Perspective: Hikigaya Hachiman

After Komachi's teasing of Saki and I, we left the confines of my bedroom so I could make dinner. Komachi repeatedly insisted on Saki staying for dinner, which she gave in too without much of a fight. I decide to be fancy tonight and make my special "Oni-chan's Special Curry" a name given by Komachi. Meanwhile, two pairs of eyes stare at me hungrily. Looking at Saki's face I chuckle lightly at her drooling mouth, to which she blushes and looks away.

"I-It's not like I wanna taste your cooking, it's just I'm hungry that's all." Saki says still facing away from me, damn woman your tsundere attitude is pulling on my heart strings!

Soon after, the curry is finally ready and I place it at the table.

"Dinner's ready." I call out

Komachi dashes out of the living room to the table while Saki calmly walks out and takes a seat. Komachi sits at the head of the table and Saki sits next to me at the other end.

"Thanks for the meal." We all say in unison

Digging in, Komachi wildly starts eating hers while Saki takes one bite. Her eyes widen and she moans for a moment and stares at me.

"This is the best curry I've ever had."

"Despite his dead fish eyes, he somehow makes the best curry ever. He usually sucks at cooking." Wow sis, you somehow find a way to insult me in a compliment. Saki takes another fork full and holds it up to me

"Hachi, say ahh." She says while a huge blush adorns her face. My face heats up wildly but I comply, taking a bite from the fork. Komachi giggles lightly at this.

"Heh, onee-san just can't keep her hands off of oni-chan, I'll be in the living room~" And with that she takes her bowl and falls directly on the couch, turning on the TV and eating away.

With that, I lift my fork and tell her to say ahh. Her blush intensifies and she closes her eyes and holds her mouth open. The youth romantic comedy god must have been smiling down upon me and for once I actually follow it and let go. Who said two loners couldn't find happiness together? We continue to feed each other until a loud boom off lightning echoes from outside.



Saki wraps her arms around my arm. Holy crap, I didn't know she was scared of thunder. This just adds onto her cuteness level. We haven't even been together for two hours and she's already stealing my heart.

"Um, oni-chan."

Looking to Komachi, she stands at the side of the window revealing to me the massive downpour that was happening. Man, I should have been more wary of those clouds, it's going to be a pain getting Saki home. It seems that Saki and I both notice the time, 8:24 pm. It's really late.

"I'm going to get my umbrella; I need to walk Saki ho-"

"Oh no you don't oni-chan, you and Saki-nee will both catch a cold. You're both staying here tonight."

Both of our faces heat up again at the implications.

"No... Kei-cha- I mean my little sister is scared of thunder. I can wa-"


"Eep!" This time she grabs onto my arm even tighter than before, she's crushing my arm!

"You were saying Saki 'I can walk'-san?"

"Who's going to take care of my little sister while I'm away?"

"Don't worry, Taishi texted me that your parents were home and they're handling it."

"What about my uniform? We have to go to school tomorrow."

"We can just throw your uniform into the wash with mine and Oni-chan's. Just wear some of Oni-chan's clothes, they're really comfy."

Why is my life going full romantic comedy mode? I'm powerless to stop it.

"I-I'm going to take a sh - shower now." Kawasaki announces. After a minute though, she comes back.

"Which one in the restroom?"

"Second door on the right." I say

And with that, she exits.

I look back to see Komachi grinning evilly, what are you thinking about dear sis?

"So, oni-chan, how far did you and onee-san go?"

"We didn't do anything like that.. we just held each other for a little bit." God, I thought I sealed this me up tight when I left middle school, why is it coming back?

"So you say. You should tell your sis about your confession."

"Alright, fine."

I go over how I found her in the kitchen doing the dishes and how I was tutoring her in Japanese. Then the cat got in and her allergies started acting up and how it lead from there.

"That was really sweet of you oni-chan, though you could have been a little more romantic."

I sigh at that and lay down on the couch. Today has been a long day and I don't think that the romantic comedy god has any more surprises.

"Um, guys?

Or so I thought.

Standing directly in the living room was Saki soaking wet with her hair hanging loosely around her shoulders along with a towel. My heart rate increases rapidly and my face burns red. Is my nose bleeding?

"I can just go grab anything I want right?" She asks


She notices my starring and she develops a similar blush to mine.

"Don't stare so much Hachi, it's embarrassing." Saki you're about to send me over the edge, and with that she leaves. I look back to Komachi who has a mild blush on her face but is grinning.

"Didn't go that far huh. She seems awfully comfortable around you already."

"Shut up, we didn't do anything."

"So you say~" She says with a sing song voice

"I'm going to go take a shower." I say

Standing up and walking into the restroom. I turn on the hot water. I undress and let the water shower my body.

Perspective: Kawasaki Saki

After leaving the living room, I go into Hachiman's room and take a quick look around. Hachiman is a lot more clean than Taishi, but his room also seems more simple too. He has two dressers at the far end of his room and one nightstand at the right side of his bed. His bed also seems rather large for just one person. The walls of his bedroom are a plain white color, fitting the dimple style of the room. I open the shelves and look for a pair of basketball shorts and a tee shirt. I find a plain white pair of shorts and put them on. I blush lightly at putting on his clothes, I can't believe I'm staying the night at his house. Which reminds me.

