Hi readers! FrozenDeluxe writing here...

So this is my first time writing an FF, so it may not be the best compared to others. I'll explain a bit...

Way back when I was reading WGOK: What Happened Next by KodakaRedfox I figured I might give it a try. I wrote down a chapter on my phone. Then another. I'll be honest- imagining this was much more fun than writing it. If I get enough views I may update (I have more you know.) I am one of those people who don't know when they will ever be online, so I may not be able to post continuously. I'll try a double chapter now.

And btw Lune didn't show up as a character for some reason. :C

That being said, enjoy the FF!

After the fall of Vintage, its members were scattered throughout the human world. There was no returning to Hell. No, the new devils had made sure of that.

Enter Satyr, an organization so secret even Vintage is somewhat unaware of its actions. Its members are far more sinister, without conscience or hesitation. There came a day where a bulletin was issued. The member who kills the most demons and obtains their rainments will be promoted and showered with power and glory. They went wild.


In the midnight skies over Maijima City, six Vintage demons chased after Lune. "How predictable,"Lune thought, "that Vintage would turn on its own members over such an important promotion."

"Just give us your rainment, and we'll let you live," one of them hissed.

"You know that isn't possible," replied Lune with a smile on her face while dodging a pursuant's knife. A demon summoned spirit vines to grab Lune as she flew, though she dodged them with ease. The other demons were starting to fall behind her... Lune managed to maneuver some of the demons into spirit vines, but a few remained in pursuit.

Suddenly, a vine caught her foot. Lune stumbled midair, the vine wrapping itself around her leg. She tripped directly into the path of a demon, who slashed vigorously in an attempt to kill her. Lune

managed to deflect most of the blows with her boxcutter, but the demon's knife managed to slice into her chest, making a deep gash. The three remaining demons took advantage of this, quickly surrounded her, and prepared to cast an assassination spell. Lune's felt her energy ebb away as her wound bled.

"I guess this leaves me one last option..." Lune thought.

She quickly cast an invisibility spell on herself, then created a bright flash using her rainment. The Vintage demons quickly scattered to find her, not realizing she was still there, hovering where the flash originated. The world below did not take notice of this brilliant flicker of light in the sky.

Lune suddenly descended from the skies, the last of her energy struggling to keep her steady. She landed roughly in a park just as the sun rose, then proceeded to search for a hidden area, somewhere safe. As she searched for a hideout, her invisibility spell wore off, leaving a small blood trail behind her. Lune headed towards a heavily wooded section until her legs gave way and her vision clouded. She lay there, weak and without defenses, ready to die. She pulled out her boxcutter and gripped it tightly, as though it was her only lifeline keeping her alive. Her vision gradually dimmed, until she could only see darkness.

"This is it for me," whispered Lune with a slight grin before losing consciousness.