Disclaimer: Except for original ideas, everything else belong to their original owners.

Dragonborn and Vanadis – Chapter 23

"Asvarre? You're referring to the kingdom that is across the sea; west of Zhcted?"

Fenris questioned Ellen as he remembering seeing the name on a number of maps that he looked through during his free time. However, he knows little to nothing about the kingdom as a whole.

"That she is." Tigre answered for him. "It's is renowned for its agriculture-based economy, but I believe that a queen led campaigns of expansion into the continent a few generations ago."

Despite knowing a bit more about Asvarre than Fenris, Tigre's knowledge of kingdom was also limited.

As for Ellen and Lim, they exchanged looks of uneasiness with each other before the former finished her cup of wine.

"You two must know that a certain someone has requested both your presence in Asvarre." Ellen said.

"And who would that be?" Fenris asked, which Lim coolly replied.

"His majesty, the King."

Both Fenris and Tigre were quite surprised upon hearing her answer. They never expected that Viktor, the King of Zhcted making such a request.

At the end of the Brune civil war, Tigre had an audience with the king since he would be staying in the kingdom for three years as part of the non-aggression treaty with Brune. The meeting was short however since Viktor only praised the archer's talents and that he has complete freedom in Zhcted.

A few days after that, Fenris then found himself having an audience with the king as well. Unsurprisingly, Viktor heard of his many exploits in Brune and want to hear it from the warrior himself.

Like their first meeting months before, Fenris spoke nothing but the truth and while he too received praise, he could tell that the king retained his caution with him.

The Dragonborn couldn't blame Viktor though since he is still technically a stranger to this world and that his powers already rival or even surpass Zhcted's own Vanadises.

"Well, what are we supposed to do at Asvarre?" Tigre asked.

"Essentially, he wants you two to serve as secret envoys." Ellen told him with a distressed look as she put her cup and crossed her arms. "What do you two know about Asvarre's situation?"

"Uh, that there's people in it." Tigre tried to answer. "And they sing, dance and hunt all day long?"

"Really now? If you don't know, then just say." Tigre was expected such a reaction from Fenris, who continue to speak. "We don't what is happening in Asvarre. Care to enlighten us?"

After putting her cup of wine on the desk, Lim then took out a piece of parchment out of the drawer she was standing in front of.

"I suppose that I've never really told you or Tigre about Asvarre, Fenris." She sighed. "I'll try to make this brief."

Both Fenris and Tigre watch her place the parchment on the desk and drew on it a simplified map. For the few minutes, the two listened carefully to Lim as she explained what was going on in Asvarre.

"Another civil war?"

Fenris muttered to himself as he processed what information that Lim just told him and Tigre.

Apparently, the previous King of Asvarre by the name of Zacharias passed away under unknown circumstances some time after the Brune civil war. Before he died, the previous king had six children and the eldest, Germaine, was to take the throne and become the next king.

Before a few days before the coronation however, Germaine called all his siblings together and under the pretext of treason, tried to have them all executed.

Upon hearing that, Fenris gritted his teeth in anger. While he knew that relatives would compete with each other for better inheritances, but to resort to killing your own blood is something he would never approve of.

Unfortunately for Germaine however, two of his siblings manage to escape with their lives. They were the second prince, Eliot and the first princess, Guinevere. While the former was able to start a revolt against his eldest sibling, the latter was rumored to remain hidden until the chaos subsided.

Regardless, all of Asvarre was split between Germaine, who hired mercenaries to bolster his forces and Eliot, who disturbingly resorted to bringing pirates under his banner.

Lim then changed the topic to Muozinel, the same kingdom that launched an invasion into Brune to take advantage of its civil war, only to be repelled by Tigre and his allies.

Since the archer had the support of Zhcted troops back then, Muozinel would no doubt want to even the score for their interference. They will likely not back down if they encounter Fenris again on the battlefield.

While it would likely be several years before a retaliatory invasion would take place, the deciding factor would be how much allies that Muozinel could gather until then. Fenris and Tigre could see that if Asvarre align itself with Zhcted, both kingdoms could consolidate their forces against Muozinel.

If Asvarre align itself with Muozinel however, Zhcted is at risk from being attacked from two fronts and be forced to divide its forces to defend itself.

As it stands, it would be in Zhcted's best interest in getting the support of Asvarre for the inevitable confrontation. At first, Zhcted was planning to support Eliot, but decided to support Germaine upon learning that the former is leaning towards Muozinel.

