Chapter One:

Tale of Thunder

"Talk" 'Think' "Dragon/Demon speech" 'Dragon/Demon thoughts' "Spells"

Oshibana: Day of Eisenwald incident

Inside a hotel room, a body under the sheets moved, the hotel was extremely plain, white everything, as the covers moved more the person sat up, he was a smaller teen, his skin lightly tanned, only five six in height as he stood out of the bed in red shorts, his hair was black, messy and spiked, his eyes were an odd red color with slitted pupils, his body was fit and strong, his shoulders not too broad. He leaned back over the bed and shook the other person awake, "Eva." he called softly, his voice almost childish, but not quite, "Hmm… is it morning Xavier?" Eva's smooth and beautiful voice asked, she rose from the bed, getting up, she was about five nine, her hair black and long, reaching her hips, her eyes were dark brown, her skin was pale and flawless, her figure makes more mature women jealous, hourglass and busty. She smiled warmly at Xavier, his eyes were wide, staring at her, "What's wrong Xavier?" "Where's your clothes?" he asked, pointing to her nude condition, she squeaked and covered herself, "Close your eyes Xavier." he nodded and closed his eyes, after a few moments Eva spoke again, "Ok, open your eyes." Xavier looked around and saw Eva by the bathroom door, poking her head out. "I'm going to take a shower, you wait here." Eva smiled and retracted into the bathroom, "Don't leave too long!" Xavier exclaimed, "Don't worry, I'll be out soon." Eva called, Xavier walked over and sat cross legged next to the door, he formed a ball of sparking black energy that had an eerie red glow, he tossed it between his hands, counting up every time he caught it, "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten…"

Eva opened the bathroom door in only a towel, letting her hair hang out, she found Xavier where she expected him to be, sitting next to the door, "Two hundred and forty eight." Xavier stopped counting, letting the ball fade, "You took longer than last time." Xavier looked blankly at her, "What was last time?" "Two hundred and forty seven." "Really? One number longer?" Xavier nodded, "Yes, before I wanted you to not take as long, you would get fifty five thousand." Xavier stated monotonously, "Well, since you wanted me to go faster, I haven't had time to put on make-up!" Eva grumbled. "You look prettier without make-up stuff, it's more natural." Xavier said, not really knowing the effect it had on her, "Aww, thank you Xavier." Eva crouched down and hugged him, *Purr… Purr…* Xavier let off a small purring sound, "Auuuu, it's so cute when you purr!" Eva gushed and rubbed his head, Xavier smiled and nuzzled in, purring softly. "Alright, you'll get more hugs later, take a shower and get dressed, we're leaving here today." Eva stood up, pulling Xavier with her and pushing him into the bathroom, "Awww… fine…" Xavier drooped in defeat and grabbed a towel, "I'll lay your clothes out, ok?" Eva called, "Yes." Xavier answered and closed the door.

Xavier came out of the bathroom in his towel, he grabbed his red boxers and went back in, he came back out in the boxers and grabbed his blue jeans, putting them on and doing the black leather belt, he then grabbed his black t-shirt, slipping that on. He then sat on the bed, pulling on his black combat boots and tying them, pulling his pant legs over the boots, lastly he grabbed his fitted leather jacket, it was black with a red stripe on the right bicep and a red and black checker pattern on the left abdomen side, the inside of the collar being red until the small button. Xavier walked over to where Eva was waiting by the door, "Ready?" she had on tight black yoga pants, white sneakers and a yellow tank top, showing a lot of her curves and a lot of cleavage, she had her hair in a long ponytail, "Yes, where's my bag?" Xavier looked around before Eva handed it to him, "Oh…" he slipped on the blue lightning patterned backpack, "Let's go." Eva opened the door, putting her left arm around Xavier, slipping on her other pink backpack strap with the right.

Xavier and Eva gaped at the train station that was surrounded by some wind barrier, "Um, that's not supposed to be there." Eva pointed, Xavier walked forward a bit, unfazed by the whipping wind, he lifted his hand and shot a lightning bolt of the same energy as before at it, showing his Lightning Magic. "Hmm, hey Eva, can you get under it?" Xavier asked, blankly staring at the wind wall, Eva came up next to him, "Yeah, I can, Earth Make: Tunnel!" Eva slammed her right hand on the ground, creating a tunnel under the wind wall…..

