"Tigress. It's time."

"For what?" Tigress asked Phoenix, standing up and looking at her.

"For taking over, of course. Silly you." Phoenix walked over to Tigress and smoothed out Tigress' outfit. Tigress was wearing a dark blue vest with black borders and blue net sleeves, with black pants.

"My shirt is fine, mom!" Tigress shooed away her mom.

Phoenix nodded and walked out the room, with Tigress following her. Tigress could now see that her mother wasn't kidding when she said that they were taking over. All vampires in that fortress, were dressed in black and red. They didn't carry any weapons as they had their own powers and fangs.

"We have waited long for this moment. We are taking over and everyone will be under us. We have Tigress to help us." Phoenix stated to her fellow vampires.

Tigress didn't know if she was going to follow their decision or not.


They were getting close to the Valley of Peace. Tigress wished that the distance would get bigger again. She wished that she could somehow warn her friends. She got an idea. Maybe not a brilliant idea, but an idea nevertheless.

She focused on her powers. She closed her eyes and continued walking. She hoped that Shifu would understand.

The clouds came together and the sky darkened giving an eerie look. The dust rose up and wind started to blow, giving a dusty air. The wind headed to the Valley of Peace.

"What's up with the weather?" One vampire asked to no one in particular.

"I don't know." Another replied.

"Is there anyone among us who can control weather?" Phoenix addressed her followers.

All vampires shook their heads.

"Maybe it's natural." Tigress said.

Phoenix looked uncertain. They shook it off and headed to the valley.


Master Shifu and the others were wondering what happened with the weather. Was this a sign?

"They are coming." Master Shifu stated.


Well..? Good? I know it's short. Sorry for that. Anyway, leave a review.

Bye for now