For Fenris however, he wasn't very trilled on the idea that he would likely have to work with the kin-slaying Germaine or the pirate-affiliated Eliot.

Even though he understood the benefits of having Asvarre as an ally against a powerful enemy, it didn't really put his mind at ease. The last thing he wanted to do was to lend his aid to someone with dark ambitions like them.

Soon enough, he then changed the subject to something that is just as important.

"Okay, so why the King chosen me and Tigre to be secret envoys to Asvarre?"

"From a certain point of view, I would say that he wants to recruit the both of you." Ellen answered, stating that Viktor was essentially giving the two honor and glory for their services.

"This is quite unusual Ellen." Fenris said. "Tigre here is a citizen from Brune and not a subject of King Viktor. As for me, I am in service to you and by extension the king himself."

With that, Ellen made her assumption on why this was the case for the both the archer and the Dragonborn. For Tigre, he gained quite a reputation for his actions and achievements in the Brune Civil War. The same goes with Fenris's own reputation, but it was likely that Viktor was giving him such a task as a sign of good will and faith in his abilities.

'It is more likely he is trying to get my favour...' Fenris thought to himself as although he would be seen as aligned with Zhcted due to his contract to Ellen, he is still essentially a mercenary and not truly in service to Viktor.

It was then Ellen opened a drawer from her desk and took out two letters, a set of rings and a tube covered with a black cloth adorned with a seal.

She explained briefly that the tube was meant for Germaine while the rings were to be proof of their identities as the King's envoys. However, she put more emphasis on the two letters; each one meant for Tigre and Fenris respectively.

Upon reading through their respective letter and, the two then had their own assumptions on why the Viktor was giving them such a task based on the wording.

Due his strong ties with both Zhcted and Brune, the king assumed that Tigre could represent both kingdoms when he conducts his business in Asvarre.

Regarding Fenris, he was already known for his silver tongue which due to his skill in Speechcraft and was invaluable for an envoy. However, he wasn't sure if his reputation actually reached the foreign kingdom yet.

Beside the letters providing detailed instructions on how to reach Asvarre, they were also written as requests and not orders. Even so, refusing a request from royalty isn't something that one would do lightly.

Ellen then went on explaining the likely reasons why both Fenris and Tigre were being requested to go to Asvarre besides getting the honor of being diplomats. Viktor may want to gauge the full extent of their abilities or put them in a situation they have no hope of escaping from.

However, those two reasons most likely apply to Tigre only and not Fenris. Virtually everyone in Brune and Zhcted heard of the Dragonborn's capabilities.

For a moment, they thought about Viktor's request carefully and the idea of supporting a tyrant of a foreign kingdom doesn't trill them. However, their decision would ultimately impact not only Asvarre, but Zhcted and Brune as well.

When Fenris asked Ellen what kind of person that Eliot was, she only could say that from rumors, the prince was almost like Germaine.

He and Tigre could tell that regardless if they went to Asvarre or not, the said kingdom would be ruled by a tyrant either way.

"Ellen, what should I..."

"Don't bother asking her or Lim to decide for you. You need to decided yourself if you want to go ont his mission.

Before Tigre could finish speaking, Fenris interrupted him with a disapproving look.

"He's right." Lim approved of Fenris's words.

"Whenever what decision you two make, I will respect it and do what I can to help." Ellen followed up.

The archer and Dragonborn were quiet as they were deciding if they should follow through with Viktor's request. While Fenris was the first to make his decision, he remained quiet as he wanted to hear Tigre's decision first.

"So, will you accept or not Tigre?" Ellen asked.

"I... I might as well go." He answered. "It could be a good opportunity to visit Asvarre."

While it was an honest answer, a part of Tigre felt that he only accepted so he doesn't place more burden on the Wind Vanadis due to Viktor's request.

"What about you Fenris?"

"I'm interested in seeing what Asvarre is like, so I'll go." He replied to Ellen. "Besides, it would be best for me to keep an eye on Tigre so he doesn't get into trouble."

With that, both the archer and the Dragonborn have agreed with Viktor's request to be his secret envoys in a kingdom they are unfamiliar with. Now that the meeting has come to an end, both Tigre and Fenris took their leave.

A few moments passed after the two left her office, Ellen made a sigh just as Lim asked her.

"Is it really alright to send those two?"

"Like we have much of a choice..."

During the meeting Ellen was prepared to help Tigre and Fenris should they refuse the request. However, she wasn't expecting them to actually agree and go to Asvarre.