Just before Virgo was about to dig a hole for Lucy, Erza, Natsu, andGray to escape from the wind barrier, a hole opened next to Virgo, "Wow, that was faaaa…" Lucy's words died in her throat when a hand grabbed a hold of the ledge….

Xavier pulled himself out of the tunnel and offered a hand to Eva, swiftly pulling her out of the hole, they turned around to find five people looking at them, one was a busty blond holding a key, another was a pink haired maid, one had armor and long red hair, the two males were farther back, one had pink hair and a scarf, the other had raven hair and a long coat. "Who are you?" the red head asked, walking closer, the closer she got the further Xavier hid behind Eva until he was fully behind her, peeking a scared look over her shoulder, she stopped a few feet away, "Hello, I'm Eva and this little cutie is Xavier." Eva moved a little so they could see him, "I wouldn't get any closer, your scaring him." Eva said, rubbing his head a little. "Um ok, I'm Erza Scarlett, this is Lucy, Gray and Natsu." Erza pointed to each of them, the blond, the raven haired guy and then the pink haired one, "Nice to meet you, say hi Xavier." Eva coaxed, "Hi…" he said quietly, "So, how did you get in here?" Erza demanded, "I used my magic." Eva said, "Oh, so you're a wizard?" Erza asked, surprised, "Yes, and so is Xavier, he's very powerful." Eva smiled, Xavier just hid further behind her, "He's also shy." "I see…" Erza trailed off. "Let's get out of here, we have a mission to complete." Erza said, jumping into the hole, Lucy soon followed, along with Gray and Natsu, Nastu was carrying an unconscious man with him, "Ok, we should go too, no use trying to use the train station." Xavier nodded in agreement to Eva and jumped in the hole, she jumped and he caught her, not putting her down as he ran, "What are you doing?" "Getting out of the way of my Negative Bomb." Xavier said plainly as a massive explosion shook the ground, Xavier jumped out of the hole as dust flew out. Xavier set Eva down and looked over at the station, it was still standing though, the front half was a massive crater, "What just happened?" Lucy and the others gaped at the destruction, "Xavier dropped a Negative Bomb, it absorbs magic around it and then explodes with twice as much magic as it absorbed." Eva explained, pinching the bridge of her nose. "That's insane…" Lucy trailed off, "That is only a fraction of what that thing can do, it absorbed an entire Etherion blast one time, I'll never forget that day…" Eva sighed as they turned and gaped at her, "WHAAAT?!" "Yes, it cut a massive crater on the northern continent, why did you do that?" she turned to Xavier as he hid behind her again, "The wind was troublesome." Xavier stated plainly, "Just warn me next time." Eva rubbed his head, earning a small purr from him. "W-Well, we should go after Erigor, come on!" Erza ordered and ran over to their magic mobile, "Should we help them?" Eva asked, "I think so, you felt that demon's magic as well." Xavier came up next to her, "Plus we wanted to go to Clover anyway." he continued, "Yeah, but, how? The train station is gone." Eva sighed, "I can get there faster, did you already forget about my lightning?" Xavier asked, his feet sparking with his lightning. "No, let's go." Eva sighed again, Xavier picked her up and shot forward, sprinting at lightning speed.

