Hey guys sorry I haven't been updating recently. Here's the next chapter. Review please!


Percy woke up to a searing pain in his head. As soon as he opened his eyes, he instinctively covered his eyes with his hands.

"Ahh" he croaked. His throat and face felt hot.

Then it all hit him. Annabeth. Tartarus. Titans. Bob. All the thinking made his head hurt more. Wait, he thought, where am I? He uncovered his eyes and looked around. It was Bob's place. Little bob was curled up in a ball at the end of the bed Percy was lying on, but Bob was not in the room. There was soup on the table beside him along with something to drink.

Percy was confused. How did he get here? All he remembered last was passing out right after Annabeth went on the elevator. His heart rate went up as he thought of her. He put his head in his hands as he tried to remember how he got here.

He couldn't think. Everything was cloudy in his mind but one name, Annabeth. His heart hurt and his brain ached for her.

He grabbed the soup on the side of the bed and ate it. It was cold enough so it didn't burn his throat that badly. Suddenly the door opened and Bob walked in carrying a sack. He emptied the contents onto the counter. Percy had no idea what it was.

"Bob?" Percy questioned. Bob whipped around, thinking Percy wouldn't be awake yet.

"How did I get here?" Percy asked. Bob looked sad for a moment and pulled up a chair next to him.

"After Annabeth went on the elevator, you passed out. I didn't want the monsters to hurt you so I killed all the ones around you and picked you up and ran out of there. Then we ended up here, and you were still sleeping so I went to find more food," he said as he motioned to the pile of food on the counter.

Percy shook his head and looked down at his body. His clothes had holes and them and parts were smoking like he was just struck by lightning. His shoes burned his feet. His arms had dried blood and cuts and bruises all over, and his legs looked the same too. Despite not eating much food down here, his arms seemed to become more muscular from the constant fighting. His skin was red and hot to the touch, and there was no doubt he had a fever.

"Bob," he said, "I need to leave." He shot up in his bed and tried to ignore the stabbing pain in his head. Bob stood up and gently pushed him back on the bed.

"Come on, Percy," he said, "you can't leave in the condition you're in right now. You have to heal a little more."

Percy was furious. He wanted to leave and get out of this hellhole. He wanted to be with Annabeth. He wanted to kill all the monsters that stood in the way between him and her.

Adrenaline coursed through his body and he stood up and walked out Bob's door. He walked out the door and viewed the barren wasteland ahead. Nothing lied there for miles. Percy leaned on the door for support as he fought a wave of pain. Bob noticed and steered him towards his bed and layed him down.

Percy began to panic, "Bob.." He panted… "How am I going to get back, there is Gaia and Annabeth..camp, the ship.." He was breathing heavier and heavier as he spoke. Bob laid his massive hand on his shoulder in attempt to comfort him.

"It will take some time," Bob said, " I can get you trained and healthy to fight your way back to Annabeth. I have met people like me in this place that can help you."

Percy began to calm down once he saw a slim hope of seeing his friends again. He didn't know what other friends Bob was talking about, but Percy somehow trusted him. Bob held Percy's life in his hands on more than one occasion.

"When can we start?" Percy asked, his blood flowing with a new kind of hope.

"When you get some rest," Bob replied, and he motioned to the soup beside him, "we can start. You need to build up energy. Have rest tonight as I keep a look out and we will start tomorrow."

Percy nodded and ate his soup. His throat burned, but the soup was the best thing he has had in awhile. Once he was done, he tried to fall asleep. He didn't know what time it was, it had to be late. He laid awake for hours; the pain kept him thinking of Annabeth and how much he missed her, food, friends, and his mom.

Finally, he fell asleep, only to be confronted by his dreams.

He appeared in a dark cave that he felt like he had been in before. It smelled like sulfur and gas; somewhere in Tartarus. A creature was in the room, there was potion bottles, a bed, kitchen, books and other random things.

A shadow swept across the walls that were illuminated by candlelight. The winged figure sat at the top of the cave. The creature swept down and sat down on the bed that was a few feet from Percy. He couldn't see his face in the shadows.

"Glad to see you again, Percy," the thing said, "I can't wait to meet you tomorrow." Percy could hear the smirk in its voice. Who was this?

Suddenly, the winged creature turned into someone he had enough of. Percy was filled with dread as he saw a figure of a woman he left a long, long time ago.