Disclaimer #1: I don't own Fairy Tail, Hiro Mashima does.

Disclaimer #2: The art for my title pic was done by artist AS Daminitri.

Chapter 16: Titania is defeated

My magic power is fading. I need to make it back to Fairy Tail... I must make it back to Fairy Tail.

I carry Erza in my arms while flying through the sky. I want to check on her but the fear of seeing her lifeless prevents my eyes from peeping down. The only thing I can do is focus on getting back to the guild.

The town is within my peripheral vision. Magnolia. The town Erza saved just days before. Ironically she is coming back to be saved herself.

With the guild hall within my sights I feel the limits of my power being reached. The lightning that has propelled us from Minstrel is no more, but we'll make it to the guild. However the landing won't be as smooth as I would have hoped. I hold Erza tighter to me, and I turn my body to shield her from the impending collision with the guild's roof.

*Crash* *THUD*

Well that hurt just as much as I thought it would, the guild roof was built strong to avoid damage from the daily fights.

Erza doesn't seem to have been bothered by the fall, but she's still the same as she was minutes ago when we were at Jacob's base. The blood that covers her, there's just so much.

I scream out, not knowing who is around me, "Someone, help me… Erza's hurt! Get Wendy, and that old woman"

My eyes feel heavy, I'll pass out soon enough. I hear several people scurry towards me. I faintly hear Wendy's voice, she's telling the others to help Erza to the infirmary, and she asks me about what has happened but I am too weak to answer.

An hour or so ago, in Minstrel

Erza and Laxus have entered the cave and are now investigating the top floor. Laxus notices the difference between this facility and others he's been to, like how there isn't any evidence that people were here. Sure this was not the part of the operation where the kidnapped were taken, but at the very least there should be signs that people worked here.

The cavern is dully lit throughout by magic candles giving it an eerie vibe. The walls and floors are mainly granite and limestone – but there are some walls and pillars that are made from stone, probably in weak points to prevent cave-ins.

After surveying the top floor they find stairs to descend further into the facility, and continue down the stairs for several floors. It truly is vast, like a town underground.

"They're not far away" Laxus comments, but is also unsettled by something other than the enemy mages.

Erza nods, "It seems all three are here Laxus. We go all-out as planned"

"About that... can't you sense something else down there?"

"No" Erza answers unaware, "what is it?"

"I don't know. It's like there's a lot of power but it's not coming from a person. It feels a lot like lacrima"

"Well this place stores lacrima, shouldn't we expect lacrima here?"

"You might be right, it just feels a little different"

Erza takes a moment to formulate a plan. "How about we continue as we planned until we learn more"

Laxus is ambivalent but he doesn't believe they'll be given the chance to look around so easily, so he sides with Erza. They descend just one more floor before walking into a huge dark room. The floor is noticeably sturdier than the rocks on the other levels. Laxus picks up the scent of the other people in room and he sighs at the thought of an impending battle.

"I can barely see" says Erza.

On cue the room slowly becomes enlightened thanks to a little magic from Jacob. The portal mage smirks as he sees it is not Council members but Fairy Tail wizards who have come to visit. "Welcome, honoured guests"

Laxus and Erza turn their attention to source of the voice, and they continue to walk across the room until they are within speaking distance of the three rogue wizards. Jacob stands in the middle of the trio. Maya tucks just into his right side eyeing off the Fairy pair. Mortimer stands off a bit to the back; he raises his head to have one look at Laxus and Erza without making eye contact.

Maya smirks at the game-faces of the younger duo in front of her, "Jacob my dear they lack manners, maybe it's better if we just kill them now"

"Patience Maya, we've yet to speak to them"

Erza summons three sets of magic handcuffs. "There's nothing to talk about. Surrender or we'll have to take you down"

Laxus eyes the floor; he's still concerned about the energy he can feel. He can now tell the magic is destructive by nature and concludes that underneath him is a ticking time bomb. His thoughts are strayed by a heckling from Jacob.

"Take us down, young Fairy? Didn't think the council had a leash on that unruly guild run by old Makarov. But here you two are, being good obedient dogs"

Erza glares at Jacob as she understands that her and Laxus' identity are known to them, "I take it you want to fight us, not surrender?"