Natsu faced off with Erigor, his friends didn't seem to notice he went on ahead, "You pesky flies are annoying, get out of my way." Erigor swung his hand, a blast of wind erupted, Natsu held his ground, he was about to say something when Erigor screamed in pain and shot into the track below, a lightning covered Xavier carrying Eva landed below Erigor's previous position. "Whoa! That was awesome!" Natsu cheered as Xavier set Eva down by Happy, "It was a simple kick, don't get so worked up Natsu." Xavier's voice was deeper and more masculine now, "What the, what happened to your voice?" "This is the battle hardened Xavier, any time he gets into a fight he gets serious and his voice changes." Eva explained as Xavier faced the smoking area where Erigor landed, "Head in the game Natsu." Natsu nodded and got ready. "Urggg, more pesky flies?" Erigor stood up, "I'm surprised I didn't snap your spine with that one." Xavier chuckled, his lightning jumping around on him, "Cocky little brat, Wind Slashes!" Erigor swiped his scythe, multiple blades of wind fired at them, "Humph, weak, Static Discharge." Xavier's lightning exploded around him, destroying the wind blades. "Don't get too cocky brat!" Erigor opened a magic circle, wind erupted around them into a tornado, "Storm Bringer!" the spell threw them around before launching them off the cliff, "Damnit, LUTHER!" Xavier yelled, something shot down from the bridge and grabbed him, launching back up, leaving an annoyed Natsu, "HEY, WHAT ABOUT ME?!"

Xavier landed on the bridge, dusting himself off, "Thanks Luther." he caught an exhausted brown and gold tiger striped cat that had tan paws and underbelly, Luther smiled at him, "Anytime, but, don't leave me behind like that!" he yelled, his voice was a down under accent, hopping down to the track, "Sorry, you're easy to forget sometimes." Xavier rubbed his head, "Yeah well, I want pizza when we get out of this." Luther pouted and went over to Eva, she picked him up and held him. Xavier turned back to Erigor in time to see a column of flames erupt from the abyss, "HUUUURRRAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHGG!" Natsu screamed, the flames morphed into a hand and grabbed the track, flinging him back up, "Impressive Natsu, manipulating flames, good job." Xavier smiled at him, "Yeah, hey Windbag, you must be pretty cold up there half naked, want me to warm you up?" Natsu grinned, "Your flames are powerless against me!" "We'll see about that." He smashed his fists together, "Try this, Fire Dragon's Roar!" Natsu unleashed a torrent of flames at Erigor, "Storm Wall!" Erigor barley deflected it, "You forget me?" Erigor's eyes widened at Xavier's voice behind him, he turned to see a dark red magic circle pointed at his face, "Black Lightning Dragon's….." he cocked his head back, "Roar!" he let lose a massive stream of his lightning, smashing Erigor into the track with a loud explosion. "Can't deflect lightning with wind, now can ya?" Xavier landed on the track, Erigor burst from the rubble and flew up in the air, "I'll show you! Storm Mail!" he covered himself in wind, "Now try your little flames and static!" Erigor laughed, "This'll work, Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" Natsu punched Erigor's fist, only for his fire to blow out, "What, why did my fire go out?" Erigor laughed and blew him away. "Don't you see? Fire can never defeat wind!" Erigor laughed, "Time to end this, Storm Shreds!" Natsu dodged the blades and launched himself at Erigor, again being beaten back. "Why can't I get through?" Natsu yelled, "Be quiet and meet your death! Emera Barem!" The attack spun forward, Natsu saw it in slow motion, Xavier appeared in front of him, lightning spinning into a ball in his right hand, "Spiraling Bolt!" he slammed it into Erigor's attack, both canceling each other out, "What?!" Erigor shouted, "Your wind is annoying, I'm finishing this." Xavier took a stance, his arms reaching for the sky. "Black Lightning Dragon's Secret Art….." dark clouds formed above Erigor along with a massive dark red magic circle, "Raging Lightning Storm!" Xavier threw his arms down, with them came massive black lightning bolts from the clouds, all of them hitting Erigor, he screamed in pain, the lightning breaking through his wind armor, it lasted for a few moments before stopping, Erigor dropped to the track, unconscious. "Whoa… that was AWESOME!" Natsu yelled, dancing around, "That wasn't even a fraction of Xavier's power." Eva said as she walked up, "Wait, that was normal for him?"` "Yes." Natsu gaped at Xavier, "His power is said to be god-like, earning him the name Thunder God." Eva continued, also looking at him, "He's a dragon slayer too." "Yes, and before you ask about your dragon, no, we don't know where he went." Eva sighed, Natsu looked a little down, "Sorry." "No, it's fine, I'll find him someday." Natsu grinned a little. "Natsu!" Erza yelled, him and Eva saw them pulling up in front of Xavier, as soon as Erza got within five feet of Xavier he turned and ran towards Eva, hiding behind her, Erza blinked awkwardly at them, "Uhhh, why'd he just run from me?" she asked, now heading for Natsu, "Oddly enough, Xavier's afraid of other women." Eva said, earning a sweatdrop from Natsu, "A Thunder God who's afraid of women? Really?" he sighed. "Oh, and you don't run away when Erza is mad?" Eva smiled, "Well that's because Erza is scary!" Natsu argued, "What did you say?" Erza let off a dark aura next to him, "I meant, uhh, a good scary!" Natsu yelled, cowering under her. "So, why is Xavier afraid of women?" Lucy asked, coming closer to Eva, "That's a story for later, but, I think that guy you brought here is-" Eva was cut off when the magic car flew over with shadow hands, the pineapple haired guy laughing, "Shouldn't have let your guard down flies!" "KAGE! AFTER HIM!" Erza yelled, they all ran off down the track, following the getaway bandit, "Should we follow them?" Luther spoke up, "Yeah, we should, I don't like the demonic magic we keep feeling." Eva said as Xavier picked them up, "Let's go then." They shot off in the direction of Clover, passing Natsu and his team, "What was that?" Gray yelled, "I don't know! Keep going!" Erza ordered, "YES MA'AM!"

