A/n: I want to apologize first for not updating this story yesterday. I'd planned to update this story daily because the chapters are easy to write and they are really short. Then I had a fever and my body ached so badly that I can't get out of my bed. I feel better now, so here's the update and it's longer than the usual six-hundred plus words.
Thanks to everyone who followed and put this story in their favorites, especially to my lovely reviewers poyochin and Lionel Orlando.
Five days ago, after almost two weeks of sailing on the rough high seas of New World to the calmest seas of Paradise: Law and Luffy safely arrived in Sakura Kingdom, which the country's name sounded so absurd for Law.
Who in their right mind named their country "Sakura Kingdom" especially if it's a winter island?
The couple hesitated to land on the island at first – mostly it was just Law; Luffy on the other hand was excited and stupidly proclaimed that it was an adventure… to Law's horror (Luffy plus Adventure equals Trouble) – because the color of the island from a far when they finally saw it is suspiciously bright red instead of white. Law originally came from Flevance and it's a winter island in North Blue, so he knew how a winter island should look from a far. Sakura Kingdom is a very strange place to Law's opinion… but when they stepped on the island, his opinion quickly changed.
It's the most romantic place to spend your Honeymoon vacation with your idiot but adorable husband and if you ask him, he will recommend it to you… but don't let your husband say some fatuous remarks that will make some few people chase you both in your first day in the island.
"I really love snow! You know? Because it's pure and white…" Luffy mirthfully and proudly proclaimed when they got the permission to dock on the island. "…but the snow here is oddly pink."
Law face palmed when Luffy said that loudly and everyone at the dock looked at them with baffled expressions: they don't know if Luffy was complementing or insulting their island's wonderful pink snows.
"Neh Traffy, Are you sure that we're in Sakura Kingdom and not in Momoiro Island?"
And that's how you make some few fishermen and fish vendors chase you in fury at Sakura Kingdom. Apparently, the people in Sakura Kingdom didn't want their country to be compared with Momoiro Island, a spring island known for its field of Sakura trees. They were pardoned from the townspeople anger after Chopper's adopted parents assisted them: Doctor Kureha, a world-renowned Dermatologist that Law recognized and Doctor Hiluluk, the greatest Chemist Professor in the Kingdom.
According to the old couple, Sakura Kingdom have a unique clouds that produces pink snowflakes, shaped like Sakura petals instead of the common snowflakes that can be found mostly in all the winter islands. The old couple then offered them a place to stay but Law and Luffy politely refused. They didn't want to trouble the old couple anymore after the whole chaos earlier, so the old couple suggested the Drum Rockies Hotel where the newly-weds could stay while they're in the island.
(Law keeps on reminding himself to thank the young co-Doctor later for suggesting his hometown for his and Luffy's perfect Honeymoon vacation.)
Luffy is now waiting for Law outside the Drum Rockies Hotel, they've planned last night that they will stroll in the island and just play around. When Luffy spotted his husband's figure coming out of the hotel, his first thoughts are walking Dark chocolate bar but he dismissed it and immediately grinned widely, raised his arms and happily waved to his husband.
"Traffy! Are you ready? Let's go!" Luffy cheerfully shouted while waving both of his arms to Law.
Law is about to smile to his idiot waving husband but his lips formed in thin line instead and he raised a brow after he noticed his husband's coatless body.
"Lu, aren't you feeling cold?" Law asked his husband under his spotty fur cap, "The temperature is below five degrees Celsius."
Luffy confusedly stared at his husband's gray eyes, then to his body. He's just wearing his usual rip-off trousers and Law's old yellow T-shirt* from last night. There was no problem until Luffy realized what Law meant and he shivered in the bone-chilling temperature.
"It's cold!" Luffy exclaimed while rubbing both of his palms on the sides of his arms.
Law sighed before taking off his own long black coat and wrapped it around his slow-in-the-making husband. Luffy's cheeks flushed brightly at his husband's thoughtfulness – now he's the walking Dark chocolate – but when Luffy saw how Law's body flinched when the freezing wind hit them,
"What about Traffy? You're only wearing your hoodie, don't you feel cold?" Luffy worriedly asked his husband while Law is putting his yellow earmuffs on Luffy.
