A.N. Hey so sorry that it has been forever since I last wrote. I am re-writing this whole story and I have the outline already written. I will try to post on a regular schedule but I make no promise. I hope that you enjoy!

Kagome's Pov.

I really hope that I made the right choice to stay in the past. It has been a few months since I decided to stay. I had gotten nothing but bruises, and scratches to show for it. I had given up my high school uniform for the priestess garb Kikyou often wore, and my yellow backpack for a red sack sort of thing. Inuyasha, and I have been wondering all over the place for no real reason but to wonder, I guess. Sango and Miroku had settled down after the jewel was completed, they are currently in Sango's old village from what I remember. I wanted that, I wanted to settle down just me and Inuyasha forever, but he had different thoughts on that matter. I miss my family, but there was no life for me over there. I spent so much of my time here that I didn't really have a life there anymore. I was just barely able to graduate. My friends were estranged to me, it was like I didn't even know them.

"Hey, can you hear me I am speaking to you!" Inuyasha yelled at me his eyes almost burning holes in my face as I looked up to face him.

"Yes! I can hear you I was just lost in thought. Now, what do you want?" I replied. Man, these days he knew just how to get under my skin. It was almost like he was different somehow changed. I don't like it.

"I am going to go hunting stay here while I go." Inuyasha said his voice was low and gruff. Without me even giving him a reply he turned around and left me there.

"Well I guess I better get a fire going." I said outloud. I like to talk to myself it makes me feel a bit more sane. I looked around and took note of the area around me. We were still in the woods, the ground was covered in moss. There were pine and oaks that surrounded a small clearing, big enough to fit a school bus. The undergrowth was just a bunch of ferns, dogwood and some other shrubs I didn't remember the name for. I looked around the clearing for some kindling, and some bigger logs. I had almost enough wood for a fire when I suddenly tripped and almost fell face first onto the ground, my hands and knees breaking to fall. The wood I had gathered was laying out all around me. "What the knick-knack was that?" I looked to see what appeared to be a bow of sorts. I picked myself up, dusted off, and turned around to get a better look at the bow. It was old, very old it was half in the ground and half out, causing me to trip. I reached out to grab it, and I was surprised it was easy to pull out. It kind of felt like the part from Camelot where King Arthur draws the holy sword. As I moved it closer to my face I saw that it had strange carvings on it. It looked to be some old language that I couldn't read. I wonder how well it shoots? I reached behind my head into my quiver for an…..

"What the hell is that?" I heard a voice say. I turned around startled. Oh, it was just Inuyasha.

"Oh, you scared me. I tripped over it, it appears to be a old bow." I said as I took notice of the wild boar that was on the ground beside him.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Now where's the fire?" He asked in a tone that I did not like.

"I was just going to get it going." I said as I re-gathered the stuff I had dropped. Inuyasha began to butcher the dead animal, as I went about making the fire. Once I had a steady fire going, Inuyasha was ready to go with cooking the meat. "Pass me the meat." I said to Inuyasha. He seemed distracted by something or someone. I could tell that Inuyasha still had his heart on Kikyo It hurt and as much as I wanted to marry him, I knew his heart belonged to another. He then realized I had spoken to me and passed me the meat solemnly. I began to cook it along with some rice. The food was done and we ate in silence, both of us just staring at the fire. He gave me his dishes, and said a quiet goodnight. He hopped into a tree, and I think fell asleep. I cleaned up real quick and watched as the fire slowly turned into nothing but embers. I love to watch fires, it seemed like a dance to me. It was really beautiful. After the fire was out I pulled out a blanket from my sack as I put the dishes away. I laid it out, and stared at the stars. I listened to the sounds of the critters that were making almost like a lullaby sound. It soon then lulled me to sleep.