I pull out my phone and call Taishi.


"Hey Taishi, it's me. The weather got really bad and I have to stay over tonight, I'm sorry I couldn't make it home.

"Yeah, Komachi told me. Don't worry, mom and dad are both home now and they know. They just said be back tomorrow. Also, I heard that oni-san confessed to you, I'm happy for you. But I gotta go, I need to finish up some homework."

"You better get on that homework young man; I won't let your grades drop like last time."

"Yes, oni-sama your wish is my command!" He says quite frantically

"And take a shower too! You have a tendency to skip that."


"And hey Taishi,"


"I love you." He pauses for a moment before replying

"I love you too sis." And with that, we hang up.

I sit down on his bed and lay down. His bed is really soft. He must spend a lot of time in bed because there's an imprint of where he sleeps on the bed. And also...his scent. I feel my cheeks flare red for what seemed like the 1000th time tonight. I asked myself one question.

What does a boy smell like?

Blushing, I went over to his pillow and leaned down. And took a deep breath. The smell of sweat and shampoo mixed into my nose, sending my body into a frenzy. I can't believe I just did that! My body feels light for some reason too. I like his scent.

"Enjoying that?" Hachiman's voice rings out from the doorway. I look back to see Hachiman standing there with a towel wrapped around his waist with his chest exposed. He's actually quite well toned with muscle, I didn't really expect that. He has well developed abs and biceps. I don't know what I should be more embarrassed about, being caught or staring at him shirtless. I hide myself in his pillow and look chuckles lightly and begins to move. I look up to see he's gone to the dresser to change.

"You're going to have to get out for a second while I change."


Leaving the room, I begin to think more about his image.

"Wow, he really does have a nice body.." I mumble to myself.

"I know right. Oni-chan may have ugly fish eyes, but he does get up and does a lot of exercise. His body is really amazing for someone like him."


Standing in the hallway was Komachi grinning at me.

"Y-You heard that?"

"Well yeah, you did mumble it quite loudly."

"I'm sorry.."

"Don't worry about it, I'm actually glad that he was able to find someone with stunning looks like you."

With that, she begins to skip towards her room, but not before whispering in my ear.

"Use protection, I'm not ready to be an auntie yet."

I blush hardly at this and she giggles as she disappears in her room.

"Ok, you can come on now." Hachiman says from inside

Perspective: Hachiman

Saki walks in the door and the first thing I notice is the massive blush on her face.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking about some things." She replies

I take a look at her and notice just how good she looks. My shirt hangs loosely to her body and my shorts fit snuggly on her thighs. This almost feels like my proposal would become true today. She blushes at my starring and I blush slightly.

"Y-You look really c-cute in that Saki." I muster up the courage to say.


"I can sleep on the floor if you'd like and you can't take the bed." I offer

Her eyes look a bit down casted and she then stands up and reaches a hand to my shoulder.

"C-Can we share the bed? The thunder really has been scary to me."


As if on cue, a particularly loud bolt strikes, causing her to yelp and grab on to me. I gently stroke her hair and put my head on top of hers.

"Yeah, we can."

"Ok, let me get my hair ba-"

"No," I say firmly "I like your hair being free like this, it looks really pretty. You should keep your hair like this."

She seemed shocked for a moment, but then tears welled in her eyes. She smiles at me and wraps her arms around me.

"Ok." She replies

"Anyway, let's get to sleep, we have school tomorrow."

Turning off the light and climbing into bed, with me sleeping on my usually side and Saki on the left. She wraps her arms around me and I do the same.

After a while of lying down, Saki's voice rings out.

"Hey Hachiman."


"Does this make us boyfriend and girlfriend?" I smile and tighten my grip and look her in the eyes.

"Only if you want us to be, I'm all for it." She smiles and tears begin to build up on her eyes again.

"Yes, I want to be Hachiman's girlfriend."

And she does the most unthinkable thing.

She kisses me directly on the lips. We move our tongues around one another's before breaking the kiss for air. Sure that was inexperienced, but that was a good kiss in my book. I stroke her hair lightly and she buries her head into my chest.

"What do you think everyone's going to think when they find out we're dating?" She asks

"Well, it really doesn't matter. Because I have a really cute girlfriend." She punches me in the arm and giggles lightly.

"For someone with such rotten eyes, you are quite cheesy." She says between giggles.

"Well, I gained a lot of experience from reading." Thank you light novels.

We sit there for a while enjoying each other's company. Just before we fall asleep, Saki pulls on my shoulder.

"Hey Hachi?"


"I love you."

"I love you too."

And with that, we fall into a peaceful slumber in each other's arms.

Author's Note: Hello everyone! Welcome to my very first fanfiction! This has kind of gotten off on a rough start because I've had to constantly fix mistakes I made, damn it's hard to write on a phone, but anyway thank you for reading this. I should also note that this story is going to be kind of OOC, mainly because I want to write a lot of fluff. But I will be writing serious story line with this too. Please review this and point out any mistakes that I have made so I can fix them and also feel free to criticize this, but don't be mean about it. I need to improve my writing as a 15 year old, so I thought writing something that I'll enjoy would do the trick. Anyway, thank you everyone for your support on the first chapter and I will see you in the next!