A wonderful sibling Lalu thing for your reading pleasure.

Standard disclaimer: I own nothing besides the 10000% fictitious plot


The guild members present turned their heads as the doors of the hall were kicked open and a fuming Lucy Heartfilia stalked through. There was a long moment of silence throughout the hall as the young woman stood with her hands on her hips, searching for the lightning Dragon Slayer.

"Luce," Natsu stumbled towards her, snickering. "What's up... with your hair?" He doubled over, holding his middle as he howled in laughter.

Ignoring his question Lucy kicked him across the chest, sending him flying into Gray; the two men collapsed onto the floor, both laughing uncontrollably.

The guild broke out in muffled snickering when they took a good look at the blonde, specifically the state of her hair. Lucy's long blonde strands stood on end, forming a golden cloud of hair around her head. They noticed that she avoided touching anything with her hands.

A deep, rumbling sound was hear from the corner of the hall. Gajeel sat his usual table with his usual bits of metal strewn about the tabletop; Laxus was sitting beside him with a tankard of beer, smirking.

Lucy's furious gazed zeroed in on the Dragon Slayers' table and she stomped forward, kicking objects and people out of her path. She stopped in front of the two, arms crossed over her chest, glaring.

"What's so funny, Gajeel?" She asked sweetly despite her demeanor.

"That look suits you, gihi," he snickered. "You look like the tail on your bunny suit." Next to him, Laxus chortled into his beer.

Momentarily forgetting about her situation, Lucy made the mistake of trying to punch Gajeel's arm. Unfortunately for her Gajeel was practically made of metal. She felt the shock when her fist met one of the metal studs in his arm, followed by a loud crack and a spark.

"Ouch!" Lucy pulled her hand away and studied it; there was a small mark on her knuckle from the shock. Around her the guild burst into rambunctious and obnoxiously loud laughter. Laxus sputtered in the middle of taking a drink, stuck between laughing and coughing.

"Lucy what was that?!" Cana slurred drunkenly, her laughter riddled with hiccups.

Lucy whirled around, her face darkened in anger. She glowered at each guild member with a ferocity that rivaled Erza's. The guild quieted abruptly; Lucy might not be as strong as Erza, but she could sometimes be scarier. Though there were still some muffled chuckles, primarily coming from Gray and Natsu.

"Yeah Blondie, what was that?" Laxus asked innocently, although he was grinning mischievously.

Giving the guild one last glare, Lucy turned back to the two Dragon Slayers seated before her. She ignored Gajeel in favor of staring down the older blond next to him. Lucy flattened her palms on the tabletop, ignoring the small shock from the contact, and slowly leaned forward, stopping when her face was a foot away from his. "You know exactly what that was, you overgrown light socket," she snarled.

Laxus feigned confusion, stroking his chin thoughtfully. "Hmm... Nope, I don't remember doing anything to you. I have absolutely no idea what could have caused that."

Lucy narrowed her eyes suspiciously.

Lucy stretched and sat up on the edge of the bed. She looked around at the boxes stacked in each corner of the room and piles of clothes strewn about haphazardly. It had only been about a week since she moved in with her brother and she had been busy controlling her team's reactions to finish unpacking her things.

Yawning she stood up and started towards the bathroom, looking forward to a hot shower without her partner barging in. She tripped on the corner of a box, arms flailing to keep her balance. Once she had regained her balance, she huffed and pushed the box out of the way forcefully.

"I am definitely going to finish unpacking today," she muttered, continuing into the bathroom. She didn't hear the shuffling in her bedroom over the running water and her singing.

Laxus cracked the door enough to peer into the room, making sure it was empty. He could hear the shower running and the sound of Lucy's voice singing over it. All clear, Laxus crept into the room as quietly as possible and maneuvered his way around the piles of boxes towards the closet.

"May I ask what you're doing?"

Laxus froze and slowly turned his head towards the voice. He knew that it couldn't be Lucy; the shower was still running. With a blank expression he turned and faced the spirit; it was Virgo. He relaxed.

"Nothing much," he shrugged. "What're you doing?"

"I came to help Princess unpack while she is in the bath," Virgo explained, her face as blank as always. The chains hanging from her wrists jingled as she vaguely gestured to the boxes.

"About time, it's been a maze in here for weeks," Laxus huffed. The room fell silent, save for the sounds of running water and singing. Feeling awkward, Laxus began to edge his way to the door.

"You may continue what you were doing," Virgo said without looking up from the box she was opening. Laxus stared at the spirit. "I won't tell the Princess anything unless she asks."

