Cameron gets released from the hospital a few days later. They kept him to be sure his heart was functioning normally again, and because he'd been under long enough they wanted to do some tests for brain damage. After receiving a perfectly clean bill of health, Cameron made use of the bag Kirsten had brought him and got changed before heading out.

There was no one there visiting him when he was discharged, so Cameron didn't bother to call anyone to pick him up. He was actually looking forward to the walk back to his apartment, as a chance to stretch his legs, and get some fresh air for the first time in days.

Before long, he found his thoughts drifting back to Kirsten again. Since they were interrupted by their friends after he'd woken up, she'd been back to see him, but never on her own. Their first conversation since he'd woken up was still reeling in his mind, and he found himself dreaming about her wandering around in his head, opening virtual doors and seeing all his daydreams about her and them and how much he loves her… Not knowing what she had stumbled into was nearly driving him mad, but the fact that she still visited and was talking to him in the days since he woke up was giving him hope that whatever she did see hadn't scared her off.

The walk home was pleasant, but he was winded when he got up to his apartment, a reminder that he was in a coma or stuck in a bed for almost two weeks altogether. He quickly showered and put his sweats and a baggy shirt on, combing his hair up in its usual fashion and putting his glasses on before heading to the kitchen to assess the damage. To his surprise, his fridge wasn't full of rotten food. It was mostly empty except for some condiments and soda, and some leftover takeout from the restaurant above the lab. Kirsten must have cleaned out his fridge of all the old stuff when she came to get him some clothes. The thought warms Cameron's heart as he reaches in and takes out the the leftovers, transferring them to a plate to heat in the microwave.

He's nearly done his meal when someone knocks at the door. Pausing the Star Wars movie and putting his food down on the kitchen island, Cameron makes his way over to the front door and opens just as Kirsten is raising her hand to knock again. Her hair is down and she's wearing his borrowed (stolen?) shirt again, making his stomach flutter. They stare at each other for a few long moments before Kirsten adjusts her bag on her shoulder and walks around him and into the apartment wordlessly.

"Hey to you too, Ace" Cameron says with a sigh and closes the door behind her, turning and following her into the kitchen. Kirsten surveys the room, taking note of his half eaten meal and the movie paused on his tv, then turns to look at him as he leans on the counter behind her.

"Why didn't you call me? I went to the hospital to visit you and you weren't there."

Her tone is neutral, but the way she's clutching the strap of her bag with one hand tells Cameron she's a little upset with him.

"I just…I wanted to walk home. Get some air. Stretch my legs." His answer doesn't relax the tension in her shoulders so he keeps trying. "I'm sorry Stretch, I figured you'd be at work with everyone else so I just came home rather than call for a ride."

"It's fine, I just…I may have been a little worried when I came by and your room was empty, is all." She sighs and turns, taking off her bag and putting it on the kitchen island beside his food. She's rubbing her forehead when she turns back around, and looks exhausted. "I know that's not rational because you've been awake and okay for days and you got yourself home fine, I just-"

"Hey" Cameron breathes out gently and takes a few steps towards her, reaching out and delicately holding her elbow with one hand. She lets her hands drop from her face at his touch and looks at him, and the emotion in her eyes actually makes him suck in a breath.

Kirsten just stares back, her gaze shifting from one of his eyes to the other, and then quickly down to his lips and back up again. If he'd blinked at that moment he would have missed it. Cameron isn't sure what's going on, but he can feel his heart beating in his chest and he wouldn't be surprised if she can hear it too. Before he can think to say anything, Kirsten's arm is shifting under his hand and her lips are on his.

His eyes are wide open for the first few seconds while his brain desperately tries to catch up with what's going on. Kirsten brings both her hands up to cradle his neck tenderly, his arm falling limply to his side when her elbow leaves his hand. It isn't until a small sigh escapes Kirsten that he catches up to her, taking a step closer and melting his hands to her sides, gently pulling her body to mould against his with shaking hands. Her lips are just like he remembers them from her first stitch, soft and warm, but so much more emotionally fulfilling, because this is Kirsten kissing him, not some residual emotion from a memory of a dead man she stitched into. She gently nibbles on his lower lip, causing a deep groan to rumble in Cameron's chest, making his face burn red immediately, but Kirsten doesn't seem to mind, nipping him again before bringing one of her hands down to his chest to hold a handful of his shirt.