"Well that depends on how you answer young lady. How did you find out about this place? Was it really the council? Or was it that blue haired pest, Seigrain?"

"He calls himself Jellal now and it's been that way for a while" Maya corrects.

"That's right, Jellal. He's running a pesky crew of misfits as well"

Erza sighs and is getting annoyed by all the chit-chat. "It doesn't matter how we got the information, we're here now and our mission is to take you down, it's your choice if you want to go easy"

Jacobs laughs while Maya sneers at Laxus, "and what's your problem goldielocks? You going to let the woman do all the talking"

"She's the guild master" Laxus replies indifferently.

Mortimer glares at his colleagues and then at his opponents. "We need not waste time" he speaks irritably. Erza focuses on Mortimer who summons his Soul Emperor armour to his body. He releases a wave of magic power, exerting pressure on Laxus and Erza. The Fairy Tail pair stand their ground in the face of Mortimer's magic.

"Well I won't let Mortimer hog the spotlight" Maya says before she powers up, emitting an aura comparable to Mortimer's. Erza releases some of her magic power which intrigues her opponents; they had not expected her to have much strength.

"You seem more powerful now than you did at that farce of a magic tournament they had in Crocus a few years ago" scoffs Maya.

"Isn't that expected?"

Maya laughs at Erza's confidence and then holds out her right palm at the redhead, "let's see how strong you actually are". A small white orb protrudes from her hand and then fires at Erza at an alarming speed. Titania quickly dodges but the orb expands and explodes. Erza re-quips into Black Wing armour so she can evade the blast which surprises her opposing female.

"Not bad red", Maya then holds out her left hand toward Laxus, "How about you, blondie?". She sends an orb at Laxus and he zaps it with a ball of lightning without taking his hands out of his pocket.

"My, my. Aren't you something" Maya compliments, and is then blindsided by Erza's Moon Flash attack. Maya is able to produce a barrier but it's too weak to protect her fully.

Mortimer leaps in and aims to engage Erza but Laxus intervenes, sending the male knight flying to a wall with a punch. Erza continues to attack Maya though the older gal is more prepared with her barrier magic and is able to deflect Erza's onslaught.

Jacob looks on as Mortimer wrestles himself out of the rocky wall that Laxus put him into, and the swordsman walks casually back into the middle of the room seemingly unaffected.

"Are you guys warmed up yet?" Jacob asks as he glances at each of the four wizards squabbling. "If you are, Maya, could you perhaps make some room?"

Maya nods while she drops her barriers to take her position next to Jacob. Laxus walks next to Erza as the two watch the former Saint smirk and then click her fingers. A small rumbling reverberates throughout the walls of the facility.

And then the structure erupts.

Countless rocks, the size of a small fridge on average, shoot from every direction. The sounds of rocks splitting and colliding deafens the Fairy's.

"Requip: Adamantine Armour", Erza yells as she dons her strongest defence. Laxus shrouds himself with a thick coat of lightning which fries the incoming rock. The bombardment continues for over a minute.

After eruptions stop Erza and Laxus relax and look around. They find the whole cavern is now one huge room, over 100 metres high and a few miles wide. Some of the ceiling is now destroyed, allowing sunlight to come in to give the new abyss visibility.

A stunned Erza speaks to Laxus quietly, "she did all this, with very little effort"

Laxus grunts a yes - also surprised by the sudden explosions. He glances at Erza and is relieved she isn't hurt, but he didn't expect anything less from his woman.

"You've made a great deal of mess Maya" says Jacob. There are boulders all across the floor of the makeshift room.

"Well that's what you're here for"

Jacob snickers and he begins to use his telekinetic abilities by raising his arms up beside him as if he was attempting to appear angelic. Within a few seconds he lifts all of the rubble and moves it behind him. He drops his arms back to his side and the rocks fall, creating a monstrous pile of rock.

"Ammo?" Mortimer asks.

"Yes" Jacob replies while he wipes his reading glasses, they were covered in dust from the explosions.

Laxus grunts at the endless supply of projectiles now at Jacob's disposal, it won't be fun dodging them.

"You two okay? Sorry it got a little bumpy there" Maya apologises sarcastically. "How should we proceed? Jacob's going to hang back for now, so you want to do it two on two, or solo?"

