Alright, I apologize for anyone who follows any of my other stories as they haven't been updated in a while. Recently I have been engaged in a summer course (which is now over thank god) which took most of my free time for writing. Seeing how these classes are quarterly and require core assessments which tend to vary in length, commonly being ten to twelve pages long, by the time I finished my course, my brain was deprived and thus, couldn't think of anything.

So, to get back into the swing of writing once more, I decided to craft up a series of drabbles for one of my favorite crossover ships based off of various prompts from the OTP Disaster blog on tumblr. I might even throw in some from the regular OTP Prompt blog as well just for the hell of it.

To begin us off, I decided to go with this prompt as the perfect starter.

Person B stunned into absolute silence as they instantly fall in love with Person A smile/laugh.

These will be composed of various one-shots, some being alternative universe(or slice of life, same thing) while others being in-game verse.

Pairings: Robin/Cia, implied Link/Zelda

Total Words: 1,922

~ o ~
His Laugh, Her Smile
~ o ~

"Augh! For fucks sake, this isn't right at all!"

Cia complained once more as she viciously tore out a piece of paper from her sketchbook and crumbled it up into a uneven ball, roughly tossing it in the garbage bin near the bench. She huffed a bit in complete annoyance, staring at the blank page as she began tapping her piece of charcoal before proceeding on with her little project once more.

Not from afar, she managed to hear the faint sound of idle chatter as she glanced over and narrowed her gaze when she saw him.

A white-haired man happened to be surrounded by a group of friends consisting of a well-built azure haired man, a young, honey blonde girl with pigtails, a boy with messy moss colored hair and finally but not least, a woman with short, fiery crimson red hair. The group was eventually joined in by an older brunet man holding a tray filled with various beverages as he handed each individual their preferred drink of choice. They seemed to be heavily engaged in a conversation of some sorts yet Cia could only stare at the scrawny faired hair boy.

"Oh great… he's here."

She recognized him to be none other than Robin Elliot, a fellow, no nuisance from her creative writing class. He is one of the top students in the course and to add on, adored by many to include the instructor. Cia honestly didn't know what people found in Robin or how they even got captivated by his charms in the first place. To her, it was all just a subtle act to garner attention. If he wasn't rambling about different strategies to further improve one's aspiring short story, it was about his fantastic problem solving skills. Rumor has it he managed to convince someone to move on from their long time crush seeing how they had taken interest in someone else.

"So, what happened during theater class again?" Stahl asked being quite the curious fellow. He received a text message from Sully informing him that Chrom somehow made a fool of himself during their monologue performances today.

"Well, let's just say Chrom here delivered quite the performance," Sully replied, grinning a bit. Shortly after, the young adult snickered as she brought Chrom's monologue of a lifetime to mind.

Chrom's face turned bright red as he looked away, trying his best to hide his shame behind his strawberry smoothie. In spite of it all, it didn't help that his younger sister decided to leap in the discussion.

Lissa giggled a bit before getting up from her seat to demonstrate what exactly happened during theater class to Robin, Stahl and Frederick. Everyone to include her brother gave the pigtailed girl their uttermost undivided attention as she cleared her throat before making her voice deep as if to mimic Chrom himself.

"Ahem," she spoke. "I'm Chrom Lowell and I'm here to perform "Measure for Measure" by William Shakes-SPEARE!"

From there, Lissa made herself abruptly slip and fall forward onto the concrete on purpose, landing almost flat on her face in a prone position as she placed her right arm near her head, her left arm slightly near her face while bending her left knee. Continuing on, the energetic girl lifted up her head a little, displaying a look of defeat before resuming on.

"I suppose I'll get my chance another day…" she muttered weakly before 'collapsing' once more.

Both Robin and Stahl chuckled lowly to themselves at first before it erupted to full blown laughter. They were joined by Sully and Lissa as Chrom groaned while Frederick kept a straight face the entire time, finding it a bit hilarious even though he'll refuse to admit it.

"… I'll make sure they make the floors safe for you before your make-up performance tomorrow Chrom," Frederick delightfully beamed, having that pleasant grin of his.

Chrom however, moaned in response.

"Gods, that'll be more embarrassing than me falling flat on my face almost," whined the azure haired man.

Robin continued to laugh as he glanced over towards his right side, recognizing the girl a distance away from him to be none other than Cia McIntyre from class. It wasn't strange or unusual to see the woman sitting by herself. As a matter of fact, it was quite common given her arrogant attitude and her strong sense of self. Robin recalled getting not only into one but several debates with her, often resulting with her either insulting him or throwing a childish temper tantrum. She was the type of person who basked in her own prideful nature and heavily despised being proven wrong. In Cia's case, it was either one did things her way or they would be chewed out for their inability to provide anything insightful or useful.

She seemed to be engrossed in her sketchbook as Robin assumed for her to working on an art assignment of some sorts. As he continued to drift off and stare at Cia, Robin managed to catch a faint smile upon her face generated from his own laughter.

"Her smile is really lovely when it's not faked or being forced. In fact, she should naturally smile more often it makes her… beautiful."

Prior to his own knowledge, Cia happened to turn her head and glimpsed in his direction as their eyes met with one another. Robin's cheeks turned slightly pink as Cia's blank face expression transformed into a scowl as she raised her right hand and flipped him off. Afterwards, she quickly turned her gaze back towards her sketchbook to continue with her work.