When Xavier stopped running the sun was going down, he set Eva and Luther down, the latter hopping onto his shoulder, they walked around the area, seeing the large building with people out front, "Huh, looks like he's not here." Eva commented, Xavier sniffed the air, "This way." he walked off in a random direction, "Ok, wait up!"

Xavier stopped walking upon seeing Erza and Lucy, near-by was a bald pink wearing man holding onto Natsu and Gray, leaning on a tree was another man in a spiked collar and hat, "Looks like we're a bit late." Eva giggled, "Yeah, watch." Xavier said, pointing to the scene before them, Kage was about to play the demon flute when the old man with him spoke, "It won't change anything…" his speech made Kage drop the flute in surrender, "Master!" Erza and the others rushed down to meet him, "Come on, that's who we were looking for!" Eva exclaimed, pulling Xavier down to the others. "How'd you kids end up here?" "Never mind that, you stopped him from playing Lullaby!" Erza exclaimed, slamming Makarov's head into her armor, "Your words touched me deeply, I was almost moved to tears!" they celebrated a little, Xavier hid behind Eva, "Eva, the demonic energy is rising." he whispered as the Lullaby flute let off magic, "I'm getting tired of you pesky wizards and your magic!" a demonic voice yelled, a magic circle opened in the sky and the flute turned into a giant tree monster. "What the hell…?"

"That must be Lullaby's true form, a demon from the book of Zeref." Xavier said, his voice back to the deeper tone, "What?" Natsu tilted his head, "It's a big ass demon that some stupid wizard made." he sighed, "Natsu, Gray, get everyone to a safe place!" Erza ordered, "Hey, quit barking orders!" "Yeah, you're not the boss of us!" "DO IT!" "AYE!" they ran off at Erza's glare. "I shall feast on your petty souls!" Lullaby yelled, "Ready?" Erza asked, drawing swords, Natsu and Gray nodded, they all dashed forward, "I'll go help them." Xavier jumped down, facing the monster as it roared, "Here we go…"