It's over much too soon in Cameron's opinion, but he lets her go when Kirsten gently places both her hands on his chest and pushes away, just enough to look at him. He keeps his hands on her hips, breathing a little heavy as he stares into her eyes. Her cheeks are slightly flushed and her lips are parted, making him swallow a lump in his throat and quickly lick his lips.

"What…what was that?" he finds himself whispering, memorizing the way she feels under his fingers and the pressure from her hands on his chest and the look in her eyes.

Kirsten tilts her head slightly and smiles at him. "A kiss."

Cameron lets out a breathy sigh. "I know…I know that. I mean…why?"

Kirsten glances down at his lips again before looking into his eyes again. "I didn't know. Before I stitched into your mind, I had no idea how you felt about me."

Cameron feels a cool wave wash over him and takes half a step away from her. Kirsten looks puzzled and tries to hold him to her but he takes another small step back until they aren't quite touching anymore.

"What exactly did you…see, in my mind? It's been bothering me and I want to know." His voice is restrained, but he doesn't stop her when she reaches out and takes one of his hands.

"Nothing bad, if that's what you're worried about." Kirsten says with a hint of a joke in her tone, but Cameron remains silent so Kirsten keeps going. "I was everywhere. All the memories that came forward involved me…I had no idea. And then I stumbled into your subconscious and I saw…" she trails off, looking down at their joined hands. Cameron can feel his cheeks going red and has to remind himself to breathe while he waits for her to continue. "I saw how you think about me. About us. What it would be like if we were together…going on dates, grocery shopping…And it just made everything so clear to me."

Cameron lets out a breath he was holding and looks at her, his expression almost pained. "That's what I was afraid of. Are you sure you're not just…not just feeling residual emotions from my memories? Or my…my dreams?" He nearly chokes out his last question, emotion rising in his chest.

"What? Cameron, no. That's not what I meant." She takes a step forward and cradles his one hand in both of hers firmly. "I just meant…I didn't know how you felt about me before. You know emotions are hard for me to understand sometimes, but with you…I don't know, they've always made more sense. And seeing us together in your mind and knowing how you felt, it just…it clarified things for me."

Cameron is still looking at her like he's been wounded, and she knows she still hasn't explained it right.

"I…Cameron, I care about you more than I've cared about anyone in…too long. You make things clear to me. Those dreams you've had of us, I've had dreams like that too, I just wasn't sure what it meant until I was inside your mind and could feel how it was affecting you and made the connection. I've never felt like this for someone else, so I had no point of reference until you gave it to me!" She takes a deep breath, gathering her thoughts. "When you flatlined, I thought I was losing you, and it was the worst feeling I've ever experienced. There was this pit growing in my chest and I couldn't make it stop until you were breathing again and it scared me so badly…I don't know exactly when I started needing you so much, but I do, and I need you to understand that this…this is real. This is me."

Her eyes are wide and she's squeezing his hand more firmly, desperate to make him understand. Cameron's eyes have also grown wide, and a smile is forming on his lips. Lifting his free hand, he gently buries it in her loose hair, making her eyes flutter closed, and takes a step closer to her, leaning down and kissing her soundly and instantly calming all of her worries. Kirsten melts into his arms again, pulling him closer almost immediately so she's pinned between him and the kitchen island. Her hands find their way into his hair, running it through her fingers before settling them on his shoulders. They stay like that for many minutes before Cameron gently pulls away, making Kirsten whimper almost inaudibly, causing Cameron to chuckle under his breath.

"I can't believe…" he starts in a quiet voice, leaning in so their foreheads are resting together, "I mean I never thought…" he chuckles breathily again and pulls away to look into her eyes, a big smile breaking out over his face.

Kirsten laughs and smiles back, wrapping her arms around him and nuzzling her face into his shoulder. "Me too" she whispers as Cameron pulls her in tighter.

"I'm happy."

And that's a wrap! I really just want these two to be happy...I desperately hope everything works out for them in the new season. Thanks to everyone who read, favourited, and left a review! :)