As much as she doesn't want those two to leave her side, Ellen knew there was little she could do if she tried to deny Viktor's request. Both Tigre and Fenris apparently meet the King's requirements for his request and finding possible substitutes is going to be very difficult.

Even a Vanadis like herself have to obey the orders from her King, especially since she went against his wishes in getting involved in the Brune Civil War.

While Lim is more composed, she understands Ellen's concern for the two and feel the same way. Despite their previous deeds, it was going to be new challenge for Tigre and Fenris to go to an unknown kingdom as secret envoys with essentially only each other for support.

With their personal feelings aside, the two girls will nevertheless do what they can to aid Tigre and Fenris on their endeavor.

It was before the break of dawn on the next day that Tigre and Fenris left the Leitmeritz's Palace.

Due to their mission as secret envoys, only their closest friends and associates know that they were leaving. With Ellen and Lim devising a cover story to ward of suspicion, all they have to do is avoid contact with people as much as possible; especially those who know them well.

While Tigre wore his usual clothing and was bring his Black Bow and a quiver of arrows, Fenris had to wear something akin to a hardened wanderer; consisting of a pair of boots, gloves and a coat all made of light yet sturdy leather.

As for weapons, Fenris chose to bring with him a broadsword and a dagger. He was taking his katana with him as well yet it was carefully concealed via wrapping it with a leather cloth.

As a secret envoy, he couldn't bring too much attention to himself and have to avoid wearing or using things that could easily identify himself.

For that reason, he couldn't wear either his Dragonscale armor, wield his Dragonbone Greatsword or cast his spells whatsoever. With how sensitive this mission is, Fenris can't risk jeopardising it in any way.

Luckily, Lim promised him that she would keep his items safe and secured until his and Tigre's return.

'I may need to even take up a different name while I am there.'

Fenris wasn't sure if his reputation really reached Asvarre, but it was best not to compilate matters any further. If his true identity is discovered, he could very likely find himself along with Tigre trapped in a potentially hostile foreign kingdom.

Dragonborn or not, he was still one man and fending off an entire kingdom is something he didn't want to do.

For what else they could bring besides the secret letter and the rings, they only brought with them a few days worth of food and water, some money and a few other essentials.

Although Lim was insistence that they bring additional items in case there are delays in their travel, Tigre couldn't help but tease her that she was acting like their mother. Even Fenris snickered a bit when he saw how embarrassed she was. Even so, they complied and added more essentials into their luggage.

Not only that, Ellen also hastily written a letter for her fellow Vanadis and friend, Alexandra or informally Sasha.

Since they would have to pass through Legnica, Ellen felt it was best for Tigre to meet with her and receive additional guidance. Because Fenris have been to Legnica many times, he would guide him there through the safest and quickest route.

After leaving through the back gate of the palace instead of the front, the two found beside it were two saddled horses and they tied their luggage on. Each of their luggage have a small bear doll tied to each end; a courtesy of Lim as good luck charms.

"You are ready Tigre?"

Fenris asked as he got on his horse and got himself comfortable.

"I'm ready."

He replied as he too got on his horse and was about to move if not seeing a silhouette on top of palace walls. Fenris also notice it as well and feared they were spotted.

However, the two were surprised when a gust of wind blew on them from above the walls and notice a silver coin coming towards them. It was quickly caught by Fenris and saw that the words 'Good Luck' were written on one side.

After tossing the coin to Tigre for him to see, he turned towards the silhouette again and realized it was now gone.

Before long, they realized who it was and while she couldn't openly send them off, Tigre and Fenris were relieved that she was about find a discreet way to do so.

'We will be back Ellen.'

The two both shared the same thought as the two begun to ride towards Legnica with the confidence that their mission to Asvarre will go well and they will be back soon.

A few days has passed since their journey to Legnica and they almost used up their supply of food and water.

Upon reaching their destination, Tigre and Fenris left their horses at a stable and were now making their way to the Legnica's Palace where they were to meet Sasha.

"Ellen told me Sasha was suffering from a debilitating illness, but you cured her." Tigre asked his companion.

"Unfortunately, she isn't truly cured of her illness as of yet." Fenris replied. "However, she made much progress with my treatment. If it goes well, she could be finally cured in a few months. Even less."

Their discussion would have continued if not for one of the palace's servants greeted them at the entrance. Now inside, he led the two down the hallways until they were in front of a door which Fenris knew was Sasha's office.