Laxus stared at the spirit in disbelief; Virgo continued unpacking as if she had never said anything. 'Might as well,' he thought. 'I'll be long gone by the time Blondie finishes anyway.' Glancing at the bathroom door, Laxus quickly walked towards Lucy's closet; Virgo was silent the entire time.

Thirty minutes later Lucy finally turned off the water and stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around herself. She wiped the condensation from the mirror and used another towel to dry her hair; she put on her make-up and brushed her teeth before exiting.

When she stepped into the bedroom she was surprised to see no boxes in sight, no clothes strewn about the room.

"Virgo." Lucy nodded, reminding herself to thank the spirit later. Braiding her hair to the side, she wandered to the closet and opened the doors; she stood for a few minutes deciding what to wear. Deciding on a brown long-sleeved shirt, she reached for the garment only to be shocked.

"Ouch!" Lucy snatched her hand back, studying it and the garment. 'Static electricity?' Shrugging she reached for it again and was shocked again. "Okay now that's weird..."

Eyeing the rest of the clothes in the closet, she saw nothing out of place. Suspicious, she slowly reached for a different shirt; it shocked her as well.

"I have a feeling..." Mumbling under her breath she turned and opened a drawer of her dresser. She wasn't surprised when she was shocked yet again after touching a pair of shorts. Lucy sighed and grabbed her keys, summoning her faithful maid spirit.

"Punishment, Princess?" Virgo popped up beside her, chains jangling.

"No Virgo, no punishment," Lucy sighed again. "I have a question though: what happened to my clothes?"

Virgo tilted her head. "What do you mean?"

"I mean that I can't touch my clothes without being shocked." Lucy touched the clothes in the drawer, raising her eyebrows at the spirit when she was shocked. "See?"

Virgo blinked impassively. "I do not know what happened to your clothes, Princess, but I can tell you that Laxus was in here while you were showering."

"Laxus was in here?" Virgo nodded. Lucy narrowed her eyes and rushed to get dressed, heedless of the static. "Thank you Virgo, you can go back."

Virgo bowed before disappearing back into the Spirit World.

Lucy cursed as she stormed through the house, nearly everything she touched shocking her. "That overgrown light socket is in for a world of hurt when I get ahold of him."

As she stomped her way to the guild, she began making plans for payback.

"The only person in the entire guild that uses any type of electric magic is you!" Lucy threw her hands in the air, exasperated. "And there was nobody in our house today that could have done it except for you."

"I don't know Blondie, it's pretty rude to just accuse me of something when you don't even have solid evidence." Laxus shrugged flippantly; he struggled to keep a straight face. Beside him Gajeel was still snickering.

"You're just going to avoid every question, aren't you?" Lucy guessed. Laxus grinned innocently. Sighing, Lucy rubbed the bridge of her nose. "Fine, I'll get it out of you another way."

She walked around the table and leaned down close to Laxus' ear.

"Revenge is a dish best served cold," she warned. "And I did have the best teacher, big brother." Lucy pecked his cheek before straightening and walking away. As she passed behind Gajeel she kicked his shin and muttered, "Asshole."

Lucy made her away to the guild entrance, weaving around passed out and fallen from the fight members. As she walked a few members still chuckled at her expense; Gray and Natsu even paused their fight for a split second to watch her leave. When she reached the doors she pushed them open with her foot and gave the guild one last glare before waltzing out of the building.

"Laxus should know by now that I like to get even," she mumbled. She walked in silence for a few minutes as she wondered how she was going to retaliate. A mischievous grin pulled at her lips as she came up with a possible plan, and another victim. "I'll have to talk to Juvia later. Gajeel has probably done plenty of things to her, I'm sure she'll agree with me."

Now armed with a plan, Lucy meandered through the town back towards her house. Before any sort of payback happened, she needed to figure out how to get Laxus' electricity out of her clothes.

Kind of an abrupt ending, but there will be another chapter later on. Eventually, I would like to turn this into a collection of sibling AU things, but we'll see.

Please feel free to tell me what you think! I accept any form of response except for pointless hate (basically if you don't like it, please tell me why and don't be a jerk about it). And I'm always looking for new things/pairings to write so hmu if there's something you want to see from me! There's like three ways to contact me so there's no excuses.

With love,

Lau ( ˘ ³˘)


Coming to an electronic device near you:

From Steps to Leaps ch. 4 [in progress]

Cuddle Time [tentative title, Ayahina/Touken(saki), in progress]

To Heal the Heart ch. 5 [in progress]