"I'll take Mortimer" Erza states resolutely.

Maya winks her fellow swordsmen, "seems you have a fan Morty. Treat her like a lady"

Mortimer wastes no times. He turns to his right, crouches, and then leaps a ridiculous distance, covering hundreds of metres in one bound.

"He's telling you to follow him girly. He's a shy guy, so be nice, okay"

Erza ignores Maya and takes off using Flight Armour.

Maya cards a hand through her silky black hair and smiles at the young man in front of her. "Now to you big guy, you ready for me?"

Presently, at the guild…

I passed out for a few hours until my magic returned. Under Gramps advice I went home to take a shower after I woke while Wendy and Porlyusica continue to treat Erza. I really didn't want to leave, I wanted to see her the moment she woke up. From what I can gather Erza should be alright, Gramps implied such, and he ain't the type to give me false hope.

As the water washes my skin, streaks of crimson whirl around my feet no different to the colour of her hair. I clench my fists and nearly punch the wall, but do I deserve to be angry? She fought with everything, I didn't. It may be fortunate that I preserved energy for our escape, I just don't know if I did everything I could. It's not anything to get hung up about - simply put we failed at our mission. I'm sure she's feeling worse than I, both physically and emotionally.

Erza does need help though, I mean training. She didn't exactly move any better than I remember, which doesn't make sense because she improved her magic a whole lot. Just general physical training is what she needs and possibly someone to spar with to improve her swordsmanship.

I exit the shower, dry off, clothe, and then head out of my house.

Opening the front door reveals a hooded man leaning against a post on my front porch. He raises his tattooed face to beam his eyes into mine. Blue hair. Jellal.

For a few seconds we glare at one another. I can't tell if he's pissed off about Erza's condition or me being with her, or both.

"Hello, Jellal"

"Laxus", as usual a man of many words… but I don't have time to chew the fat.

"I'm on my way to the guild now, so –"

"She's awake"

That's… great news. "Well in that case I'll –"

"We need to talk, Laxus"

"We can do that later"

"I'll be quick. You're needed at the Council immediately, to go over what happened and to look at all the information. You might be gone for a few weeks"

"You're kidding?! And you work for them now?"

"No, and yes we're working together on Lacrima issue"

This Council bullshit has to end soon. "I'm not leaving until I'm good and ready".

"Laxus -"

"I'm not the Council's dog"... that remark from Jacob really pissed me off, mainly because there was some truth to it... "so I'll go when I feel like it"

He continues to glare intensely; fuck it, might as well get the awkward shit out of the road, "is there anything else, Jellal?"

Silence. This is about Erza now. I know I can be a brooding type but this is on another level.

"Jellal, is this about Erza?"


"I'll take your silence as a yes". Sighing at his stubbornness I lean against the wooden railing, facing him. He doesn't budge but I'm sure that what I'm about to say will trigger a response. "I'll start with me and Erza. I am serious about her, she's not just some girl to me. I'm also aware of your history, and I respect it, but I'll be doing my best to make sure your history doesn't come between Erza and I"

Throughout my little speech he jerked at certain words and claims, and I admit I enjoyed bring forth those flinches. "Are you saying that you'd stop me?" he asks with a hint of threat.

"Have you come to your senses about what you let get away?" I respond, mockingly.


"No, I wouldn't stand between you and Erza. I'm saying that I won't have to, I'm the man she wants. You get what I'm saying?"

"Yea" he sighs, relaxing for the first time. "I'm not trying to break you guys up Laxus, I guess I just wanted to know how serious you are, and how you'd treat her"

"Well, now you know"

"It's… what you said before about coming to my senses, that isn't right, I've always known what she is. She's special Laxus, you better take good care of her"

"I will"

His eyes narrow just like any predator, "does that apply to the last mission?"

There's always a trick to everything when it comes to this guy. "Yes, of course"

"Care to elaborate?"

I audibly exhale at his request, "she fought and got hurt"

"You didn't protect her?" he queries in a presumptuous fashion, and if I might add slightly condescending.

"She backed herself and I had no reason not to, in the end she lost"

"Could you not have helped the situation?"

"You don't shield someone like her. I kept my ear on her fight, and when I heard her scream I intervened"

"And you're okay with how things turned out?"

