Power Rangers: Hexagon
Disclaimer: Power Rangers is owned by Saban Brands.
Hey readers. So here I am with yet another ambitious project to run on. It's basically a story that is based on an idea that came from a writer on the Wild Force series which he was unable to initiate due to the Saban-Disney transaction of the franchise. There are amny fanfics that came afterwards about the proposed season and this story will be one of them. So, for now, I hope you like this prologue I made to start off the day. Be sure to read & review, and I will catch you in the first chapter coming soon. See ya!
The planet Earth has been saved. It had been spared from the terror that was the evil Armada. It was all thanks to a very special force of good and justice.
For many times over, the world had been threatened by countless forms of evil, with goals varying, from conquering it to even destroying it. But there was only one way to stop each and every one of them.
There were teams of chosen individuals with attitude, selected by some of the wisest beings, to wield new awesome powers, powerful weapons and mighty robots called Megazords. Together, as one, each team of these heroes worked together to defeat their respective foes.
And when the Armada came in far superior numbers, the many teams eventually came as one, to form the biggest and most powerful combination of heroes anyone has ever seen. With the help of five teenagers with attitude, they clashed head on against the might of the Armada and the X-Borg army under the maleficent Emperor Mavro. Eventually, after much of fighting, the heroes got the upper hand and destroyed the Armada, taking Mavro with them. It was the Legendary Battle and the victorious legends that emerged were like no other. They were the greatest hope for the Earth. They were…
…the Power Rangers.
(A/N I will make the abbreviation of the Legendary Battle as ALB as in After Legendary Battle)
November 24th, 2015,
1 ALB,
Silver Guardian HQ,
New York City,
The bright afternoon shone over the busy city of New York, bustling with countless cars and other automobiles. And among the traffic jam, a lone black car just made a turn, free from the endless line of cars crowding the road. From there, it was smooth sailing as the car drove through the road without much difficulty.
Inside the car, at the driver's seat, was a man, barely at his mid-30's. He was wearing a red beret and a pair of shades. He was also sporting a thick, black military-grade uniform with long sleeves and several pockets on a darker vest over it. He was alone in the car; the passenger seat next to him had a silver briefcase with a logo that had the initials of 'GGD' on it.
The black car drove through outside the urban area and to a coastal area where a harbour was. In front of the car, there was a tall building, almost sixty-feet-tall. Outside the building, there was a flight of steps ascending towards the structure, where a group of similarly dressed men were standing in two lines, while one man stood in front of them. At both sides of them, there were also two lines of 21 different flags; each with a different insignia on them.
The car drove on the driveway in front of the audience. The man furthest ti the front waited for the car to make a stop, having his hands behind his back. The car soon made a complete stop in front of them. The driver then exited the vehicle and walked towards the men. He approached the other man and stood there. A smile formed on their faces, followed by a handshake and a friendly pat on the shoulder of the latter. The rest of the men behind remained standing at attention, motionless. The two men seemed to have shared a strong friendship, one that would eventually allow them to become exceptional partners in this orderly fashion.
"So, how was your day?" asked the first man. The other took of his glasses, closed the temple parts together and hooked them into his pocket so that the shades stick out.
"Well, you know, the usual traffic." he replied. "I came here as soon as I could, Eric." His voice changed from a friendly matter to a formal one, as if he was in the military.
"Do you have the package, Wes?" asked Eric. Wes nodded before he headed back to the car and opened the passenger door to take out the silver briefcase. Closing the door behind him, he walked back to Eric, pleasing the latter with a grin. Wes then handed Eric the briefcase. "Good. Let's head on in." He moved his head, motioning for Wes to follow him into the building. They, followed by the other men, all grouped up together and walked up the steps towards the building.
"So, what do you think the boss has got for us this time?" asked Wes.
"You mean your dad, or that boss?" Eric replied with another question.
"You know who I mean." Eric gave a quiet snicker at the answer.
"Yeah, he is waiting inside. We shouldn't keep him waiting. Whatever's inside that case, it must be real important."
"It has been a year since we defeated the Armada. I don't really see why we should hide… whatever this stuff is."
"All the more important." Once they got inside through the doors, they walked on, passing through different types of people; some who were similarly dressed like them while there were others who wore black office suits and ties. The interior was a wide hallway like that of an ordinary office building. As they walked on, they approached a set of elevators. The anonymous men following them were soon told to be at ease by Eric while he and Wes walked into one of the lifts. Inside, the panel displayed a total of 60 plus buttons. There was also an extra panel with a small blinking red light. Wes then pulled out a key card and swiped it at the panel. Afterwards, the elevator soon began the descent downwards.
It took almost three minutes to journey to wherever the two men were going. Once those three minutes were up, the men could feel the force of the elevator slowly grinding to a stop. Next, the elevator suddenly shook and the doors finally opened.
They exited the elevator and walked along a long catwalk. They were in a very spacious room that looked like a hangar bay where below the catwalk, there was a large red sailship-like vessel, with anchors tied to the sides of the ship. It had cannons mounted across the sides and three large metal flaps that look like large sails. At the front it had a large gold and silver horn sticking out like a crest. Furthermore at the back, there were four protruding jet engines. All around the ship, mechanical arms swayed here and there, with torches fixing the ship while people down below constantly manned the arms. At one of the "sails", a symbol that resembles a "skull and cross" like those found on a pirate ship.
