HI! Sorry, this is not a new chapter. I know I haven't updated this story in a loooong while, and some of you might have noticed that three of the chapters are missing. Don't worry! I'm not abounding this story, I'm just fixing things.

I feel like the three last chapters were rushed and had a lot of unexplained relationship (like the one between Jume and Ace) that just came unexpectedly. I was not happy on how rushed everything felt. So I am going to look through the story and try to write a proper chapter.

I do actually have some kind of plan on how the story will be, but I would love to hear what YOU want, as this story is for you guys. Please leave a comment or send me a private message on what you want me to write. I will take everything in consideration.

There is one thing I am little split on. It's how I can tie Temari and what happened to FEM!Shika. And how I should connect the two worlds (or maybe make the Naruto world an island that is hard to reach). Please leave any suggestion (would be better if you send a private message so it can be a surprise to the rest of the readers if I choose to use the idea. Ofc will I give credits to those who's ideas I use)

And thank you all for the votes on whom you want Jume to end up with. The poll is still opened but to now the polls looks like this:

Nr 1: Ace 38 votes

Nr2: Robin 35 votes

Nr 3: Law 30 votes

Nr 4: Zoro 15 votes

Nr 5: Sabo 5 votes

Nr 6: Smoker 4 votes

Nr 7: Sanji 3 votes

Nr 8: Franky 1 votes

131 votes total! WOW

Don't lose fait if your ship isn't on the top. This poll will be opened for a loooong while. You can see how the relationship changes through the chapters. When we get near the time Jume starts with romantic relationship, I will open a new poll with the top 3, where you all will get a new chance at voting.

If you want me to add someone to this poll, just leave a comment. Remember you can always add a Naruto character. If the character gets enough votes, I will add them somehow in the story ;)

Bye bye for now