Hello, guys! :D It's been a looooong while since I have updated anything. Hehe, sorry about that, and so as a gift, I give you this. Hope you enjoy!



The sound of sirens could be heard from a distant; the smell of smoke, and the feel of smothering heat, suffocating the area as the building got swallowed by flames.

Just as the fire had reached its peek, the fire truck quickly came to a stop in front of it, and out came Firefighter Makoto Tachibana.

"Hurry, put it out!" He was quick to take in the situation and act in the aid of others.

"Tachibana," one of his colleagues went up to him. "There is still a person inside the building in the fourth floor."

"Tsk," Makoto clicked his tongue, as the flames showed no sign of stopping any time soon despite their efforts to control it.

"I'll go in," he decided, getting his gear ready in order to confront the raging flames.

"We'll send help as soon as more arrive." That and with a pat on the back, Makoto dove into the ignited building.

Once inside, Makoto frantically searched for the emergency stairs and began to run as fast as his legs could take him.


He ran up passed the first floor, barely being able to see two feet in front of him.


Within seconds of entering, his mouth grew dry, and sudden thirst attacked him.


Small flecks of fire attached his vision, burning his eyes, and scraping his skin.

Makoto arrived at the desired floor, not letting his aching muscles and natural instinct to escape win him.

"Is there anybody—" He coughed despite his attempts to breathe in the thick smoke covered him from head to toe.

"Is there—!" He screamed but this time as cut off by the sound of wood falling from the ceiling…right above him. In one swift motion he jumped out of the way, and leaped right into the next room.

There, he heard the sound of footsteps.

"Hello!" He called out, pushing his way deeper in. And then he made out the silhouette of a person, maybe male, but, at that point, Makoto's vision was too blurry to make sure. All he knew for sure was that there was a person stuck in the fire, and that he should save them. Fast.

"Wait right there! I'll come get you!" Makoto kept yelling over the cracking of the building falling apart.

The person was not far from him, if only he could get there fast enough before the top floors came tumbling upon them.

Just when the brunette thought he had finally reached the other person, to his horror, he heard a crack!

Everything happened in slow motion.

The roof coming down. Makoto screaming to watch out. The other person looking up in horror.

In a flash, Makoto charged towards the other person, shoving them away from the falling piece. Their bodies went tumbling to the other side, away from the hotter side of the room.

"Are you…?" Makoto's words died out in his lips when the person he had just saved turned towards him.

Blue eyes. Crystal blue orbs that reflected the calm waters of the ocean. Glistering gems that sparkled like the moon.

A sudden burst of heat snapped Makoto out of his staring and reality hit. Right. He was in a burning building, and he was to help a person on the fourth floor. That was his mission.

"Come on, this way!" He suddenly returned to his regular caring helpful self, and directed the other male to a safer part of the floor. He noted that his companion was being silent. Too silent.

Shrugging it off as temporary shock, he led him along until he heard a voice.

"Tachibana-saaaaann!" The backup team had finally arrived. Makoto quickly led the silent stranger towards the ladder that would lead them both to safety.

"You go first," Makoto instructed the other male. Just when he himself was going to safely leave the burning building, there was another crack. This time, a much bigger chunk of the side of the building was coming down. Hard.

But the impact never came. Just when Makoto was sure that they were going to collide, his silent stranger, now his silent helper, pulled him towards the ladder, but in the process making them fall forward.

The next few moments passed in a daze.

Smoke, fire, ashes.

Sirens, talking, yelling.

But all that Makoto Tachibana could remember were a pair of blue eyes. Eyes that had pierced into his very soul…


Well, that is all! I know it's short but it will get better, I promise! ^.^ Anyways, until next time! Do remember to review! :D