"You serious? Of course I'm not okay with her nearly killed. But, she's a warrior Jellal. If I try to cage her with worry she'll either get pissed off or it'll weaken her. That's what I think anyway"

Jellal finally looks like he's going to stop with the interrogations. For fuck sake I'm nearly at my limit with them.

"Alright Laxus, I understand. I'll see you in Era"


With that I escape him using lightning body, the guild my destination.

Flashback to Minstrel…

Erza vs Mortimer

Erza grits her teeth in disgust at her opponents armour. An armour that is not only empowered by the souls of powerful enemies Mortimer has killed, but the repair and maintenance of the armour can only be done using human flesh. Between each metallic plate is sewn human muscle, skin and tendon. It's enough to make any person squeamish.

Mortimer has no such ill feelings. Unlike his comrades he respects Erza - a knight renowned far and wide for her toughness and skill. Outwardly he doesn't display the genuine eagerness he has to fight Erza, and he signifies such fervour by summoning Tombstone to his right hand. The sword is large enough to be wielded two-handed, so his single-handed grip on the sword alerts Erza of his physical strength. Contrary to the name of the weapon, the only part of the sword that is stone is the base of the hilt. The blade is metallic and the handle is wrapped with leather.

Beginning proceedings, Erza lunges at Mortimer who blocks the overhead slash just inches in front of his face. He flicks his wrist to break the locked swords and thrusts Tombstone at Erza's head. She ducks and attempts to swipe at Mortimer's exposed abdomen, but the man anticipates the counter and had already began to leap from the ground, effectively somersaulting over Erza. The female knight continues the movement of her slash by following through a further half turn, aiming to catch the man during his acrobatics. To Erza's disappointment Mortimer had already landed and parries her attack and follows with a bone-crunching punch to the redheads face.

Erza lands some 10 metres away from where she was struck. She begins to pick herself up off the ground when she's engulfed in a blanket of flames. She requips into Flame Empress Armour and waves at the surrounding inferno with her flame sword. Titania looks up to see Mortimer's armour and sword covered in flames; the man is also processing Erza's versatility against the elements. He then raises Tombstone and slashes at Erza despite being a fair distance away. The magic around his armour and sword changes to water.

The Fairy Tail wizard requips into Dark Wing Armour so she can move from the giant wave of water. Erza now realises that Soul Emperor can use several elements, likely from the absorption of souls of wizards who used elemental magic.

Mortimer begins swiping the air furiously, each time blasting small pockets of water at Erza. After dodging the first 3 water bullets she's hit by one, shattering her Dark Wing requip. Titania then activates her Sea Empress Armour to shield herself from the continuous water attacks.

At this point Erza is getting desperate. She can't win by just defending, and the armours she's used so far aren't getting the job done. Usually she would wait until she knew the capabilities of her opponent before bringing out her most powerful requips, but at this stage of the fight she has no choice.

"Armadura Fairy!"

Mortimer instantly feels the change in Erza's magic so he cancels his water magic to focus on an impending assault from the lady knight. As he expected Erza launches a very powerful slash. The contact between the Fairy Piercing Sword and Tombstone cause the ground below Mortimer to crumble as if a meteorite had hit. The sound created by the metal weapons is deafening. The male swordsman cannot contain his excitement, his content grin conveying his appreciation of a serious battle.

Laxus vs Maya & Jacob

"It sounds like they're having fun over here" Maya complains, sighing unhappily. The heavy acoustics of combat between the swordsmen is a stark contrast to the fight between her and the lightning wizard. Laxus has yet to attack, he just evades and defends. "I should have fought the girl"

Maya throws out a few more eruption blasts but they have no effect, Laxus is easily able to move out of range.

Jacob realises that even with a trap in place he still needs to tire his opponent to ensure success. "We'll attack together Maya" he announces, and he begins to launch rocks at Laxus using telekinesis magic.

Maya joins in and the two wizards bombard Laxus with unrelenting firepower. Each explosion makes it harder for the Fairy wizard to listen in on the battle between Erza and Mortimer, he had been tuning into their fight for some time. The dragon slayer gets reckless while he manoeuvres through the chaos and is smashed by one of Jacob's rocks for his troubles.