Law glanced at Luffy before smiling warmly before hugging his husband, "I'll just embrace you if it's cold."
"But Traffy–"
"If you're really worried, what about we buy your own coat and pair of mittens downtown, you happy?"
Luffy nodded in delight and beamed at Law, "Okay!" before wrapping his arms around Law's waist and kissed him on his cheek.
So the couple went to downtown to find a store where they sell some winter coats. When Luffy found a red and white striped long coat in the display of a store, he immediately bought it with a pair of handmade yellow mitten.
Law put on his long black coat when Luffy gave it back to him and when he saw Luffy wearing that red and white striped long winter coat, he can't help but to think of Peppermint candies. Luffy is so adorable wearing that coat, he's so close having a major nosebleed.
After buying Luffy's warm clothes, the couple went to a diner at first to fill their stomachs before doing what they've planned last night. They strolled at the Sakura Kingdom's famous tourist spots and tried the island's varieties of authentic foods. When they got bored, they played in the vast pink snowfields near the Drum Rockies and away from the townspeople.
Law didn't know how the snowball fight with a bet of who's doing the top tonight turned into a wrestling fight and Luffy, winning on the top of him.
"Lu…" Law called Luffy while staring at his husband's brown orbs, who straddled on his hips and pinning both of his arms down.
Luffy shook his head and leaned his forehead on Law's before grinning, "Mah! You lose, so I'm doing the top tonight!"
Law smirked, he didn't mind who's doing the top tonight and submitted. Luffy noticed that Law relaxed after he exclaimed that, so he grinned before kissing his husband in the middle of the field of pink snows. Luffy explored Law's mouth and the latter let him do it with his messy yet sweet blow kisses.
While the newly wedded couple is enjoying their Honeymoon vacation in Paradise: Somewhere… in the New World… Someone… finally met… and it's a chaos!
"I'm pretty sure that your little devil of a brother kidnapped my loveable and sweet nephew and forced him to do this stupid wedding." Doffy snarled while glaring at Ace.
"What did you say?! My little brother is not a devil and he absolutely didn't kidnap your so-called loveable and sweet nephew!" Ace angrily exclaimed, "And are you blind? Your nephew is far from loveable and sweet! He tainted my little brother's innocence! And if we're talking about who forced who in this wedding, I'm sure it's your sadistic looking nephew!"
"Your little brother is innocent? Hah! Your little brother is an angel in disguise, did you know that? He influenced my nephew to marry him!"
"I'm sure your nephew bribed my little brother to marry him with meats! He's too trusting and innocent, so stop insulting my little brother, you pinky asshole!"
"Stop insulting my nephew too, you freckled-pickle! Law is an extremely attractive guy and a medical genius. He's also an exceptional talent and your stupid little brother didn't deserve my nephew at all."
"Luffy is clearly the one here who don't deserve your nephew! Luffy is pure and kindhearted person! He's also cute and adorable while your nephew is a sadistic, dark and a panda-looking person. Anyways, who's Doctor in their right mind will get a tattoo of "death" in bold letters in their hands that save lives?"
"That tattoo have meanings compared to yours, idiot!"
"You dared to insult not just my little brother but also the sign of my loyalty to Whitebeard?!"
As the blondie Uncle and raven-haired Brother continue to bicker and exchange their insults to each other and their nephew or little brother; and who's greater and more deserving to their nephew or little brother… In the sidelines,
"Would you like some tea and rice cakes?" Sabo offered Roci while the two blondies watched how their older brothers fight foolishly.
"Yes please, this is going to be a long night and if you have some rice cake pellets, please let me have one."
"Of course, I'm pretty sure that the geezer left some of those stolen rice cake pellets from Sengoku."
A/n: When I saw Law and Luffy wearing those coats during Punk Hazard arc, I thought of Dark Chocolate and Peppermint Candy.
*Law's old yellow T-shirt is the one Luffy wore in Film Z. I have this head-canon that the yellow shirt Luffy wore in Film Z is Law's after I saw this awesome Fan art: Where Law told Luffy to take off his old yellow shirt and that he can't use it in the movie... Luffy wore it anyway.
So how's this chapter? Feel free to voice out your opinions!