Now that she is healthy enough to actively govern Legnica again, she was no doubt inside looking through paperwork. Soon after the servant stated that Fenris and Tigre have arrived, Sasha's voice was heard from behind the door.

"Come in."

With that, the servitor took his leave as both the archer and Dragonborn entered Sasha's office. While the layout of the room was somewhat similar to Ellen's, it was more modest in design.

Behind the desk looking through paperwork was Sasha herself, who was wearing a decorated red silk dress which too was similar to the one that Ellen wore back in her palace. Moments later, she turned her gaze to the two in front of her.

"Nice to see you again Fenris." Sasha greeted him before looking at Tigre. "I'm Alexandra Alshavin. And you are?"

"I'm Tigrevrumud Vorn. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you as well. My apologies, but I would have like to meet you sooner if not for my illness back then and my ongoing treatment."

"Don't worry about that Alexandra." Tigre replied as he shook his head. "I'm happy that Fenris is treating your illness."

"Lord Tigrevurmud, you are free to call me Sasha."

"Thank you, Sasha. Then you can call me Tigre."

Now that the two introduced each other their informal names, she then invited him and Fenris to sit down on the chairs in front of the desk.

Before discussing about the mission to Asvarre, Sasha wanted to learn more about Tigre despite already hearing about him from accounts provided by Ellen and Fenris months ago.

However, all that was from their own perspective and she wanted to hear the archer's side of those very accounts.

While Tigre explained in detail of what happened last year from his first day as Ellen's prisoner-of-war to his involvement in the Brune Civil War, he was taken back a bit when asked about his relationship with the Wind Vanadis herself.

Even so, he merely replied that she was his trusted comrade-in-arms and is willing to aid her in any way possible, which Fenris only smiled at his response. With that done, the discussion soon switched to the two's mission to Asvarre.

"Based on what I read on the letter from Ellen, she wishes for me to aid you two." Sasha said. "She said you two have to go to Asvarre. Would you please give me the full story?"

"Well it goes like this..."

Fenris soon talked about what he recalled about King Viktor's request, opinions that Ellen and Lim had on the matter and what reasons why they were chosen in the first place. Sasha didn't say a word as she processed everything that he said.

When Fenris was finished, Sasha then provided him and Tigre her own opinion on why they were being sent to Asvarre in the first place.

Although there are those who would show goodwill to Tigre and Fenris for their accomplishments like Ellen, there are also those would likely have a grudge on them as well.

For one, they were involvement in the Brune Civil War have changed the structure of power there, especially with the death of Thenardier and Ganelon.

Since many nobles in Zhcted likely established connections with those two, they without doubt suffered some kind of loss due to their deaths. However, Fenris and Tigre were not involved in Ganelon's death and it was the latter who took down Thenardier.

Sasha caught on what they were thinking though and explained to them that regardless, the change in power in Brune will result in Zhcted losing influence over the said kingdom.

Such a thing would be a form of loss to all the nobles and they would blame it on the actions of both Tigre and Fenris.

Since the two had the support of Ellen and Mila however, those who want to eliminate them will have to find more discrete ways to do it.

"But King Victor was the one who made this request?" Tigre questioned.

"Then again, maybe some officials suggested it to him..." Fenris was no stranger to the fact that leaders tend to hear the advice of their subordinates, which can do good or ill.

No doubt Sasha was correct that there are those who want to be rid of him and Tigre, which is likely why they suggested this request to Victor.

In time, their conversion begun to shift to several different subjects; from learning a bit more about Viktor's nature to Sasha providing her insight on the purpose of their trip to Asvarre. However, Sasha made one alteration to the king's instruction.

Instead of going to the port town of Prepus like stated in the instructions, she wants the two to go to another port town called Lippner. When they arrived there, Tigre and Fenris are to then find someone, Matvey of the Proud Beluga.

The latter could tell that this was a ship captain who was trusted by Sasha enough to get him and Tigre to their destination.

If Sasha was right that someone was luring the archer and Dragonborn into a trap, then going to another port town would be best.

They would avoid what trouble that could be planned for either of them in Prepus and by the time the supposed mastermind notice something was up, the two would be already in Asvarre.

While was Tigre concerned about the change since he and Fenris were to meet someone in Prepus as per the king's instruction. He assumed that the man would provide information about Germaine, which could be valuable during the negotiations.

Fenris however reassured him that it wouldn't be a problem and was supported by Sasha. Any information that man would provide could disrupt negotiations and he could be punished severely if held responsible.