Laxus winces while getting up speculating that he may have cracked ribs. The lady mage before him chuckles at the blonde's hindered movements. Out of pride, Laxus bathes himself in crackling lightning before sending a shockwave at the former saint pair. Maya erects a barrier which is easily mowed down by Laxus' lightning and it slams into Jacob and Maya leaving them mildly electrified.

Jacob raises the pile of rocks with his magic with the intention of going on the attack. Much to his disappointment Laxus fries the rubble with a lightning bolt, turning the rock to dust. The bolt expands under Laxus' control engulfing his opponents in a stormy ocean. Maya and Jacob lie flat on the ground, both struggling to get up.

"Jacob, I think it's time we start to get serious. I'm taking my eruptions up a notch" Maya murmurs softly.

"Don't. Remember we need to both save our magic for that"

Laxus' attention is caught by the whispers, "what do you mean that?" he asks while watching his opponents get to their feet.

Maya turns her nose up at the man's question, "none of your business brat"

"It's the energy I can feel below us, isn't it?"

Jacob clears his throat, "you can feel it? Well thanks for ruining the surprise"

"So it's a trap?"

"Yes. The only way out of it is to defeat one of us. I've linked Maya's magic to thousands of lacrima below us, enough to level everything in a 5 mile radius. And I have linked myself and my comrades to a portal beyond the blasts range. So that is why we can't go all out here". Jacob tells Laxus the truth, hoping he can bait the younger man into using a lot of his energy so that he won't be able to escape.

"Why would you tell me your plan?" Laxus asks, and he contemplates the possible outcomes.

"To give you hope so then we can crush it" taunts and laughs Maya. She guesses Jacob is playing at something, so she goes along with it.

Laxus sighs at the situation he is in and decides he'll fight them but keep enough juice in the tank to make a getaway.

Erza vs Mortimer

Both swordsmen are fatigued after several grueling minutes of battle. Erza wonders just how long she can keep using Armadura Fairy.

A puffing Mortimer impales Tombstone into the ground like a stake, and leans on his sword to have a little rest. "You know it's been a long time since I've had to fight this hard. Thank you"

"I don't want your thanks, I want you in cuffs!" Erza retorts.

"I'm sorry, I will die on a battlefield before surrendering to the Council. But I am truly thankful, which is why I must use the trump card of this armour"

Erza ignores Mortimer's statement, mainly because she intends to defeat him, regardless if he is bluffing or not. She charges the man with everything she has, swinging the Piercing sword from her left side.

In Mortimer's eyes a small green light twinkles, so small that Erza doesn't notice. Just as Erza's weapon is about to take Mortimer's head he moves so that the sword misses by an inch, then counters with a knee to her stomach and a punch to her face. The man hasn't even bothered to pick up his sword.

Erza reclaims her balance while wondering how Mortimer was able to move so perfectly and hit harder than before. She decides to keep attacking so that she can find out what his magic is doing to him.

The red haired knight slashes relentlessly and each time Mortimer evades flawlessly. Erza changes the direction of her attacks and again the man moves to miss each time by a hairline. In her last attack of the barrage Mortimer picks up his sword for the first time since he began using his 'trump card' and he slashes at Erza, obliterating the Armadura requip.

Erza rolls along the ground after being attacked before propping herself up into a crouching position. She is startled by the ease in which Mortimer wrecked Armadura. Before this he had been a tough opponent, but now it seemed like he's untouchable.

"Perception is the trump card of this armour. I also get a small boost to my strength and speed but it's nothing compared to being able to see your attacks before they happen. You're like me, so I want you to know. My next move will be the last of this fight, Erza"

"I'm nothing like you!" Erza growls. She begins to smile competitively,"I'm not dying here today, I have my friends at home waiting for me, and I can't let Laxus down". Erza now decides it's time to don her own trump card. "Nakagami Armour!"

Mortimer chuckles lowly, "it's been a while since I've seen that armour in person. I used to wear it when I was around your age. But I've upgraded"

"We shall see about that!"

Erza is quite confident that Nakagami's abilities can neutralise his perception magic. All she would have to do is swipe her Halberd with enough power that its nullifying magic can cover the area they are fighting in. With the confidence and courage she possesses, Erza puts all her power into this one last assault.