Natsu hit the demon with another fire attack, then something told him to back up, "Guys! Move!" Erza and Gray nodded, clearing a path for something, "Black Lightning Dragon's…" Xavier appeared above the demon, lightning flowing off his arms, "Wing Attack!" he swung his arms, smashing Lullaby with his lightning, "URRAAAAAGGGHHHH!" "Black Lightning Dragon's Secret Art…." Xavier landed, his lightning flowing off him wildly as he prepared for his next attack, "High Voltage: Thunder Cannon!" He threw his arms towards a large magic circle, a massive beam of lightning shot out, hitting Lullaby in the face, "AAAARRRRRAHHHHHH!" Xavier wasn't done, "Black Lightning Dragon's Secret Art…." his magic exploded, more and more lightning flowing everywhere, suffocating magic pressure, "Hyper Voltage: Reaping Thunder Blade!" he slammed his hands together, a massive blade of lightning shot out, ripping through Lullaby and exploding, tearing the demon in two. "Such power, that has to be him, the God of Thunder, Xavier Switchit." Makarov said, amazed by the show of power, "You're right old man!" Luther laughed, landing next to him, "And you are?" Luther sighed, "No one ever remembers me… I'm Luther, Xavier's partner!" he pointed to himself, "I'm Eva, Xavier's friend." Eva came up next to them, "OHHHHH, you're the hottie he travels with!" Makarov yelled, some blood leaking from his nose. "Would you wipe that perverted look off your face?" Eva grew a dark aura, glaring intently at Makarov, "Yes Ma'am…." Makarov cowered away from her, "Good." Xavier then joined them, landing near-by, "I did it!" he exclaimed, his voice back to normal, "Yes you did, good work." Eva hugged him, he nuzzled in, purring contently, 'That lucky bastard….' Makarov gaped, Erza and the other's joined him, "Uhh, Lullaby's defeated." Erza said half caring, she was more focused on the scene before them. "Aw, they're so cute!" Lucy gushed, stars in her eyes, "That lucky kid…." Makarov said aloud, "What was that, Master?" Erza glared at him, noticing the blood on his lip, "Master…."

Xavier's attention was drawn to Erza punishing Makarov a few feet away, Lucy was looking at them longingly as Natsu and Gray tried to escape Bob, "Eva, Loopy's scary." Xavier whined and buried his face back into her breasts, "Lucy, could you stop staring, you're scaring him." Eva called, "What? Oh, he's just so cute!" Lucy came closer. Xavier gripped Eva tighter with a whimper, "Lucy, you're scaring him!" Eva turned him away from Lucy, rubbing his head and shushing him, "Oh, sorry, he's just too cute!" Lucy gushed again, "I know, but, he's afraid of other girls so, don't get so close, he'll dart off and hide behind me." Eva told her, "Why is he scared when he's so strong?"Lucy asked, tilting her head, "It's a long story, I'll tell you later, can we talk to Mr. Dreyar?" Eva nodded to Makarov. "Oh, sure, uhh, Erza, can you stop for a moment, they want to talk to Master." Lucy called, Erza stopped stomping on Makarov, "Yes, of course." Makarov quickly got up and ran over, fixing his hat and jacket, "So, what is it you kids need?" he asked, "Well, we were actually looking to join your guild." Eva smiled, "HAHAHA, you'll fit right in! Look at what ya did!" Natsu laughed, the dust from the earlier battle cleared, revealing a massive crater. Xavier scratched his head looking at the damage, "It isn't as bad as normal." he said plainly, "Not as bad….." Makarov gaped, his ghost flying out of him, "Master!" Erza ran after the ghost, "We're sorry!" the other guild masters were ready to chase after them, "You morons, look at what you did!" one yelled, "What, that wasn't- oh crap." Natsu turned and started running, "RUN!" Gray shouted, flying past Erza who was picking up Makarov, "WHY MEEE!?" Lucy yelled, running away with Erza and Happy, "Looks like we should follow them…" Luther sighed, "Yep." Xavier picked up Eva and Luther again, running off after them.


There, that's much better, I know what you're thinking: "OH WOW Xavier's a little bitch u shuld stop riting stories u dum fuker, cuz u suk at riting, ur characters are bitches!" yeah, Xavier is Xavier, fuck you flaming fucks, I don't give a shit about your flames, they go up your ass anyway, MY STORY, MY FUCKING RULES! SO IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, GET THE FUCK OUT YOU FUCKING PANSY ASS DICKWADS!

Ahem, now, can anyone explain why I can't put two OCs in the characters category?

Also, if you want to know what Xavier's lightning looks like just Google image search this:

infamous evil lightning

Usually the first few pictures should show the lightning I'm talking about.

See ya next time on Thunderstruck.

Me: Not here either…..