Name: A Love from Long Ago.

Chapter 1: After So Long.

Author: Kanjooteki Mikomi aka Alyssa

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha, or it's characters, story, the Shikon no Tama, anything as of now. Everything belongs to my hero, Takahashi-sama.

Story Descrption: Sesshomaru tells Rin he loves her, but when they are torn apart, she is left with the promise he will return. What will happen as she waits for the demon she loves?

Author Notes:

Reviews: Thank you all for the Reviews!! Happy little Rin-chan- n.n I'm glad you liked it! Just an idea that popped up into my head. .; Weird since I thought of it while watching a music video dedicated to Sessy-sama and Rin.. xD not Kohaku and Rin. Soju- Trust me! Me too, but I wanted to try something different. I like pretty much all couplings, Sessy/Rin, Sessy/Kagura, Sango/Miroku, Rin/Kohaku, and of course, my all time favorite, Inu/Kagome. And if you notice, there aren't many Rin and Kohaku fics out there. But. this is just something to change my couplings, all my other InuYasha stories are Inu/Kagome fics.. ;P Alyssa- xD Your name is Alyssa. That makes you. A god. n.n; Well, you have no reason to freak out any more though. :D I am a spoiled only child, so of course I dun have a little sister, I do have two cats, but no dogs, a mom, but no dad, stupid fawker. .; Ahem, and uhm, anywho, I live in a two story house. Similar, but not exact.. Lol.. Funny we got the same idea for a fic too, no? Obviously Alyssa's think alike, no? xD Well, I'm glad you like it and I hope you keep reading and posting, since you dun have an email, this is my only way to keep in touch with my fellow Alyssa, you know?

Alright! On with the story! ^.^


Rin walked through the village; vegetables filled her arms as she walked. She smiled at a few little kids that ran by her waving, and looked ahead toward her hut. She walked into her home, and set all the food down on a small table, wiping some sweat from her forehead, the hot day in the field had gotten to her a little, she had to work for her food now, she was no longer a child.

"Rin-chan!" she heard a small voice cry out her name outside.

She blinked a little, and walked to the entrance of her home, lifting the mat that blocked the doorway to see a littler girl, maybe six, a smile quickly took over her lips, and she completely left the house, picking up the child into a warm hug. "Hikaia. How are you doing?"

The little girl gave Rin a goofy smile that most little kids gave,"I's am good! And what about you?"

Rin giggled,"I'm good. Anything you really wanted to come by to see me about?"

"Hai! Oka-san sent me."

Rin blinked,"What did your oka-san need?"

"Oka-san is sick."

"Sick? What's wrong with her?" Rin asked, curiosity and concern ringing in her voice.

Hikaia shrugged a little.

"Where is your otou-san?"

"He went out to do his job."

"In another town, ne? .. Must be hard for your oka-san, him being a monk and all. Eh, ok. let's go check up on your mom." she said, smiling at the girl, and began walking through the village with her at her hip.

"I miss otou-san." the little girl said, nuzzling her head on her shoulder.

". I know how you feel.. When I was a little older then I lost my family. I was lonely. Your otou-san will be home soon. Don't worry."

"Hai Rin-chan." Hikaia giggled.

Rin entered the hut, only to see the woman's back, and long black strands of hair cascading the ground.

".. Are you sleeping?" she asked.

The woman weakly turned over to her other side, facing Rin, and she gave her a small smile, as she always managed to. "..No.."

Rin smiled,"Sick, ne?"

She gave a small nod,"It's nothing serious. Eh, do you mind playing with Hikaia? I can't and she won't settle down."

Rin nodded,"Of course!"


"No problem. Just get some sleep." Rin smiled, and exited the hut, setting the little girl down on the ground.

Rin played with the child for what seemed like days, but she had fun, so it didn't matter to her.

Rin looked up to the setting sun in the sky and back down at the girl,". You should get back in soon."

She only giggled, grinning up at her.

"Alright.. After this game I guess." she giggled.

They ran around, playing their game of tag, for a little kid, the girl was really fast, though Rin could have easily caught up to her, she pretended to have trouble to please the child.

She quickly came to a hault when Hikaia stopped dead in her tracks right in front of her, and looked to what the she was looking at. In the distance, down the long dirt path a man came walking, obviously a demon hunter by the clothing he wore, she looked to his face, so familiar it was, but she couldn't quite place it, not from this distance at least.

The little girls face lit up as he neared, and she ran toward the man, squealing a small,"Oji-san!"

The boy grabbed the girl as she ran toward him, pulling her into a hug, chuckling a little as she tightly hugged him back, and continued to walk on.

Her mouth dropped open as he neared, disbelief filled her eyes, as it hit her who the man was,".K-Kohaku!?"

