Chapter 16: The Queen and the Tiger
Tigress woke up and gasped out to herself. She look around surrounded brick walls close to her. She notice a noise above her and see something being open by two black men.
Tigress felt disappointed "So It wasn't a dream" she said, before being walk paws tied in the back along with the men to the throne where other black men surround her. Queen Mala was sitting in her throne along side left Dagur and side right Throk. Tigress got stop and look at the queen.
"Morning creature, are you care to answer my questions?" Mala asked
"I told you everything, who send me? no one, how did I get here? don't know, and what I want is to find a way to get home."
"I'm having a feeling it's a excuse of someone like you coming in my island"
"What I'm telling you is the truth and I'm not interested on harming any dragon you say. If you're so kind to release me, then I'll leave your village in peace, your highness." she bow down to show respect to the queen.
Dagur whispered to Mala, "I don't know about this, sweetie, I mean look at that thing. It walk like a person but also like a wild animal with claws, teeth, and what she is wearing, Also my sister haven't came home yesterday night, very suspicious."
"He has a point, my queen" Throk whispered too, "She might be on to us"
Mala through about it and got up from her thone putting her hands in her back. "If what you're saying is true, then I should release you... but the way you are it's seen that you could cause a threat to the dragons"
Tigress got up "What?"
"We believe you're responsible for this of what is happen to the dragons, which to someone we never seen before and one of our family member not return last night. I can't let it go like that"
Tigress became so mad that she growled inside herself
"You will be prison for now until we get to the bottom of this, if you anything else to say, you should do it quickly" Mala move away from the tiger to her throne.
One of the black men behind touch one of the tiger's shoulder, "get your dirty hand off of me" she said softly.
"Let's go" said the men, before getting knock down by her, which cause Mala to look back quickly
Tigress free her paws realized the other men with weapons walking madly to her. She prepared her pose to fight before the men charge at her. Tigress avoid and attack one by one until she got caught by one of the men before she grab his arm and throw close to the queen, which she was surprised
"Why you"Dagur said, along with Throk grabbing their weapons to fight before got stop by Mala
"My queen?" Throk said
"Sweetheart?" Dagur said, before Mala lift up her sword and change at the tiger.
Tigress noticed her coming and dodging her attack while realized she move fast and try to keep up on her. Mala start to kick before Tigress grab and push her away. Both of them catch their breath. Dagur and Throk were surprised
Mala smiled, "you have a fighting spirit"
"Surprisely, so as you" Tigress said
"Stand down"
The men were confused
"Your majesty?" said Throk, before the queen use her hand to stop talking
"Follow me" said Mala, before Tigress didn't understand but agree to follow her"
Mala explains Tigress while Throk and Dagur around the island seeing dragons sitting and feel sick, "here of what we do that we help dragons, who are needed healing, cure, and food, They are like innocent animals to us and we made sure nothing happen to them"
"I can see that you all has a big connection with them"
"That's correct, also most importantly our great protector" she show a gronkle-like statue
"The great protector?"
"Yes the Eruptodon , he was one who save the island for being burn to the ground by eating lava"
"I see, but let cut to my question, why did you told your men to stand down?"
Mala paused for a second, "During the fight,you have great skills, tell me creature, where did you learn these moves from?"
"Wait, that the reason you want us to.." Dagur shout out
"Stand down, honey"
"Yes sweetie"
"It's called kung fu"
"I'm sorry kung what?"
"And my name... is Tigress"
"Very well, Tigress, As you might know something is happening with the dragons. We were going island to island and discover the dragons were down. We did what we can to take care of them but nothing is working it was very strange and want to believe someone have something to made them like this"
Tigress look at the dragons for a moment
"So to someone like me you think I was the one could have done it"
"Yes and if you are truly not responsible then I want to offer you a deal"
"A deal?"
"With you skills of what you say kung fu, you can help us to find the real responsible to the dragons. if you did, we will help you to get home"
"WHAT!" shouted Dagur and Throk
"So what do you say?"
