
"I would sleep better on your floor than I would ever in my bed, and if your carpet makes my face itch it'd still be heaven in my head" –Jim Bogart, The Front Bottoms.

Chapter X: Death's Prerogative.

Sunny sat at her window seat, gazing out in to the treeline. Downstairs, she could hear Bonnie and Clark in the kitchen, and a brief sense of normalcy settled her ragged heart. She let her forehead fall against the window pane and let out a deep sigh, running the events that had transpired the day before play like a cinematic in her mind. It seemed to be the only thing that drowned out the deafening voices anymore; had they always been this bad?

She wanted for that creature that had sent Paul into a panic to come back. She wanted to ask it why; why it had chosen to disturb her peace. She usually didn't get backlash from any otherworldly creatures, mostly because she was Death and most feared her. It was strange to think that one of them had the gall – it gave her a feeling of disorder. Something was off in her universe and it was beginning to burn a hole through the fabric of her tedious life.

"Sun, do you want to come down and eat some dinner?"


She didn't need to see Bonnie to know that there was a scathing expression on her face. The woman closed the door and stomped down the hallway, and she closed her eyes as she heard the thunderous steps down the stairs. Humans were so trivial; Sunny felt a million miles away from Bonnie and Clark, unable to muster the hint of human in herself to force herself downstairs. She had spent all of that on Paul, and she felt as if she still was. The sadness clung to her like a sickness in the cold of winter.

Sunny found herself missing him – she found herself wondering how long ago she had seen him, and then wondering why it felt so long ago. He had been her peace; a quiet voice in a universe of shrieks. Before Paul she had focused on existing on a day to day basis. She had been living on a cloud, albeit a gloomy one, before him. That cloud had dissipated and she had fallen much like Lucifer fell from Heaven.

An uneasy feeling settled over her and a shiver rattled her spine. She attributed this to the chilling way Paul had looked at her the day before; his eyes were piercing. She kept thinking of him, his silver fur and harsh, animalistic stare and then thinking of his copper skin and his soft touch against her skin, and the way he spoke. Something warm and wet rolled down her face as a hand grasped her shoulder.

Sunny did not have time to look back; she slumped against the wall as she was engulfed in black.

Paul once again was lying on Sam's couch and staring up at the ceiling. The popcorns felt like a familiar friend; he greeted them with a number, doing his best to keep his mind from the previous day. Sam was livid with him – wouldn't let Paul step foot out of his house either. It had been a miserable day so far; a miserable day that wouldn't ever end. Even after Jacob had run him down yesterday, he could not close his eyes.

Sleep had left him once again, but he figured it was a fair pay for leaving Sunny.

His counting slowed and a long sigh left his lungs. He had to remind himself that she was Death and that she was most often unfeeling. The time he had spent with her had led him to believe that perhaps she was unperturbed by the outside world; she seemed carefree around him. He knew differently, of course. She suffered at the expense of her human emotions, and while she had never said that directly to him he could make out the disgust on her face when she felt something.

Paul was no stranger to disgust; he received disgusted looks from all of La Push and most of the Pack. However, it was different with Sunny. She never looked at him like that – every time those hazel eyes would turn on to him, the universe would settle like a boat leaving a storm. He felt peace with her; peace, and a certain closeness that he could not explain. He shared a mind with tons of others like him but none of them reached through him like Death.


Sam's voice still burned with anger and Paul looked to him with a placid expression.

"You need to tell me where you went."

Sam crossed the room till he was standing in the middle of it, the top of his head about an inch away from the ceiling fan. Paul stared at him, contemplating whether or not it was something worth telling his alpha. He must've spent a little too long doing this, because Sam let out an impatient growl and said, "That wasn't a question. It was an order. Tell me where you went."

Did he think Paul was all alone on his week long journey? After a moment of thought, he supposed his alpha probably did. It was unlike Paul to want to be around anyone and everyone knew so. The wolf pondered his words a little more before he decided to say something.

"I went on a vacation."

That answer didn't please Sam at all. The alpha's baritone voice cut through Paul like a knife. "You will tell me where you went. You are not a child, Paul – you play too many games."

Paul was forced to sit up and face him full on. He dug his fingers into the cushion of the couch, feeling the command take over his body with a deep ache in his chest. "Olympia. I went to – I fucking went to Olympia to find her." A shudder shook Paul's shoulders as his wolf began to rise to the surface again. His skin prickled and his limbs were on fire.

"To find who?"

Through all of this, Paul smirked. "Death."

A/n: It feels like a miracle that I somehow updated this soon. Please review, as always, and maybe expect another chapter soon? I seem to be on a roll.