It was send You wont catch me even if it is misery –A

Without further threatens , kisses nor harmed ones. Caleb was driven crazy by that last A message or any contact with any of the girls , not to mention that his girl and her friends terrible experience at the dollhouse.

It was freezing cold outside for anyone to be out even in this creepy street , except for Aria and Emily who were hiding behind a trash ban , for any sign of him.

''I don't know why we believe any words Mona says '' Annoyed Aria whispered to Emily ''We just can't learn from our mistakes , the only thing I'm sure about that she's lying'' She turned to look back at the door of the crappy building.

''I don't think she would like in this subject. She is scared like us'' Emily said pulling her white Juno jacket closer ''Don't forget that she at some point was closer to Jason and indeed he told her some stuff''

''Like what?'' Aria turned around to face Emily

''Like that someone is scared if Jason remembered anything from that night , the night Alison disappeared in and that he or she kept sending him notes , death notes , like there were a hidden plea that he doesn't remember any damn thing. And in fact he kept disappearing from the house more often that even Ali noticed that , he's not acting himself and he lost contact with Mona'' Emily whispered yelling obviously losing her temper.

''Like we know himself'' Aria mumbled to herself

There were a long pause before an old very thin man came out of the building holding a black plastic bag in his hand.

He looked sore and his shenanigan followed him till he reached the left side of the building and threw the plastic bag.

At this moment Emily's phone beeped making the girls puzzle and Emily quickly grabbing the phone to silent it.

''ShhhShhh'' They both stopped moving.

The old man looked around him , satisfied that nothing appeared from nowhere , he returned quickly to the building.

''It's Spencer'' Emily looked at the text that was send to her ''SOS behind Radley stadium'' Emily read it out loud.

''I have to go'' Emily said getting up

''What about me?'' Aria stopped her

''Someone should stay and watch Jason''

Aria glared at Emily ''Why me? I go. You stay.''

''No No No'' Emily looked dready ''You don't know what this crazy old man did to me and Hanna the last time we were here''

Before Aria could protest again , Emily quickly took off ''Wait another fifteen minutes , if nothing happened , leave''

With a frown on Aria's face , she turned around and continued her staring at this hideous building.

What possibly would Jason do in this place? She already had seen him enter 23 minutes ago. Yes she was calculating every minute. Questions kept roaming in her head. Something inside her always trying to push her to avoid Jason , though he never did or spoke unnecessary things she kept imaging.

In this boredom her mind started slowly playing Beyonce song:

I look and stare so deep in your eyes


Such a funny thing for me to try to explain,

How I'm feeling and my pride is the one to blame.

She found her mind drifting to jason's face and then appeared Charles who probably looked like Jason. She shook her head very fast to remove what appeared to be unexplained thoughts.

Out of blue 4 guys got out from the building , they're for sure drunk. Aria sat still so not to make any noise. Seconds later 2 men and the old mad man appeared holding their bottles and singing nonsense.

She hold her breath waiting for the perfect moment to run , this is officially dangerous. While heading backwards , she tripped and the empty bottles made the sound that was enough to caught their attention. Without thinking she turned around to run , blocking her way the 4 drunk men , making around her a circle with giggles escaping their mouths.

''Hey beautiful wanna go for a ride?''

''Someone is scared'' Was said by another

At that moment , he appeared out of the building wearing his beanie and his black jacket , followed by one man both not very drunk.

They looked at the source of the voice , his heart immediately ripped out of his chest seeing the only girl he never expected to see trying to block the hands of the guys that are moving in circle around her. He didn't feel himself except jogging towards the lads.

''Hey'' She looked to see where the angry tone was coming from

She saw Jason coming towards her , his eyes where at the edge of firing , he pushed the men away breaking the circle and taking hold of her hand pushing her behind him.

''She's with me'' The 4 men stopped the mess they were making , mouthing sorry man , we didn't know and then walking away.

She felt like she was taken away from the world for a moment that ended when she felt the tension in her grab.

Without even turning to face her , he drag her behind him to his car. He opened the door for her , she got inside without any words.

He started driving very mad but he never spoke. She wanted to say something but the words were stuffed in her throat.

She sat uncomfortable in her seat feeling like she lit the flame. ''Thank you'' She said shivering after a long time.

''Why did you do this'' This was the first thing that came out of his mouth and she didn't reply.

''You know what would have happened to you?'' He continued and she nodded quietly

''Then why!'' His tone raised and he hit the steering wheel making her jump from her place and her nails pressing in the chair


He stopped the car ''You don't know what I'll do if something happened to you'' He tone was soft with her green eyes looking at her.

She found herself looking and staring so deep in his eyes.

''I-I..'' He tried to explain ''You just don't know'' He whispered looking back again at the road and driving.

She found the temperature of her body rise and finding herself looking at the reflection of him in her closed window.

He jaw line was tense and he had blank expression. It was always hard to read him.

He wanted badly to look at her and slow the car down to have few extra minutes with her but he couldn't as usual..

They arrived at her house , she faced him biting her lips ''Sorry for the trouble I made to you early. She wasn't sure how to say that she was spying on him. If it is actually the right word.

''You never made to me trouble'' He said still with blank face but she couldn't see his heart , that was beating very fast making it hard for him to breathe.

''Thank you again'' She looked down opening the door

She just received a nod from him but he kept watching her until she reached the door of her house , opened it , went inside and closed it.

She opened the curtains beside the door watching him driving away with guilt eating her Alive.

''Honey where were you?'' Her mother came from behind

''Mom you scared me!''

She gave her a worry look.

''I was out with Emily'' She exactly didn't lie , she just decided to skip the what happened next.

''Goodnight mom.'' She kissed her and went upstairs

Giving up , she hugged her ''Goodnight , Honey''

She didn't read the texts from the girls , she just send them Tell u tomorrow what happened x

With her clothes on , she rolled over the bed , feeling that something was wrong.