Tigress thought about around this village and look at the ocean to see she doesn't have anything else to say
"Well...since I'm here and you all have a problem" Tigress put her fist on her paw and bow, "I would be honor to help you"
Mala is confused a little but live with it, "Alright then but know this if I find out you betarying and not what you say you are, I will end you myself
Tigress got up and nodded "Fair enough"
"You remind of someone years ago but for now we should gett started come along" Mala turn around and walked with Dagur and Throk, who look at Tigress in a mean look before he go
"My queen, I'm not sure about this" Throk said
"Are you really going to trust her?" Dagur said
"I don't, not yet by the way"
Tigress pick something out of her vest that was a picture of her and her other friends, "Stay strong you guys" she said, before she look up in the sky, "especially you Po"
She notice Mala called to come with her before putting the picture back inside her vest and walked to the queen.
We cut to night of the outcast island to see Fishy and Chip shriving in fear.
"I told not to leave any single dragon in any place" shouted a deep voice, "Hiccup will become suspicious about it and go to investigate, which will ruin the surprise I got for him and their pet bear."
The outcasts hold on to themselves
"But, luckily you two has able to fool them and get them off our back"
"Your...your welcome" said Chip
"Hey it's a good thing you got us" said Fishy
"Whatever and since I been taking the energy of the dragons, I have becoming very powerful as I was able to make a fog around anywhere to caught a rider's dragon.
We cut a lot of dragons feeling down together hopeless to get up
"But I don't have it with me"
"It's a long story" Chip said
"If you say that it is" Fishy said
The deep voice show a big figure body with spiky hair and orange glare eyes "It's doesn't matter, now I have gotten all the dragons' powers, our next mission is to destroy..Berk and everyone in it."
"Destroy the village?" Chip said, "that's look kinda... mean I mean yeah I understand those evil dragons need to get rid of to what they done"
"I agree with Chip here" Fishy said, "I think your going too far, Viggo"
The outcasts agreed as well
"You Idiots, I don't care about anything anymore. I used to be in hiccup's side but I all of this just make things worse and now that have power, I gonna pay back my mistake to destroy him and that bear too." he shouted, "Gather all the ships men, we move to final destination...berk" He turn and slowly walked through the water.
The duos are terrified about this that Viggo has lost his mind before Ryker show up to them.
"Has Viggo gone that mad" Fishy said
"Really" Chip said
"I do understand it" Ryker said, "We been wanted to take the path serious for all day but always failed.
We cut to a flashback where Ryker was drowning by sucking by the submiripper until Shellfire came to the water pushing Ryker up to the surface and sent him flying up in the air. The shellfire has blocked submiripper's mouth. Ryker was flying around the sky screaming and landing to a boat.
A old man was scoping through the ocean. "there got to be something falling for me" He look to Ryker fall down on the boat next to the old man before he get up rubbing his head and cough off the water in his mouth.
"Sir are you okay?" the old man asked
"I.." Ryker said angrily but calm down when he look at the ocean of reminding what happen, "I...I don't know"
"Well is anything is wrong I can help you"
Ryker thought about it
Out from flashback, "I barely survive drowning by the Submaripper" Ryker said "As Viggo survived"
We cut to a another flashback inside a cave where Viggo, who was hurt was facing the Outcasts but Ryker got in time push Viggo out of the scene from the blast skrill use, Viggo was surprised, "Ryker you're.."
"Are you okay?" Ryker said, while lifting Viggo up and ran outside of the cave somewhere no one can't see them. "I know should be enemies but things have change for me, brother"
The Skrill was able to catch up to them and Viggo look at the distance of the island and then became furious.
"Ryker, It time to make a new business, new army, and new plans to get revenge on Hiccup haddock"
Out of the flashback, Ryker look up and then down with shame "it was fine with me and Viggo to plot revenge but now This...this is not the Viggo I know."
The duo look at each other sadly, see the skrill lock in a cage and got sick,which it was Viggo doing.
Somewhere in a far distance from the outcasts, A hood figure, who was Tigress staying hidden watching everything while her monstrous nightmare glared at it before being pull back by Tigress, "I'm going to fix this" she said, before met up a terrible terror to give it a letter for berk and fly away in the sky.