I, ForeverFreeFall, will be coming out with a sequel for FoxFire Academy. YOU READ IT RIGHT! A sequel! It will be titled... wait for it... wait for it... Exile Academy! I know it's not the most creative name. It will follow the main KOTLC plotline, and it will have Foster-Keefe. You want to know why? Because I said so. Just kidding! It's because I'm a die-hard shipper of Keefe and Sophie. I will go down in flames if that's what it takes to make sure the Kophie lives on! Just kidding. I don't want to die. I DO NOT KNOW WHEN IT WILL BE PUBLISHED. I have other stories to work on.


Unbroken might be discontinued. I had an idea for it, but then I lost it. I knew where I was going to go with it, and then Neverseen (ugh. I hate the ending. No spoilers though ;P) came out, and now... I just don't know. I might continue it if I can come up with something to keep it going, but if I can't then I'll have to discontinue it. It'll be over. Done. Or I might edit the last chapter so it ends at chapter 18. Nah, I don't want to do that. Oh well. I am having serious writer's block over Unbroken.

Peace out, toodles, see you later, may the force be with you, phone home, etc. etc.

(IDK where all that came from)

ForeverFreeFall :)