Wes and Eric continued stepping across the catwalk, while work was being carried out down below. They soon approached a doorway. Stepping right outside, the doors opened automatically. They walked through a set of hallways, passing through more people. Finally after a minute of walking, they reached a certain pair of sliding doors that opened upon their arrival.
They walked inside what looked like a very dark room, with almost nothing in sight. Nothing, except a dim light in front of them. The doors closed and, in an instant, the room lit up, illuminating all darkness.
The room was something like a rich man's room, with a long desk and a wheeled chair. There was also a portrait of a mystical-looking head with no hair and an illuminating effect behind it. Most importantly, behind the desk, there stood a man, standing firmly with his hands behind his back. He was watching the portrait in front of him while Wes and Eric awaited at the desk, putting the briefcase down on it. The man in front of them took a brief few seconds before he finally noticed the presence of the two officers.
"So…" he began, with a charismatic tone of voice. "You brought the files?"
"Yeah we did. So that's what inside this case?" asked Wes. The man turned around while Wes and Eric stood at attention. He then gave a small chuckle.
"You don't have to be so formal. We've known each other for a long while."
"It's out of habit." said Eric with a grin, "Get used to it." Wes gave Eric a slight nudge to the arm in response.
"Okay, maybe a little too informal there."
"Anyways, yes, these are files that contain enough information that, should it fall into the wrong hands, it could spell disaster to the world." The man opened up the case, revealing the stack of paper sheets kept in a folder. He took the folder and took out the papers. He then examined them one by one. On those files, there were the pictures of several coloured suits and the portraits of certain people, one for each coloured suit and helmet. Some of them have a symbol, symbols that match the ones on the flags outside the building.
After viewing most of the files, he placed the files back into the folder before looking up at the two men. His face had a very strong expression with spiky hair and a small beard. Around his neck, there was a medallion with a shield-like crest on it. He smiled at the face of the two officers and crossed his arms.
"So, you sure they are ready for this? And are you sure that something far worse than the Armada is coming?" The man looked towards a corkboard. It had maps, symbols and portraits. Up at the top middle, there stuck five larger pictures. Those were pictures of five teenage kids and each photo had a different colour; red, blue, black, yellow and pink. The red one had a man with gelled hair, a dark brown jacket over a red shirt. The blue one had a kid with glasses, curly hair and a blue shirt. The black one showed a kid with a big nose and a short-sleeved black shirt. Next, the yellow photo showed a girl with long blonde hair, a black jacket and a yellow shirt underneath. Finally, the pink picture had a girl with the same hairstyle, but it was coloured black instead and she had a blue denim jacket over a white shirt.
The mysterious man turned back at his company with a confident smile.
"I'm sure. So says Tommy Oliver."
Meanwhile, up above the planet and into the stars, all is quiet as asteroids drifted along in one huge field. But then, out of the blue…
An asteroid soon exploded into a million pieces by a laser blast from nowhere. That was when a huge vessel appeared from where it came from. It had two frontal cannons and four large engines at the back, as well as two horse-like statues on it. Its cannons fired again, destroying more asteroids in its path. Behind it was a sight a little more unsettling. Amongst the dust caused by destroyed asteroids, more ships of its kind hovered behind, doing the same as the first ship. To make things more frightening, there was a larger ship right below them. It was almost the same as the other ships, except for a few differences. It had a large and sharp dorsal fin and extra missile pods on each side of the ship.
Inside the ship's command deck just on top of it, there were multiple control consoles, each one manned by a weird-looking goon with a cylindrical metal head and metallic shoulder armour. Also, at the back, a tall throne stood atop a podium of stairs. On the throne, there was an alien figure, fiddling its fingers on the sides of the throne. It had a feminine figure wearing an elegant, aristocratic dress and tentacles shaped like a fancy hat on her head. Her face was pale but beautiful, only to have her left side of it covered by a sort of body deformity (A/N~ This being is based on Madame Noir from ToQger). Her shoulders were pointed out on the sides and she had a long draping cape. The alien continued to watch as her ship blasted asteroids on the way to wherever it was going. She raised her head and let out a small dark chuckle.
"Full speed ahead, my minions!" the alien ordered her subjects around her. "Those foolish Power Rangers will pay for what they did to our most powerful armada of the Empire. And more importantly…" She then clenched tightly and flung it to the side.
"They will pay for what they did to my beloved husband! They will submit to the rule of the Mavro Empire. I, Empress Verinora, swear it! AHAHAHAHAHA!" She yelled out, promising herself that her fallen husband, Emperor Mavro, would be avenged. The fleet of ships accelerated on towards their next destination. The destination of where she will have her revenge. The location…
… was Earth.
The Empire is fast coming. Can Tommy Oliver find a way to stop this pending threat before it's too late? Find out, when the first chapter of Power Rangers Hexagon kicks off!
Update (15/10/15): If anyone notices, I have changed the appearance of Empress Verinora from my own depiction to an existing villain from Super Sentai. This was because I really wanted to use Madame Noir's design into my story.