In order to take her mind off of her aggravating peer, Cia flipped through the previous pages of her sketchbook as she blissfully sighed. All of her sketches happened to be about one particular subject, a handsome dirty-blonde Hylian boy named Link Bailey. A small grin formed on her lips as Cia browsed through her plethora of Link doodles, recalling him to be her long time crush.

She remembered first engaging with Link during fifth grade when he would make frequent trips to make sure she was okay by herself. Truth be told, Cia always spent most of her time alone ever since she was just a little girl. Her parents always fawned over her more outgoing twin sister Lana, placing both their overall focus and priorities on her instead while Cia herself just stood out in the background as a plain Jane. She clearly remembered every time she managed to make a friend or two, once they got the chance to meet Lana they would flock over to her instead and abandon Cia, leaving her to be alone once more.

It was fairly common and happened quite frequently so predominantly, Cia just gave up with mingling with others as it turned out to be an complete waste of time. Either they took advantage of her meek nature or ditched her once someone better came along the way. Somehow she managed to come along two other outcasts, Volga and Wizzro yet they both turned out to be rather incompetent and thus, a complete waste of her time.

However, out of all the people who stuck out, it was Link himself, the one who made her feel like she was something special. He gave Cia both the needed attention and affection her parents and others around her refused to even deliver in the first place.

The more Cia reminisced about him, the more she began to fanaticize about Link once more. From his adoring crooked smile to his gorgeous aquamarine eyes, Cia felt like she was in the Sacred Realm. She closed her eyes just to imagine herself embracing Link before locking lips with his just to have her fantasy be completely shattered.

Her face expression grimed as she recollected her thoughts, backtracking just to remember that Link already had a girlfriend. To make matters worse, Robin's laugh echoed near her, causing her to lose focus on both her illusions and her daily attempt to draw Link's face yet again.

"I absolutely loathe him. I hate him and his stupid laugh yet… why do I love it at the same time?"

Cia swiftly shook her head, trying to rid of the fact that she even managed to think about Robin in the first place. He was only a distraction, nothing more. After all, she already had her eyes set on Link regardless if he was dating that wretched Zelda Nohassen girl. The more she dwelled on her own contemplations, it allowed for Cia to conclude that perhaps Link being with Zelda was a far more suitable choice. On the other hand, it could have been remotely worse as she refused to imagine Link even dating her own sister.

Regardless if Link was madly in love with the wealthy blonde girl, that didn't mean Cia herself would stop pursuing him. In fact, it only fueled her desires even more to include her pent up jealousy towards the fair maiden. Yet, she continued to lose focus as Robin and his friends' conversation grew louder by each passing minute. The subject was still about Chrom and his various embarrassing moments as their merriment was consistent throughout their small group discussion.

Their chatter continued to gradually climb up in volume causing Cia to lose complete focus of her own work as she roared in absolute disgust, frantically tearing up another page from her sketchpad before crumpling it up and chucking it into the trashcan.


A young, blue-haired with ponytail on her right side heard familiar screeching not too far from her as she began making her way towards the area near the group, hoping to reach her bosom sister in time.

With those words, the group's endless chatter ceased as they peered towards her direction. Cia glared at all of them as she swiftly grabbed her belongings shooting them dirty looks left in right to prevent one of them from even making a snide remark on her crude behavior. The group exchanged facial expressions with one another, both Chrom and Robin simply shrugging before they picked up from where they last left off.

Lana decided to seize her chance as she noticed Cia looking rather uneasy. Perhaps her twin sister needed someone to vent off her frustrations to.


Before she even obtained the chance to inquire about her elder twin's recent behavior, Cia stormed off in a fit of rage. Lana observed Cia stomping in her tracks as the snow haired tigress clutched onto her sketch book, aggressively muttering out loud about some mediocre chortle. The sky-blue haired girl took a deep breath, sighing as she sometimes wondered how her sister even managed to get so worked up about the smallest things. As she was about to journey her way onto her intermediate dance class, Lana happened to catch something of interest.

She slowly made her way towards the garbage can, reaching out for the crumbled up paper her sister recently created before trotting off. Lana grabbed the crumbled ball and delicately opened it, trying not to create more wear and tares or extra creases. As she managed to return it somewhat back into a flat state, Lana gasped a bit before curling her lips.

It turned out that Cia was slowly but surely moving on from her long time crush and starting to fall in love with someone else whether she liked it or not.

Furthermore, her new interest happened to be none other than Robin himself.

And done! Please do note that the more sexual prompts will be for Archive only! In addition for AO3, the entries there will have little sketches drawn by me as well at the end of each drabble.

I had a blast writing this prompt out and of course, adding my own flare to them. I will inform you guys now that these drabbles will vary between length. Expect to see lengths ranging from 500 – 5000+ since my definition for drabble doesn't consist of stopping at 1000 words.

To add on, I will accept prompt suggestions crafted by you, the reader. Feel free to pitch in as much prompts as you like either slice of life or game-verse wise. If you have any details you want to add for said prompt(or who you want involved) please specify and I will try my best to fulfill your requests as well as these other prompts from the blogs. Note that the prompts you come up with don't have to result in the pairing getting together at the end or even together to begin with either. :P

Also if requested by popular demand, I will have some drabbles consist of Female Robin x Cia.

Until next time!