In the instant that both wizards are about to attack Erza's eyes catch the small green tint in the iris' of her opponent.


Erza screams in pain as she collapses to the ground. Mortimer was still able to use his magic, she misjudged him. She was cut by Tombstone on the left side of her neck, extending from below her collar bone to just under her jawline. The wound is deep enough to sever the carotid artery. Erza grabs her neck and applies pressure to slow the bleeding.

Mortimer raises his sword to finish Erza off. He is saddened, if only a little bit, that he has to execute her while she is in such a sorry state.

Erza gasps breathlessly. Her fatigue, injuries, and anxiety of possibly losing her life cause her to panic. With Tombstone bearing down at her she can only think of her friends back home, and the man who she partnered in the mission. Tears sting her eyes as she feels the loss of everything.

Just as she begins to lose hope, in her blurry vision she sees a yellow light slam into her executioner. Seconds later her consciousness is undone.

"Erza! Erza! Oi!" Laxus shouts as he rushes to his partner's side after he had hit Mortimer with a Lightning Dragon's fist.

"Fuck" the sight of Erza's neck horrifies the man. Laxus rubs his index finger and thumb on his right hand to generate a small strand of lightning. He applies it to Erza's wound to sear the gash and slow the blood loss. He winces while surveying her burned skin and the still oozing blood; anger and hurt building inside of him.

Jacob and Maya help Mortimer off the ground, the 2 wizards had made their way from the other fight when Laxus abandoned it.

"We should kill them now Jacob" suggests the eruption mage. From the look of the other men they are in agreement. But a sound stops them in their tracks.

A low growl echoes throughout the cave.

Maya gasps as she senses danger, "Jacobs portal us away!"

As Jacob teleports his two associates their vision is bleached by intense yellow light. An instant later they arrive at Jacob's pre-set portal location, several miles from the distribution facility. They all look on in shock as Laxus' Lightning Dragon's roar can be seen penetrating past the clouds in the sky.

"What incredible power" remarks Mortimer as he dispels Soul Emperor. "Both of them really were something"

Jacob watches the yellow heavens in amazement silently agreeing with Mortimer's words. "Maya, we'll need to finish it". She nods and then the pair channel their magic to the plethora of lacrima below Erza and Laxus. The dragon slayer senses the influx of power while he is cradling Erza in his arms. Without hesitating Laxus coats himself in lightning and zips out of the cavern.

Just a second later the lacrima explode. The white dome blast quickly covers the area Jacob had bragged about. Laxus and Erza only barely make it out in time.

Back at the guild…

"You're all patched up now Erza-san, you just need to rest for a day or two. I will tell Mira-san to bring some dinner to you shortly"

"Thanks, Wendy"

"No need, Erza-san. You just get some rest, I'll make sure no-one bothers you"


Wendy smiles at me and leaves. She really is a wonderful child; the comfort she brings me is as helpful as her healing magic. The guild always makes me feel good, no matter what happens... even near death... I only need to be around my friends for the world everything to feel good again.

*knock* *knock*

"Come in"... I thought no one was coming back...

The door opens and in walks in the person I've been wanting to see the most. He leans down slowly and plants a gentle kiss on my forehead. He smiles tenderly and brushes over my cheek lightly with his hand as he sits down on the bed to my right. "Hey Erza"

"Hey Laxus"

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, Wendy did a good job healing me"

"I see", he says as he runs his right hand from my face to my neck. His fingers glide over my collar bone. I watch his eyes roam over Wendy's treatment, and in his blue orbs I can see pain, frustration, and care. "Wendy did do a good job". He traces the side of my neck with his tingle-making touch, "I'm glad you won't have scars". His eyes soften and a small smile tugs his lips. His warm hand combs into my hair behind my ear; he uses his thumb to massage the lobe sending tingles down my spine. Without as much as a word he leans down, and then... a kiss. His soft lips fold ever so slowly over mine. I open my mouth only a little, just enough to give him some movement. His kiss is slow but it's full of emotion and character. He's telling me that he's relieved that I'm okay, and that he was a little scared to lose me. I don't know, maybe I'm hoping this to be, but if I were to describe the kiss I'd say it is beautiful. If I had to guess, it's love.

