It was a typical day at the world meeting. England was trying to strangle France, China was arguing with Japan about copy right, Italy was screaming random names of U.S presidents, Romano was colorfully swearing at Spain, and America and Russia were arguing about nothing in particular. Suddenly, they heard the Star Spangle Banner playing. America pulled out his phone, and frowned.

"What up boss man?" He said cheerfully. He was silent for a moment, and then all the color left his face. "Shit, you weren't supposed to see that." He said in alarm. The other nations looked up, interested to see the usually relaxed nation looking very stressed. "Um, I got to go, bye." America quickly looked over at Russia, with a look of fear on his face.

"What is it comrade?" Russia asked frowning.

"Dude, my boss found out about you-know-what." America said urgently.

"дерьмо." Russia said his eyes going wide. "What do we do?"

"Run away and hide. I don't feel like getting chewed out by my boss or yours." America said nervously as he started to pace the room.

"Da. Siberia sounds like a good place to hide." Russia said gathering up his stuff hurriedly.

"What have you two done now?" England asked in alarm. "Have you set of nuclear warheads or something?"

"No time to explain." America said running towards the door with Russia right behind him. Before they even got the doors, they slammed open to show Americas and Russia's bosses walk in. Both of them looked pissed.

"Crap." America said halting in his tracks.

"It was nice knowing you, comrade." Russia said sadly.

"America, did I not tell you to cancel project the project to blow up the moon?" The president asked sternly.

"I also thought I told you to cancel the project Russia." Russia's boss said harshly.

"Um, well…" America said rubbing the back of his neck.


"I thought that was supposed to be a secret, sir." Russia said nervously as he glanced at the nations behind him.

"I wasn't actually going to blow it up this time." America said uneasily. "I was just doing a study on what could happen if I did."

"THIS TIME? WHAT DO YOU MEAN THIS TIME?" England sputtered angrily.

America and Russia glanced at each other, nodded, and started running towards the doors on the opposite side of the room. However, they were both stopped by the nations who were blocking the door, with looks of murder on their faces.

"Where do you think you're going?" Germany asked crossly. "I think you need to explain yourselves."

"We're going to die, aren't we?" America asked Russia with a sigh.

"Da." Russia said sadly. "And we didn't even blow up the moon."

"Shame." America agreed.

A/N: So this really did happen. The U.S called it project A119 and Russia called it project E-4. To look up more info, here is a link. wiki/Project_A119