The boy looked at her blinking,". Rin-chan?"

Rin's face lit up, joy and happiness filled those chocolate orbs,"It is you! Kohaku!"

He smiled over at her,"It's been a long time, hasn."

Before he could finish his sentence, he had the girl hugging him tightly, arms wrapped around him, he kept a tight grip on the child so he didn't drop her, and let one arm wrap around Rin, smiling warmly down at her,".I'm glad that we are getting to meet again, Rin-chan."

She quickly pulled away from the hug, blushing slightly,"Gomen ne! . Hai! . It's been so long, a few years."

He chuckled a little,". Eh, is my nee-san home?"

She blinked, and said as it dawned on her,"Nee-san? Ojo-san? Oh yeah! That makes you Sango-chan's brother.."

He chuckled once more and nodded.

"Hai. but she is ill. Nothing too big.She claims." she smiled over at Kohaku, turning away, and heading into the hut, Kohaku followed still holding his niece.

".Sango-chan. Your brother is here."

Sango slowly sat up, looking at the boy, and smiled,"Ah! Konbanwa Kohaku- otooto-san.!"


Rin sat in her hut, a grin plastered on her lips, as she poured water onto the burning fire, the room instantly black, rays from the moon her only source of light.

".Kohaku.. How long has it been?" she muttered, talking to herself as she knelt down by her sleeping mat, pulling the covers down, before she got in under the warm sheets. She stared up at the ceiling, so happy, she couldn't stop smiling.

"It's been too long if you ask me. Finally, a familiar face.. I've been alone here for seven months, no sign of Sesshomaru-sama."

Kohaku. Sesshomaru-sama.


Rin sat out the next evening by the lake away from the city, watching the sun set, the water sparkling the reflection of the sun up at her, a satisfied smile was on her lips as she watched.

"She said I would find you out here." a voice rang in her ear.

She quickly looked up at Kohaku as he neared, and soon, sat next to her, smiling over at her.

She returned the smile, and silence fell over them, as the both watched the setting sun.

"What have you been up to Rin?" Kohaku broke the silence after a while.

". Nothing.. I've been living here in this village for seven months, since my.. Traveling companion has left me here for now."

"Traveling companion eh?" he chuckled.

She nodded. "How about yourself?"

He had a proud smile on his lips,". I have become a Demon Exterminator like everyone before in my family has done. Onee-san and I plan on keeping our fathers tradition going. Hikaia is going to be our next, Sango-chan has already started training her."

Rin smiled,"That's sweet. Sango-chan told me about your father and the other exterminators a while back. I lost my family too, I think it's great your keeping the tradition up."

More silence swept over them, until she began to talk, only for it to end up being her rambling on. ". Are you hungry? I could go and make us food, and we could eat something, I've become a very good chief, and I have everything we need for a nice meal.. Haveoyu eaten yet? . Hey! What's so funny?"

He was laughing alittle, and shook his head,"Oh, it's nothing, it's just. You're still the same. You still talk to much, like you did as a child, and you still seem to only talk about food."

She giggled a little,"Ah, maybe you're right. I do talk a lot. but I can' help it!"

"Always so cheerful."

She blinked a little.

He smiled over at her,"One think I like about you. You were cheerful."

She giggled.

"You aren't the same though.. You have matured a lot, both, mind and body."

She looked down at her chest, and of course instantly got the wrong idea, she got to her feet glaring down at him,"N-nani!?"

He looked up at her and blinked,".What's wrong??"

"You were looking at my body weren't you!?"

"No. Not. Not like that!" he stuttered blushing a little as he stared up at her.

She gave him a suspicious glare, and returned to his side.

He chuckled a little, and leaned in closer to her,"You're cute, you know that?"

She blinked, a blush claiming her cheeks,"A-arigato."

He leaned in a little to closer,".. I have always like you Rin. You were always an adorable little girl."

She giggled a little, blushing slightly,". And you say I talk a lot.?"

He chuckled, leaning in even closer,"You do. Let me silence you, and myself."

And with those words, he leaned in, his eyes closing, and locked lips with her in a small kiss.


Ending notes: Feel the love! XD Chapter is over. n.n Next chapter I will hopefully get up and going soon! ;P . Heh, I got in the mood to write.. o.o; This is a good six pages. And I wrote the whole thing in like, half an hour. xD But yeah. Review, okies!? I love you all. ;-; And dun kill me if you dun like Rin and Kohaku as a couple. n.n I think they are cute together. ^.~ And remember there is a bit a Sesshomaru and Rin coupling here.. ^.^ I think I'm gonna make this an alternate ending story.. Two different endings to please my readers! :D Okies, ja mata, look the for the next chapter!