DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own SSB or any of it's characters. I only own the plot! I'm sorry if any characters are OOC.

All was normal in the Smash Mansion as Pit got ready for his upcoming match against Mario, Lucario, and the male Robin.

"Let's see… Yep! I think I'm good!" he reassured himself. The angel was obviously excited. His doppelganger peeked in the room.

"Oh- Hi Pittoo!" he greeted.

"Will you just stop saying that? Anyways, the match is starting in a few minutes. You better hurry, Pit-Stain," Dark Pit sneered.

Pit picked up his Palutena Bow and ran to the arena. Lucario, Mario, and Robin were already there.

"Finally, what took you so long?" Lucario said in a low growl.

Pit sighed. "Sorry, I didn't realize it was so soon…" he said, blushing.

"3, 2, 1, GO!" the announcer announced suddenly. Pit looked to see that they were on the Battlefield (the stage). He split his bow into two blades and dashed towards Lucario.

Lucario jumped up and countered with an Aura Sphere. Pit was sent flying backwards onto the ground, inches away from the edge. He got up and used his Palutena Bow to shoot an arrow towards the Aura Pokemon.

The world suddenly turned dark right in front of Pit's eyes as a faint blur moved across the Battlefield, picking up something moments later. The angel was petrified. Only Sonic could move that fast. But what did the blur pick up?

More light came in after that moment. Soon, Pit could see again. Everything seemed normal… except for the fact that Mario was missing.

"The match is canceled!" Master Hand announced. "Please leave the arena now."

Pit sighed. He had waited all day for this match, and it was ruined.

"Pit, Lucario, Robin, come here," Master Hand gestured. The three smashers walked up to the floating glove.

"Why do you even want us here?" Robin asked. The tactician definitely looked annoyed to be with Pit and Lucario.

"You three are going to help me solve this mystery of who kidnapped Mario," Master Hand instructed. At the snap of his fingers, a booth appeared, named 'The Detective Squad', where Pit, Lucario, and Robin would organize the evidence and their findings.

"Well… Ok… But we're not detectives at all…" Pit said, cautious. Pit was no detective, but Palutena might be able to help them.

Master Hand gave three books entitled, 'How to Become a Detective in 20 Minutes' to the three. "If you read these books, you should be able to solve this mystery."

Pit immediately ran to Palutena's room, due to his inability to read. "Lady Palutena!" he shouted as the angel pounded on the door. "Where are you?!"

Palutena opened the door, surprised. "I'm right here, Pit. Now, why do you need me?" she asked.

"Can you read this book for me? Out loud?" Pit asked.

Palutena smiled. "Sure," she replied cheerfully.

Robin closed the book. He was done reading. Robin looked over at the Aura Pokemon, to find that he was still reading. That was reasonable for a Pokemon, they had poor reading skills.

"Look, can you just hurry up?" Robin sighed, clearly annoyed.

Lucario looked up. "Well sorry, just give me time to read," he snapped. He looked down at his book, continuing to read.

Robin rolled his eyes. This was clearly going to take some time before the Aura Pokemon was done with that book. He got a paper and wrote down the evidence that he knows of.

First of all, it had to be a smasher. After all, who would be able to get in the Smash Mansion if they weren't a smasher? It also couldn't be Pit or Lucario – they were present at the match and did not move at all when the lights went off. Next, the smasher had to be fast enough to move in a blur. Sonic is the fastest hedgehog alive and Palutena had Lightweight. Dark Pit could also had used a Lightweight power, and Shulk is able to use Monado Arts that could give him Speed.

Robin narrowed the suspects down to Sonic and Shulk. "Alright Lucario, the prime suspects are Sonic and Shulk."

Lucario looked up at Robin. "Well, I just finished reading this," he said. "I'll go look in Sonic's room to see if I can find anything."

Robin nodded. "Alright."

Lucario started walking towards Sonic's room with a paperclip. He looked down at the lock. Using the paperclip, Lucario opened the door. The Aura Pokemon looked around. No one was in there.

Good, Sonic isn't here. That means I can safely look around for evidence, Lucario thought. He leaned against the wall, feeling the wall open up a gap.

And that's when he started falling.

AN: Ta da! Cliffhanger! Sorry if it's a bit cheesy or doesn't make sense, I wrote this chapter on a Word document in June. If you like it, I would appreciate it if you gave a review!