The discussion was going all and well until Tigre hesitantly asked a question that surprised both the Fire Vanadis and the Dragonborn.

"By the way Sasha, what is that Proud Beluga you speak off?"

"Do you know what a beluga is?" Sasha asked a bit of concern in her voice, which Tigre only shook his head.

"Tigre, answer me honestly..." Fenris then questioned him. "Have you even seen the sea before?"

Both Fenris and Sasha were startled when Tigre shook his head again. It was apparent that the archer had never seen the sea before or anything beyond it.

For someone who is expected to do his duties as a secret envoy overseas, this was going to be a problem.

Even so, Fenris knew that the archer was already committed himself to the mission and wasn't the type to back down so easily.

While he had doubts that everything will run smoothly at Asvarre, he and Tigre will overcome what problems comes their way. Just like they did in the Brune Civil War.

"Even so, I am sure you will be alright on your mission."

While Sasha retained her usual smile and wished the archer well, she deep down wondered if everything will be alright for him. Despite that unpleasant feeling, she reassured herself that Tigre would be alright in Asvarre as long Fenris is with him.

Just as she was about change the topic, the office door was knocked on several times from the other side.

"Is your meeting finish yet, Alexandra-sama?" One of the palace's servant called for the Fire Vanadis. "I have some documents you need to look through."

Sasha made a light frown as she realized that this meeting was about to come to an end. She wanted to chat with Fenris and Tigre a little longer, but she had her own responsibilities nevertheless.

"Looks like we have to leave." Tigre rose up from his seat and gave her a friendly nod. "Thank you."

"Indeed." Fenris followed suit. "A pleasure talking with you."

"I also wish to thank you two as well." Sasha extended her hand to the two. "It been fun while it lasted."

After Fenris and Tigre shook her hand, they turned towards the office door. Just as they were about to leave, Sasha stopped them in the last second.

"Fenris, Tigre... I entrust Ellen to you two. Be her strength."

"We'll do what we can for her."

"That we can promise."

Both the Dragonborn and archer gave Sasha their respective replies with reassuring smiles. The Fire Vanadis in turn smiled back as she watched the two leave the office.

With their meeting with Sasha now concluded, Fenris and Tigre spend rest of the day moving around in the capital.

They first went to the shops to replenish their supply of food and water. Lippner was apparently almost just as far as Prepus and would still take a couple of days to reach their destination.

When that was done, the two decided to unwind by sightseeing as much as the capital as possible. Since Fenris already know much of the area due to his previous trips to Legnica, he instead being Tigre's guide.

For Tigre, it was surprising to see Fenris being a bit more carefree and talkative as he showed him various places of interest. However, it was good for him to see the Dragonborn easing off his serious aspect of his personality and enjoy himself a little.

To him, it would appear that Ellen's playful habits and his own is starting to rub off on Fenris.

At the end of the day, Sasha allowed them to spend the night within the palace. Early morning of the next day, Fenris and Tigre would give her one last goodbye before they then made their way to Lippner.

The journey was uneventful, but it suited them just fine. Before long, they arrived to their destination without any hassle.

The same can't be said when they reached Asvarre though. Once there, there will be no turning back.

Author Notes

Hello everyone. Its been a long time since I updated this story, but know that I am still alive and aim to write despite the many hassles in my life. I know that I haven't written for quite some time, so there is a good chance that the quality may have degraded. Nevertheless, I will just deal with whatever feedback I get.

Regarding feedback, I look through the reviews again and want to clarify something regarding Fenris.

I'm fully aware that not everyone how I portray of Fenris, the Dragonborn, in my story. Understand that I was quite new to writing fanfiction when I first starting this story. To me at the time, it was an interesting idea. Everyone have their own preference on how the Dragonborn should be like or act, and I don't blame them. I am already put much effort into this story, so I cannot change Fenris on a whim. To anyone who disagree with me, you are free to read something else. I am writing just for the fun of it, not for fame.

As for me updating my stories, I cannot say much. If I am not dealing with real life, I am dealing with writer's block or creative issues. There were times I had to revise a chapter several times because it didn't feel right to me. There are also times I get a new idea for a story, but didn't follow through with it. While writing something new apperently does wonders to my creativity, I am always worried that I may end up forgetting about like I have done for the rest of my stories.

I aim to continue on writing regardless, but don't expect my updates to be frequent any time soon. I hope that your lives are running smoothly and without trouble compared to mine.

Harem: Ellen, Lim, Mila, Sofy, Liza, Valentina, Olga, Sasha, Fine