She clasped the deep blue orb close to her chest, feeling it's deep importance even as Joy scrambled around the floor for the other core memories.

There was a frantic sort of energy in the headquarters. Disgust, fear and anger seemed unsure whether to watch Riley's vision or the Core memories spilling across the floor. Sadness ignored the atmosphere, knowing that Joy was more than capable of keeping control.

The simple mechanism before Sadness seemed somehow compelling and she knew this new core memory belonged in it - for it was part of who Riley was, this memory would grow to shape her very identity. It held the same importance as all her other core memories.

And yet as she sidled forward, she found herself hesitating for it would certainly fluster Joy and Sadness never wanted to upset her. It wasn't just because Joy was their leader either meaning she was obliged to work with her - she simply never wished misery on others.

Nevertheless, ignoring the chaos around her she gently pressed the blue orb forward, towards an open slot in the machine, for Riley needed to remember this day. It was a milestone in her life - the day she moved to a new city, a scary day.

A sudden fierce grip dug into her shoulder and she felt a slender body press against her back as a glowing golden arm struck her orb, knocking it out of her arms. Sadness froze, and turned to meet Joy's diligent blue eyes.

Joy had cast away the new core memory, not allowing it a place with her precious yellow memories. Sadness trembled slightly, seeing Joy looking so tired and anxious. As usual, Sadness was just getting in the way. And at such a critical time too, with the centre in such disarray and Riley so vulnerable.

Even now, Joy's eyes weren't condemning. Joy wasn't ever truly angry, at most she got stressed and a little annoyed and flustered. But Sadness thought she detected a hint of tired resignation in her steely expression too.

Joy broke her gaze and released her heavy grip on Sadness's shoulder. Indeed, she jumped away and began to collect the shimmering golden Core memories still scattered in all directions with the kind of vigour that Sadness could never manage. Joy was like a golden whirlwind as she dashed and ducked.

But the new Core memory was now rolling away, ignored by Joy and the others,who were merely observing. It seemed it was her duty to take care of it then. She shifted towards it, taking care to be quiet and stay out of Joy's way.

The memory didn't roll too far fortunately. Sadness swiftly grabbed it. Should she try to place it in the machine once more? She glanced at their vision, where Riley was still in turmoil. Would Riley want a memory tainted with Sadness? Should she follow Joy in this matter?

"Sadness don't!" Joy snapped, frowning deeply as she noticed her holding the precious blue orb.

Joy was looking down at the orb anxiously, her arms somehow grasping several golden orbs at once. Sadness trembled again nervously and her fumbling hands let the very smooth orb slip through her fingers under Joy's scrutiny.

Alarmed at her clumsiness, Sadness launched herself at it, seeing a large glass tube ready to suck it away. She couldn't let it be lost, it was too important for Riley!

She curled herself around the orb, blocking the suction of the tube with her own body. She heard nothing but the sound of wind whistling in her ears, for it was immensely powerful.

The tube was relentless in its task of retrieval however. To her horror, Sadness found herself being lifted from the ground, even as she clung to the Core Memory. First her hair began pulling at her scalp and then her neck too was strained. Soon though, the wind had enveloped her whole person and she was harshly pulled upwards.

It was so powerful that it seemed an instant before she was looking at Joy's startled face through glass, still holding the other orbs. She didn't dare stretch out a limb given her tenuous grip on the orb and therefore nothing prevented her assent. Joy too was soon gone from her sight as Sadness was tossed and turned as the tube seemed to pull her further and further away.

Why did it it twist and turn so? The control centre was soon far above her as she was pulled down, gravity now her enemy. When would it release her?

The ground inevitably rose up to meet her though. She closed her eyes, bracing herself for impact.

Short first chapter. I loved inside out, it really pulled at my heartstrings. Of course, Pixar always makes great movies. My favourite characters were definitely Sadness and Joy. I hope I presented them both okay so far. Rest assured that I'm not trying to be too harsh to Joy, though she can be a little bossy while Sadness is a little insecure.

Feel free to review as I'd love some feedback. Another update will be soon!