The kiss ends with Laxus giving my bottom lip a soft peck before leaning back. He looks down adoringly, and I can feel my heart race from his expressions alone. "Laxus, I... thank you". What I really wanted to say is I love you. Because I do, you know, Laxus?

"Thank you?" he asks with a raised eyebrow.

"For saving me"

He chuckles and shakes his head. "the guild would miss you too much if I didn't"

"And you? Would you miss me?" I ask with obvious desperation.

The jerk shrugs his shoulders and tilts his head like he is thinking about his answer, "may – be"

I can't control a giggle at his playfulness, and to think he might be doing this to cheer me up is comforting. "So did you carry me back?"

Laxus smirks, "yeah, maybe all of Magnolia saw it"

"Didn't I tell you never to carry me like that?"

"Well I could have left you there"

It's my turn to shake my head at him. But it would be nice, just once, to fly with him. "Laxus, maybe when you get back you can carry me again so that I could remember, with your lightning"

"Sure, I'd love to –" he stops for a second, "what do you mean when I get back?"

"You're going to Era for the Council aren't you?"

He hangs his head in disappointment and mumbles a few curse words under his breath. "Jellal's got a big mouth. I told him I'd go, just not to expect me there soon"

"You go now Laxus, it's your duty!"

"I'm not going right now, maybe in a week"


"There's more important things this to me than Council business" he says as he folds back some of my hair. This manipulative guy...

"But Laxus, you do need to go. They need your help, and you're a Wizard Saint..."

"It's just a title, I'd easily give em back that pendant I don't even wear"

"You're an idiot". He rolls his eyes at my remark. "It's a title that most wizards could only dream of attaining. I was so proud of you when you got it, Laxus"

"Really? You felt that way?"


"I get the feeling you're just saying this so I go"

"No I'm not. Think about it. I only slept with you after you became a Wizard Saint". I earn a booming laugh from him, "and you needed the consolation prize, since I am a better Master than you could ever be"

"Geez you're on fire today, Erza"

"But there's also..." should I tell him? Yea I should... "if you can help the Council in some way find them wouldn't that be a good thing? I want my re-match you know"

He expresses his shock with a sudden jolt before grinning down at me, "I didn't take you for the vengeful type"

"I'm not, but I want to be the one who defeats Mortimer"


"Okay..?" I ask sheepishly, I didn't really expect him to fold so easily after I just got defeated.

"I believe in you. If you want to do it, then I trust your judgement"

I reach for his large hand so I can hold it, "thank you, it means a lot"

"Of course". He brings our locked hands to his mouth and plants a small kiss on my hand. "But you'll be training for this fight won't you? I mean you were, how can I say it... rusty"

"Excuse me?"

"Well I mean to say you didn't really move any better than before, despite being stronger magically"

"You're saying I lack conditioning? I stood toe-to-toe with Mortimer for a long time"

"You pulled through with sheer guts, Erza. Physically I know you could be better"

I don't reply, I hate when he is even a little bit right sometimes.

"Being Master has made your lifestyle sedentary", Laxus learns down to whisper in my ear, "the only time you get a workout is with me". He ravages my neck with kisses and licks and I laugh at the ticklish feeling of his tongue. He pulls back to speak once more, "so, if I do have to go to the Council you will have to train. I already asked around while I waited outside. I think Kagura from Mermaid Heel would be a good fit"

"Kagura? How?"

"Lacrima of course. She agreed and is on her way"

"You made this decision without me?"

"Yep. And the old man can do Master duties while you practice"

"I don't like this, not only have we bothered Mermaid Heel but my responsibilities are mine, not Master Makarov's"

"True, but there are many people who want to help you. So lean on them, okay?"

I can't say no when he is so pure, "okay".

Laxus waves his hand directing me to shuffle over and he kicks off his shoes. I giggle excitedly as I make room for him. His warmth and smell soon invade me and I bathe in it selfishly.

"You're really something Erza. You're in such good spirits despite everything that happened. When I was in a similar way I felt helpless for a while"

"I did too, but when I saw everyone all apprehension washed away. And now you're here so I feel happy"

"I am pretty amazing" he laughs, the rumbling of his body feels good. I nestle my head into 'my spot' on his chest. I'll train my hardest to keep this!

A/N - Thanks for reading! I was meant to split this chapter, but made it one.