Everyday was so hard. There were times when I considered taking my own life, because I just wanted all the pain and misery to end. I had been abused and hurt for so long, that I didn't know what it was like to be happy anymore.

Welcome to my life.

At twenty-one years old, I really hadn't accomplished much. I'd graduated from high school. Coming from a family that never even made it to high-school, I guess that's something to be proud of. I'd worked at a couple jobs I hated and a few I'd loved, and even got a big promotion. But I was forced to quit due to the other males working there. God forbid I'm even in their presence. When I look at them and get caught, that's when my day really gets sour.

How do I even function as a normal human being anymore?

Can anyone tell me?

I sat in his room, like a prisoner. These four white walls were my home. Or my hell. They had been for the last six months since I'd moved in with Adrian.

I heard the creaking of the hallway, and my body instantly flooded with dread.

He was home from work.

God had it really been eight hours already? Here we go again, I thought. Round 1. My body was still sore and bruised from last night, and I was mentally shut down. But there was no escaping him, there was only enduring him.

"Hi, my Rose," he said sweetly, genuinely pleased to see me. "I missed you so much."

This was Adrian. The man that I had fallen in love with. The man I was riding for. This is the person he'd been when he'd first met me. Like luring a mouse into a trap with a piece of cheese, I'd fallen hard for that mask. Too bad this Adrian was temporary until he lost his patience with me.

I'd always joked with him that he had an evil twin.

Adrian gave me a kiss, and I cringed. Not only because he'd bumped my sore cut from last night, but because I was appalled and scared of him. I hated kissing a man I loved but hated so fucking much.

He noticed that and instantly got irritated. "What, you don't like kissing your own man?"

My stomach tightened and I instantly said, "I'm sorry." I lowered my head.

"Is that makeup you're wearing?" he grabbed my face.

"I was bored, I was trying to pass the time waiting for you to get home," I explained. "I never went out anywhere today. I swear."

"Bull-fucking-shit." He hissed through gritted teeth, squeezing tighter, cutting my neck with his nails, "You trying to get attention?"

"No," I gasped, trying to breathe through his unbreakable grip. The tears began to fall and I was crippled with fear and dread, just knowing the worst was coming next.

"You were out looking for another fucking man today, you fucking whore." Adrian gathered saliva in his mouth, and spit on me. "Always trying to get attention."

"I promise, my love. I would never do that to you. I-"

An arm and fist flashed so quickly I didn't have time to react.


Everything went black.

I woke up in a bathtub. Everything was warm and wonderful and I heard running water. I loved that sound. It calmed me. It smelled clean, like soap. Some type of earthy scent.

And then I turned my head, and needles went shooting through my skull.

"Ugh." I groaned in pain, my neck stiff.

"Shhh, my Rose," That familiar voice echoed. "I'm here. I'm gonna take care of you."

I closed my eyes and wished I could go back to the darkness, letting the tears fall. My heart felt like a heavy knot in my chest. I silently cursed God, asking him how he could give this life to me. I never had it easy or fair, and I could never catch a break. This wasn't how my destiny was supposed to turn out. But I was stuck, and I saw no light at the end of the tunnel.

Then the glint of the razor caught my eye, and I held my breath.